Smyrna Times from Smyrna, Delaware (2024)

Afternoon. Aug. 1, 1 Cimes. I be Smnruii Hmyr!. 9 0 4.

Sort ibbr jjoutU.W*' .8. j.i Closeing of Mails. ill and 9.5« A 4 J) (Inins Opening of Mails. A. From From church services.

I'M Sunday ing 'wer at John Wednesday I'reachiiiS Sunday School in Gordon. Rector. 2r at 10U a. m. Sunday School-3 e.

m. Frayer at r. Rev. J. 1.

rMm. MCTH-'mj a and Sch'" 1 2 1 eV A i-iicKCH at 1014 A. 's Sunday P. M. toy! John C.

Hr.s Pastor. St. Sunday and 3 r. m. Rev.


No. Tliuradaj rtViock. mugs of each month, nrH' loiMiK. No. 6.

I. O. O. BS rv Kri.ittv evening, ait 8 o'clock. aMPMKST, No.

2,1.0.0. Tuesday evenings of each STSitll Hi 8o'clock. Com i AVK. 45. Order ok Heptasophs.

Wednesday evening. at8o clock. Sotii-e to Personshaving Advertisem*nts, or in their advertisem*nts, in the Times will please have them in the office by Tuesday afternoon, at 5 o'clock. County and State Items. i telephone line connecting Kirkwood with St Georges, and thence with Delaware City, is being constructed.

according the Insurance Chronicle by tires in the United States during May was Delaware's loss was has a crack base hall club that hasn't a WilmingIt is surprised itself when it Daniel Mifflin, a well-known citizen of Camden, died on Monday evening, of an of the bowels. 1 lie deceased, who was between 05 and 70 years of age, was for several years engaged in mercantile busithe "Quickstep pm man in it. wins a game. ness in Camden. lie was never married, end leaves large estate.

Dover, according to a correspondent lias been struck bad with the base ball craze, ami clubs have been formed from old men down to boys of six years. A series of games arc to commence to-day between the Milford and Seaford clubs to run through three days. While there, they are to be the guest of Mr. Richardson at his hotel. he entries for trials of speed during the sixth annual meeting of the Delaware State Fair Association at Fairview Park at Dover, close September 10, at 11 i'.

M. The fair will be held September 25th, 2Cth, 27th and 28th, and $3,000 will he distributed in premiums. AM the purses will be divided into four premiums and S2U0 extra will be given any horse making a time of 2.20 or better in any race. J. E.

Hooper, president of the Keh.d.otlt Beach Association, offers the State Tench- 1 ers Association, or any number of its membars, a lot free of charge, if they will build for their headquarters and the educational editors. The Manner Journal advocates the erection of a building at Rchoboth by the teachers suitable for a sumraer school, a kind of Normal School, where young teachers and candidates for certificates could have the advantages of a six weeks' course of lectures. George V. Mai 'ey, as trustee, sold on Tuesday last in Dover the property of the late Myers Casson. The dwelling-house on Governor's Avenue to the widow, at a 50 foot lot adjoining, to John W.

Canton, for 8055; a pasture lot of 4 acres near the fair ground, to Charles Brown, for $705. Also, the lands of the late Win. B. Hirons. located in West Dover Hundred, near Pearson's Corner.

No. 1, consisting of a farm of 78 to -Horsey, at $21.10 per acre No. 2, the home farm, adjoining above, containing 86 acres, to John B. Maberry, at $30.90 per acre No. 3.

adjoining above. containing 81 acres, to Gove S. Johnson, at per acre Sentinel. Liupctias he Middletown Trameript and Smyrna Times have been trying to out do each other on the big egg business. They have been sitting on the question for weeks and hatched nothing but miraculous stories.

We would not undertake to enter this contest between the bald-headed editor and big friend, but if they will turn their attention to the little egg business we are there. Mr. Paynter Frame left at our office on Tuesday the largest collection of Liliputian hen fruit gathered by a Mrs. Galiina. If the comic nian of the Transcript and his bald headed friend, or should we say.

the funny chap the Times and his wfgged pate brother, with their mammoth eggs wc divide the collection of Liliputian ova between them. There are chicks there, gentlemen, just your size Journal. The annual pony penning takes place on Island, Monday, August6th, and un Assoteague, Tuesday, August 7th. last week at Urisfield, ate up two pigs and a 12-pound sea turtle and off all the cats on J. B.

