Cumberland Sunday Times from Cumberland, Maryland (2024)

I SUNDAY TIMES, CUMBERLAND, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1939 7 BINGO LAW REVISION URGED BY JURY: Abuse of Act Allowing Games For Charity 'Is Charged In Report: Of Grand Jury OFFICERS LAUDED Grand Jurors Also Ask! That Junk Sellers Get Permits; To Check Thefts: OBITUARY Allegany county's law permitting required Baltimore to and spend in Cumberland. hospitals at. bingo games for charity is being A daughter of Eil and Barbara abused. the Grand Jury of the Oc: (Bender) Lohr, now deceased, Mrs. tober term charged in' Its report, Schaefer WAS born at Bittinger, submitted yesterday.

to 10. Associate April 23, 1888. Shortly after her Judge William A. Huster Circuit marriage, In June 1006, she resided! court, and the jury recommended in Grantsville, later going to Pennthat the act be revised so that the sylvanis for. five years and then entire net profits of the games be; returning here to live about mile! I retained by the charity groups, fra- and half southwest of Grants-1 ternal organizations and churches! ville, until last year, that sponsor them.

Besides her husband, Mrs. Schaeciting the fact that some games fer is survived by one son, Donald advertised AS "for the benefit of C. of the U. S. Navy; who charity" give only a percentage of is serving on the U.S.S.

California, the net profits to the charity or- stationed at San Pedro, And sanizations, the grand Jury report- one daughter, Lois Virginia Schae-1 rd: "Complaints reached this body fer, at home. Another son, Charles that bingo games were being con- Henry Schaefer, was killed in an ducted in numerous cases In some automobile accident nine ago of which large sums of money were when he was only ten years old. in olved. Inquiry developed the Mrs. Schaeier WaS sister of information that in some cases Charles Lohr, Pittsburgh; Walter these games are operated on a per- Lohr, Los Angeles, Fred centage basis, only a portion.

of the Lancaster, Miss Mary Lohr profits going to charity." Mrs. Dwight (Anna) Miller, "Chiseling" Reported Mrs. Mabel (Lohr) County officials have commented Salisbury, And Mrs. Ernest that the present law does not (Emina) Miller, Lancaster, Pa. sent so-called.

"chiselers" from -COR- Until funeral services Sunday. the creting games the cloak of body will remain at the Winterburg lading various charity groups, Fuperal, Home here. there is: no provision for checking Mrs. C. C.

Neft Rites to 10 determine what amounts, Mt. Savage, 7-The funeral! are turned over to organi- of Mrs. Jaco-Benda aged 75,1 vons, wile of Charles C. Neff, who died The Grand Jury also urged that Thursday morning at her home folp: be taken to curb larceny cases lowing a brief Illness of waiving youths, be and recommended took place this afternoon, with seract prepared by State's vice at the home, conducted by Morgan O. Harris and Rev.

G. D. Sampson, pastor of the presented to the -next Methodist Church. to provide that, any person selling The pallbearers, all nephews of junk to a licensed dealer be requir- the deceased, were: Edgar Carter, ed to get permit from police. Joseph Carter, Lewis Connor, Dealers buying junk from any per-.

Vernon Gray, Griffith Connor and 500 having no permit would be! Melvin Connor. penalized. Interment was in Rose Hill Ceme-, Bernard Byrnes, investigator for tery, Hagerstown. the State Industrial Accident Com- Frederick G. 'Capleston cussion, reported that several op- Mt.

Savage, Oct. 7-Word was erators of small mines are not car- received by relatives here of the ring compensation insurance for death of Frederick G. Capleston tneir employes, as required by law, Thursday at N. C. Imand the jury returned, Indictments mediate survivors are his wife, Mrs.

tr. the cases. Safety regulations are Catherine (McDermott) Capleston caserved, it WAS reported, and the and A daughter. His sister-in-law. fatal accident last Tuesday neari Mrs.

Patrick F. O'Rourke, has gone Westernport was the first mine far. to Asheville to attend the funeral. in this county this year. John M.

Slickley Return 45-Indiolments. John 'M. Stickley, 60, Cleveland, Forty -five indictments; An aver- former engineer for the Baltimore 07e number, were returned by the and Ohio Rallroad, died Friday. fury in its session, with 120 He resided here until 11 years ago. ritnesses examined, County institu- The body will be brought to the tions were found to be in good coni home of his daughter, Mrs.

Hazel B. dillon and the inmates well Self, 1011 Lafayette avenue, Monday. for and apparently contented. Surviving. besides Mrs.

Self, are Particular praise WAS his wife, Mrs. Bertha E. Stickley; Fate's Attorney Morgan C. Harris two sons, Clarence and Paul C. and County Investigator Terrence Stickley, both of Cumberland; four Boyle in the report, whlch stated: sisters, Mrs.

