The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

I yac'Jt India Blng. et 10 'clock, rt 49 street Smith kQ 014 Iroa, AncBors.Wigat, at 'dock, oa Thall street, aar teniae, Leauasoat BU lummer Clothing. Ac, fte at 10 tt their Boctioa rooms, Casrtres street those and Rrans, ittuuliMiul place. irpl sti asandles. taHlm Oil.

at 8 tbs Lev, op posits Poet IT. Second Di jo. WBH, at 10)4 'deck, at Old 1 ft C. sH Furniture, at Ml, s'clock, at net fTBat, Co. aril Content af a Grocery, at xk, at corner af Bampart aad Delord eta, i 'TrtJBaBnta, I fflaaoate.

1 COMMANDEBT NatMaaenle a tms evening. i No. 9. Hall of Meant Horlah A A. hL, Odd Fallow' Hall, assets this L0D6B Na ts Mntonie Ball, avseta tbit LCDflB lu Maaanie Rail, meets tbi TODeB Ka.

r. A. earner of Meg iiuia treta, fwtk District, meet tbi "OB rTe.144, P. sad AM, MaMfny aaor a thi evening. Odd Fellow.

DGB Na Baaaa Na ft. Odd Fellow' 3B Na 18, Kaon Ma. 1, Odd Ftilow' evening. olam Na at, Polar Star Hall, St LanJa this evening. IN LODOS "ago.

Boom No. k.Odd.1 wit wna Sri gag see Last Paaa.) nrmint Hopkins, 31 P. M. 1.GALVF.8TON, Hutching. A.

M. TENNE88EB. Forbes, 1A.M. w.m.D.r.lEKN,ti.ll. Buanco, P.

M. aei.raaT ray. 6 P. M. A O.

TYLOR, Collier, a P. 1L CREOLE, P. M. rte CATAHODLA. Walkar.i P.

M. BATOU BELLE. Way, a P. M. Tlrgiaina DntsI la aathorlMd to tanUh with th 7CiSrtDiogPia7irjM.

Any order ItehliBwUl properly attdndtd to LTirrOIt jmo ISDIANOLA Ballroad mabta afkOVOUA will leave aa there an I feOajtU), latblaat, Be adTarOaaneBt Taaaa' 1 aaatket aaiaaia, COMISNEr.i PBR8TCABiaBIP r. turn Mew lark Tbje eeaMl boa arrived a carg a her wharf, acveetta Mary 'a era rae.naated4 take aattca that all ue at their rub aa mom aa leaded aa the with that teaeBOT'a bill a( Udlnf. Pal TIMER 4k CO, Afenf. jo Aaoneyef the Haw Ortrana, Cairo and af fcalireed Packeta. ta coaoectloa with rWaad Obla aad Hlariaaippl Ballroada, tbelr Aeeacy waa the otftca oi Mr.

W. aaaer tka IV Caariea Betel, aad have IveacT at Cam etreet, earner af Caav 6. WATNE, etaeral Afent, aad oeht Afrat, att be found. curroii) watwe, i OU I ao K. Bk 1 1 AVELERS PUR NEW i New Terh at Oraatiy the MebUe Mail Line OtB TORJL Badacsd ice.

No. so inut by three roatee, vlsi Dolly, by i kMte ta Mobilo aad Montgomery by ad tbe teali ay railroad. Time throafb. or aavannah sreamthlna to New "wwea week byeteamaeata to Mobile aad i iiaoe by rail read either ta Cbarieetoa or i toeaea by apstadtd ateamthlpa ta New 1 era. am ettbor by tbe Charleston or Savannah tbreaskbyattbeTreate er farther Informa B.

OEDDES, Afeaij 90 Sravlei etreet. atarcb aj, laao. mill Htw Dallara Oa Meaday alfht last, la tbe nelhbAThood of BioBTiUa streets, tbe tree papers of ELIZA r.LK. The above reward will oa paid on neir el issBienvlllo etreet, apis It Faraltare) ler Fale. CTITntAlt.

ratirlnt from boue keeplnf, will dls A ef aw entire hooe hntd farnitare, (meet of it tared sr etkrtcht,) at a (rest sacrihre. If aold aad ia block. i cMwae may be eeea at tbe office af PAL FRET It Aettieaatra. tt Camp street apis At Had Cedar Cheat. "Ztl MOtit*OMERT At SMITH, at the Old sacUea Btert SI Cammtreet, will keep constantly A a awaa sapeiy ef Ilea Cedar Chests, which they exadis a sore pre entire against tbe moths, for I daring the Spring aad Summer, curtains, car i Maakets sad all kinds of woolen apsarel ecaastaat and mcreaaed daanand for these rbests as aast voars ia tbe best anarantee of.

toe tenth of all are iwiialil Hsasekeepera, In the city or nrry, wne vnsa areserre lueir vaiuame apparet tram rj hy the rneins, ahaold pnichaaa one of these u. apis 1 1 ry.t PHE fallawrngScrra, tbe lesae of tbe Crescent jftitael ineirraiirr company, viat Of li. Numbered Wt for 1V4, Wt 110. I a isa ism, 5 xa irieg seen lest or mislaid, application will be made at rad of thirty days rar the renewal of tbe same, a Buuuiau at i uumu BODII POR RENT With er weaont ParnU I tare Jernitere for Sale A twe etory Hooae, with i dtaaaaederntawcaTcaiSBta. ana.

ate. aa Canal 1, aear Marala. i apl.V Hpltiu Tarpentiae. and la stars lu lots to salt. Par sale BLE88ET at CO.

T3TH0 Canapbeas). naaad, In store, or tale hy i E. BLEagET ft CO. Baala. Ss.leadt,tad iaading.

For sale by B. Bl.EsStV At CO. Krni CarsBsa, es ship Realm, si E. I lanrllne. For tale E.

BLESSLf ft Ca Lluaeed Oil. '13 mi Baav landiag art4 la store, Por sale E. BLEtgET at CO. Caa tor O.I. Indies, landing and in it ore.