Blizzard's Tbe fruit several peach orchards in sassafras Neck, lias been sold to canners Jur buy cents a basket, the growers to deliver it the steamboat wharf. camp commenced and is the only one in Kaston Gistnct, and will continue until next Fri JY "'k The camp will be in charge of to 1 7 h-rry. pastor in charge, suppurteu by an efficient board of managers las Kent County Agricultural Fair at held September 11th, 12th tK a i Dials of speed will boon 2.15 class, purse $200. and class, purse second day, 2.50 ur i $150 colt race, purse 159, $300; third day, 3 witk 1 Wa i for Peninsula horses Ut cor, imi 2.24 class, purse -theslrrtovu Transcript. itv Fir the Smyrna Timet.

he Ht Dudley'ii. Vf I)udl '-y'8 M. E. Church, reUlw Ue, Oueen Anne's county, 4 2 lr on S.mmenc.d ,88,5 Die services comducted witl1 Love Feast conHanv 1 ptt tor J. O.

Sypherd. mostiv 1 rin experiences were given, to imporunt inciL cliurclt. At 10.3« rl' VVillirt preached an eloAt lhe "tthew XXV, 20-21. ptierd 1 mn, Rev. J.

O. repairs of the vhurch tl tl whole Han. were to raise. His tad bv 8" his effort, 1 8 WlllU Rev. Cbandwitl urf 1 11,8 ruil amount r(fin with Md pastoM 11 1 1 eonsisled in the reunion of the church and adHev-.

serv were conducted inter- Kg he then read lory ef th! 1 well-prepared xT Urc the 'last hundred tlregg followed with Power 'Kte the raninmi! ro of Methodism Judge the nc the noble men Na dealt ln I'Tknting tho church, Lil 1,18 InUlligonce Lr Methodist religion. man of superior -wethodisni was born in iefe A tl? birring to his work on this charge cost was and during the critical times of the late war. Brother Barton followed with a short address, more particularly to the children. Rev. K.

Aid red preached at night from Hitherto the Lord has helped us." The church was over-crowded at the three services, with many sitting in their carriages outside the windows. The choir sung beautifully between each service during the day. This was a great day for old Dudley and a grand success, winding up gloriously with shouts of praise to God. Visitor. For the Smyrna Time Two Two CounterJumpers and One Carter go Fishing.

WHEN, HOW AND WHERE THEY WENT. On Wednesday morning last, at 3 o'clock, five of us composed of Messrs. C. and F. left town behind a nice pair of bays for Mahon's Lighthouse Landing, arriving there at 5 A.

where we were to board the guard boat Blue Wing bound for the trout stakes off Kitt's Hammock and at six o'clock slat ted down the bay under a nice breeze. Arriving at our destination at about 74. we proceeded to angle for trout. Mr. C.

was the first in luck and a prouder Carter you never saw, then we took them in by turns 'till noon, with the exception of the other Mr. C. who didn't have a nibble. We felt sorry, so sorry," for him, and if we could have slipped a fish on his hook on the sly, we should certainly have done so, hut fish don't seem to bite very well for such a solemn-looking man as he was that morning, (it is solemn times though, when you sit for threefour hours and never get a nibble) but alter dinner he was O. and hauled them in lively, when his countenance began to look as pleased and innocent as a child asleep, dreaming pleasant dreams, was looking a little solemn too, and marked when asked why he was so still, that he didn't talk much when he fishing," but if he had only been Able to have caught 99 more he would have had an even hundred, his expected quantity.

Mr. I), said with a sigh, that lie would like to catcli "two fish," enough for a mess, as his wife said ho was always going fishing, but never brought home any fish. Air. F. landed the largest fish of the day.

hut we all thought it was caught by the Fowl. But after dinner the fun commenced, and who caught the most or the largest nobody knows as it was lively work up to 2 p. m. when we concluded that we had enough (as the fish had stopped trying to swallow our hooks) for a mess all round, winding up with a total of 185 trout, 1 black fish, 4 crocus, 2 sharks and 4 toad fish. About 4 o'clock we pulled up anchor and set sail for the landing.