Daisy Appler, 13 the of the Grand more; Mrs. L. J. Hansrote, Mrs. Jury that the energy -and zeal of George Gross and Miss Grace Stick(Continued on Page 14) ley, all of this city; a brother, James Joha Barchus Salisbury, Oct.

L. Barchus, 73, son of the late Daniel and Barbara (Livingocd) Barchus, died at noon today. He retired from titty 'years' presidency of the Salisbury First National Bank last April. He WAS a member of Meyers-ities, dale Lodge No: 554, A.M. and of the Altoona Shriners' Club.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Edna (McClure) Berchus; one daughter, Dorothy; and two sons, Daniel and McClure Barchus, Bos-1 ton, Mrs. Henry A. Schaeter Virginia (Lohr) Schaefer, 51, wife Grantsville, Oct. 7-Mrs.

Frances of Henry A. Schaefer, died at 11:45 a. mi. Friday at Memorial Hospital, Cumberland, following an illness two years, much of which she Stickley, Swanton, and four grandchildren. native West Virginia, he was a Knights of Malta of the and of the Woodmen of the World.

He was son of the late Mr. and M. S. Mrs. C.

E. Ellithorp Grantsville, Oct. Mahala Ellen (Broadwater) Ellithorp, wife of 'Chauncey E. Ellithorp, died Friday at Bittinger. She had been ill for several years.

Born at New Germany, Garrett! county, on June 26, 1857, she was daughter of' the late Henry and Rachel (Ogg) Broadwater, She was married sixty-one years ago, Others survivors are 'one daughter, Mrs. ASA J. Orendori, and one sister, Mrs. S. Boucher, Rockwood, Pa.

Mrs. Ellithorp had been A member of the Pentecostal Church at Sand Flat for 5 DE MOLAY OFFICERS WILL BE INSTALLED A public -installation for elected and appointed officers will be held! by Cumberland Chapter, Order of DeMolay, Wednesday at 8 p. m. at the Masonic Temple, according Master Councilor Eugene Debs Munro, John H. Zink, Baltimore, state deputy, will.

be a guest, and' Lewyn C. Davis, past master cilor, will be the Installing October 23 the chapter will hold A skating party at Crystal Park. The next meeting will be held October '26. TRAVELERS START MEMBERSHIP DRIVE! CHAIRMEN NAMED FOR LEGION COMMITTEES Commander Harry G. Spiker Announces List of Post Officials For Term Harry G.

Spiker, commander, and Russell C. Paupe, adjutant, of Cumberland Post, No. 13, American Legion, recently Installed, have sppointed chairman of the various committees for the ensuing term. The personnel of some committees it at present incomplete, with mem-: ders to be named Cominittce heads are: Sons of Lozion, Clarence Eyre; publicity, Filiam Hunt; disaster relief, Raymand R. Johnson; service officer, Thomas F.

Conlon; Americanism, Harry D. Bogler; rehabilitation, Harry L. Vogel; membership, WilTam J. McGady; legal, Frederick A. Puderbaugh; band, Joseph M.

FraE: ca: community service. Russell C. Paupe; graves registration, John P. Kelly; national defense, George Henderson: athletics, W. Brooks; property, Dayton M.

Lewis; entertainment, Joseph M. Fradiska; tase, Robert C. Bowers; finance; Iro C. Reichert; Boy State, Vincent Ingram; safety, Harry D. Bogmarksmanship.

Charles w. Jones: legislative, Frederick A. Pudrbaugh. REYSER COUPLE SAFE IN PITTSBURGH FIRE tape before a fire, then In A campaign to obtain 10 new! win, destroyed the hutiding inime members was started last night by which they were sleeping in A Cumberland Council. No.

179, of Pittsburgh. jcd Commercial Travelers, according They were employed at Eddie Lester W. Haugh, senior counsel-, m'x nightclub near Crafton, a 50- or. Organizations reaching their Pirg of Pittsburgh, and lived, with quotas will receive awards from the! he proprietor, his wife and three- supreme office. Fear -old son, and A maid, in the Robert C.

Bowers, L. V. pulldanz. It has not been and William w. scale nave charge! that caused the Are which brokelof the drive.

Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Tasker. Fesser, W. were aroused in time early last Saturday morning to es- Pit several hours after the club had! Flored.

The proprietor and his wife had checked the entire 3 m. and then gone to a nearby avern. They discovered the fire Chile returning and came back- In time to arouse their son, the maid, Mr. and Mrs. Tasker, Only a Br 1.

