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      • Swords saved?

        in Necromancer

        Posted February 14

        I'm very happy that we got a stream to see the changes and gauge the changes before they go live

        • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (1)1
        • Speculation...what do "the people" think will be the strongest, or even just most fun class\build with the patch on Feb 27

          in Professions

          Posted February 9

          Ele what ? Don't know what you talking about

          • Speculation...what do "the people" think will be the strongest, or even just most fun class\build with the patch on Feb 27

            in Professions

            Posted February 9· Edited by Atomnium.1532

            Assuming no change since BETA and speaking about PvE :

            • Scepter Heal herald is pretty much broken, with about double the barrier that the Mechanist mace provided before a salvo of 3 nerfs. We are talking about 13k+ permanent barrier from pressing 1 and 2 and nothing else, obviously while providing about every boon in the game but alacrity with the highest boon range and the highest permanent ticking healing through the best healing% bonus of all classes and specs. Basically imagine current herald but is generating 3k barrier/sec. It also does more dps than sword by again spamming 1 and 2. Basically, the beta version is the best power weapon and the best healer weapon combined. It aint staying like that but still the most promising weapon.
            • Chrono heal is probably gonna be very strong too adding even more tools to an already solid healer
            • Pistol Guardian is likely the most fun and useful weapon in the dps department as it provides a lacking weapon swap to condi builds.
            • Axe thief is getting nerfed, let's be honest it's just happening, the game won't go to let's have 67k dps right now. And the gameplay is actually very resident sleeper.
            • Ranger mace is a decent addition to the support kit in particular but generally a cool weapon.
            • Warrior staff is decent, might be very fun but really I don't see warrior butting into the support role with the terrible healing and boons it provides, might end up being another power weapon so meh.
            • The other 2 weapons are practically unusable garbage, the engineer bow should basically go back to the drawing board or to the trash bin altogether as it has literrally no build where it would be a good idea to use it ever...except... afk botting... I'm guessing it's a PvP or WvW weapon(this is still probably a stretch too) and the 'new necro power weapon' does less damage than dagger auto attacks when using perfectly every single sword button, so after tuning maybe, but in the meantime it is just one more dead weapon in the necro arsenal, joinining the axe in both function and efficacy.
            • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (2)1
            • New heal scourge player need help

              in Necromancer

              Posted February 5

              On 1/31/2024 at 1:39 PM, CafPow.1542 said:

              +GS5 and Staff5

              also, chill prevents the breakbar from refilling if i am remembering correctly.

              but the dagger 3 is „just“ an immob. While immob is superstrong especially in pvp, it’s a soft-cc afaik. (Edit: I’m wrong. Immob does breakbardamage)

              the only hard-cc that are also condis are fear and provoke. But maybe i have a wrong info so be my guest and correct me 🙂

              Every CC-condi is just a ticking drain on breakbar, no special effect :


              Chilled is 33 defiance bar/sec

              • Any chance of getting an update on the follow up?

                in Professions

                Posted July 17, 2023· Edited by Atomnium.1532

                No, Arenanet has a firm belief that patches should be feeling like a gatcha.
                They'll actually willfully hide informations from their patchnotes to create surprise. (Mace mechanist change for example, 3 weeks after the patch and it is still not documented anywhere on any patch notes)

                The Follow up message is basically 'here's the direction we are thinking of, we will now proceed shutting down all channels of communication until the patch is released and will implement additionnal changes without warning'

                • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (3)3
                • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (4)1
                • Rune of Sanctuary with Desert Empowerment

                  in Necromancer

                  Posted July 17, 2023

                  Read Desert Empowerment tooltip.

                  • Heal Firebrand Deserves Nerfs

                    in Guardian

                    Posted July 8, 2023· Edited by Atomnium.1532

                    I agree, i'd much rather have abundant stab than having it removed from firebrand and feel like you lose the control of your character frequently, i've never been a fan of repeated loss of control and gw2 can be a pain in the behind when it decides to chain CC you.