By the way, we must not forget to tell you about the Blue Wing; she is the property of the State and is for the purpose of protecting the oyster beds (of which there are about 500 of an average of BO acres each, or in all, about 15,000 acres, from trespassers. She is a yacht of 27 tons burthen, built for a racer, but was afterwards sold to the State for use in the business she now follows. She has a crow of four. Under the able and careful agement of Captain Tarhutton, formerly of near this town, who witli his crow treated us elegantly and did all in their power to make ours a pleasant trip, and 1 don't believe there was one of us but who felt as happy as Jay Gould can feel on his Mr. F.

rcI man000 yacht, and as none of us got sea-sick we all want to go again, and one of the party says he intends to go if he has to walk, so you may expect to hear from us again after the boat returns, as she goes to Wilmington next Wednesday for a thorough overhauling and will be gone about two weeks. Yours, Smyrna, July 25, 1883. brin fish pkr pound. Lard, country. Meat.

res ee f. Butter. P. writing the above we have been sadly beaten, as a party of four wont down yesterday bringing home with them 378 trout, but it must be taken into consideration that they are old fishermen and have been there before and we are only amatuers, and besides we had no pleasant Grove (s) around to attract the fish and even if wc bad have had a AVesley wind from Junes' neck, there was no big fellow there to see it Weldon(e), not even a Car(r)to 0., F. Smyrna Price Current, 1,1883.

PROVISIONS. PKK .14 .18 Eggs. .16 35 -i 18 1'ntHtOi's PKK BASK KT. .40 weel .50 TuraeysChickens Wheal. Corn, yellow.

PKR BI SHKL. ID 2.00 young. dressed PER Flour.KO.(«»(0!*'J.OO 815 1 N0.3..S8 (it 810 .301 Herring 85.0i>niSf>.00 Dueks. dressed Feathers. 40(u 45 GRAIN, 4c.

PER BUSHEL. PKR BUSHEL. Wheat, Red. Fultz. Corn, yellow.

white. l.Ofii Corn Meal 1.06 .56 Ship Stuff .54 .50 Ob PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. 5.00®87.00' 1.11® 1.15 Turkeys. ,601 Eggs. Print Butter .45 N.Y.Cheese, I tot SMYRNA COTTAGE, Sea View Avenae.

Ocean Grove N. How open for Boarders util October li Delightful Situation Near all Points Interest; Home Like Comforts; Terms Reasonable. JOS. E. WILLIAMS.

Gape May Cottage Delightfully Located Within a Minutes Walk of Station and Beach; Fine Ocean View; Accommodations First-Class Terms Reasonable. Call on or address Miss L. Savin, Cape May Point, N. J. CHESTER PAVING BRICKS FOR SALE Catts.

a 2 A trcb assistant to nature in restoring tho system to perfect health, thus enabling it to resist Brown's Iron Bitters. Cochran, Dr. A. J. Lamb says: "I never met with a remedy that gave more satisfaction in cases of debility and prostration than Brown's Iron Bitters.

Owenton, ev. J. W. Waldrop says: "Brown's Iron Bitters greatly relieved me of general debility and indigestion." OF ANOTHER AGE. uiten vCJk are the coarse, crude and clumsy now styled the old fasblonpd r.pM they assr tbtSai orl PC 1 E.

rl 4 Sew York. by Better Article Bre Donc Awn .1. on, 1. B. Coop.r'8.

Devoe's IMPOKTANT -TOFMI Growers ail Farms. Twelve entire personal altenlion to the shipment of Peaches and small Fruits enables me to otter to the perfect arrangements for the season of 1883. My arrangements arc made with Hnanciallyetrong and reliable commission men, for ail mar- 1 kets. In addition thereto, parties to whom will consign fruit have large deposits of home bank at Smyrna, thus preventing any loss by reason of failure, etc. I will have entire control, and will consign to the following well and favorably known commission men, being the largest houses 111 the various market centres of the different cities: Messrs.

Quick 4 Reed, Francis McMulkin, A. F. Young S. D. Martin Furman Page, and G.

W. Judd, of New York. Curtis 4 Benuett, Rand 4 of Boston, acknowledged tobe the two oldest and most reliable and responsible commission houses ot that city J. F. Hobson, J.

P. Wilson and Baker Bro. Co. of Philadelphia. cash in our Would be pleased any sirous to consign to any special commission house, In any market.