PT from pieces of furniture were salves; the Are, and there' was no surasca MUNICIPAL PARKING SPACE IS URGED HERE Lots only Temporary Solution of Problem, According to Rockwell Stressing the need for municipally-operated, off-street parking facilM. Harry Rockwell, president of the Western Maryland Club, declared yesterday that tic engineers and other city ricials belleve that anywhere ten' to one hundred per cent of privately-operated parking lots in use will be glyen over to developments within the next years. Basing his statement, on.a made "by the" AAA'3- Parking Terminal Facilities Committee, of Rockwell declared that now used for parking lots will linue to be so used only as no more profitable utilization can be made. "For 8 temporary period," said, "it has on occasion been profitable to tear down an old ing and use the lot for cars. As unimproved property ally, the taxes are less but studies show that particularly smaller cities lIke Cumberland lots are extremely temporary character and can be expected disappear when more profitable can be found.

"Confiscation of this property other uses obviously will Increase the already problem of providing parking ties. for automobiles. Clearly Job is one that must be lover by the municipal government. Even with all the private ing lots now in operation, engineers estimate that our could make use of more than ble the number of off -street ties if they could be provided or no cost. Even at a of 25c per day.

the estimate that twenty per cent more could well be utilized for ing." PERSONAL State Senator Robert B. Kimble, who underwent an appendix operation September 25 at Memorial Hospital, returned to his North Branch home yesterday afternoon. He wAS stricken in Baltimore and was brought to this city in a police nmbulance for an emergency opera-1 tion. Walter C. O'Neal, 025 street, returned home yesterday from Memorial Hospital, where had been a patient several weeks.

Mrs. H. L. Miller returned Keyser, W. after visiting her -JAw, Mrs.

Ar-Zella MIller, Baltimore, and her niece, Mrs. Harry Higson, Lexington avenue. Mrs. Granville Egler and daugh-1 ter Anne, Carrollton, Ohio, will rive tomorrow to visit Mrs. Egler's mother, Mrs.

Margaret Fay, Magruder street. Rev, Percy Adams, pastor of George Episcopal Church, Savage, salled Thursday from Southampton, England, on United States ship Washington, which is expected to arrive in York late this week. Rev. and Mrs. 9.

R. Neel, Grand avenue, and Winfred Daniels, 113 Grand avenue, have returned from Baltimore where they attended the first session the new Baltimore Conference the Methodist Church, Michael Weishonce, Keyser, returned home Friday from Memorial Hospital where he underwent 8 major operation two weeks ago. Miss Wilda Garvey, Pittsburgh, is visiting Miss Joy Tracy, 831 hart Drive. Miss Julia N. Yingling has turned to Montclair, N.

after extended visit with her' parents, 510 Rose Hill avenue. Mr. daughter, and Mrs. Raymond 150 Hebb Thomas Catherine, street, and Mrs. Edward P.

Kaylor, 125 Oak street, are spending week-end with the latter's son, son Kaylor, A student at Washington College, Chestertown. CO-OPERATIVE HOMES GROUP INCORPORATED J. L. Rodda and Benjamin F. Huntsman, Frostburg; K.

R. Adams, La Vale; William Kennedy and W. J. Sullivan, this city, have incorpor-1 jated under the name of the Righlands Building Association of Allegany County to erect 200 atop Haystack Mountain above: Braddock Road A5 a co development. M.

J. Mullancy is at-: torney. Offices will be opened this Earle 3. Harder, architect for the project, has preliminary plans drawn for five basic houses, all of which may have variable outside appearances. Total investment in the co-operative venture will roach $1,000,000.

RIDGELEY YOUTH CLIMBS HIGH PEAK Carl Flanagan, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Flanagan, Ridgeley, ac-! companied by J.

H. Hoekzema, noted: ellmber, ascended Long's peak In Rocky Mountain National Park last month for the third time. The 14.255-foot climb 100k 17 hours. The pair plans Lo climb Whitney, the highest peak in the United States soon. Planagan a graduate of Parsons High School, UHL APPOINTED John R.

Uhl, of Mt. Savage. yesterday was notified by Governor Herbert R. O'Conor that he has been appointed a member of the' staff of Commisaloner of Motor: Vehicles W. Lee Elgin.

He Ls A ne-. phew of the late G. Clinton Uhi, former chairman of the Slate Roads Commission. SOCIAL Women Golfers to Elect Officers and Dine Tuesday Officers will be elected by the Women's Golf of the Cumberland Country AL the final luncheon meeting of the season" Tuesday at 12:30 noon. Prizes will be awarded for play, ringerboard high scores and improvement shown in ringer-; boa jd play Large Dance for Eleanor Footer; Wedding Thursday Several private parties preceded the 'dance given last night at the Shrine Country Club by Miss Betty Spliznas, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Clarence A. The Dingle. in honor of Miss Eleanor Footer, daughter of Mrs. Nellie Wilson Footer, 404 Washington street.

whose marriage to James LeRoy Murrill, of Baltimore, will take place October 12 at 8 p. in the Pirst Presbyterian Church here. Rev, Williem A. Eisenberger will perform the ceremony and Miss Ruth Marquls will be maid of honor. Bridesmaids will be: Miss Betty Spitzes, Miss Elizabeth Doub, MisS Mary Baylor Reinhart and: Mrs.