E. BLE8SET ft CO. Cew Peaa. Carolina end Loolslana, la store. lcKI For 0J fAkl kaf K.

ISltSaSET ft Poydras street The Oaly Article rN'RIVAIiED IN MARKET, VTUh Immense Lease ltd EaropeauB DenueT. why, 1 that by Nature own proem It rrs the aai oral color peimsaantly i rV I so ppiies tbe natural fluids, an aud aeadsi removes all dandrutl. ny alter tne neir and thus makes oil. itehln. and a Iks seals, quiets and tones ap tbe nerves, and mi Berveee headache, and may be relied upon Meskm ef the scalp aad hair it will stop sad firag eT auifc.s it soft, glossy, he Ithy aad If esad by tbe young tw.

or three timee a sever fall sS ar become gray i then, reader, "lag, and Judge for yoaraelve i 4 New York, January 8, l5g. I. Wood ft Co Gantlemen i Having beard 'sat Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, and quite srav, I made sp my mind to lay aside which ia common with a great many 'trust all man Be of potent medicines, and oa I commenced using your actios, to teat i km been so very eatiifsetorT that I em very asd fas iastiee lo you, aa well ea for the eu et eahert who may be as gray aa I was, but J4 pvriadlee without my rmou for setting live your RestoraU re a trial till "Ll'I?" "sd Che best proof being occolar taaa.Tk,k letter, which yon may IJ e.rJvwy'd.' Win Wito much Improved in 1 ass, you reipectfo'lv HMtl JrTxatMS ear. Columbia end Csmu iiT, Broeiii, Livingston. Alabarsa.

Pebraer I hum lad Sip Vnn, U.I. r71? ieod in able part af the c.uMrT tftltly diminishing for JfJi 'l "8ht boen, when I wm wav ta asa vosr MLI. IkL. wa mm it. jvm him ynpvn Soars, S.

W. MID Dt ETON. IVr. vev it, uuHciiiuia Bcimiim gj, inn i. sea uesr Blri Year Heir HettoraUv flair Res tors ties la oeneociai to me.

The front and also tne I back. I eimoat tost lit covering was la fact bald. i tut two half Dint bottles af vaar Reatarativa. J'1 at my bead is wsll studded with prona voaag hair, and the front Is alas receiving its tried other preparaUm wtthoat aay I think ftoes my own personal re com leas mduce many others te try it leura, respectfully, D. SL THOMAS, 464 etreet.

iveipt lp tn bottles of thra ertet, vixi and toisll. Tbe tmaU bsldt naif a pint, and kHiarpwhetUai the madium holds atUast I am ht STupaetton than the small, retails a kotuai tbs kvf holds quart, forty par raaalls tat three eVllars peg I. WOOD ft PTirprletors, jf i Si Broadway. New Tern, 1 i aiarxo. anal, wa Ma.

''''lllttiii ei eeastantlv aaaallad with tha vines will be i thUteasaa, 1 any aaewn ht thia I. wbA iut" "Ui be eid to aealera Bpoa ee.j are vsrv tuperior. sad srket. BOItTON ft C0 tatawa ttmt.

re a fine bead of bale aow arawtT esad all other remediea known, to sasst valuable remedy now extant end a2 for akin a ease tbe rior age, a. the af Is ia MISCELLANEOUS TBB etrle af oar flrn te frvra tul dav clinJi. TBUfLE EIL1 i. a.4 a a LOLP 2 ill fi hold. full Power of Atto forthTme!" rOrtrant, Aprils IW OrkMae, April Ik.

lwe. TODD. kjreby fin that the anderslatked have Ar? SETTS tK.i?'.' aaVbare Hrcheaed the eaUir Interest ef the late firm of Todd Ca. la the botf neajbtretofore carried on by toonL Orlcana. AsrU ueti.

WW. M. BBTTS, GEO. NAIRNE. HA ISO aoid oar entire Interest in the cerpet baeiaeea, at nn 10 Canal etreet, we recommend oar eacces eore, Heam BETT8 rf AIR HE, to oar frieo ie and tbe public, and truat that ha faron.

heretofore aajoved by oa, Bay be extendee to them. Kew Orleans, April IMS. apl TODD CO. NOTICE At by act, before E. S.

Gottsrhslk Public, on the isth Iaateclated myself Notarr with Mr. com The leather and findlnsa bnslneee will be continued, at before, ander tbe stylo of LEON PIERRE CO. Hew Orleans, April It. lew. L.

PIERRE. DISSOLUTION OP COPARTNERSHIP The copart nertbip beretofare ealstlnf ander tbe stylo of LEON PIERRE 4 has been dlMolred by the death of one af the pe tre and by matnal consent of the aabacrlaera. Mr. Leon Pierre the anly person wha will settle tbe eosraeea bf the concern. New Oiioaiu, March lath, 1869.

i SAORDEI, pl4 1 L. PIERRE. JEef. Feeker'a Magle iatp. RICH needs but a trial ta prove its Real Excellence.

100 pounds for 1. This preparation recommendt itself to erery family IU many valuable properties It it free from aU deleterious qualities, and may be used without injury to the and the an oat delicate iabrica. It saves labor, almost sapereedlng the necessity of rubbing; washing caa be done ia half the time, no billing required. 3. PUnaelt aad colored stuffs can be washed with the of cotton and linen, without fo'Un or shrinking, aad color restored to ite original brilliancy.

4. It will Instantly remove greese aad dirt from paint er varnish, without any water whatever protecting windows, carpets and furniture from aads er slops. The worst bilge water atalns removed from paint immediately, by applying tbe aeap with aapenga. s. For Rinovtsf dirt, grease and tobacco stains from marble er other Boor will be found superior to any ether soap.

a. For cleansing, softening or healing "the ekln. It It un eqaaled alea an excellent and effective dentifrice, lea using the gunie aad whitening the teeth. T. It la acknewledged by all who have tested Ha rape qualities, te he one of the greatest discoveries af tbe and Its use is Indispensable to the comfort of every family and tbe convenience of every hotel, ship, steamboat or laundry.

For washing flaoBela aad laces It particularly recommends itself. Try It 1 Pull d'rections aa all packages. Also, Prof. Packer'! Type Cleansing 8o)ntion. Manufactarad and for sale by J.

B. ABU No. 153 Old Levee, apl4 lat Corner of Jefferson street, N. O. Valaable Tkereaakreel Block Fer Male.

riitiE anaeretgaed win aatl at public auction, in the tawa at natchitocbea, bn MONDAY the sd dav of May. lane, a large Stock, of the most ai and valuable lot of Thoroughbred enwraved and fashWinahM Mnrvi Tbe lot conaisU brood mares, colts and Allies. The pedigrees will be aaaannced la lull oa the day ef sale. Tbe stock may be seen uatll the day of sale, at the Plantation of Pbaror Pradhernma, Esq is milee below town ef, Set" Terme Cash. A.

LECOMTE. apis ft PBAROR PRCDH0MME. WkaJe. WHALE, hv Vaarher. dam Ttnlahra.

bw hn Leviathan. (sister te wiantees, wiU aaake a esaaoa at Mr. D. r. Ashland Plsntatian niih Ascension, at Sat tbe eeaeoa aad si to the gro im.