Desirous that growers shall obtain the largest possible out of their fruits, neither trouble nor energy to pe possible arrangements, and will rfect the best guarantee to growers entrusting their fruit to my care, the utmost satisfaction. I will neither he interested in Purchasing Speculating in or Evaporating Peaches simply a shipper, with one PEST RES VL FOR THE GRO WERS. Prompt attention, expeditious unloading and efficient help will at all tunes be conceded the grower, who will be advised daily of sales. I will receive telegrams every morning, from all markets. thus enabling growers to have knowledge of prices a half-hour after sales are made.

GRAIN. The constant demand orders I have for grain, especially for New Wheat, will signify to farmers that they can ulwavs obtain the highest available price, CASH ON DELIVERY. WM. GEO. HILL, July 18-3w CLAYTON, DEL.


au no, Hi Witt Street, Tew Toft, Solicits consignments of Fruit, and guarantees to all that every possible effort will be put fourth to secure prices. Promptness guaranteed. Our agents arc the following well-known gentlemen WM. CEO. HILL, Clayton, Del.

COLLINS i WELLS, Green Spring, Del. MOORE WILDS, Kenton, Del. RICHARD RKOCKSON, Blackbird, Del. BOYER WALLEN, Brenford, Del. P.

L. BA ECUS, Moorton, Del. JONES McGONIGAL, Dover, Del. WM. M.

PROUSE, Wyoming, Del. E. C. FRAZIER, Woodeide, Del. aug l-'2m John Pyle 5 PRODUCE Commission Merchant, Second and Orange Streets, WILMINGTON, DEL.

I handle all kinds of Country Produce, Fruits, Report sales and send prompt returns. keep constantly on hand a full line of Clover and Timothy Seed, Ac. July Wholesale Com mission Merchants. 808 South Front Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Peaches, Berries, AND ALL KINDS OF Country Produce.

July 11-tf Returns made every Monday. Geo. W. Phillips. John Baker.

F7. C. Baker. Baker, Bro. Go Produce and Comission Merchants.

140 North Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. W. Cummins and A Scout 4 Son, Union National Pa. July 18 3m J. R.

A. Brice. J. E. Hendrickson.

PRODUCE Commission Merchants, 222 N. Delaware PHILADELPHIA. of July 48-6m Returns sent every Monday. David K. Josiin, Commission Merchant and Shipper of PRODUCE, FOREIGN ud SOUESTO FRUIT, NORTH-EAST CORNER Vine and Water PHILADELPHIA.

July 18-2m Lamps. i XC' at 03 ys A Oilcloths. -AT THEHardware and Fur- nishing Store -OFWMs PARIES, Commerce above Market, Smyrna. WrigW'i Indian Vegetable Fille LIVER Secure Healthy action to the liver and all troubles. Vegetable ko Griping.

Price 25c. All Druggist. (L fe) U.S. MAIL.I pj I purpose making it as safe and pleasant, and in every way as satisfactory to shop by mail as in person at our counters. 1 take all possible care errors, and when any occur they are corrected at once.

are always willing to exchange goods which do not please after being received, S3 to avoid provided, they are returned to us in perfect condition and within reasonable time. Samples of Dry Goods of all kinds even the most expensive, sent free of charge on application. 'TJ' VERY lady who shops by mail should send for a specimen copy of our Fashion Quarterly. We simply ask the public, who are desirous of saving money, to look at the goods and prices, All of the garments offered at this sale are our own make and guaranteed. may 9-3m 0 Clothier, Eighth Philadelphia.

U.S. I i M.v a A BAD BREAK -TNOwing to the general prostration of the Clothing business in Philadelphia force sales. We have consequently reduced the prices of large lines of Fine Dre Diagonal Goals and Vests, thousands of Pantaloons and a large variety of Boys' ing down to are determined to and Business Suits, and Children's Glolh50 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. I Nj Jbj and Ch.estnnt, 5 liila. 1 i i I 1 I The Stephen Walker Basket Factory, Clayton, I Mill! 1 Delaware.

Inwardly curved, gum staves, smoothly made, nails thoroughly clinched, still', lightweight, strong and durable. TTie liest Basket made. All letters or orders will be promptly attended to, addressed to STEPHEN CLAYTON, DELAWARE, Basket Manufacturers. The Largest and Most Complete Basket Factory in Delaware. We are making the Best Slave Peach Basket made in the United States.