P. Allan Weatherholt. John Cooney, Baltimore, will bel best man. Ushers will be, John Cummins, L. K.

Murrill, and William Folimer, all of Baltimore, i William Hodgson, this city. Dr. Frank M. Wilson will give his niece in marriage. Barbara Louise Cowherd To Wed John McN.

McAlpine Dr. and Mrs. J. Kile 747 Washington street, last night announced the engagement of their daughter, Barbara Louise, to John McNeill McAlpine, son of Mr. and' Mrs.

James B. McAlpine, Baltimore, at a co*cktall party. Miss Cowherd was graduated from the Allegany County Academy and National Cathedral School, Wash-! ington. She is member of the Junior Volunteer Service Corps. Mr.

McAlpine, was graduated from Gettysburg College and is ASSO-: I ciated with the Celanese tion of America. The wedding take place 'in November. Past Chiefs Entertain The Past Chiefs' Club, Manhattam Temple No. 8, Pythian Sisters, entertained at the home of Mrs. Eva Smith, 526 Pearee street, Friday evening.

Those attending were Mrs. Margaret McFarland. Anna Jenkins, Emma Alstetter, Katherine Chenorone, Elizabeth HumBertson, he Agnes Love, Martha Alhey, Anna Robinette, Ethel Lovenstein, to Lee Burner and Erma Moore. The next meeting will be held at the! home of Mrs. Katherine Cheuvront, Harrison street, Tarly for Junior Winteretles The Winterettes will hold Ar- skating party at Crystal Park Friday night inviting Junior WinterAll will meet at Lee Winter! Studio at.

7 The committee! St. includes Virginia Martin, Betty Mt. Jane Humbertson, Peggy Alma Moonett and Florence Rice, the Ladies' Shrine Club Party The Ladies' Shrine Club will hold public salad card party, at the Masonic Temple, Thursday, starting 120 at 1:15 p. m. Bridge, "500" and J.

dominoes will be played. The committee in charge includes Mrs. L. E. Shepherd, Mrs.

Carl of Sherred, Mrs. Clifton W. White, and of Mrs. C. F.

Wagniere. Meeting Date Changed The Women's Division of the Baltimore and Oblo Traffic tive Club will meet Friday co-opera: of Tuesday as previously announced, In the B. O. Y.M.C.A. Auditorium at 8 p.

m. Gep-1 Mrs. Shircliff. Hostess The young Ladies club was enter-, retained by Mrs. Beverly Shircliff, an Valley street, those present were: Mesdames Helen Imes, Bertha Wolring, Frances Bennett, Mildred and Bucy, Elesta Collins and Anna Straw and Miss Mary Helinstetter.

The next hostess will te Mrs. the Helen Imes, No. 12 Klosterman's! Neladdition. A.0.8. Elects Officers The Ladies Auxiliary of the cient Order of Hibernians reelected Mrs.

Agnes Barley as president for term of one year. She has been president for seven years. another Other officers elected were Mary Noonan, vice president; Margaret Dawson, recording secretary; Elizabeth Lindner, financial secretary: Ella Schute, treasurer; Loretta ney, mistress of arms; Mary Keech, chair lady of standing Della Robinette, chair lady of Irish history, and Minnie Moore, sentinel. St. Mary's Card Winners At the Friday night card party sponsored by Mrs.

August and Mrs. Loretta Mouse for the benefit of St. Mary's Church, Old-1 town Road, awards were given to. the following: in setback, Mrs. Da-! vid Green, Mrs.

Thomas J. and Mrs. Margaret Rowley; A. D.I Whitehair, C. J.

Codire and Ruppert; and in 500: Miss Nora! O'Leary, Mrs. Guy Ziler and Mrs. James Keech; James Payne. Francis Hewitt and Lester Harvey. Friday night the sponsors will be Miss Margaret Duffy and Miss Nora O'Leary.

St. Mary's Annual Fair wIll be, held from November 15 to bet 18. it was announced last 4-1: Trail Leaders Mreling The Allegany County 4-H Trail members and their leaders held their regular meeting yesterday in. the County Agent's office at the Court House. Miss Helen Lechliter presided in; the absence of the The major project for "Clothing Construction," and the Achievement Day program were die-! cussed.