The price ef the season to be sent with the mare. Whale la a rich bleed bay, felly 1 hands kigb. of great bast enbataace. Be was a superior race noraa, having distancee, from eae mile heats to four mile heal oaaaty end ving run eu hears i waa never beaten never having lost a heat or paid a forfeit. Excellent Bermuda pasturage furnlshsd to marea treat a distance, gratia marea grain fed at ti a week.

apia dlWlm W. GRAVES. The Eeeiembt Ceektaff Stere. THE subscribers in rite tbe public to call and examine thie new and superior first class Cooking 8 tore, which bow being introduced in South. It la got up on scientific principles aad has advantagee aver aay othe Stove now la use; the doqre are filed even aad smooth, and shut perfectly air tight each door ia lioed with tin and tin reflectors are attached to the top and hot torn of tbe Stove, thereby retaining all the beet generated wttTca would otherwise escape, as hi tha case in a'l ordinary stoves.

There ia a tin closet attached to the back of the Stove, which ie convenient for keeping plates and victuals warns i also a crmoer reservoir af the eanacitv af Ift ta an gallons, by which caa at all times he had a large supply? not water i the arrangements tor boiling and roasting are pen ret in roasting, tne meat is pat on a spit. In toe tin site hen, which aeit in front of tbe fire boa, aad the meat roasted from the heat of the eeala, and not from tbe iron: This Stove will do mora, and with half tha labor and fuel that ia required in ordinary stoves It may, with truth, be styled the ne plus nitre Conking Stove. ACBTIN ft GOODWYN, apl la cor. Front Levee and Cnttamhoare ate. Dwelling; IJeaae te Real at Paaa Chrlatlaa gucg, A very desirable Residence to rent till 1st No II j3 veraber next, consisting of four large rooms' on tbe nrat noor, wuo a twelve loot nan ana a large dining room in tbe rear cart of the dwellinai two rood bed rooms in tbe second story i three very large servants' rooms, staoic ana wmsrt nouses, peuiry, storeroom, sec, Ac(a fine bath house and wharf.

The house Is furnished complete, with everything required for a large family; with mattresses, crockery and glassware, cooking stoves, aud everythiag requisite in the kitchen. For furrher particulars, apply ta JOHN D. BBIN. apis 6 1 an Camp street Teerls, LiOcomotlTee, Patterns. THE Lawrence Machine Shop offers for sale, at very redaced prices.

IU tools lo use, which cost Btsono, ana are oi tee oest quality. They cempnie Latnee, ria ners. Trip Hammers, Anvils, Boring and.Spilning Me chines. Post Drills, aad every kind of tool requires? ia a large aad first class estebtishmeat. Also, ell tbe Patterns and Shafting of said thon.

Also, new tools, such a Lathes, Planers, Stationary En ainea, Ac, Ac. Also, two Passenger and four Freight Locomotive, re ctiitly built to order, of beautiful model, and excellent ia every particular S4 tons, 4 teet us incnes range. 1 he articles msy be examined at the Works in Lawrence, and a deacriptirc list aumbered, may be found at my ofiice. J. H.

W. PAGE, Treasurer. spit ttawftw 14 Rllhy street. Boston. Mass.

Jarksan RallroRd I'rsnerlv. Tbe subscriber, bavins two lmoroved olaces. situ ated an the Jackson Railroad, TO miles from New Or leans, three boar and a half run by tbe care. Is de sirous of selling tract of eeo acres af good cotton land, with all tbe improvements, having a comfortable dwelling bouie, with four large rooms, large hail and wide front gallery, kitchen and outboaae for servants, fine well of never failing water, milk house, stable, eu Alia a good veeetabte tardea, now nlanted and laokincwell: about citbtacree iu eatst twenty live acres under a new fence Hue oak shade. Tha property It attseted la fall view of coia otauoo, iour miiea aDove amite ana tnree aDove Mr.

McNtrr'e Rove' Academv.lae very respectable neieb hot bood, half mile front on tbe Railroad. For farther rerticulars, apply to J. C. RANDOLPH, at Tyler Cotton frets, newvneena. apu im Jsiaa Vara Tabera.

A OTHER small lot Just received and for ss'e ts viouiiacitn, li. sturii at apis ttf 81 Gravier street PLANTERS I Call and see the Celebrated FELT ON GBIHT A1IL.L. It grind all kind ef Grata, Crushes and Orinit Corn and Cob together, and Hull Cotton Seed. SaT Said under.s full guarantee. VB8E ft WEST.

143 and 148 Magarlne street aplii at LAND AGENT AND BEAJ EITATE BR0RER, Office. No. 14 Contl street New Orleans. WILL attend to Land Claims In the different Land Offices ta the State, and ia the Land Departments st wasnmgum ity. Soger Estates bought and sold on Comralsrlon.

apis 9m The New Faaey Family Grocery. Corner Camp and Julia streets. IS NOW OPEN, and well stocked with a choice and fresh supply of first clsss GROCERIES, ot every description, and It Is tbe determination of tbe oroortetor to keep none but the very best Choice Goshen Butter will at ail times be furnished et a moderate price. Tea of th very first quality Sudan and Coffee, the beat tbe market affords. Goodt delivered to anv part of the citv free of charge, sod ail article guaranteed te give perfect satiitsction.

1 snau siway endeavor to please, and nope by strict attention to business sad fair detlingi, to gain a bdbtc oi ins pauuc patronage. epU tfY wTh. HTNNINO, Proprietor. A Bare Chaaee Owing to the death of my brother. I am com polled to give my whole attention to my establishment at Baton Bouge, and therefore offer my Drug Store in thl city for tale on very reasonable terms.

Appiy uameaiateiy, on tne premises, te WILLIAM BOUEL, apli tfY comer Chartrea ans Customhouse eta. Breema and Empty K.ega. OAA DOZEN BROOMS. tCXjyJ 100 dotea half and quarter BARRELS. Now landtag and for sals ex bark Aurelia.

G. M. BATLY ft aptf lot 99 Common end 49 Canal ttreet. Grand Becatta At Dan Hickok't Lak Xad Few 8hU Soad, 2 ON SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 1899, At IS o'clock, M. ft Sweepstake, free for all Boat measuring feet er wader.

Entrance, 89. Will come off at the above place, ander tt, n.alce ef the Crescent City Yacht Club. The Boats are new entered John HdtMu. anirie vr eh. nntM 05 Btllt this eatan by Joba Maaoney, not i iThs rt t.i.

Ium i tw pirlt ef th. Timu ,11 i (HWIWW, HWWH IU, r1 tueir clsaa, wui, ie seaitioa to the aatrted TBmt ereot. an exrldas and Interestlae race, as Ht rSKMsank mmmbI WistW. anlA eA t.ui aa I aulbwfd.H'h. Nhera liiSzJtt.f7t PtalB abeet tSree' hundred and wvifl never tsmng springs at WUlbe id ta lot ef tea acre er raere, te teat purcbHtr, and at eery low prices apply to Apply to fMBH i KaCATT, nest voo r.

