The Leavenworth Times from Leavenworth, Kansas (2024)

THE LEAVENWORTH TIMES, SUNDAY MORNING, AUGUST 10, 1952. Thirteen College Grid Foe for The LA Rams DELAFIELD, Aug. 9 (M)- The College All-Stars, less than a week away from the annual game in Chicago with the professional football champions, boast a squad that has no apparent weaknesses. Two weeks of virtual day long practice sessions for the Aug. Bobby Dodd Soldier Field counter with the Los Angeles Rams have left the coaching staff optimistic.

There has been only one serious injury and, despite a great amount of secrecy surrounding practices, insiders report the squad has caught on rapidly to Bobby Dodd's T-offensive and tricky defense. The charity game is the 19th: in an unbroken series going back to 1934. Of 18 games played, the AllStar collegians have won six, lost ten and tied two. Dodd, the Georgia Tech mentor who was chosen head coach of the All-Stars for this year's game, has the usual quota of All-Americas of every hue, description and position on his squad of 54. Dodd and his assistants are openly enthusiastic about the efficiency and depth displayed so far in every and defensively.

They don't find any real weaknesses anywhere. They actually haven't expected! any. Just about every 1951 college senior that shone on the gridiron is available to them. Still, that's been the case in all of the games and the All-Stars have lost more. than they've won.

problem isn't and never has been -manpower. It's mainly a question of taking a half hundred odd football stars, some of them already legendary campus heroes, and fashioning from this conglom-(even eration a workable football machine. And there isn't much time. Whether the obvious man-forman brilliance of this 1952 assemblage, welded somehow into a team, will be up to the precision of the Los Angeles powerhouse can't possibly be known until next Friday night. Inter-Zone Net Final to U.S.

Over Canada MONTREAL, Aug.9 (2-The U.S. today won the final round of the North American Zone Davis Cup today defeating Canada in doubles to win the tie in three straight victories. The team of Vic Seixas, Philadelphia and Herb Flam, Beverly Hills, downed Brendan Macken 64. and Lorne Main 6-3, 3-6, 6-3, Yesterday Flam defeated Henri Rochin 6-2, 8-6, 6-2 and Seixas defeated Main 6-2, Two singles matches will be played tomorrow, but their outcome cannot effect the outcome of the best-of-five series. Bob Perry will play Macken and Rochin will take on Seixas.

Both teams today put on brilliant displays of tennis, the Americans winning mainly by breaking through the weaker services of both Macken and Main at vital moments. This is the ninth time the Canadians have met and lost to the U. S. The U. S.

now takes on the winner of an Italy India series for the right to challenge Australia, present holder of the cup. Phog Says Russians Well Versed in U. S. Tactics NEW YORK, Aug. 9.

(-Dr. F. (Phog) Allen, coachi, at Kansas and assistant coach of the Olympic champion U. S. team, LITTLE LIZ Time ofways tells on folksespecially a good time.

USA Athletes Shatter a Pair World's Marks, British Games LONDON IP- Charley Moore of the New York Athletic Club bettered the world's, record for the 440-yard hurdles Saturday with clocking of 51.6 seconds in a drivholing field rain at the British track and games. Moore clipped six-tenths of second off the mark set by Layne Given Close Decision Over Charles OGDEN, Utah (P Husky, young Rex Layne bulled his way over ex heavyweight champion Ezzard Charles Friday night in a 10- round decisioni which threw the Charles camp into an uproar. Jack Dempsey, the former world's he a vyweight cham who was the refRex Layne eree and sole judge, held Layne's hand up in the victory thundershowers deluged Ogden Stadium. Immediately afterward, (co-manager, Jake Mintz, rushed into the ring, berated Dempsey that "this is the lousiest decision I've ever seen." Layne weighed 195 and Charles, 190. Layne, always strong with his right, showed a potent left hand as he doggedly kept after the sive, Charles, The 31-year-old Cincinnati Negro.