The 4-H Church Sunday is to be October 15. The twenty-Arth Extension anniversary banquet will be held No-: vember 3. At 6:30 p. m. at the All Ghan Shrine Country Club, BalI timore Pike, RAMEY WILL DISCUSS TOPIC AT CONFERENCE School Personnel Director to' Take Leading Part in Conference at Pittsburgh Arthur G.

Ramey, supervisor of pupil personuel for the Allegany County Board of Education, will: lead a panel discussion next Thuraday at 10 a. m. at the twenty-ninth annual conference of the National! League to Promote School Attend-: 'ance at the Hotel Schenley. Pitts-: burgh. Mr.

Ramey leayes today toi attend the tour-day conference opening tomorrow. "The Attendance Service as the Coordinating Agency in Preventa-is tive and Remedial Work with School Children," is the topic Ramey will discuss. He will be assisted by Leah rich, Philadelphia; Doane Black. Detroit; Mrs. Nelle E.

Gentleman. Niagara Falls: Mabel Oberhart, Chicago, and Keziah Stright, Gary. Mr. Ramey attended last year's meeting in Washington, D. C.

WINDING UP THE MAIN STEM WEDDINGS Stitcher -Droppleman Announcement was made yesterday by Mr. and Mrs. John Dropple-' man, Elk Garden, W. of the marriage last April 15 of their: daughter, Miss Madonna Elizabeth, to Frederick Donald Stitcher, son of Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph P. Stitcher, 603 Shriver avenue. Rev. Emmett Hannon, pastor of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, Winchester, performed the ceremony. The bride is a' graduate of Elk Garden High School and Allegany Hospital Nurses' Training School, class of 1937.

Mr. Sutcher is a grad; uate of Alicgany High School and: associated with his father in the incat business. Mr. and Mrs. Stitcher will reside at 504 Columbia avenue.

Parker-Malloy Miss Alice Malloy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Malloy. Washington, D. formerly ol Mt. Savage, R'AS married to Baker Parker, son of the late Baker Parker and Mrs.

Cecilia Parker, Clinton. We've published the pictures 01. Church. an uncle of the bride. number of couples recent.

The bride wore a gown of in Ivory months when they celebrated their brocaded velvet made on princess golden wedding anniversaries- and: lines with full length sleeves and it's pleasant that most mar-. a train. vell Her Door length WAS riages are we Pitts-: caught with orange blossoms. Her. successful were wondering yesterday a sister, Miss Mary Frances Malloy.

about burgh couple's unusual situation, bridesmaid. She wore al because was a gown they would have to wait; velvet blue with correspondsixty years to celebrate their fiftieth ing accessories. Charles Parker. brother of the bridegroom, was best anniversary. For obvious reasons, they didn't: mAn.

went their names mentioned papers. after they obtained a license' During the offertory of the mass an "Ave Moria" was sung by Miss at the Court House here and were Mildred McNamee, Mt. Savage. married again -ten years following of the bride. a wedding ceremony in W.

Va. The and wife first 1 The ceremony was followed by 11. breakfact and reception at the home man are cousins and they were recently formed that such marriages of the bride's parents, are not: After A wedding trip through Jcgal 1a3 that state. They have two will Mr. and Mrs.

Parker children. 50 the Cumberland cere-. mony was decided upon, after Atmake their residence in Clinton. Mrs. Charles P.

McNamee and recently torney-General ruled that William Maryland C. Walsh laws. son. Thomas, and daughter. Mildred: do not forbid the marriage of Miss Martha Reagan, Miss Mary Tansey, Miss Nellie Tanscy and Miss cousins -first or forty -second.

Md, at A nuptial high mass at St. Francis DeSales Catholic Church, Washington, yesterday morning. The ceremony was performed by, the Rev. J. Edward Malloy, Assist-: ant pastor 01 St.

John's Church, Forest Glen, brother ol the assisted by the Rev. Edward Malloy, pastor of St. Francis DeSales Kathleen Walsh. Alt. Savage.

A1-. tended the wedding. Rotruck-Pyles Fort Ashby, W. Oct. 7-Miss.

Pauline Pyles, daughter of; Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Pyles. Fort: Ashby, and Andrew Vance Rotruck.

5011 of Mr. and Mrs. Homer B3. Rotruck. Keyser.

W. were nurried Friday at the Methodist Protestant porsonage, Bedford street, Cumberland by Rev. George E. Baughman. attendants were a sister of the bridegroom, Miss Wildn V.

Rotruck: in sister of the bride. Miss Lodena J. Pyles, and Justin V. Brown. The bride wore dross of blue.

crepe with a corsage of pink rosebuds, Following the ceremony receplion was given at the home of the bride's parents. Others. who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Homer B.

Rot-! ruck, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pyles: and Mrs. Mollie Wagoner. Mrs.