St. hso Gardea, Field aad. Flemer Meeda. Plaata. Ornasacntal kQrukVry.

Flaota. c. can at all thwea ba tannd Km. im the St Cbsrii.T'" wiansawraet. epposite apri lniWy Besldeaee Fer Sale, opportenlty for prraoni wanting a desirable fsr a countrv rtkUsnSa.

la one ef the moat aewtav aoroaas ar iiu a asTArauL BT their BY tbe SO' SO 46 6 ISO Jna. J. H. Jno. Jna.

Jna H. Dan. J. 1. J.

O. Wm. No All faslf 11 BW IbT Bw A any of the Mi AUCTION SALES. aad Pare Tlnea, He Wlaee, uriTi yii, ws BT BERNARD TDRPIN, Aactsaeer W10 be stld at auctioBion FRIDAY. AorU 16.

IBM. at Uk achet atore No. Old Levee street Tt easke deep Red wine, r.r, pa quarter pipes Pert 66 octavee Madefrs Wine. 15 quarter pipe Madeira WUa. lie baskets OUve Oil.

Piagaiot 1 Terma at tale. Bet Claret aad White. Wlae la caalu, Cegaac, BT BERNARD TTJRPIN. Aucttooeer WU, be sold at aactten an FRIDAY. AorU 16.

ism, a Tir taa Levee, opposite Hospital stmt. Sacead Pkitrict a. a. at ti. so casaa nnraeana tiares.

se casts Bite wine. SS qr nipea Cognac, Becker ft Cocaaetaax. MocUvee IS half 60 half pipes Cognac, Oreibal ft Llbelln. tar Terms Liberal at tale. spn Iwdlat Haaaiaa India HwkI.w.

BTD. E. MORPtflf, Auctieneer Wlllbieold uancUoa an FaMDAT. the 1Kb Inst, at 10 o'clock, 4 Msgaxlne etreet, fer account of whom asr 161 piece India Bigglng. Terms Caen.

apU Credit Bale lOO easea af Bttu aad aaees, Palm Leaf and Legharn Hate. BLACHR ftLE ADMON Auctioneer! Will be told Bt auction en FRIDAY, the iiut in aactlun rooms. No. tt Chartrea street i too cases et itoou and Shoes. 40 caset of Men's and Boys' Palm Leaf Hata.

Also 1" eseet of Leghorn Hats. Terms at sale. Freach Braadlea, Hardlaee la Oil, dee. BERNARD TDRPIN, Auctioneer Will be sold at auction on pniitiv 1.1 s.i.k Leiee, onaosite Post rr Second 'District pacaagea atocheue Brandy, fourtbjproof, Hivert Felle voisin. pact age Bochelle Brandy, eighth fourth proof, A.

'Camua. coaea Sardine la oil, A. Camut, loo half boxea. quarter boxes. L.

Leveaqoe, lou half boxra. 60 loo quarter boxes. Landing es ship Pepperell, from Batdeaux. eaTTerms Liberal at sale. apt 4 BALLS BALLS.

Faacy Dreea aad Ball, For the Benefit of the JEFFERSON HALL ASSOCIATION, To take place at UNION HALL, Toorth District, Oa TOESDAT EVENINO, April 1869. Managers D. orris. M. T.

co*ckriU, W. W. Wilson, Jno P. Brants, H. Stanley, Jno.

8. Burke, W. C. Dallas, ernes Jester, J. Lebde, G.

E. Medina, Alden McLelland. H. nicholson, Spahn, Letch, rimer, William, D. Lemle, M.

laser, Ed. Blaaa, Wm Smith, Charlet Rica, Tbomaa Loan, MoUier, Curia. Mehle. n. vutier, H.

Wmiains, Nafe, uerara. Mi. xt. Burton, Commltte of Invitation Cbarlee Bice, Thomas Lunn, John D. Norria, P.

Lehde, Chris. Mehle, L. Mollier. H. Nicholson, Committee of Reception H.

Hlcheleon, W. W. Wllaea, 8. P. co*ckriU.

Floor Manager! E. Medina, E. H. Barton, Alden McLelland. Frank, H.

WllUams, G. W. Butler. Admission Tickets caa be bad from either af the above aamee manager. Applications for Ladle' Invitations can be made to the Committee of Invitation, which will meet every Monday evening, at 7 o'clock, at the Ball Room.

Lady will be admitted without aa Invitation Ticket approved by tbe committee. masked persona will be required te an mask before en tering the Ball Room. Tbe bone care care will be In attendance for ncreana re. smum toe cay, saa om mouses (or Jeflersoa city. PROF.

J. VEOAS'S LAST CkJldrea'a Ball aad May Day CelebraUea, AT ODD FELLOWS' HALL, On MONDAY1 EVENING, May 1858. Prof. J. VEGAS respectfullv Informs his Wends and tbe public In general that hi Last Children Bau ane may festival, under bis own supervision, will be given at the above mentioned Hall an tha td of Mar.

lam The ceremony of the May Celebralon to commence st past o'clock; followed by the Children's Ball until o'clock, after which the Ball tor the Adults will bevin. The Hall will be magnificently decorated ta aad outside expreetiy for this occasion. Committee of Invitation W. C. Wilson.

Prof. M. D. Dlailtry, Dr. T.

Aulotx, Geo. Law, L. H. Watson. N.

I Hoev. Anthony Bambola, W. I. Hodgson, Lewi Dncourneau, C. T.

Nash Floor Managers Prat i. Vegas, Jos. P. Vegas. Ladles aad Misses wishing to obtain Invitation will pleas send their names and residences to the Secretary, at the Bail Room Office, er ta Prof.

J. Vegas, at Odd Fellows' HslL Positively no ladies' avritationa caa be obtained am the day oi the Bell. Gentlemen tickets caa be obtained at the Hall, and Musks Starrs. Ne one will be admitted except he presents ha ticket at tha door. apio td GENTLEMAN, well acuuainted In' Western Texas.

will visit that State In a few days and take charge of bntlnett entrusted to him. City reference given. Ad drees C. at tbis office. apis at a THE public are notified that SAMUEL POTMAff I not the Agent for the VJCARER CITY INS.

CO. Philadelphia, and haendaeuibority in aay way to bind Company, and that no art af his will bt ratlhed or acknowledged by said Company. P. E. BHATTDCK.

Gent Agent. New Orleans, April 14, 16. apl4 6tH TEN DOLLARS REWARD Ran awav an Tuesday, Hth inst, the mulatto boy JOSH, about i 94 years of age, 6 feet 4 or 6 inches high, and Is siign'iy naia. ne nee ton letters c. marted wttb India Ink on one of his arms and eoes bv the Dime of Charley Sonet." captains ot steamboats are rantionea irom receiving hini ss he will try to paaa himself oil aa free.