flicked a left which cut Layne's lip in the ninth. Charles kept boring in at a fast pace, behind his sizzling left, and the battle ended in a last-round flurry. Some of the ringsiders with Dempsey's card of seven rounds, two for Layne, and one for Charles. said the stalling game the Russians threw at the Americans i in the final game "was an exact copy of the stall and freeze game used by Oklahoma A He added "If they spent so much! time and money just to study U. S.

basketball styles, imagine what else they know about the U. Jim Thorpe Undergoing Treatment Heart Ailment HENDERSON, Nev. Jim Thorpe, 64, the old time football great and Olympic games star, Saturday was undergoing treatment for a heart ailment in Rose de Lima Hospital. His physician, Dr. J.

F. said Thorpe's condition was serious but not critical. Thorpe was unconscious when brought to the hospital. He was placed in an oxygen tent. Thorpe was voted the greatest male athlete in the Associated Press mid-century poll, Two Tied for Lead in National Horseshoe Meet MURRAY, (P Defending Champion Fernando Isais of Los Angeles, and Ted Allen of Boulder, continued to lead the field Saturday after the third day of play in the National Horseshoe Championship Tournament.

Both turned in impressive wins Friday to continue undefeated and run their string of games to 21-0 each. Casey Jones of Waukesha, and Marines Tamboer, Wichita, held second place with 19-2 marks. Begin Annual Unit Training at Carson Annual summer unit training for organized reserve corps begins today at Camp Carson, for the 361st headquarters detachment Quartermaster, commanded by Lt. Col. Daniel J.

Delaney, 520 Ottawa. A group of 18 men. commanded (by Maj. Walter I. Biddle, left last night about 10:30.

Others of the approximate 30 scheduled to attend left earlier. The training is schedu(led for Aug. 10-24. Members of the unit who went to Camp Carson are: Lt. Coloneli Delaney, Major Biddle, Capt.

las Tarbet, First Lt. Robert Carns, Second Lt. Norman Arnold, George Kern, Capt. Edward CrumIptom, First Lt. Albert W.

Steven- Cochrane of U. S. and tied by R. Ault, also of the U. S.

The mile went to the Kansas a comet, Wes Santee, who turned in a neat 4-minute, 12-second clock- a Charley Moore Charley Moore ing. Javier Montez of the San tonio A. C. was second, in 4:14.2. Parry O'Brien, Olympic shot put! champion from the University of ball 54 feet inches to take Southern California, tossed the iron, event.

Darrow Hooper of Texas was second, with a heavei: of 54 feet inches. Another world record was shattered by the U. S. mile relay team in that relay event. The Americans won in 3 minutes, 8.8 seconds.

The U. S. team was made up of Gene Cole of Columbus, J. W. Pearman of the New York Athletic Club and Mal Whitfield of the U.

S. Air Force. son, First Lt. Ralph McLain, WO Eugene Vigneron. First Lt.

Robert J. Williams. Sfc. Fred Arnold, Capt. Richard (Briner, Pvt.

Richard Cordt, Cpl. G. DeFrees, Pf. Kenneth J. Fra-1 ser, Pf.

Glenn Gaver, Pvt. Edward L. Knit, Cpl. Stanley Inkman, John R. Lojko, Sic.

Hugh E. Robertson, Pfc. Richard Simms, Sgt. Leo Slapezynski, Pfc. George Stein, Cpl.

Johnnie Wilson, Cpl. James W. Wood, and Master Sgt. Thomas F. Zielinski.

Stevenson Announces Plans For Independents SPRINGFIELD, Aug. 9 UPGov: Adiai Stevenson announced, the organization today of a "national Independents for headquarters in Chicago to direct his fight to win the vote in the November election. This group will be headed by Hermon Dunlap Chicago: insurance executive, who once directed a Stevenson-for-governor drive in Illinois. The new organization will operate independently from Stevenson's personal campaign headquarter's here. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE TIMES Plan Special Fun Day at Swope Park A special fun day Tuesday at Swope Park and zoo in Kansas City, Mo.

for Leavenworth child-1 ren who were not able to the other trips to the park will be sponsored by the Rotary and Kiwanis Clubs and the American Legion. The City Recreation Commission will conduct the trip. Buses will leave from in front of the City Hall at 9 a.m. Tuesday. The three organizations are chartering the buses to provide free transportation.

