CS/ECE 374: Algorithms & Models of Computation. More on SAT. Lecture 23. April 29, Chandra (UIUC) CS/ECE Spring / 42 (2024)


CS/ECE 374: Algorithms & Models of


More on SAT

Lecture 23




A circuit is a directed acyclic graph with

1 ? ? 0 ?∧ ∨ ∨¬ ∧∧Inputs:Output:

1 Input vertices (withoutincoming edges) labelled with

0, 1or a distinct variable.2 Every other vertex is labelled

∨, ∧or ¬.

3 Single node output vertex




A circuit is a directed acyclic graph with

1 ? ? 0 ?∧ ∨ ∨¬ ∧∧Inputs:Output:

1 Input vertices (withoutincoming edges) labelled with

0, 1or a distinct variable.2 Every other vertex is labelled

∨, ∧or ¬.

3 Single node output vertex




A circuit is a directed acyclic graph with

1 ? ? 0 ?

∧ ∨ ∨

¬ ∧


Output: 1 Input vertices (without

incoming edges) labelled with

0, 1or a distinct variable.2 Every other vertex is labelled

∨, ∧or ¬.

3 Single node output vertex


CSAT: Circuit Satisfaction

Definition (Circuit Satisfaction (CSAT).)

Given a circuit as input, is there an assignment to the input variablesthat causes the output to get value1?


CSAT is inNP.

1 Certificate: Assignment to input variables.

2 Certifier: Evaluate the value of each gate in a topological sort of


CSAT: Circuit Satisfaction

Definition (Circuit Satisfaction (CSAT).)

Given a circuit as input, is there an assignment to the input variablesthat causes the output to get value1?


CSAT is inNP.

1 Certificate: Assignment to input variables.

2 Certifier: Evaluate the value of each gate in a topological sort of


Circuit SAT vs SAT

CNF formulas are a rather restricted form of Boolean formulas.Circuits are a much more powerful (and hence easier) way to expressBoolean formulas

However they are equivalent in terms of polynomial-time solvability.





Circuit SAT vs SAT

CNF formulas are a rather restricted form of Boolean formulas.Circuits are a much more powerful (and hence easier) way to expressBoolean formulas

However they are equivalent in terms of polynomial-time solvability.





Converting a


formula into a Circuit

Given3CNF formulat ϕ with n variables and m clauses, create a


Inputs toC are the n boolean variables x1, x2, . . . , xnUse NOT gate to generate literal ¬xi for each variable xiFor each clause (`1 ∨ `2∨ `3) use two OR gates to mimicformula


Converting a circuit into a



Label the nodes

1 ? ? 0 ?InputsOutput:∧∧∧∨ ∨¬1,a ?,b ?,c 0,d ?,eInputsOutput: ∧, k¬, i ∧, j∧, f ∨, g ∨, h


Converting a circuit into a



Introduce a variable for each node

1,a ?,b ?,c 0,d ?,eInputsOutput: ∧, k¬, i ∧, j∧, f ∨, g ∨, h1,a ?,b ?,c 0,d ?,eInputsOutput: ∧, k¬, i ∧, j∧, f ∨, g ∨, hxkxjxixf xg xhxa xb xc xd xe


Converting a circuit into a



Write a sub-formula for each variable that is true if the var is computedcorrectly.1,a ?,b ?,c 0,d ?,eInputsOutput: ∧, k¬, i ∧, j∧, f ∨, g ∨, hxkxjxixf xg xhxa xb xc xd xe

xk (Demand a sat’ assignment!)

xk = xi ∧ xjxj = xg ∧ xhxi = ¬xfxh = xd ∨ xexg = xb∨ xcxf = xa ∧ xbxd = 0xa = 1

(C) Introduce var for each node.