Standard No. 1. All those in need of propose to sell our Baskets at a Fair Price. Baskets will do well to call on or address H. II.

MUSTARD CO Smyrna, Kent County, Delaware. July Factory and Office, Methodist and Union Streets. Smyrna Carriage BECKETT HAVE OPENED THEIR NEW CARRIAGE FACTORY, On Main Street, below Taylor's Foundry, WHERE THEY ARE PREPARED WITH The Best Skilled Labor, and the best Material in the Market, to manufacture first-class Carriages of all kinds, equal to the BEST city make. Persons wishing to purchase carriages will find it to their interest w. tai and examine our work before purchasing elsewhere.

No trouble to show the work, and material it is made of. Repairing and Fainting DONE IN THE BEST MANNER AND AT REASONABLE PRICES. jail 3-ly AH work guaranteed as represented. New and Second-Hand Carriages always on hand, ready forsale. Cortloelll Purse Twist.

The great popularity of this brand of PURSE SILK is obtained by the excellence of colon, thcpeuuliRi iiy of its and the facility with 0Z. which it may be wrought 1 1 into those exquisite designs known to women of generations almost us well us to those of the present time. This well-known brand may be obtained of any enterprising merchant. CAUTION thoulil notice carefully the Black spool, wun lira name co*kticeu.i on one end. The genuine is put up only in this way.

July 2w XOXOTl'I'K SILK Florence, Sole JliiiiuiitetiirerN. EE Grape Packages. I have a large lot of GRAPE BASKETS with Handles and Covers that 1 am offering at low figures gel them Introduced, they are strongly made and will stand shining to any point, and fruit will earrv in them better than In the ordi nary Peach Basket. They are universally used In other growing and ought to be here, if you want to ala ays get your fruit to market in good order. I have Three Sizes, 12,20 and 30 pound Baskets.

They are also cheaper than any other package for you to use. So try them and be convinced that they are what you wanL am keeping all of MARVEL'S PACKAGES, FEAk CRATES. APPLE BOXES. PEACH BASKETS, in fact every thing that you can use for fruit to market. 1 have the strongest Peach Basket made on this Peninsula, at Tow a price as any good basket is sold.

Call on or address J. GK EARS ON, BRENFORD DEL. Bombay Hook, Del. This well known watering is now open for the reception of Guest to 510 per week i 51,50 per day. L.

P. CAMPELL, Proprietor. Perkins House Non Explosive Lamps, at J. B. Cooper's.

I TO PEACH GROWERS AND DEAI.KBS IN BASKETS. have on hand, and are making as mutual, the Best Peach. Basket. We are selling them as cheap as the cheapest. We employ no or traveling salesmen, thus giving the buyer all the advantages.

Yon are therefore requested to apply directly to ns by mail, and get the lowest prices. TSCHUDY db CATTS, Proprietors of the Smyrna Basket Tfils Space Reserved for WILLIAM WELLS, caler In Flour, Feed. Poultry, Eggs, Potatoes, Cabbage. Green Corn, Egg Squashes, Reels, Watermelons, Cantaloups, Market Street, Smyrna, Bel. He No Pure Natural Tea cau be bad at J.

B. Cooper's. a I i I I I I il Sr? WKS 9 If Philadelphia, Wilmington SI Baltimore Railroad. Littleton co*ke Verses Clara Fitzpoodle. BY THE BA I OF TOWER HALL.

chapter in. I have done with Miss Clara. I drop her instanter, With others acquainted 1 leave her in care. And having Pegasus warmed up for a canter, Shall ride him no further with tu wear. But tirm in the saddle in true jockey; The spur on my heel ami the whip in my If making good time, I shall look lor a smile From my readers, the judges, in passing the stand.

A To avoid misconception, tis best I should mention. It may save some conjecture and seme idle To sing von a song is my earnest intention. Of Littleton co*ke, of our good Quaker City. Mr. Littleton co*ke was among lh a fast men, And headed the list of the proud upper ten His pockets were lined, and his coffers were full.

From playing on Third street the part of a "Unit" When the badly pushed. Lad their hides up in pawn. And trouble was the length of his horn Was thrust in the side of some poor stricken Hear That, wounded and bleeding, went back to its lair. Thus for many a year wits our hero eornnled. Till by hundreds of thousands his wealth Then having converted the horns of the Bull Into cornucopias ample and full, lie made up fils mind for the rest of his life lie would not engage in a business strife.

