The St. Helena Star from St. Helena, California (2024)

Eight ST. HELENA STAR, ST. HELENA, NAPA COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Thursday, September 22, 1966 Yountville News Joe Jiambetti, a veteran at the Yountville Home, passed away in the Home a few days ago. His sister had his body shipped to New York. Mr.

Jiambetti was a tailor by trade. Margaret Shouldis, Margaret Jennings and Jerry Hickman had dinner at the El Real in Rutherford a few days ago. Everyone had a good time and a delicious dinner. Virgil Bonsey, of the Castle Club, had a birthday recently. (I I don't know if I'm supposed to tell how many days young he was), but may it be said that he does a great job of holding his age.

His friends offer congratulations and wish him many, many more. Johnny Haddox also had a birthday, and of course those of us who know Johnny, wish him the same well wishes. Jim Ronan, former member of the Veterans Home is in Livermore Hospital hoping be released later this month. He was a recent visitor in Yountville for four days. Vi's Cafe in Yountville has installed a shuffle board, making it the third board in town.

The other two are at the Two Spot and Sportsman's Club. Charlie Richardson, Virgil Bonsey, John and Jim Starkey are all going deer hunting in a few days near the Grass Valley area where Charlie is well known. Charlie is familiar with the country, so chances are they won't be disappointed. Talked to Richard Baer of the Veterans Home and he told me he was leaving in a few days to visit his sister in Sun Valley, 70 miles from Palm Springs. A fire of undetermined cause started in the attic of 72-year old Linda M.

See's residence on Oak Knoll and Big Ranch Road Monday evening about 5 p.m. The home that burned had been a big twostory family estate since 1919. It included five bedrooms upstairs with two baths, and six rooms downstairs with a full attic. Practically all the old antique furnishings were destroyed along with the house. Divisions called out to battle the blaze included Napa State Hospital, Napa City Fire Rutherford Volunteer Fire and forestry trucks from Yountville, St.

Helena and Napa. Two firemen were hurt slightly. Bill Boling stepped on a nail and Gary Vogel was cut on the arm. All in all it was a sad sight to see an old landmark gutted so violently as to have to be torn down. Postmaster Charles Herald and wife, Margaret, have purchased the home of the late Walter Tonascia and have DRAG RACING WINNER Dewey Barnett of Yountville, showing some of the trophies he won at Vacaville, Fremont and Half Moon Bay drag strips.

Barnett, 27, is now forming a car club for youths interested in competition driving. (See Yountville cated their residence on Monroe Street. A speech, made by Robert Gorman of the Chamber of Commerce was called to the attention of your reporter. This, in brief, is what he said: "The Improvement Club is just another name for a of Commerce, that the Chamber of Commerce is generally supported by businessmen who wish a job done that he cannot do alone. He said that fast growth of an area isn't always good.

The main project, he stated, is for people to work together and to forget petty differences. Work out a program for a goal and stick to it for a year and see what develops, Gorman suggested. As of now there is no set program. Form a central agency for improvement for community. The three things that keep any Chamber of Commerce going is manpower, money, and mutual respect.

Gorman also said that in his opinion the City of Yountville should have a city map with streets, parks, schools and points of interest shown, so that anyone interested could readily see what was available in town for further development. Allen Dean of the Veterans Home and his wife, the former Dorothy Munden, formerly employed in the Veterans Home Coffee Shop, are in the process of moving to San Pedro, where Allen has been offered a very good job. In an interview with Dewey Barnett and his charming wife, Shirley, and their two adorable and very "un-bashful" boys, Ray and Kevin Lee on Yount Mill Road, the talk was mostly of drag racing. Dewey, 27, has won between 30 and 40 trophies in just about a year and a half of drag racing, some in local competition at Vaca Valley Drag Strip in Vacaville, others in Fremont and Half Moon Bay. Dewey, who is originally from South Carolina, has been in California about five years.

His wife, Shirley, is a native daughter of Napa. They are in the process of purchasing the home on Yount Mill Road where they have been about two months and where they are busily trying to form a drag racing club. Dewey is looking for racing bugs 18 and up who like the sport for what it is, not to settle quarrels and spites; people who like fast driving that are now endangering the lives of others by "lead-footing" it on the highways. The club will let kids join at 16 to get the fundamentals of driving in the races. Anyone who is interested in a small gettogether can call me at 944-2478 to find out more details.

AIN'T IT THE TRUTH: Measles is like love: The older you are when it hits you, the harder it goes with you. If you've got news, tell your STAR reporter. If you're not a subscriber, at least be a supporter. Call 944-2478. James Ibera Now In St.