Rotruck is graduate of Ridgeley High School and 15 ployed by the Celanese Corporation of America. Mr. Rotruck is a erad-. luate of Keyser High School And 15 'employed at Kight's Drug Store, iKeyser. After a honeymoon trip to points in Kentucky, West Virginia and Vir-: ginia, they will reside in Keyser.

Skidmore-Simmons John E. Skidmore. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A.

Skidmore, 619 Mechanic street, and Miss Eva Simmons, daughter of Mrs. Annie Simmons. and the late James H. Simmons, were married Monday I October 2, at the home of the bride, 314 Furnace, street. by the I Rev.

J. L. Stewart, pastor of the. Assembly of God Church. Attendants were Raymond Lebeck.

and Miss Dorolhy Valentine. A reception was held at the home of the bride. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. William Simmons, Mrs.

Anna Judy and children: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Valentine and son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deter, Mr.

and Mrs. Cletus Moyer. Mrs. George Keady and son George. Mr.

And Mrs. Robiert Allen, Miss Jane Beall, Jack Winebrenner. and Clifton Shriver. TWO WATCHES TAKEN FROM JEWELRY STORE Two wrist watches, valued el $25 each were taken from the display window of a 5 Pershing and 6 street. store between 8.

m. yesterday, police reported. The window in the store. owned by Johir A. Nierman, was broken by A large alone.

and one man's and one woman's watch were taken. Nothing in the window was 'disturbed. The theft. was discover-. 'ed by Officer George W.

Deffen-, baugh At 6 a. m. The window was Intact when Officer Deffenbaugh passed An hour before. CAMERA CLUB AWARDS PRIZES TUESDAY NIGHT Prizes for this month's competition of the Cumberland Miniature Camera Club wil: be awarded at Lise October mecting ol the rub Tuesday night Al 7:30 p. m.

At Contral Y. M. C. A. Pictures 111 lius contest had in be taken on the corner of more and Centre street.

Any kind of shots are eilgible. whether taken day or night. AUTO SNAPS POI.E An automobile operated by Will'iam Duthle. Incal auto salesman, crushed into pole nt 6 p. m.

yesterday In the A00-blok Nortis Mechante street. The pole wax snap-. ped near its base, but the driver escaped injury. He told police that he swerved to avoid colliding with Another rar that cut across in front lot him without warning. SHERIFF SEES BALL GAME; MISSES QUARRY Accused Man Arrived Here Shortly After Officer Left For New York Shamrock Club Elects And Plans Fall Dance Motor traf-ment from the now other ten study.

and Mr. property long he found buildparking naturour' in these in uses into! further staggering facilithe taken traffic cities doufacill- at charge was space park- AL special meeting of the Shamrock Club, composed ol em-! ployees of the O. C. Murphy Com-, pany, officers were elected and plans: outlined for the first dance of the fall and winter season, to be held Monday night, October 30, at the Clery Club. Music will be furnished by Jay Van's Orchestra.

Miss Jean McCleary was chosen' president; Mrs. Thomas Kuhn, treasurer; and Miss Edith Henrietta Fisher, Martin, board of finance; Farol Stevens, tertainment committee chairman; Beulah Geller, tickets; Eleanor Moses, nowers: Margaret Cozad, publicity. Bible Classes Meet Tuesday The Ladies- and Men's Bible Classes of Grace Methodist Church will hold a joint meeting Tuesday at 7:30 p. m. This will be part af the church rally week program, and there will be musical numbers and talks.

The meeting is open to the! public. Elks Plan Hollowe'en Dance Cumberland Lodge No. 63. B. P.

10. Elks, will open its -fall social 1 season with 8 Hallowe'er costume: and dance at the hone Satur-: day evening, October 28, Several: other social events are being planned for November dates. Music for the Halloween dance: will Ramblers. be furnished by the Society 1s The of. committee in Jammer, charge composed Henry B.

J. Richard Kendall, Charles Walter A. Fraley, Jack Trieber! and J. H. Afosner.

Church Classes Meet The Work and Win, and Willing Workers classes of the Living Stone: Church of the Brethren met Friday night at the church. Those: present were: Mr. and Mrs. C. C.

Bowman Robert, Mr. And Mrs. Homer! Smith and daughter Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Abe and son Mr.

and Mrs. Roscoe Snucterger and daughter, Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Olie Mongold, Mrs. C.

C. Roby and 501S Theodore and Mrs. Joseph May and daughter Betty, Edgar Turner, Mrs. Mar-' Brennaman, Mrs. Mary er, Mrs.

Pearl Sulser, Ethel Sylvan Grady, Sara Mongold, Pauline Saylor, Canda and Nelda HanJin, Eugene Abe, and Fred Sherman. Events Briefly Noted The Music and Arts Club mee: Monday at 7:45 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Harmon Howorth.