But. spending his money, would live at his ease. Would go when he wished, anil would come when he pleased He bought an estate on Wayne The point of my story I'm bringing to view I sing of the man who had nothing to do. Nothing to do is the theme of my lay. And when I have finished, be candid and say Which is most to be pitied which one of the I look for a verdict impartial and Mr.

Littleton co*ke, who had nothing to do Or Clara Fitzpoodle. with nothing to wear." Mr. Littleton co*ke, as before I was telling. On a popular avenue purchased a dwelling A domicil, house, or a home if you please And if you're not suited with any of If the Sweet hom*o." of our early years Are words too common for delicate If they must be dropped from the dictionary. Kicked out of our vocabulary.

Why the mother tongue's Mr. Littleton co*ke has purchased a mansion. He furnished it, too, from top to toe The toe of a that proper and meet? You'll find it right when you come to know That upon the avenue, or the street, The mansion stood upon fifty feet. Now on fifty feet there are more or less toes. I And the toe 1 have mentioned was one of the lot And some of the others, perhaps, ere 1 close.

1 May cause me to stumble, and trip in my plot. Trip in my plot! Ah, that I will not. I Having started in earnest, with something in view. 1 shall not be shaken a tittle or jot. Or swerve from my purpose in putting it through.

Perhaps in some niche in the temple of Fame. The truths 1 may utter, in reason and rhyme, May live in their glory to honor my name. Undimmcd by the dust ami rubbish of lime, Or. what is more likely to happen, perchance. Some critic may run roe clean through with a lance, And 1 from Pegasus dishonored be thrown, To die of my wounds and thus perish unknown.

Tis a very sad thought, but in ease it proves true, With the troubles of life I'll having nothing to do. Nothing to do words fitly I was getting erratic the charm is now broken All further digression I hereby eschew. And return to the man on Wayne Mr. Littleton co*ke, who had nothing to do." (To be continued.) And should any of my readers get impatient between the chapters, they can get full particnlars. and also getimmenso bargains in Clothing at may 24 -1 TOWER HALL, 51S mul Market GAR1TEE, MASTEN ALLEN.

GENTLEMEN ill 'ill 111 HUH .111 UIC of the THE John E. Phillips. GOODS ALMOST EVERT Feach Stoner. ott'erlng this Peach Stoner tojthe I'ublic, we desire to call attention to the fact that it is the only Stoner known that DOES ITS WORK SATISFACTORILY. 4Qjjr 11 the peach from Hie stone.

making a smooth cut as it passes between i the knives. Each half as it from the stone, falls up a tray placed to receive it, while the stone drops to Hie tloor or in a basket, The Stoner iv simple in its construei and is made of the best iron and steel. There is nothIng about it that is liable to break or get out of order. It should be placed upon a frame or sels, and can be work, I-ttt. Nov.

14. 4862, by rawer band Any mm of the I BETTS can bo fim Disbud Immediately at the factory. Price each, boxing lifty cents extra. june20-3m All orders and communications addressed to the undersigned, will receive prompt attention. I C7 dTTO B.

1 511 Orange Street Wilmington Del et, 1 gton, XJc Sole Owners and Manufacturers, Catarrh HVY-FEVEU. I have been afflicted for 30 years, during August ami September, with Hay Fever, and tried various remedies without relief. I used Elv's Cream Balm with TLV'S vorable results, ami can recommend it to all afflicted. W. (cx-Mayor) Elizabeth, N.

Apply by little fintier into the nostrils, By absorbtiion It ef- cleanses the allays Inflasution, protects the head from additional completely 1 lh itr "jgq smell. Beneficial results are Vv e- few applications. A thorough treatment wtU cn(e. for id head. AKWciWc to druggists.

By mall a u.ta. Owego, N. Y. This Space Reserved FOR THF Largest Dealer IN' Hats, Caj)s, BOOTS and SHOES IN THE COUNTY. Gents' Furnishing Goods, a Specialty.

6K) TUADK DOLLARS taken at 90 Cents in payment for Goods. W. H. THOMPSON, SMYRNA, DEL. W.A.