Converting a circuit into a



Convert each sub-formula to an equivalentCNFformula


Converting a circuit into a



Take the conjunction of all theCNFsub-formulas

1,a ?,b ?,c 0,d ?,eInputsOutput: ∧, k¬, i ∧, j∧, f ∨, g ∨, hxkxjxixf xg xhxa xb xc xd xexk ∧ (¬xk ∨ xi) ∧ (¬xk ∨ xj)∧ (xk∨ ¬xi ∨ ¬xj) ∧ (¬xj∨ xg)∧ (¬xj∨ xh) ∧ (xj∨ ¬xg∨ ¬xh)∧ (xi ∨ xf) ∧ (¬xi ∨ ¬xf)∧ (xh ∨ ¬xd) ∧ (xh ∨ ¬xe)∧ (¬xh∨ xd ∨ xe) ∧ (xg ∨ ¬xb)∧ (xg ∨ ¬xc) ∧ (¬xg ∨ xb ∨ xc)∧ (¬xf ∨ xa) ∧ (¬xf ∨ xb)∧ (xf ∨ ¬xa∨ ¬xb) ∧ (¬xd) ∧ xaWe got aCNF formula that is satisfiable if and only if the original






1 For each gate (vertex) v in the circuit, create a variablexv

2 Case ¬: v is labeled ¬and has one incoming edge from u (so

xv = ¬xu). In SATformula generate, add clauses (xu ∨ xv),

(¬xu ∨ ¬xv). Observe that

xv = ¬xu is true ⇐⇒

(xu ∨ xv)

(¬xu ∨ ¬xv)







1 Case ∨: So x

v = xu ∨ xw. In SATformula generated, add







1 Case ∧: So x

v = xu ∧ xw. In SATformula generated, add







1 If v is an input gate with a fixed value then we do the following.If xv = 1 add clause xv. If xv = 0 add clause ¬xv


Correctness of Reduction

Need to show circuitC is satisfiable iff ϕC is satisfiable

⇒ Consider a satisfying assignment afor C

1 Find values of all gates in C undera

2 Give value of gate v to variable xv; call this assignmenta03 a0 satisfiesϕC (exercise)

⇐ Consider a satisfying assignment afor ϕC


Part II





How SAT is different from 3SAT?

InSAT clauses might have arbitrary length: 1, 2, 3, . . . variables:

x ∨ y ∨ z ∨ w ∨ u∧¬x ∨ ¬y ∨ ¬z ∨ w ∨ u∧¬x

In3SAT every clause must have exactly 3different literals.

To reduce from an instance of SAT to an instance of 3SAT, we

must make all clauses to have exactly 3variables...

Basic idea

1 Pad short clauses so they have 3literals.2 Break long clauses into shorter clauses.





How SAT is different from 3SAT?

InSAT clauses might have arbitrary length: 1, 2, 3, . . . variables:

x ∨ y ∨ z ∨ w ∨ u∧¬x ∨ ¬y ∨ ¬z ∨ w ∨ u∧¬x

In3SAT every clause must have exactly 3different literals.

To reduce from an instance of SAT to an instance of 3SAT, we

must make all clauses to have exactly 3variables...

Basic idea

1 Pad short clauses so they have 3literals.2 Break long clauses into shorter clauses.





1 3SAT ≤


2 Because...







Givenϕ a SATformula we create a 3SAT formula ϕ0 such that

1 ϕ is satisfiable iff ϕ0 is satisfiable.

2 ϕ0 can be constructed from ϕ in time polynomial in|ϕ|.







Givenϕ a SATformula we create a 3SAT formula ϕ0 such that

1 ϕ is satisfiable iff ϕ0 is satisfiable.

2 ϕ0 can be constructed from ϕ in time polynomial in|ϕ|.







Givenϕ a SATformula we create a 3SAT formula ϕ0 such that

1 ϕ is satisfiable iff ϕ0 is satisfiable.

2 ϕ0 can be constructed from ϕ in time polynomial in|ϕ|.





A clause with two literals

Reduction Ideas: clause with 2 literals1 Case clause with 2 literals: Letc = `

1 ∨ `2. Let u be a newvariable. Considerc0 = `1 ∨ `2 ∨ u∧ `1 ∨ `2 ∨ ¬u.

2 Supposeϕ = ψ ∧ c. Then ϕ0 = ψ ∧ c0 is satisfiable iff ϕ is





A clause with a single literal

Reduction Ideas: clause with 1 literal

1 Case clause with one literal: Letc be a clause with a singleliteral (i.e., c = `). Let u, v be new variables. Consider

c0 = ` ∨ u ∨ v∧` ∨ u ∨ ¬v

∧` ∨ ¬u ∨ v∧` ∨ ¬u ∨ ¬v.