                    But as I said, I'm sure some purist will argue that punishing standing in aoe and not dodging should be part of the experience and it is not a crazy stance either.

                    • Heal Firebrand Deserves Nerfs

                      in Guardian

                      Posted July 8, 2023· Edited by Atomnium.1532

                      I mean Firebrand is indeed very much overperforming in Fractals especially, the value of stab and all.
                      Advocating for the firebrand stab application to be democratized or removed both have their trade-offs.

                      Do people really want a world where you are CC-punished a lot and feeling like you are a pinball in some circ*mstancess ?
                      Do people really want a world where regardmess of comp, CC is non existent because healers provide stab to the degree of FB ?

                      I'd like the game to not feel like you lose control of your character for 4 seconds everytime a maggot farts, but some people may say that the player should be punished for not avoiding kitten properly.

                      But anyone who thinks FB is 'balanced' is made of copium.

                      • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (7)3
                      • Beta best combos?

                        in Professions

                        Posted July 1, 2023

                        3 hours ago, Aylpse.6280 said:

                        Anything to shake up the support meta? Or still same old same old Firebrand and Mech/Rev?

                        Some decent stuff on catalyst with sword warhorn, pretty much boon vomit. Mace scrapper has some good things going too.

                        • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (8)3
                        • Let's discuss Quickness and Alacrity.

                          in Professions

                          Posted June 12, 2023

                          We're mostly in agreement. My prediction is that we'll have 1-2 years of iterration in that cursed direction until they realize that it was a poor design. I mean it's not like Anet is a stranger to drastic vision shifts.

                          • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (9)7
                          • Let's discuss Quickness and Alacrity.

                            in Professions

                            Posted June 12, 2023

                            18 minutes ago, FrancisN.9276 said:

                            I am afraid the "too much work/coding/number adjusting" excuse cannot be justified when the problem was of their own making. If we screw up something, it is our responsibility to find ways to fix it instead of saying "fixing it demands a massive amount of work" and just moving ahead, building up bigger issues upon the original issue.

                            Oh I'm not excusing or advocating for the devs decision to put such an emphasis on these boons and have the game revolve around them.

                            What I'm saying is that pivoting away from that design is not a simple toggle. Huge work has to be done afterward to rebalance around the absence of these as the core of certain specs. It would be a big shift, I believe as most here that it would be a net positive to remove them altogether/make them baseline and that numerical outliers can be dealt with after quickness alac would be baseline.

                            Remember that it took YEARSfor Anet to make enough specs provide them so that we don't have to stack the 1-3 specs that provide it and have some degree of diversity, I'm not expecting undoing the years of design around it to be done in a monthly balance patch, that's what I'm saying. I absolutely believe that eventually, quickness and alac will change or be removed, but I don't think it's likely that it'll come soon™.

                            • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (10)1
                            • Let's discuss Quickness and Alacrity.

                              in Professions

                              Posted June 12, 2023· Edited by Atomnium.1532

                              I think the desire for those boons to be gone has been heard from the devs at this point, but I'm guessing even if the will to satisfy this community desire was there it would mean like dozens of traits would need to be entirely reworked, a big balance shift that would require massive number tuning all over the place and an amount of work that is unreasonable without impairing the other tasks that developers need to do for content release.

                              But considering we're at like the 12th thread about this in the profession forum with a somwhat consensus that Q and alac need to go, content creators already conceding that those buffs are not healthy for the game, new arrivals in the game like Preach pointing specifically to that point and saying that they don't like it.

                              The feedback is overwhelmingly clear.

                              I'm fairly confident that the devs actually know about the Quickness/Alac conversation but that even IF they would to finally consider it, it would be a pivotal change that would be addressed in an expansion where you can justify pouring more ressources into a core change to the combat like this one.

                              There is also the gamemode problem. If Quickness / alac speed was really baseline, what about sPvP ? Do we just have gw2 pvp move at +50% speed and move on without thinking of the consequences ? Even WvW.

                              And wouldnt that feel even worse than now if whenever you entered a pvp match or wvw you didnt have this speed ? It's not really a simple toggle, there are tons of tentacles to what Quickness and alac impact.