Bro AND DEALERS IN FURNITURE MAIN STREET, opposite the Smyrna House. JwM, 'I skets and Coffins of fill styles and grades furnished at the shortest notice. Personal and prompt attention given in all cases and calls promptly i attended to any hour day or night. Lady atten1 dants in all eases where necessary or desired. Shrouds turnished.

Bodies kept any length of time, either by Embalming or by use of Hie best Preservers. Furniture of all kinds. Parlor and Chamber Suits. Bureaus, Bedsteads. Ix)Uneos Beds and every thing in the Furniture Line.guari anteed at or less limit City prices for the same quality of goods.

mar20-ly WILMINGTON Carriage Bazaar, 107 mul 109 AV. Tenth Street, WILMINGTON, DEL. and second-hand carriages, wagons, CEffgwdearborns, which they offer at private sale cheap. These articles are all in good order, and those who are looking for bargains will do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. PUBLIC SALE every Saturday mornj ing, at 10 o'clock, Horses, Carriages, Harness, etc.

Has on hand a good selection of new Farmers and others ebould attend these sales. KERBAUGH CO PROPRIETORS. June27-tf THE BLATCHLEY JL PUMP! 1 BUY THEBBT. BLATCHLEY'S TRIPLE ENAMEL PORCELAIN-LINED oa SEAMLESS TUBE COPPER-LINED PUMP Wesleyan College Do into buying inferior Oinxis. For sale by the beet houses in tno Trade, C.

ATCHLE 308 MARKET Philad'a. Write to me for pame ol nearest Agent RUg 1-11W oung Ladies, urTT fr; ri TkTH WILMINGTON, DEL. 1 con Rtt. JOHN WILSON, PH. President.

WBSTEuN arll 0 11 IVI Cl I VI II UOII6g6 Male and Famale Departments. Situation most healthful and delightful. Full corps of inxlructors, both in College aud Preparatory School, "'eft-ordered Christian family government. Terms moderate. Thirty-third Session begins Sept.

4th, 1883. For Catalogue. address Rkv. J. T.

Waup, President, or Misa L. Preceplress, Westminister, Md. ,1 COLLEGE OF Physicians and Surgeons BALTIMORE, MB. i The practical advantages of this school are ted. Clinics held at City Hospital, Mater hftu and Maryland Woman's Hospital, all ol which belong to this school.

Physiological and Chemi! cal Laboraiory Work required of every student, Apply for a catalogue to July 25-1 i Un. THOMAS OPIE, Dean, 39 N. C-Ap 1 St! I HIlwU, fjelnwarc, sell Stocks, Bonds and all other seeuriI on cpjqmiwion and have Direct Private from then 1 office to all principal cities and exI changes. Grain and Provision, bought and sold I in Chicago. Deposits received and Intereatalluwed.

I.ocal and mortgages bbught and roar7-ly DELAWARE 1)1 On ami after MONDAY. July days trains will leave as follows. ni. i-ntiSOUTHWARD. northward.


P. M. 1 s.oo...Philadelphia. y.iiô 9.10...Wilmington. IL.

1.2-2.. 9.2:',...New Road. Porter's. 1.42.. 9.47...Kirkwood.

12.. 1.52.. 9.57...Mt. Pleasant. 10.10.12..

39.. 2.1H..10.20...Townsend. Spring Arrive Smyrna Ijen 10.47... Brenford. 8.09.. 8.21.. 2 58.ll.07 8.27.. 3.04..11.14 Wyoming. 10.. U.

8.39.. 3.11..11. .11 in i.i 11.10. ,05 0.33. 8.33..] 1.40 6.4 9.

n. 11 io. I 42.10.49 37.10 14 11 30 i .10 3,1 .10.4 45.10.5 2l j.l 15 5.5 1 1 8.10. 8.02. 11 .10.19 5.0) 0L.l0.lO..

4 t. 54 4 49 9.56 4.42 42 9.52 I 38 4 34 4.24 9.26 4.13 9.18 t.31..11.47 12.48... Laurel. 1.oO...Delmar. i 8.

9 I 09 i.i«..I 4 15 4 DAILY EXPRESS. SOUTH. a. Baltimore.12. .50 1 Philadelphia 3.

Wilmington New Castle 1 11 1.42 Townsend. 4.5»* I Dover. Harrington I Seafortl. p. m.