2 Supposeϕ = ψ ∧ c. Then ϕ0 = ψ ∧ c0 is satisfiable iff ϕ is





A clause with more than 3 literals

Reduction Ideas: clause with more than 3 literals1 Case clause with five literals: Let c = `

1∨ `2 ∨ `3∨ `4 ∨ `5.

Letu be a new variable. Consider

c0 = `1∨ `2 ∨ `3∨ u

∧ `4∨ `5 ∨ ¬u


2 Supposeϕ = ψ ∧ c. Then ϕ0 = ψ ∧ c0 is satisfiable iff ϕ is





A clause with more than 3 literals

Reduction Ideas: clause with more than 3 literals1 Case clause with k > 3literals: Let c = `

1 ∨ `2∨ . . . ∨ `k.

Letu be a new variable. Consider

c0 = `1 ∨ `2. . . `k−2 ∨ u

∧ `k−1 ∨ `k∨ ¬u


2 Supposeϕ = ψ ∧ c. Then ϕ0 = ψ ∧ c0 is satisfiable iff ϕ is


Breaking a clause


For any boolean formulas X and Y and z a new boolean variable.


X ∨ Y is satisfiable

if and only if,z can be assigned a value such that

X ∨ z∧Y ∨ ¬z is satisfiable






Clauses with more than 3 literals

Letc = `1 ∨ · · · ∨ `k. Let u1, . . . uk−3 be new variables. Consider

c0 = `1 ∨ `2∨ u1∧ `3∨ ¬u1 ∨ u2∧ `4 ∨ ¬u2 ∨ u3∧· · · ∧ `k−2 ∨ ¬uk−4 ∨ uk−3∧ `k−1∨ `k ∨ ¬uk−3.Claim

ϕ = ψ ∧ c is satisfiable iffϕ0 = ψ ∧ c0 is satisfiable.Another way to see it — reduce size of clause by one:

c0 =`1 ∨ `2. . . ∨ `k−2∨ uk−3

∧`k−1 ∨ `k ∨ ¬uk−3


Overall Reduction Algorithm

Reduction from SAT to 3SAT


// ϕ: CNF formula.

for each clause c of ϕ do

if c does not have exactly 3 literals then

construct c0 as before


c0= c

ψ is conjunction of all c0 constructed in loop

return Solver3SAT(ψ)

Correctness (informal)


Part III


Power of SAT and CSAT

SATand CSAT are meta-problems

Allow us to express/model problem using constraints. In essense theyallow programming with constraints of certain restricted type.


Reduce Directed Hamilton Path to SAT

Given directed graph G = (V , E ), does it have a Hamilton path?

GivenG obtain CNF formula ϕG such that G has a Hamilton Path

iff ϕG is satisfiable

Alternative view: Program/express using constraintsWhat are variables?

What are the constraints?

One approach: G has a Hamilton path iff there is a permutation of

the n vertices such that for each i there is an edge from vertex inposition i to vertex in position (i + 1)


Reduce Directed Hamilton Path to SAT

Given directed graph G = (V , E ), does it have a Hamilton path?

GivenG obtain CNF formula ϕG such that G has a Hamilton Path

iff ϕG is satisfiable

Alternative view: Program/express using constraintsWhat are variables?

What are the constraints?

One approach: G has a Hamilton path iff there is a permutation of

the n vertices such that for each i there is an edge from vertex inposition i to vertex in position (i + 1)


Reduce Directed Hamilton Path to SAT

Given directed graph G = (V , E ), does it have a Hamilton path?

GivenG obtain CNF formula ϕG such that G has a Hamilton Path

iff ϕG is satisfiable

Alternative view: Program/express using constraintsWhat are variables?

What are the constraints?

One approach: G has a Hamilton path iff there is a permutation of


Reduction continued

Define variablex (u, i ) if vertex u in position i in the permutation.Total of n2 variables where n = |V |.