                              • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (11)4
                              • June 27 Balance Update Preview

                                in Professions

                                Posted June 11, 2023

                                Just putting it there, i do not understand the decision to select Untamed as the Quickness spec since Soulbeast has quickness things in it (through the essence of speed and live fast).
                                It would absolutely make more sense to grant it to soulbeast, would synergize quite well with Moa stance and could be applied on stances in lieu or in addition to stanceshare or as a pulsing boon while at least one stance is active to favorise smart gameplay.

                                • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (12)5
                                • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (13)1
                                • pDPS Berserker Benchmarks in PvE - June 27 Estimations

                                  in Warrior

                                  Posted June 11, 2023· Edited by Atomnium.1532

                                  Wrong thread sorry

                                  • Alacrity Scourge

                                    in Necromancer

                                    Posted June 11, 2023

                                    Arguably if you dont need huge healing, like in a speedrun even as ritualist, celestial or any semi offensive build you might keep amazing boon providing and be a very effective pick in the high end meta as an alacscourge.

                                    My issue is as said a lot in this post and others, it cost every other possible scourge niche, from the boon corrupt, the 10 target cap, the revives, the dps etc... Basically the Thanos meme 'what did it cost you - everything' is very appropriate here.

                                    • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (14)5
                                    • Alacrity Scourge

                                      in Necromancer

                                      Posted June 11, 2023· Edited by Atomnium.1532

                                      Yeah, they seem to take the most convoluted route to achieve an easily attainable goal, and that's why I'm suspecting that they are so worried about scourge being a little to powerfull that they'd rather have it being useless for a while and incrementally making it okay rather than seeing the slightest hint of dominance all over again.

                                      • Alacrity Scourge

                                        in Necromancer

                                        Posted June 11, 2023· Edited by Atomnium.1532

                                        They specifically mentionned that shades are kind of a problem in the sense that the mechanic provides 10 target skills while the whole game has been redesigned around 5 target boons, damage target cap etc...

                                        Scourge basically had to let go of some of their uniqueness not to be 'oppressive' as they say, meaning that if current scourge was to have alacrity it could be regarded as such an overpowered pick that we would enter Scourge era 2.0.

                                        The devs clearly have PTSD about years of scourge dominance and are doing everything they can to prevent it from being remotely possible while tweaking it. Problem is that they removed every single positive aspect of scourge so it no longer has any value but as a support.
                                        Any dps scourge would have :

                                        10 target cap damage
                                        10 target cap barriers
                                        10 target cap cleanse
                                        Ability to damage at three different places by placing shades smartly
                                        Big revive capability
                                        Boon corruption
                                        Significant % damage reduction through shades
                                        Concentration and expertise baked in shades
                                        Converting life force into barriers through sand cascade even as a dps to soft-support the team
                                        F1 being rotational and placing minor barriers

                                        Low-end condi dps
                                        As a support however it might be very good :
                                        With a build like (if you were to translate post patch)
                                        You'd give perma 25 might, perma alacrity, perma fury, perma regen, good barrier providing, good swiftness uptime, some aegis, great CC, condi cleanse and boonstrip, vampiric presence, last rites, minor revive with transfusion, low vuln application, infinite life force, be the most tanky thing in the universe and provide very low dps contribution (still higher than a HAM).

                                        What the patch seems to intend is for Scourge to be a support and a very classic one, probably very strong but pigeonholed into this specific setup while condi and other hybrid gutted to the point of unusability.

                                        • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (15)1
                                        • Signets of Suffering clarification?

                                          in Professions

                                          Posted June 11, 2023

                                          Yes, it will no longer grant passive effect otherwise the wording would have been 'In addition to its existing effect' unless proven otherwise.

                                          Low intensity will suffer sadly.