Deimar. NORTH Del mar. Seaford. Harrington. 8.26 Dover.

Clayton. Townsend. 9.2 9.3 New Castle.10.<i Wilmington Baltimore 2.1 5 p. i 9.1 i .05 I 6.4*i Mew Caetle Accommodation mington at 0 a. m.

and 3 I m. at 9.3Ö a. ami 4.40 p. M. SMYRNA BRANCH to and WilLeave New Castle those above, leave Smyrna for Clayton 7.45 p.

m. Leave Clayton for Smyrna 10.45 a. and 2.35, 5.2o and 8.00 p. to make connection with trains (North ami from Clayton. Porter, with Newark Delaware City Railroad.

At Townsend, with Queen .15 Anne'sd; Kent Railroad. Delaware Chesapeake Railway and Kent County Railroad. At Harrington, with Maryland A Virginia Railroad. At Seaford, with Cambridge Seaford Railroad. At Deimar.

with Eastern Shore Railroad. Wicomico Pocomoke Railroad, ami Peninsula Railroad. HAS. E. PFtiH, Manager.

J. R. WOOD, General Passenger Agent. DAILY LINE FROM Smyrna to Philadelphia ZJ nyj VIA Woodland Beach. THE AND The Smyrna Delaware Bay Railroad Will run a daily line between Smyrna and Philadelphia via Woodland Beach, leaving Smyrna at 13 M.

Returning, leaves Philadelphia at S.15 a. except Wednesdays. FARE, round trip, $1.25. From Smyrna to Woodland Beach (round trip), 50 Gents. An extra train will be run every Wednesday evening, between Smyrna and Woodland Beach, leaving Smyrna at 7 p.

m. Returning, leaves the Beach, at 11 P. m. Fare, for the round trip, 50 cts. Capt.

W. EUGENE REYBOLD, Agent. The Kent County, Smyrna and Delaware Bay Railroad IN CONNECTION WITH THE Steamer TH0S. CLYDE, WILL RUN EXCURSIONS TO CAPE MAY Etcry util farther notice Fare, Round Trip. Adults Children i 90 MBh.

Leave Massey's. Clayton. Smyrna. Woodland Beaeh9.30 Arrive at May. at 12 m.

Returning. leave rape May. at 4 giving 4 hours at the Cape. Delaware Chesapeake Railway, also the Delaware Railroad will connect at Clayton. fkkd.obrm.umw.

Si 00 A. 1 I-'. 8.a> 1 40 .55 44 9.1 1.10 9.17 1.10 1 J0 mm c. GRQRTLQGE 7 mm for Young Men and Boys, Media. 12 fmm Philadelphia.

School year opens Sept. 12ik. No examination for adtuksioa. Thirteen experiuncod teaohere. all men ami all graduates.

-opportunities for tu MedcBte te advance rapidly. special drill fur dull and backward boys. Patrons or students may select any studies or choose the tegular English. -Scientific, Business, Eugmecnng Course. Mudents fitted at Media Academy are now in Harvard.

Yale, aud ten other CoBcecs and Polytechnic Schools. A Physical and a Chemical Laboratory a fine Gymuasium and Ball ground, 1.56b volumes added to Library In 1885, Apparatus doubled in 1883. Ten students sent to College in IgSJ. A graduating class in Commercial Dep in 1883. Media has 7 Churches and temperance charter which hiblts the sale of all Intoxicating drinks.

For new Illustrated Cirt ulur address (he Principal and Proprlelor.S WITHIN C. SHORTUGE, A. M. (Harvard I University Graduate), Media, Pkhs. aug 1-4W $65 A MONTH and BOARD for three Utv Young men tadiusin each eottuty.

tec ht: a 4 Pkilla Pa. Ad1 i WONDER BOOK. NOT ISooh of Magic, but choice, classic literature, at prices so low to make the old time WUN DUR. About 4 T- nc or hair a million vol- I Oils urnes now ready: sent anywhere for eXHiBinaMoN. before payment, on evidence of good NOT sold by dealers- prices loo low, page Catalognefree.

JOHN B. ALDEN. Publisher, IS Vesey New York. aug 1-4K For the styles in Clothing, you wilt, have to go to Phillips'. He takes thetown, not only in style and but in price..

Smyrna Times from Smyrna, Delaware (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Author information

Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

Phone: +8524399971620

Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.