Roberts Place, There will be meeting of Ridgeley Parent-Teacher Associa-: tion at Knobley Street School Tuesday at 8 p. m. The LaVale 4-H Club will mect Monday at 4 p. m. at the La Fire House.

Mrs. George Henderson will dress the Alumnae Association Allegany Hospital Nurses Training! School Wednesday 7:30 p. m. at hospital on "The Red Cross And work." There will be 8 turkey supper served at St. Luke's Lutheran Church basem*nt Wednesday from 5 to 8 p.

The Merici Veteran Unit C. S. C. will meet Wednesday at p. In.

al the home of Miss Irenei Davis, 205 Arch street. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the KeatB.ling Memorial Day Nursery will a card party at 2 p. m. Tuesday lat the nursery, Baltimore avenue, with Mis. Harry R.

Miller in charge. LOCAL RED CROSS TO HOLD OWN DRIVE Roll Call Starts Armistice Day; Aid to Local Families Cited The first roll call membership drive of the Cumberland Chapter of the American Red Cross will be held from Armistice Day to Thanksgiving Day this year. This is the first year the Red Cross has held A drive individually since the general Community Chest solicitations! began. In accordance with the policy the national directors of the Red Cross, A plan was worked out recently to separate the chapter from! the chest drive. It announced by Mrs.

George Henderson, man of the local chapter, and Harold W. Smith, president the 'or Cumberland Community Chest. The local Red Cross drive will coincide with dates of the wide roll call. Mrs. Henderson: stated that although the local chap-: ter is prepared to render aid Wu.

United States citizens from Europe, in accordance with national plans, much work is done i locally. Mrs. Henderson cited the work done this week in helping to rehabilitate the family of Harvey Davis, WPA worker, after they were burned out of their home on WIl- i liams road. Mrs. Davis And her six months' old daughter Are still in Allegany Hospital for treatment; for burns suffered in the fire which completely destroyed the home.

furniture and clothing of the family. There are two other girls. and two years old, Davis has already bren Riven clothes for work and the rest of the family are being provided for. Mrs. Henderson said.

291h DIVISION RALLY AT NEWARK TUESDAY: Members of the 29th conaponed of Maryland, New Virginia and District of Columbia National Clunrd units, will hold A annual reunion al Nowark, N. beginning Tuesday. The reunion commemorates the hardest Aghting and heaviest CASualtira during the World War in the Meuse -Argonne drive of 1918. Intending to combine business with pleasure, Sherif Lucian C. Radcliffe departed for New Yock to return a prisoner arrested there for local authorities--and also 1,0 witness the second game of the World Series between the Yankees and the Reds.

He wAs accompanied by Simeon W. Green, president of the Board of county Commissioners, who was deputized, when they drove out of the city at 9 a. m. 'Thursday. Two hours later.

the man they wore going after walked into the office. having posted bond in New York and then coming here to settle the case. The man. who save his name M6 Philip Goldberg. 46, had been accused ol fraud 121 an automobila title transaction here in 1937, and warrant was obtained by a local used cat dealer who claimed the New York man sold him an automobile and gave him 8 forged Utle.

I1 later developed, officers were told. that the machine was bought 131 New York 011 the installment plan and the payments were not made. Following his arrest in New York, the accused mall decided to come here and adjust Che matter, after furnishing bond there. Local officers were notified of his arrcat, but were not advised that Goldberg had been released on bond 10 comic 10 Cumberinnd. The Cast was settled 10 the satisfaction of the nuto dealer and charges were dropped.

In the meantime. Sheriff Radcliffe and Commissioner Green rived Thursday night in New York, found that Goldberg had arrived here, and so they remained 10 1220 Yankees wallop the Rode :11 the verond gaine in Godiam. PEACE RALLY TO BE HELD AT FORT HILL Frederick J. Libby. Pacifist Leader, Will Deliyer Main Address on Program 0 Horne for 8 brief vacation.

A. former Cumberlander was scanning: The Times, when he noticed the ad of e' Main Stem store catering to! autoists and which has the catchy. slogan: "The Motorist's Friend." "Now there." said the vacntion visitor, something unique. We fellows who drive cars are cursed by pedestrians, including jaywalkers, and scolded by traffic cops for minor violations, not to mention! being burdened with all the federal, state, county and city taxes that the 'revenue raisers can think GREAT to find that we have ati least one friend even it ft, happens to be. a dealer in motorist supplies." 0 Some time AgO this department fired the atory of Cumberland: family's efforts to recover an old musio box that some member of the clan had sold.