                                          • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (16)2
                                          • June 27 Balance Update Preview

                                            in Professions

                                            Posted June 10, 2023· Edited by Atomnium.1532

                                            This patch is the worst I've ever seen, and we've seen some stinkers. Every single implementation is a mistake. The desire to make quickness painful to acquire as herald, scrapper, deadeye etc is legit incomprehensible . You've seen a lot of new player feedback, from preach and others who encounter the game, have they said 'What we'd like is that quickness and alac should really be hard to get and on very niche role and specs, so that players are forced to play convoluted builds that no one want to play' ? Is that madness, stupidity, ubris, lack of resources, rush ?

                                            The scourge you just decided to delete from the game and promised to fix it in a later patch. It was mentionned that some pieces might be missing for some specs that are getting a new role.
                                            That's not how you do a patch, you don't break the legs of the favorite character of a player and then promise him that he'll get arms in several months.

                                            The game has legit been going in the right direction, and I'm guessing this is the end of the road for that trajectory.

                                            Do not release this patch. You'll anger a lot of players and delete the good will you've been building since EoD.

                                            • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (17)21
                                            • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (18)6
                                            • June 27 Balance Update Preview

                                              in Professions

                                              Posted June 10, 2023· Edited by Atomnium.1532

                                              9 minutes ago, Muffin Nook.5923 said:

                                              why arent they reworking how revs do quickness since they are basically handicapping scrappers by forcing them to leap and blast to do the same thing they get by spamming they facets.

                                              They are, quickness will now pulse by having 6 pips in use (so using the draining skill from legends). You no longer get quickness when facets are consumed. Qherald is also dead, only remaining Qpower is catalyst.

                                              • Suggestion: Improving PvE Boon Support Builds

                                                in Professions

                                                Posted June 10, 2023· Edited by Atomnium.1532

                                                Agreed with first response, i don't believe that Quickness and alacrity bring anything to the game but a hollow feeling of out-of-pace combat when they are missing.

                                                I am pretty much convinced in this day and age, that the game would be healthier with those boons removed altogether and the base skill speed and recharge improved.

                                                • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (19)4
                                                • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (20)1
                                                • Pve Scourge Nerf

                                                  in Necromancer

                                                  Posted June 9, 2023

                                                  Scourge pve nerf is more than brutal, it is actually spec destroying except as a replacement for HAM (which is not happening).
                                                  But even more concerning to me is that power quickness is now very hard to obtain, Qherald is probably dead, Qscrapper is probably dead as well.
                                                  I'm guessing Catalyst is going to be goto for power quickness because I don't see much PowerQ providers in the post patch landscape, and quickness-less GW2 is a nightmare.

                                                  • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (21)4
                                                  • Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (22)2
                                                  • June 27 Balance Update Preview

                                                    in Professions

                                                    Posted June 9, 2023· Edited by Atomnium.1532

                                                    I was hoping for scourge to get alacrity, I was also expecting its revive potential to have to be nuked to make room for balanceability.

                                                    I was not expecting Scourge as an entire spec to be nerfed for this and become trash. Yes shades making the scourge have 10 target is a problem, not having perma 3 shades is a big problem too as the spec was designed around it.

                                                    It means that Sand sage now provides a variable expertise and concentration amount making itemisation clunky, it is also a 10% damage received nerf and because of blood as sand makes scourge an underwhelming low damage, squishy condition spec, a weak alac provider that needs to sacrifice everything to get alacrity.

                                                    The trade-offs from this patch are not worth it, and it basically kills scourge in every meaningful way but as a pure support barrier-alac healer, and its competing with alacmech for this....

                                                    In the end, logging in after the patch would be as a condi scourge :
                                                    -Lost 150 expertise & concentration
                                                    -Lost 840 barrier / seconds (all targets from desert empowerement counted)
                                                    -Lost 6 target on every shade skill and trait except for 20 secondes every minute

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                                                    • would anyone play a heal necro?

                                                      in Necromancer

                                                      Posted June 9, 2023· Edited by Atomnium.1532

                                                      Would love to play healscourge and not have the stigma of being a noobcarry, yes 🙂

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                                                    Atomnium.1532's Content - Guild Wars 2 Forums (2024)


                                                    What is the hardest class to master in Guild Wars 2? ›

                                                    Elementalists have access to more weapon skills than any other class, which makes them difficult to pick up but rewarding to master. Weaver elite specialization focuses more on damage and dueling and requires players to quickly chain different elements together.