A full day has been planned for the children, Robert Nebrig, recreation director, said Saturday. The children are to bring sack lunches and plan to spend the day in the park and at the zoo, Nebrig explained. Lt. William Bradley of the Salvation Army, Homer Crown, director of county welfare, and Mrs. Gertrude Bragg, Mrs.

Blanche McClanahan, Miss Ann Kunkle, Miss Grace Groupe and Miss Carole Rawlings, all visors of the city plarground, are cooperating in selecting children who will receive special invitations for the trip. This is the first time tions have cooperated in a special trip for underpriviliged children, Nebrig said. The recrea-1 tion commission has sponsored! five bus tours in which each child pay's his own transportation. The trip Tuesday will be free. and will be restricted to those who were not able to attend the other trips.

The one other restriction, Nebrig said, is that boys and girls must be between the ages of 9 and 14. East Germans Chemistry Student to Die BERLIN, Aug. 9 UP) An East German court today sentenced a West Berlin student of chemistry to die for conspiring to commit sabotage for the West. Three others, including a woman, were given long prison terms ranging to life. All were accused of being agents of the "fighting) group against inhumanity, a West German anti Communist underground organization.

The death sentence was pronounced on Wolfgang Kaiser, 28. The prosecution charged he used his knowledge of chemistry to make "sabotage weapons" for use in a plan to blow up canal locks and to set fire to a highway bridge. Veteran Newspaperman Dies at Printers' Home LA CYGNE, Aug. 90P- James Warren Mitchell, 83, a Kansas newspaperman 70 years, died at the Union Printers' Home at Colorado Springs Friday. Mitchell was owner and editor! of the La Cygne Journal from 1918 to 1945 when he retired.

At that time he left the business in the hands of his daughter and son-inlaw, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Rose.

-He served an apprenticeship in the printing trade in 1883 on thei My Sincere Thanks For the Very Splendid Complimentary Vote Given Me Tuesday at The Primary Hazel Richardson Republican Candidate For County Treasurer (Political Adv.) Thank You, One and AllThe vote given me at Tuesday's Primary for Renomination for Sheriff was splendid. You May Be Sure It Was Greatly Appreciated. Your Continued Support and Vote at The General Election Is Your Assurance of Another Businesslike Administration in The Sheriff's Office. Herb R. Nye Republican Candidate for Re-Election as Sheriff (Political Adv.) ARE WHERE NOT SIGN.

A OF OH, ROD A SECRET YoU THEM PANEL! 8-7 Copr. 1952 by NEA ServicE, MC. T. M. Reg: U.

S. Pat. OIL. Needlecraft News by Nancy Baxter CAN still remember the sense of pride I got when my patient mother taught me the art of embroidery and I was able to stitch colorful designs and pictures on doilies and aprons. Mom showed me the stitches she had learned from mother, who, in turn, was taught by her parent, In most cases, here love for embroidery has been passed on through the ages in just that way.

During the late 16th century in Europe, elaborate embroidery was extremely popular. Robes, coverlets and pictures for wall panels were richly embroidered in expensive threads on fine materials: Biblical scenes and religious studies were the favorite subjects for these pieces of needlework. As trade by sea became more extensive during the Renaissance, embroidery trends. changed. Sea captains returned home to tell of all the strange, wild beasts, and they the had seen in.

new women tried, as well as possible, to reproduce pictures of the animals, according to the descriptions, in embroidery on draperies and other wall hangings. The Orient influenced embroidery fashions when sea routes were opened farther Eastward. Embroidery began on the North American continent with the Indians who used porcupine quills and strips of animal skins in making their designs. Of course, the European influence was brought to America with the colonists. Pioneering wives considered embroidery a luxurious pasttime because materials were not accessible on the newlydiscovered continent.