The above rewara win ne paid tor nis arrest Appiy to api i at ubl. kCjaun ri i t.nv, irt.onu8t. I. OWL. ON the race track.

April Hth. a BLACK. INDIA ROBBER CANE, With mv name on the gold head. If tbe finder will leave it at the St. Chance Hotel, he will be liberally rewarded.

f.apl4 3t J. L. HUNTER. FOR RENT Two desirable Front Rooms, furnished, in a private family. Apply corner 8t Andrew and Magarlne streets.

6t STOKE TO RENT That derirabla two s.orv Brick Store, now occupied by tiuberuator, Terry ft Wells, corner of Rsmnart and Triton Walk. Shell Road aide. New Basin. Weil located for a Provision and Hardware store. Rent moderatr.

Pseasioa given on the 1st of May. Apply to WALTER N1COL. apis tt is et, cnarlrs strerr. Dutch Ilerrlnaj. KEGS ex ship Edwsrd, from Rotterdam, just 300 received and for sale bv MOMMY.

LULING ft pit tff 16 Carondelet street. For Male. LOGWOOD A small lot now landing from schooner Harriet Lewis, direct from Laguna. MEXICAN COTTON 8EED A small parcel direct from Aivaraao. J.

W. ZACHARIB ft eplt St 103 Customhouse street. Dleutliie Aaaerlatloa. PROPOSALS for renting the Booth on the Metslrie Race Coarse for the January aad April Meetings of 1860. will be received until Wednesday.

April to he Bddressedto SIDNEY 8 TORY. td becretery. For Hale. AN Al Fainter and Pissteeer, fuilv rnaranteed. Apply to TOWN BEND, TOMPKINS ft apU 6t 9 Magaxine street Mackerel and Herring.

1 Cfl BARRELS Large, Medium and Small So. 3 JLOLf MACKEREL. 100 barrels Halifax HERRING. Both beta verv low nrlced and well suited for Planta tion use. Planters and merchants w'll please favor With their order.

O. M. BAYLY ft CO ap9 lot 99 Common aad 49 Canal etreet Jamei B. c9mlth cb Phllsirlelpbia, HAVE Just Issued the first of a aeries of volumes, each containing a collection of speeches and writings of such of the public men of the country, as possess tofli cient eminence, to justify such a publication of their political productions. The first volume, which it now ready, conttitutee a full collection of tbe Speeches, Mea sases, and other Writings, of the Hon.

Albert G. Brown, a Senator in Congress from tbe Stale of Mittiatippi, sod lormeny woverner ot tnat state: eoitea ny as, w. Closkey, Est Postmaster to the Home of Representa uveaoi tne united states. Tbe above Work contain 616 page, rrreiseed by Blo grapbiral Sketch and Portrait on Steel of the dist (uithed subject Complete in one Urge octavo volume, strongly and handsomely bound In sheep, best library style. Price S3 copies sent, postage paid, by mail, on receipt of price i duos oi six, me iraoe aoouia eeno eeny order direct to tbe publishers to secure copies from first edition.

Also, Just reedy, a new, revised and ranch improved edition of the POLITICAL TEXT BOOK. OR ENCYCLOPEDIA 1 invaluable for nolltical sneakers or writers. Contalnins the history of every political question that ia the subject ot eiscuation. 'ine most important political iocamentt, Con grew Ion si Notes, Ac, are contained in it 800 parrs, large Svo. Price, S3 1 copies sent postage paid on receipt of price i clubs of els, 816.

A new ana mncn lmprovee eaiaon oi BURTON'S ANATOMY OP MELANCHOLT i tenet ted and enriched by translations of numerous, extracts from the last London edition. One volume, too pears. Ulostrsted with steel enrra vines price St to i one volume, 700 pages, illustrated with steel engrav ings, naif call, price Address order for tbe above, to insure Ijnrnediate attention, direct to the publishers. To Arents J. B.

ft Cs. also prrblilh over 900 different works In every department of literature catalogue of which, sad sag. Information necessary to tne agency oust new, will be forwarded free by maU on application. i sat. sr.

imia apt int 610 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Mai MatsteL. 150 CAJKBa4SM beared ALFRED BvEARNT, 79 Magwdna street; Cettea Iaada. tA "in A ACRES of the choice Lands of Arkansas, OU.UUU In tbs counties of Monroe. Jackson and Baadolnh.

selected end oaten ted. mors than twentw weara since titles indiapatabts i above oveiBowi aear to coa st at aavigatioa are ouerea te oa sats ia bedtee at BOO to tore acre, ss may be desired. Tsrme One fourth esse or Its equivalent raaidse, 1. appiicatlens ta care et a. l.

irveiiy st new or i leans, or letter to ne at LoulsTllle, promptly attended to. tap 1m GEO. HANco*ck. i Prom me Stable. 33 Franklin street, Seconal District an iroa gray green MULB, aad a bay HORSE without shoe.

Any person bcisgisg them te my ttaoi thsll be rewarded. Bint at" gwun vvnnuisaaa. i at 1 AUCTION. SALES GreeeHee, lTwwIaiea endfLIaa. BY 1.

oal i 1 1 is 1 1 atVid in lu be aoid at aacUea SATDRDAT, the loth last, at e'elack. at store soldi ion ouce Lftoar i i wi aoxae cnarssL boxes Boaa tee kegs Lar4 40 bamlt Whiskey SO baaei Tobaeea. 100 boxet Candles. firkiaa aad kegs Batter. Gin, waukey, W.

Blaa, Hama, Shenldera, Cards, Cooft.6. H.r.lnrltr.wb. mea, Charae, ClgaiVeTc asraerma esse, i pi Eicht Flae L.lcht Iiareaehee aadiJitcsiea At Auction, Without Rewrve. BT MONtOOMERY ft BMITHrT atT Mrmtsomerv. Aactfcmoer Wiil be sold at taction on BaTU RAl! ltxbiat, at It o'clock, at the Old Aactlssi nCamp Eight fine light Barouche and Banian, SaT Sale Fodtive.

eraas Cssb, Bm'um Eisateca Caaee New 8tle Faaer Bf VINCENT ft CO. Will be sold at i BATDRDAT, loth lnat, at IB o'clock, at th Priate. aactiani an i at uair anraoa Eighteen caste New Style Fancy Prints, beat make. ap)6 Damaged Dry Uweda. VINCENT ft CO.

WU1 be sold at auction 13 SATD RDAT, ltb Inst. aUO o'clock, at their auction rooms. Customhouse etreet Sr csss Bleached Cotton. 1 case Brown Liaea Drills. 1 case Prints.