For eachu, exactly one of x (u, 1), x (u, 2), . . . , x (u, n) shouldbe true


i =1x (u, i ) to ensure that x (u, i ) is1 for at least onei

Fori 6= j we add constraint ¬x(u, i ) ∨ ¬x(u, j )to ensure thatwe cannot choose both to be 1 for any pair.

For eachu we have a total of(1 + n(n − 1)/2) constraints.Total of n(1 + n(n − 1)/2)over all vertices.

x (u, i )and x (v , i + 1) implies edge (u, v ) in E (G )(x (u, i ) ∧ x (v , i + 1)) ⇒ z (u, v )where z(u, v )is 1 if


Reduction continued

Define variablex (u, i ) if vertex u in position i in the permutation.Total of n2 variables where n = |V |.


For eachu, exactly one of x (u, 1), x (u, 2), . . . , x (u, n) shouldbe true


i =1x (u, i ) to ensure that x (u, i ) is1 for at least onei

Fori 6= j we add constraint ¬x(u, i ) ∨ ¬x(u, j )to ensure thatwe cannot choose both to be 1 for any pair.

For eachu we have a total of (1 + n(n − 1)/2) constraints.Total of n(1 + n(n − 1)/2)over all vertices.

x (u, i )and x (v , i + 1) implies edge (u, v ) in E (G )

(x (u, i ) ∧ x (v , i + 1)) ⇒ z (u, v )where z(u, v )is 1 if


Reduction continued

Define variablex (u, i ) if vertex u in position i in the permutation.Total of n2 variables where n = |V |.


For eachu, exactly one of x (u, 1), x (u, 2), . . . , x (u, n) shouldbe true


i =1x (u, i ) to ensure that x (u, i ) is1 for at least onei

Fori 6= j we add constraint ¬x(u, i ) ∨ ¬x(u, j )to ensure thatwe cannot choose both to be 1 for any pair.

For eachu we have a total of (1 + n(n − 1)/2) constraints.Total of n(1 + n(n − 1)/2)over all vertices.


Vertex Cover to CSAT

Given graphG = (V , E ) and integer k, doesG have a vertex cover

of size at most k?

RecallS ⊆ V is a vertex cover if each edge (u, v ) is covered by S,

that meansu ∈ S or v ∈ S.

How do we reduce to CSAT/SAT? What are the variables?

xu, u ∈ V to indicate whether we choose uConstraints?

For each edge(u, v ) ∈ E a constraint (xu ∨ xv). Total of |E |constraints.



Vertex Cover to CSAT

Given graphG = (V , E ) and integer k, doesG have a vertex cover

of size at most k?

RecallS ⊆ V is a vertex cover if each edge (u, v ) is covered by S,

that meansu ∈ S or v ∈ S.

How do we reduce to CSAT/SAT? What are the variables?

xu, u ∈ V to indicate whether we choose u


For each edge(u, v ) ∈ E a constraint (xu ∨ xv). Total of |E |constraints.



Vertex Cover to CSAT

Given graphG = (V , E ) and integer k, doesG have a vertex cover

of size at most k?

RecallS ⊆ V is a vertex cover if each edge (u, v ) is covered by S,

that meansu ∈ S or v ∈ S.

How do we reduce to CSAT/SAT? What are the variables?

xu, u ∈ V to indicate whether we choose uConstraints?

For each edge(u, v ) ∈ E a constraint (xu ∨ xv). Total of |E |constraints.



Vertex Cover to CSAT

Given graphG = (V , E ) and integer k, doesG have a vertex cover

of size at most k?

RecallS ⊆ V is a vertex cover if each edge (u, v ) is covered by S,

that meansu ∈ S or v ∈ S.

How do we reduce to CSAT/SAT? What are the variables?

xu, u ∈ V to indicate whether we choose uConstraints?

For each edge(u, v ) ∈ E a constraint (xu ∨ xv). Total of |E |constraints.



Vertex Cover to CSAT

Given graphG = (V , E ) and integer k, doesG have a vertex cover

of size at most k?

RecallS ⊆ V is a vertex cover if each edge (u, v ) is covered by S,

that meansu ∈ S or v ∈ S.