As the country has grown, embroidery as a pleasurable pasttime has been carried on by the American women throughout each phase of our history. EMBROIDER A PILLOW TOP This embroidery design of old-world flavor. combines two shades of blue with red and green threads on an ecru linen or linen-like fabric. Use it to top a pillow as shown above, or center it on a 36-inch square of material which you can use as an attractive tablecloth. Though the pattern may look intricate, there are only three simple stitches used: the back stitch, satin stitch and four-sided 'stitch.

Directions for the stitches, pattern and a chart for making this EMBROIDERED PILLOW TOP can be obtained by sending a stamped, self-addressed envelope to the Needlework Department of this paper and requesting Leaflet No. PH 3530. La Cygne Journal. He later was! employed by the Topeka Daily Capital nine years. While in Topeka he served as president of the Trades and Labor Council several years.

Mitchell also taught printing trades for several years at the Kansas School for the Deaf at Olathe. Funeral services will be at 2 p. m. Monday. BEHEE SERVICES Funeral service for Charles Behee, 601 Cheyenne, will be at 2 o'clock Monday at the ton Funeral.

Chapel. Rev. J. Clyde Fowler pastor of the First tist Church will officiate and burial will be in the National Cemetery at Fort Leavenworth with full military honors. More than 13 million texts from the Bible were distributed in Japan during the occupation, says the American Bible Society.

EMBROIDERY WITH A PAST East Leavenworth Mrs. Constance Alexander: Funeral service for Joseph Fulk, 87, who died Thursday morning at Cushing Memorial Hospital at Leavenworth, was conducted Saturday afternoon at the Vaughn Funcral Chapel at Weston. Interment was in Graceland near Weston. He was a lifelong resident of the Beverly locality. Survivors are one son, Alva Fulk of Beverly; four grandsons; three great grandsons; two sisters, Mrs.

Janie Cooper of Weston and Mrs. Laura Oliver of Leavenworth and brother, Henry Fulk of Kansas City. A large number of folks from this locality went to Platte City (Sunday afternoon to attend the funeral service of Henry Cannon, 65, which was held at the Christian Church. He died at Cushing Memorial Hospital at Leavenworth Friday morning. He was a lifelong WITT FURNITURE CO.

New Location: 404 Cherokee St. AUGUST FURNITURE SALE SPECIALS LIVINGROOM SAVE Smart Lawson style, tion, you pay at least $80 to $100 beautiful to cover, spring construc- suite. $89 more reupholster your Trade in your furniture now. with your old suite. 3-Pc.

Modern SECTIONALS Limed oak or walnut frame, choice of new Scotty and Metallio Tweeds, Persian Friezes in 24 ferent colors--putterns. STUDIO DAVENPORT SUITES Choice of walnut or limed oak, beautiful modern new sale price way less than you can Red, Green, Brown, Chartreuse, Grey covers, Smart and new. Our $99:95 reupholster your old suite. Trado in now. BEDROOMS nut chest, SAVE included vanity full without size with Includes bed, extra plate coil large cost.

mirror, springs wal- $99:85 SAVE $63.25 Modern (coll springs included without Tone Walnut Suite. Vanity, Chest, full size Bed $139:85 extra cost). Sale price now SAVE Matched Bed, Witt's Thrift Special Incolonial MAPLE Group 5- Drawer Chest on Chest, Twin $149.65 nerspring Mattress and Boxsprings, all completeCRIB SPECIAL: Full three size position natural steel oak, spring drop side, with $24-97 mattress--special Weekly Convenient Personalized Budget Terms--Open Monday Night WITT FURNITURE CO. Alfred Witt, Prop. 404 Cherokee St.

Ph. 3423 Where You May Buy with CONFIDENCE Hendquarters for RESTONIC BEDDINGS of East Leavenworth. Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Alma Cannon of the home; two daughters, Mrs. Leota Alexander of (Leavenworth and Mrs.