1 case colored Alparaa. Bold for account of whom it may concern. apl6 caaea Xiawta, Hbana aad Bresana. Reaulai Week I Sale. BT E.

ROGER ft CO. (Formerly Hyde ft Co.) Will be sold at aoctlon on BATDRDAT, April is, 18M, at 10 o'clock, at their auction room, ta Old Leve street soe cases Boots, Shoes and Brogans, for Men. Women and Children, comprialnaa ireeh and telect assortment received direct from manufacturers, by late aril vail nom nw lore, Boston and Philadelphia. awT Terms at sale apis Fnrnliare ef ETery Deecrlptl TJT MONTGOMERY ft SMITH R. BL Bto oa.

Montgomery li Auctioneer Will be sold at auction on 8 ATDRDAY tbe loth Inst, at 11 o'clock, at the Old Auction Mart. NT Camp etreet A general assortment of Household Furniture, ef every cocnpuPDi nwirrssrs, ncaaing, loosing stove, allium rurasr. BAT Terme Cosh apis A Black Breod Mare. CY J. L.

CARMAN ft Auctioneer WIU be sold et auction on SATO RDAT, 16th last, at ula o'clock, 60 Magazine street In front of Banks'! Arcade A black Mare, 7 years old. guaranteed Bound, work wm in uwurw, mn j. gvov prooa mare. ear Terms Cash. apig Express Sprina Waffans, fer Blade er Double Team, Horses, Males, Ponies, Baggie Bad Barouches.

BY J. L. CARMAN ft Auctioneer Will be sold at auction oa SATURDAY, tne Ith Inst, at lk oclock. at 66 Msgaxlne street, ia front of Banxt't Express Spring Wagoai for single er doable teems; tut Hence, comprising Saddle and Harness Horses, and a fine Trotting Horse Males, Baggies, Barouches and Ponies, ear Terras Cash. apig Important Hale ef a gpleadld Mqaare ef urauain necona eno xuua sveera, near tne ramie Square Tt Choice Lets opposite Coliseum Place, mm a wu Duiiaiug mm aaere etreet, BT PALFREY ft CO.

C. L. C. Dopey, Aaettoaeer Office Camp reet SATORD At. April law, at it o'clock.

M. at Bankt't Arcade. Maa etina street 1. TWO LOTS OF SKODHD. a.

a.a,kM. and a. together with tbe buildings aad improvements uiervon, snuateu in tne rirst, in i na square bound ed by Camp, Magarlne, Basin and Edward straete, having esc 3t feet 11 inches and 6 tinea fiont an Cama arraet nv a depth between parallel tines af Sis feet inches and 1 lines (American measure). Tbe Improvements comprise a one story shingle roofed frame dwelling, (divided Into twwtcneanenra.) witn oacx Dtuiaingt, cistern, etc, situated upon lot No. a.

A SPLENDID BOTJ Asia OP In tbl Fouith District bounded ay Jersey, Laurel, first ana arcona strart. eneoivieea into Twenty Six Valas ble Building Lots, designated by the number to 96 In clusive. Lots ISoa. I to 10 tnclusive adjoin each other and meaaare each feet front on Laurel street by a death between parallel lines of IBS leet and 6 Inches, and hooffd. ed In tbe rear by lets Not, 11 an t6j lot No.

1 forming the corner of Laurel end Second streets, and lot No. 10 forming tbe corner of Laurel and First streets. Lota Kna, II, IS and IS adjoin each ether and meaenre escb 06 feet and inches front on Second etreet by a depth between parallel lines of 1S6 feet and bounded In the rear respectively by lots 96, to and S4. Lota Noa. 14 te 9 Inclusive adjola each ether, end measure each ts feet front en Jer sey street, by a depth between, parallel lines of 10 feet and 6 Inches, and bounded in tbe rear by lota is and 94 1st Na 14 foraUng the corner ef Jersey and Second streets and lot No.

83 forming th corner of Jersey and First streets. Lore 94, 96 and adjoin each ether, and measure each 96 feet and Inches front oa First street, by a depth between parallel line of 196 feet (all American measure). 3. TWO DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS, designated by the numbers 1 end 9. dteated in the Fourth District in tbe square bounded by Adele, Rousseau, Josephine and Fulton atreeta, and measuring each 97 feet aad Inches front on Adrle street by a depth between parallel lines of ixu nei i sit nmenran measure).

Tbe whole ss tter Diana exhibited at tha Arcade. Terme One fourth cash, and tha balance hv purchasers' notes at and 3 years, bearing 6 per cent inerert per annum irom aay ot saie ana a per cent, eventual latertst and secured by special mortgase of tbe property sold Acts of sale briore H. B. Cenaa, notary public at the expenee of the apt A Paints Paints. Til D.

E.MORPHY. Auctioneer Will be told at aoctlon li on 8ATUH DAY, the leth lnat, at lofc o'clock, at ast auction store, no. magazine street 400 kegs very turerior White Lead. 0 keas Venetian Red, 14 and 96 TB. we kegs Yellow Ochre.

ta Terms at sale. Package Hale ef 3,431,000 tierataa viosia. BY D. PI MORPH YiAuetioneer WIU be told at aoctlon on WEDNESDAY, tha aoth lnat. at 10k o'clock.

Bt tbe importer's atore, John E. Fischer, No. 61 Gravier etreet, eu account at toe above nemee gentleman smug to new iora, wnere ne will enter into aa entirely wholesale basinets 846l.wn German Cigars, cons! sting ef all tbe various brands, qualities and descriptions, well worthy the atten tion oi buyers urocera attention is particularly cailea to this sale, as nothing leas than entire casea will oe sold, and all tbe Cigars fully guaranteed In every respect equal to the samptee which will be exhibited at the time of sale. Terms 6200 er ander, cash over S9C0, sixty days; over SMio, ninety daya; over four meatus over tlnno. six montne ior epprovea paper.

apis Thirteen Lots of Ground la the Third District and Two Lots in tbe Parish of Jefferson. BY J. L. CARMAN ft Auction. era Will be told at auction oo SATURDAY, April 16, law, at 19 o'clock, at Bank' Aicade, the lo lowing deacribed property, to wis 1.

THIRTEEN LOTS OF GROUND, (Hosted In tbe Third District of this city, in Square No. 31. bounded by Bt. John tbe Baptist St Avid. Maiant and France streets, and designated by the numbers one to thirteen tbe namtert one to eleven measuring, together three hundred and forty two fret seven Inches front en Mazant street, by one hundnd and thirty feet deep and froot on St John the Baptist and Bt Avid stn eta; tbe number twelve measuring tbirty faur feet front on St.