Helena Sanitarium James Ibera, a resident of Rutherford, was transferred to St. Helena Sanitarium and Hospital this week after convaleseing for some time in a Bakersfield Hospital from injuries received in an automobile accident near there. Re-Introducing to Voters of the Third District CARL T. BENSON Candidate for Supervisor 3rd Napa County Election Nov. 8, 1966 PERSONAL HISTORY Age: 45; Born July 10, 1921, Tryon, Nebraska.

Married: Claudia Brand; three children: Bob, 17; Fred, 15; Claudia 13. Home: 595 Sunset Drive, Angwin. Resident of the area for the past 26 years. Education: Elementary School, Kansas. High School, Kansas and California Higher Education, Heald's Business College.

Pre-medical, Pacific Union College. Executive Leadership at Human Relations Research Institute, S.F. Military Service: Sergeant, U.S. Army, 1942-45; North Africa, Italy, France. OCCUPATION: Owner, Ready-Mix Plant, Angwin.

Road Construction equipment and Paving. Part Owner, Pacific Flight Services, Inc. COMMUNITY SERVICE AND AFFILIATIONS: Past Chairman Howell Mt. School Dist. Board of Trustees.

President Angwin Chamber of Commerce for third term. Grand Jury, 1960. Founder California Small Schools Dist. Association. Member Board of Directors, Angwin Flyers Association.

County Republican Central Committee and State Central Committee. Spearheaded organization of College Research Institute Inc. at P.U.C. Here is the man who seeks your support, and his qualifications. In subsequent ads, he will bring the issues of this election to the voters.

Among them are: taxes, welfare, fire protection, conservation, county courthouse and others. His position is substantially the same as it was in the 1962 campaign: THAT FOR RESPONSIBLE, EFFICIENT, ECONOMICAL GOVERNMENT, IT'S TIME FOR A CHANGE IN THE THIRD DISTRICT. Benson for Supervisor Committee William Kirby, Chairman. W.S.C.S. of Methodist Church Holds First Fall Meeting The W.S.C.S.

of the White Memorial Methodist Church met for their first fall meeting last week. The ladies gathered for a 12:30 favorite salad luncheon. Each lady brought her favorite salad, which was shared by all. Many recipes were exchanged during the social od around the. table.

Mrs. Irene Burgstahler conducted the meeting that followed, with Mrs. Anna Kuenzli giving the devotions. Mrs. Laurene and Mrs.

Burgstahler gave the highlights of the recent School of Missions that they attended in Stockton. December 8 was the date set for the W.S.C.S. annual luncheon and bazaar that will be held in the social rooms of the church. Circles One and Two will meet on Tuesday Sept. 27, at one p.m.

for dessert. Circle One will meet with Mrs. Irma Lamb at White Sulphur Springs and Circle Two will meet with Mrs. Lillian Dudley. Cal-Vets Beat Geno Benedetti to End Diamond Season at Home The Cal-Vets ended their long season at the Veterans Home Sunday by defeating the tough Geno Beneditti outfit, 6-5, and thereupon hung up their spikes for the 1966 season.

Their record was 20 wins and four losses, a tally the Giants would envy. The final game was one of the toughest, with Cal-Vets coming from behind to overcome a substantial lead by the visitors. The score was still 6-5 at the end of the 8th, but Russ Obey on the mound, with the help of sharp fielding of his teammates, spoiled a small rally, and the season ended with an out at second. Borman Field at the Home, saw a lot of baseball, some 79 games, since the season started in April. One of the of the year was the American Legion statewide tournament, which sent the Oakland Post to the regionals then to the finals in North Carolina where Oakland again won.

Thus the Oakland boys topped the nation in the big American Legion baseball program, and St. Helenans who saw the Oakland Post in action, have seen the finest young players in the United States. Zumwalt Ford presented plaques to the winner and runner-up, in the tournament, held in August, and as it turned out, the plaque now joins a host of other trophies won by the East Bay youngsters. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Handy man service and fixit shop serving Angwin, Calistoga and St. Helena from 75 Sky Oaks Drive in Angwin.

Call 965-2866. Will be closed Saturdays. SM-9-22-1tcS Lt. Governor Lauds Veterans Home At Veterans of Foreign Wars Observance "The finest veterans' home of its kind in the nation," that designation was used by Lt. Governor Glenn Anderson Sunday in describing the California Veterans' Home in Yountville.