How do we reduce to CSAT/SAT? What are the variables?

xu, u ∈ V to indicate whether we choose uConstraints?

For each edge(u, v ) ∈ E a constraint (xu ∨ xv). Total of |E |constraints.



Vertex Cover to CSAT

Expressing P

u∈Vxu ≤ k as a circuit.

Given inputsxu, u ∈ V can create an addition circuit that

outputs the sumP

uxu as a dlog nebit binary number

Given twor-bit binary inputs y1, y2, . . . , yr and z1, z2, . . . , zrone can develop a boolean circuit to compare which one isgreater

Hence circuit to do P

uxu and compare output to input integer

k written in binary


Vertex Cover to CSAT

Expressing P

u∈Vxu ≤ k as a circuit.

Given inputsxu, u ∈ V can create an addition circuit that

outputs the sumP

uxu as a dlog nebit binary number

Given twor-bit binary inputs y1, y2, . . . , yr and z1, z2, . . . , zrone can develop a boolean circuit to compare which one isgreater

Hence circuit to do P

uxu and compare output to input integer

k written in binary


Cook-Levin Theorem

Theorem (Cook-Levin)

SATis NP-Complete.

How did they prove it? And why SATor CSAT?

Proof is in retrospect simple.

Fix any non-deterministic TM M and string w

Does M accept w in p(|w |)steps where p() is some fixed


Can express computation of M on w using a polynomial sized


Mathematical Programming

SAT, CSAT are boolean constraint satisfaction problems.

Other frameworks: constraints involving linear inequalities, convexfunctions, polynomials etc

Useful to know: Integer Linear Programming (ILP), LinearProgramming (LP), Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MIP),Convex Programming


Linear Programming


Real variablesx1, x2, . . . , xn. Solve

maximize/minimize Pnj =1cjxjsubject to Pnj =1aijxj ≤ bi for i = 1 . . . pPnj =1aijxj = bi for i = p + 1 . . . qPnj =1aijxj ≥ bi for i = q + 1 . . . mInput is matrix A = (aij) ∈ Rm×n, column vector b = (bi) ∈ Rm,and row vectorc = (cj) ∈ Rn


Integer Linear Programming


Integer variablesx1, x2, . . . , xn. Solve

maximize/minimize Pnj =1cjxjsubject to Pnj =1aijxj ≤ bi for i = 1 . . . pPnj =1aijxj = bi for i = p + 1 . . . qPnj =1aijxj ≥ bi for i = q + 1 . . . nxi ∈ Z for i = 1 to d

Input is matrix A = (aij) ∈ Rm×n, column vector b = (bi) ∈ Rm,and row vectorc = (cj) ∈ Rn


Convex Programming


Real variablesx1, x2, . . . , xn. x ∈ Rn Solve

minimize f (x )

subject to gi(x ) ≤ bi for i = 1 . . . m


Mathematical Programming

LP is a specical case of Convex ProgrammingLP can be solved in polynomial time

Convex programs can be solved arbitrarily well in polynomialtime (exact solution is tricky because of irrational solutions)ILP and MIP are NP-Hard (decision versions are NP-Complete).

Why is convex programming solvable?

For convex programs, local optimum is a global optimum!Local optimum can be found by local search! Gradient descent!Even for non-convex programs


Mathematical Programming

LP is a specical case of Convex ProgrammingLP can be solved in polynomial time

Convex programs can be solved arbitrarily well in polynomialtime (exact solution is tricky because of irrational solutions)ILP and MIP are NP-Hard (decision versions are NP-Complete).Why is convex programming solvable?

For convex programs, local optimum is a global optimum!Local optimum can be found by local search! Gradient descent!Even for non-convex programs


Interplay of Discrete and Continuous


Both are fundamental and important and interplay has lot of impact!Machine learning: (deep) learning uses continuous optimizationto train neural networks for classification and other discrete tasksCombinatorial optimization: use LP/SDP and other convexprogramming methods to solve combinatorial problemsScientific and numerical computing


CS/ECE 374: Algorithms & Models of Computation. More on SAT. Lecture 23. April 29, Chandra (UIUC) CS/ECE Spring / 42 (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.