Avid street bv one hundred and seventv one feet three laches end six lines deep; end tbe number thirteen measur ing thirty fonr fee front on St Jchnthe Bspt'tt street by one hundred and seventy one feet three Inches and six lines deep. a. TWO LOTS OF GROUND, strutted In Faubourg nouiigny, rsrtsn oi Jenrrson. in tnis scare, in toe Bqutre No. 44, bounded by Lyon, Bordeaux.

Pleqnemlne and Perrier atreeta The said lota are designated by the sua beta thirteen and fourteen, on a pish made bv H. Moelhaosen. architect, dated 97th Mav. 147. and deoosit td In the oitice of the late L.

Kinnsy, notary, for reference, roe said lot edjoinfeecn other, and measure each thirty feet front on Piaqueinine street, by depth of one hundred feet between naraltel Hnea. Terms Por the property firstly deacribed, the purchaser to sssome tbe payment of note dated the fKb April, 1K7, payable two years' afrer date, with Interest at tbe rate ot percent per annum from date, and eventual Interest at the tste of per rent per annum, bearing mort sure on the nronertv and for the balance, cash. For the property secondly described, one half cash) and ttf. h.lniice at twelve mouths, in the note of the oar chaser, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, aad eventual Interest at th rate ot per cent per annum. Act of tale before A.

Abat, notary public, at toe ex pense ot tne pnrrnasers. aan AacUea Bale of Nlneteea Flae Building Lots in the Fourth District BT PALFREY ft CO. C. L. C.

Dutmy. Auctioneer Office Csmp street SATURDAY, May 7, 16. at li o'clock, Banks' Arcsde NINETEEN VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS, In the Fourth District of this city, in tbe square bounded by second. Third, llsussesu and Fulton streets, sua desig nated by tbe Noa 1 to 17, inclusive, aud No 90 and 9t, on a Dlan now exhibited at the Arcade. Lots Noa.

1 to 9. In clusive, measure each 97 feet II inches front on Fulton street, by a depth of 110 feet Lots Nos. 10 to 13, meaenre each about 96 feet 3 inches front on Third street, by a depth of about 196 feet 7 Inches. Lots Nos. 14 to 17 measure each about 95 feet 9 inches front on Second street, by a depth of about 96 feet inches.

Lots Nos. 90 and 91 measure each about 95 feet front on Ronsseaa street, by depth, between parallel line, of 116 feet; Lot o. 91 forming the corner of Third end Rousseau it recta. Terme One fourth cashi and the be'atiee bv pur chasers' notes at 1 and 9 years, bearing 6 per cent, interest per annum, a per cent, eventual interest, ana secured By special morteace of the property aosd. Acts of tale before Cenaa, notary public, at tbe expense oi toe purcnasers.

anv hi is lb myb 7 Poeltl ve aad Uarenerwed Sale to the II Itch. est bidder of a valaaole Square of Groand la tha First District, or Common street TJY PALFREY ft CO. C. L. C.

Dupor, Auctioneer 1 Office No. 97 Camp street SATURDAY, Msy 7, A CEItTAlfi BUUAKE Or OKOUHU, situated In th First District of this city; bounded by Common. Gravier, Bt Jane and Bt Adeline streets, divided into 0 lota, at ner nlan now exhibited at the Arcade. Lots Noa. I toll.

Inclusive, measure each about 97 teet 3 iucbet and 4 Usee front on Common street, bv a depth between parallel lines of 119 feet 3 inches 7 lines Lot Ne. I forming the corner of Common and St' Jane streets, and Lot 9 forming the corner ef Common and St. Adeltneatreeta. Lots Noa 1 to 9, Inclusive, extend back to a common alley In tbs rear, 10 feet wide. Lots Not.

10 to 16. inclutive. measure each 98 feet and 6 Inches front en St Jsne street by a depth of about lit feet and 9 inchest Lots Noa. 10 Bad 16 having each alto a ent on alleys common to the property, extending from St Jane to St Adeline street Lots Noa, IA to 91. inclusive, measure each 98 feet 4 Inches front on 8t Adeline street bra dpth between parallel line.

of about 199 feet and 9 inches Lots Nee. In and tl having each also a fronton aileya atBuioa te the property, ex tending from St Jane to St Adeline street Lots. Nos S3 to inclusive, measure each about 97 feet 3 inches aad 4 linea front on tiravirr street by a depth bet ween parallel line of 119 feet 3 Inches and 7H lines, extending back to a common alley in tbe rear, ruanlng from St Jane te St Adeline street i Lot No. 30 formtns the corner of Gravier aad St Adeline streets, and Let No. 33 the comer of Gravier and St Jane street.

Term aad Conditione One fourth cash that balance at 1, 9 and 3 yeara' credit ea tte notes of tbs purchaaera, in equal Insta lmenta. bearing tar cent. peT annum interest from day of sale to maturity, end per cent from maturity an til final payment if not punctually paid 1 to cured by special aaertgage an the property sold, with vendor' privilege. Aetef aae before H. B.

ICenas. notary, at the rs penseof tbe apl4 16 16 91 9 93 my 7 Chin ear) Prellfle Peaa. A SMALL lot sa hand, aad for sale to quantities te gait jfi. purchasers. D.

MAUrAT ft CO splM 8tS si Gravier street. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD Rsn sway from tbe subscriber aa Moaday morniag. spmii, tnegnn negro man asmea niulLI. ag about 30 years. 8 feettlacue high, thin vlaage, rreged, arjpMatce rather mean, bad He is a siaatatios hand.

A reward af Bia will Ba paid for his delivery, and an additional rewsrd af tioo for. tas eppreaeasiBn ot aay iua or persons aaroonag ra, as oe nntnirm tniiswi 1 auowea tut ov toe anas gae. MRR P. L. FENNEit, XJ XJ i and an an by SJ 80 18 BH tswimva arm, caraoc vs xauifys "i AUCTION SALES.

red it alM. SfJOloteof Sprlcgnd SnaiwirrCiotulag TJIblachI; a leadmont. It satdat auction an R.1 A I wh iat White aoweera Will ae their awctiaa rr l. as. aw sjom at spring tad Bummer Clothing.

1." doeeaef WhiU Shirta, tte. TnlMK awaits. bVBi4 Vailaahle Preprrty l. theClty af Jeffereea TJT ALFRED BOULIONY. AacUeoeer w.

street Vt in be sold at suction on THURSDAY TTlLS1' l869k o'clock, at Banks's Arcade tbe fo'lewlrig described propety TWENTY ONE LOTS OP GROUND, ia' BqaareNe. had bounded by Laurel, Lire Oak. Talmeal lendLeoa Terme aad eoodltlene One third cash i H'lart eta. years' credit 'or nfitei bearing per cent aatertat from date an'll maturity and per cent Interest if not then paid antU final payment, and secured by marUan the Bimntr the nxmerty. acts as eaie Denre T.

o. atarx. notary aub'lc apt Yalaable Property la the City ef Jeflersea at Pre Years' Credit IT ALFRED BODLIQN Y. AncUoneer No. OrarfeT I street Will be sold at auction on THURSDAY, nil liwa, at 1 o'clock.