Anderson, principal speaker at VFW Hospital Day North Ceremonies, acknowledged the Yountville Veterans' Home reputation as providing the finest medical care, recreational and rehabilitation facilities, thus making it the best in the nation. "Nowhere else in this broad land of ours are there facilities equal to those in Yountville." He noted that the 1600 men living at the home are given "The best medical care modern medicine can provide," a fact which Anderson said "is only proper when one considers the services and sacrifices those living at the veterans' home have made. "The Nelson H. Hospital, he said, "is second to none, and that's the only way we want it." Anderson cited the location of the 200-acre veterans' home as "providing one of the best environments of any area in the United States." He also paid tribute to those "gifted" men and women whose leadership helps make possible facilities such as the Veterans' Home." The Lieutenant Governor was the speaker of the day, for the annual trek of the VFW organization to the Home. Originally set for Memorial Grove, the meeting was moved to the Lincoln Theatre when it seemed Father Arthur G.

Wilson Dies at Veterans Home After Long Illness Last rites will be held at the Veterans Home tomorrow morning, (Friday), for Father Arthur G. Wilson, Episcopalian priest, who died Sunday afternoon in Col. Nelson M. Holderman Memorial Hospital, Veterans Home, FATHER ARTHUR G. WILSON that the morning rain might return.

Joseph M. Farber, Director of the Department of Veterans Affairs, spoke on the program he pursued in improving the Home, referring particularly to the new swimming pool, built this year. He promised to continue to seek out ways to enhance the facilities, to maintain the Home as the finest in the nation, in its care for the disabled veteran. He praised the VFW for its contribution to this goal, lauding it as an organization devoted to the welfare of the man who served his country overseas. St.

Helenans at Redwood Empire Sessions Napa County leaders will play key roles at the 46th annual convention of the Redwood Empire Association in Eureka, Sept. 22-24. Lowell Edington of Rutherford, REA executive boarder and director of the Golden Gate Bridge, will outline proposals for double-decking the famous span. Edington's appearance is set for Friday morning in the Eureka Inn. He will be seconded by Director William D.

Hadeler and Bridge Dist. Engineer A. C. Jenkins. Attending as a member of the REA executive board will be Donald J.

McFarland, president of Spanish Flat Resort, Lake Berryessa; and Roy Raymond, St. Helena vintner. Supervisors Howard Dickenson and Julius Caiocca also plan to take part in convention activities. after a long illness. Father Wilson, 78, had served 42 years in the priesthood, and during World War I was a second lieutenant, serving first with the Canadians, then transferring to the American forces when the United States entered the war.

He came to California in 1935, to Culver City. He is the author of a book, an autobiography, "Thy Will Be Father Wilson is survived by his wife, and two children. Officiating at the service in Memorial Chapel will be the Right Reverend Clarence R. Haden, Jr. Bishop of Northern California, Father L.

P. Harris, Rector of All Saints Church, in San Francisco, and the Reverend Thomas Turnbull, Rector of St. Mary's in Napa. Father Hilldon Hutton, of Grace Episcopal Church, St. Helena, will be the acolyte.

Interment will be in Golden Gate National Cemetery, San Bruno, where Father Harris will officiate at the graveside services. 4 A Took 1 PART OF THE LARGE St. Helena crowd that journeyed to Sebastopol Friday night to see the Saints play El Molino is shown in this picture, with yell leader Stephanie Granger in the foreground. LADIES! A FREE GIFT FOR YOU! How would you like to receive a beautiful stainless steel Saladmaster valued at $39.95 and a free dinner, for yourself and three other couples absolutely free? No jingles to write, nor puzzles to work. First 10 couples will qualify.

Fill in the coupon and mail to MELVIN FISHER Box 485 Angwin, California Yes, I would like to see marvelous New Saladmaster demonstrated. I understand that I am absolutely under no Miracles With Lends tion to buy. more excitement and appeal to every meal. So practical and thrifty, too. Na experience neces- NAME sary to operate.

With ease, Saladmaster chops waffles slices ADDRESS crumbs shreds strings grates and prepares food more appetizingly over 200 PHONE ways. JOSEPH M. FARBER, Director of the Department of Veterans Affairs, as he lauded the Veterans of Foreign Wars for their unselfish service to the Veterans Home. On stage are two of the gifts presented to the Home by the VFW, a television set and a new coffee urn for Memorial Chapel. News) LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR GLENN ANDERSON, left, shortly after he had delivered a major address at the annual VFW meeting at the Veterans Home, Sunday.

With him is his friend Jack Schweizer, Chief of Security at the Home, and a VFW member. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Old Time Pit Barbecue and Rally Sunday, Oct. 2 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Napa Fairgrounds Free Entertainment all day.

Barbecue Dinner Adults, Young People under 18, $2. Sponsored by Napa Co. Dem. Council. For tickets, call 963- 2387.