                                                    Will there be a Guild Wars 3? ›

                                                    Guild Wars 3 has quietly been confirmed. Although Guild Wars 2 was first released way back in 2012, it's still one of the most popular MMOs with active servers and just last year dropped the generally well-received fourth expansion, Secrets of the Obscure, with more to come in 2024 and 2025.

                                                    How long does it take to 100% Guild Wars 2? ›

                                                    When focusing on the main objectives, Guild Wars 2 is about 88 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 1877 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

                                                    How long has Guild Wars 2 been around? ›

                                                    Guild Wars 2 (2012)

                                                    Guild Wars 2 is the sequel to the original Guild Wars. It was released on August 28, 2012. The game's campaign centers on the awakening of the Elder Dragon Zhaitan and the cataclysm that this brings to Tyria.

                                                    Will Guild Wars 2 have a 4th expansion? ›

                                                    Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure — fourth expansion pack, released August 22, 2023. Through the Veil, The Realm of Dreams, The Midnight King — additional story releases, released from November 7, 2023 to May 21, 2024.

                                                    Will Guild Wars 2 end after end of dragons? ›

                                                    Despite the expansion's name, it has been stated by the developers and the Studio Director that End of Dragons is not the end of the Guild Wars 2 storyline nor the end of the game development.

                                                    Is ArenaNet making Guild Wars 3? ›

                                                    With two more expansions still in the works set to launch this year and in 2025, respectively, Guild Wars 2 players aren't hurting for new content. That's why the news that ArenaNet is working on a proper third game in the series came as such a shock.

                                                    What is the longest range weapon in GW2? ›

                                                    Weapons by rangeEdit

                                                    The most common ranges are 130 (for most "melee" attacks) and 1200 (for most "long-range" attacks). The only weapons in this table with more than 1200 range are the Ranger's longbow and Deadeye's rifle (while Kneeling), with 1500. (The engineer Elite Mortar Kit also has 1500 range.)

                                                    Should I complete maps in GW2? ›

                                                    For the full screen map: the undiscovered area information is located in the top right of the screen, above the Story and tracked Achievements. Heart of Maguuma maps do not count for world completion, but map completion is needed for some achievements and crafting recipes.

                                                    How old is GW1? ›

                                                    Guild Wars is a multiplayer online action role-playing game developed by ArenaNet, a subsidiary of South Korean game publisher NCSOFT, and released in 2005. As the original installment of the Guild Wars series, its campaign was retroactively titled Prophecies to differentiate it from the content of subsequent releases.

                                                    Is Guild Wars 2 still populated? ›

                                                    "On average, 500,000 people use the internet to play Guild Wars 2 every day." "We estimate that Guild Wars 2 has currently approximately 782.5k players daily."

                                                    How long after GW1 is GW2? ›

                                                    Guild Wars 2 takes place in the high fantasy world of Tyria, 250 years after the players' defeat of the Great Destroyer in the Eye of the North expansion. Five 'Elder Dragons' sleeping beneath the continent have awoken in the time since Guild Wars, causing widespread destruction to Tyria and corrupting its inhabitants.

                                                    What is the strongest class in d2? ›

                                                    The strongest class in Destiny 2 is subjective and context-dependent. Striker, Dawnblade, and Gunslinger are often considered strong due to their versatile abilities, effective supers, and solid neutral game, making them popular choices across various game modes.

                                                    What is the best class starter in Guild Wars 2? ›

                                                    The Guardian class is often considered the most durable one in-game, making it a great choice for new players. It can get complicated at high levels and in end-game content but by the time you get to that point you'll probably know the class inside out and be able to help your team no problem.

                                                    Does class matter in GW2? ›

                                                    Every class has good builds for every game mode. It is more a question of what class you like. If you settle on that between all the expansion builds you will find one that works for each game mode. No class is completely bad or good.

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