Dorothy Dashiell of Tokyo, Japan; three grandsons; one granddaughter; two brothers, Thomas Cannon of Beverly and Charles Cannon of Hampton; two sisters, Mrs. Jettie Miller of East Leavenworth and Mrs. Etta Miller of Iola, Kas. Mrs. Jesse Cannon has returned to her home after having been the guest the past two months at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr.

and Mrs. Leo Graham in Denver, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Noll and daughter were Sunday guests at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Leo Olvis and Mary Elizabeth. Etta Faye remained for a few days visit. Mr. and Mrs.

John Elmer Alexander and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Alexander and children of Leavenworth, were visitors Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alexander.

Mr. and Mrs. Loren Fulk of Leavenworth, Mr. and Mrs. Howlard Fulk and sons, Mr.

and Mrs. Donnies Fulk of Platte City, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fulk and soni. were guests Sunday at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Alva Fulk. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stratemeyer, who have been living on the Poos farm south of Beverly the past several years, have moved to a farm they recently purchased from Jack Divina on highway 92 east of Beverly.

Women's news meeting. Members present: Mesdames Suzan Asher, Opal Bates, Ruth Banister, Virginia Dearinger, Frances Eberth, Mildred Florence, Della Grishman, Mary Lou Hein, Winnie Hein, Ethel Holyfield, Gladys Kenton, Betty McClurg, Lillian Meyers, Rosa Petherbridge Moses, Pauline Nance, Mary Peterson, Frances Woods and Thomas Drake. Mrs. William Berg was hostess to the Glen Valley Social Club at a covered dish luncheon and meeting at her home on RR 3. Members present included: Mesdames Edward Alig Edward Alig Gesorge Bacon, Antone Berg, Walter Berg, Will Berg, Clarence Bergman, Lula Chapman, William Chapman, Josephine Finneran, John Guenther, William Guenther, Charlie Heim, Fred Hoppe, Henry Krueger, Claude Frey, Minnie Komers, Margaret Morton, Ernest Raymond and Fred Vanderstaay.

Guests were: Mrs. Edward Seldel, Betty Berg, Doris Alig, Linda Alig and Gary Chapman. During recreation hour, prizes were won by Mrs. Edward. Alig Mrs.

Lula Chapman and Mrs. George Bacon. I Mrs. William Chapman will be the hostess at the next regular meeting. Advertising in newspapers increased 5.6 per cent in 1950 over 11949 in 52 large U.S.

cities. Nothing beats 6 in. Skillet 85c Wagner Iron for frying or pot roasts ready-to-use "Pre-Seasoned" 8 in. Skillet $1.35 9 in. Skillet $1.45 in.

Skillet $1.75 in. Skillet 52.35 $3.45 So inexpensive you can afford every in. pot roaster (Dutch Oven! NEW heat-proof -thru covers fit chicken fryer, dutch even and stiller. There is nothing to compare with the extra delicious flavor of food in. pared in Wagner Cast Iron Ware.

Chicken Fryer $3.45 For taste appeal at every meal, get 10 in. Griddle. $1.75 the complete set, On both electric and gas ranges, it gives the delicious flavor of grandmother's cooking. REY REYBURN HARDWARE CO. "AT.

5th and CHEROKEE SINCE 1883" Car BARGAIN PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMY SPECIAL. Check Ignition Timing, Engine Idle and Manifold Vacuum Check Carburetor Controls, Accelerator Pump Linkage for Proper Seasonal Setting Clean Sediment Bulb Check: Gasoline, Oil, Water, Brake Fluid, Transmission and Rear Axle Lubricants for' Leaks Check Exhaust System for Obstructions and Leaks. CLEANER AND POLISH WITH RYMPLECLOTH Large can of famous FoMoCo two-in-one polish that not only removes dirt and scum but leaves a lasting protective wax film surface. This plus a soft, lintless Rymplecloth that absorbs moisture and dirt as it polishes. BOTH FOR ONLY Come in and "Lets Get Acquainted' Boling Motor Co.

Sales Ford Service 701 Delaware Phone 3245.

The Leavenworth Times from Leavenworth, Kansas (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.