In the morning mail yesterday we received a plea from local woman who remem-1 bered the yarn and who has two! music boxes that she will sell (not gladly) because she Ls badly need of money. One music box, given to her parents as present in 1879.1, plays six tunes, and the other is an!" old album music box (with the section missing) that plays "Grandfather's Clock" and Annabelle Lee." the lady's benefit and since! can't commercialize this column. we'd suggest that a brief ad on our classified page will doubtless one or more persons who would prize such antiques. 0 A friend from across the some-: time peaceful and sometimes putrid: Potomac was telling us few day's ago that his younger brother had suddenly and disgustedly left home, just as unsatisfied boys have often done, but had returned a few days later, just as most of them also do. We asked the West Virginian if hisi (Continued on Page 141 EAGLES BAND TO PLAY AT COUNTY HOME TODAY The Eagles Band will play at the Home this afternoon.

The program will be directed by Joseph Morton, and the numbers on the, program Include "Queen City serenade "Grieving; Breezes" march "Salutation" farranged (Sietz): by "Uncle Lampe): Tom's! waltz: to Love" Fioriia): in march-' Religioso" Chambers) and' "Police Band" 'CIVIL APPEALS WILL RE STARTED MONDAY: Members of the petit jury who: were excused last Monday, after the. October term of Circuit Court opened. will return' to duty tomorrow: morning. when civil appeal cases will be taken up. Asianmenta for tomorrow are: John D.

Brockey vs. William P. Montgomery: Charles Wolfe $5 Emory Booth: Charles B. Wolfe V.S Emory M. Booth: William R.

Brihert vs. Clare O. Sciberi: William Kammau! VR. Hayrs F. Sce.

BIRTHS Mr. and Mix. Henry B. Jammer, 421 North Mechanic street, pounce the birth of a yesterclay Memorial Hospital. Mr.

And Mrs. Gerald Doren, 429 North Centre street. announce the birth of danchter yesterday Bt Allegany Hospital. Frederick J. Libby.

Wushington, D. secretary of the National Council for the Prevention of War, will be the principal speaker 011 the peace rally program scheduled for Tuesday evening nt 7:45 o'clock al Fort Hill High School. The meeting was conceived and planned by a committee represeutafive of the various religious denominations of the city. The Rev. W.

J. Hamilton, pastor of the Church of the Brethren, is chairman of the promotionat commitice. An open forum discussion on topics pertinent to 'the main theme of the meeting will be held after Mr. Libby's talk. Fort Hill high school band.

untder the direction of Victor Baumann, will open the program and the Community Choir directed by W. Wallace Ashley, will sing At the close. THIS CITY ONE OF FEW TO HEAR GLENN FRANK Be Important. Figure in 1940 Campaign -To Open Forum Oct. 25 Glenn H.

Frank, who will open the ninth annual Community Forum Course of lectures here October 25, while chiefly known 85 an editcator of great distinction, is expected to have A very prominent role in the next presidential election. He WAS made chairman last year of the pollcy committee of the Republican party. Because of his new affiliations. he is giving very few lectures this year. He w191 021 a belated gagement in Cumberland.

having been booked 10 open IASI year's course, but was forced to cancel it because of iliness. Doctor Frank is A' native of Missourl, was editor of the Century Magazine for many years: and tracted national attention n.a presi. dent of the University of Wisconsin. For thirteen years he has writ.ten a daily syndicated editorial. Ha the author of such well-known books As "Stakes of the War." "The Politics of Industry," "An can Looks at His World." "Thunder and Down." and "America's Hour of whirl will probably be his selection for his subject here.

Harvey H. Wris, chairman of the advanced subscription campaign for the local forum. announced yesterday that requests for scason Rub scriptions have far exceeded Ril previous years. due. 11 La belleved to interest in subjects dealing with the European War and America's relation to I.

BOY BITTEN BY DOG; TREE CLIMBER FALLS Vincent Carpenti, eight -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs Peter V. Carpenti. 307 North Mechanic street, bitten on the left leg by a dor. while plaving near his home, yrs.

terday. He WA.S able In return home after leatment AL Ailrgany Hospital Billy Thorpe. 13. 80L1 oi Mra. Vielka Thorpe.

202 Spring Atreel, was treated at. the hospital for in. furies to his left shoulder, suf. Tered in a fall from A tree. WIFE ASKS DIVORCE Charging Infidelity, Mrs.

Evelyn; E. Brown, Frostburg, yesterday filed suit in Circuit Court for divorce from Charles W. Brown, of Winchester, Va. They were married June 24, 1927 and lived together until June 4, 1938. The wife, sented by Edward J.

Ryan, asks the right to resume her maiden Weber, ROA COMMITTEE MEETS Captain Meron G. Williams, cently appointed chairman of An committre for a Weatern Maryland Chapter of the serve Otncers Association of the United States, has called the 15 members of the group to mort Tuesday al o'clock In Room 308, Office building,.

Cumberland Sunday Times from Cumberland, Maryland (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.