CE-9-22-1tpS TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Clean, modern, one bedroom home. Near Petrified Forest. Fireplace, garage, stove, refrig. $60 per mo. 5320 Mountain Home Ranch road, Calistoga.

942-6653 after 4 p.m. R-9-22-tfcS GOOD NEWS FOR Now at FASHIONLAND we now have a good selection of CAPRICCIOS Footwear for Fashion Minded Women Heels and Flats Suedes and Calf Leathers COLORS: MOSS BURGUNDY GOLD BLACK BEIGE SIZES 5 to Popular Prices $599 to $999 fashioning NOW FREE IN OUR PARKING CUSTOMER PARKING LOT Use Your BANKAMERICARD.

The St. Helena Star from St. Helena, California (2024)


What is the ethnicity of the people of St Helena? ›

The population of Saint Helena consists of the descendants of 17th century British sailors and settlers from the East India Company, African slaves, and indentured servants and laborers from India, Indonesia, and China.

What is St Helena CA famous for? ›

Helena. Nicknamed “Napa Valley's Main Street,” the downtown area of the charming wine-country town of St. Helena (map) brims with lovely little shops, art galleries, and precious cafés set in historic buildings.

Is St Helena CA expensive? ›

Helena cost of living calculator, St. Helena is 68% more expensive than the national average and 23% more expensive to live in than the average city in California.

What was Saint Helena famous for? ›

She famously made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem where tradition claims found Christ's true cross and built the Basilica of the Holy Sepulcher. She is venerated as a saint and considered the patron of archaeologists, converts, difficult marriages, divorced people, empresses, Saint Helena Island, and new discoveries.

What is someone from St Helena called? ›

Residents of Saint Helena call themselves Saint Helenians, Helenians or simply Saints. As there is no native population on Ascension Island, and the majority of residents are from St Helena, there is no demonym for its residents.

What language do they speak in St Helena? ›

The island's population is largely of mixed European (mostly British), South and East Asian, and African descent. English is the only language spoken, and the majority of the people are Anglicans. Jamestown, the only town among the settlements on St. Helena, has about one-sixth of the island's population.

Is St. Helena CA a good place to live? ›

In the heart of Napa Valley, the enchanting town of St. Helena stands as a testament to wine country luxury. Surrounded by world-class wineries, gourmet restaurants, boutique shopping, and a thriving arts scene, St. Helena real estate embodies the pinnacle of California's upscale living.

What is the poverty rate in St. Helena CA? ›

5.69% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in St. Helena, CA (305 out of 5.36k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is lower than the national average of 12.5%. The largest demographic living in poverty are Females 45 - 54, followed by Females 25 - 34 and then Males 18 - 24.

What is the crime rate in St. Helena CA? ›

The crime rate in St. Helena is considerably higher than the national average across all communities in America from the largest to the smallest, although at 18 crimes per one thousand residents, it is not among the communities with the very highest crime rate.

Who was banished to St Helena? ›

Following his defeat in the Napoleonic Wars, Napoleon Bonaparte was forced into exile on St. Helena in 1815 where he was guarded by members of the 53rd (Shropshire) Regiment of Foot. He remained here until his death in 1821.

Who was buried in St Helena? ›

Between 1840 and 1872, more than 25,000 enslaved Africans were brought on to St Helena from slaving voyages intercepted by the British Navy. About one-third died shortly after and were buried on the island in unmarked graves.

What is St Helena real name? ›

Helena, later known as Flavia Julia Helena Augusta, mother of Constantine the Great, was credited after her death with having discovered the fragments of the Cross and the tomb in which Jesus was buried at Golgotha. Helena was born at Drepanum in Bithynia, later renamed after her Helenpolis, about the year 250.

Who are the native people of St Helena? ›

These mainly consist of St Helenians (known as Saints), British and Americans although nationalities the world over can be found on the island.

What ethnicity is the name Helena? ›

Helena, a Greek girl's name, means "shining light" and is a variant of the names Eleanor and Helen. It offers a youthful sound that's carefully balanced with its old-fashioned feel.

What is the racial makeup of Helena Montana? ›

In 2022, there were 23.1 times more White (Non-Hispanic) residents (28.7k people) in Helena, MT than any other race or ethnicity. There were 1.24k Two+ (Non-Hispanic) and 1.22k White (Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups. 4.79% of the people in Helena, MT are hispanic (1.56k people).

Where did St Helena slaves come from? ›

Rupert's Valley was probably even more polyglot. Shipping records suggest that slave ships that landed in St Helena had embarked from ports across Central and West Africa, including present-day Angola and the Congo region (see 'The route to Rupert's Valley').

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.