BL, at Baakt't Axcade. the Aerll folloWtnc described nnmavtv SQUARE No 66, containing eighteen lota and bounded Constantinople, Marengo. Pitt and Prvtanla streets yutta no. rrj, containing twenty iota, end beaoded Constantinople, Austerllta, Pitt and Prytanla atreeta, One Lalf of Square No. 96, containing twelve lota, and oboedbyMagatine, Camp, AusteriiU and CoostsnU SUDARr.

Na SS maMnlna hnnJJ 1 General Taylor. Austerlitt, Prytsnls and Frrrier streets. Terms and conditions One fourth cash) balance at 13, 4 and 6 years, la notes butting per cent tatereaC uBin mamiv ana a per cent inierescaiter maturity if not then paid, and secured by mortgage en tne property. ce or tia netote Th. O.

BUrk. apS Haadaeme Family Bealdeaee la the City of Jefferson or Boo Lien Auctloneer We TO Gravier street Will be sold at auction on THURSDAY. April iwo, at 19 e'clork, at Banks's Arcade, the following described property vaa A CERTAIN PORTION ar ninnifn Plaquemlne street, between Berlin and Milan, meesuring feet front on Plsqoemine street by loo feet in depth i viiu ioc inipTuvcmenie. conswang ot nanaaome and well finished Hoase, built open pillar about ten feet blgh, containing four moms, hall aad cabioett, gallery la front and rear and finished attics, servants' rooms, cisterns, and a handsome tardea In front Term and conditions One fourth cash balance at and 94 month' credit lor note bearing 8 per cent Interest from date until matarttv and ner cent lntmt after maturity If not then paid, and secured by mortgage on uic property, noues to oo sept insurca ana policy transferred to vendor. Act of sale be love.

apt A ronlradld Haw Itllll. BT C. WORD ft Auctioneers Office comer Nstcbes st end Bank Place WIU he sold st aoctlon on SATD A DAT, the 83d last, at is o'clock, at Banks' jtrcade A FIRST CLASS SAW MILL, containing three circular raws, with complete machinery ef every deacriptioo, including a splendid engine ef 96 horse power all la order end entirely new, capable of tawing ten thousand feet per way i awu aa ample supply oi togs at ail ratOII iao SEVEN LOTS OP LAND, nnnj tha Mill mn feet front by l6 deep, situated at the thriving dfy of B'etbear, within a short distance of the New Orleans and Opelooaa Railroad Depot all the lumber being readily disposed of at tbe place Terms rerms One third cash, one third 1 mar, halsaej years' time, with satisfactory secarity sad late rest adoed st 8 per cent opto Bale fer a Partition Haccesaloa ef Pierre ueveque. BT ANTHONY FERNANDEZ, Auctioneer Office. Na.

0 Eaehansa AlUwWlll ha uU JinNniv1 Msy 10. Ikao, st 11 o'clock, st tbe City Hotel, oa Commas street, between lamp and Vagal Ins streets, by rirtae ef aa eroerot toe rion. r. a. Morgan, Judge of tbe Second District Court of New Orleans, the 8th of April.

100 loiiowTog siavcs, oeiongingto tne rarrrausn eaa th inrvlving partner, to wlt 1. jeiuaEs, negro, aged about Bs year, t. LOUIS, negro, about 17 years. 3. ALFRED, mulatto, aged about 16 year.

4. ARE, negro, eged about 94 year. 6 ED. nerra. seed abnat 16 veara The heirs of Leveaue sire to the slaves herrabove named the follewmg qualifications these slavs Lavs been eaa plyed for several yeara lu said restaurant Tbe shave Haves can be seen at any time, st the United Stale Restsuisnt on Common ttreet, Na m.

Two of said litres ar good cooks, sad Leveque, luring his lifetime, said that one of them waa good enough to replace him. Tbe others, also, are talented, and are well knowa tethe habitues ef said restaurant. Tbe negro Moses Is a good cook, Louis is a good roaster and cook 1 Alfred also cooks. Term and Condltlec Tne half value ef said alavea belonging to the beVrs, one third cash, the balance at 6, it ana lb month' credit for endorsed note st satisfaction, bearing. In rase ef non payment, gaer cent per annum till paid, and special moitgsoe oa thetjlaves with th benefit of tbe clans of non sliensndo and the other half value of raid slave, the nan of tbe rurvtvine Banner for raib.

Said alavea are sold without warranty, owing to the fact that nearly aM the heirs are absent. acts 01 seie before t.awkra L. trotter balk, notary public, at tht expense of the purchasers. apis i.isumyi is Aartlea Bale et a Desirable Dwelllac ea magazine street. CT PALFREY ft CO.

C. L. C. Dnpny, Auction Office 7 Csmp street SATURDAY. April 93.

18M1. at It o'clock, will be sold st auction, at Banks's Arcade. Ma tune street TWO LOTS OF GROUND, te ret her with all tha bulldiogi and improvements thereon, situated in the First mttnet, la the aqua bounded oy (Jagaslne, Estelle, Edward sud Constance streets, designated oy tbe Nos 3 sd 4, on plan exhibited at tbe Arcade, and measuring each 94 feet 10 incbee and 4 Usee fron on Magazine etreet oy atsamo oriweea parallel tine. 01 ooout 110 tees, eaa boandeddn the rear by aa alley common to theaeacal other lots, wblch is 11 feet 10 inches and a lines wMe. Tbe improvement comprise two story brick building, slste roofed, with versndab on tooth and east sides, elands back about fony feet from the ttreet, with garden in rront ana space lor a vegetable garden contain two periora, dining room, four bed rooms, kitchen, servants' roc mm.

waeh room, store roowi sad outbnlidings with carriage way to tbe rear buildings. Altogether, a most eiiamie resiflvBce lor a moderately sized family. Terme Tbe purr Laser ia to assume pay meat of a note doe lot January, i860, amounting, with luterett, to IMJ 33, and for tbe remaiader ol tbe adjudication one third rash an bajaaceby purchaser's notes, aet ends years. nearing a per cent, interest per annum, irom day 01 sale, and per cent eventual Interest and secured by sperlal of the property sold. Tbe proserty to be lusoreu at toe expenee 01 tne purcnaaer until tne pay sneDt of the but 'note, sad policy transferred to the vendor.

Art of tale before Wm. L. Poole. waterr nubile. at tbe expense of tbe purchsser.

apl4 Aaetloa Hale of aa Klefraat Besldeaee ea Terpsichore street. BT PALFREY ft CO. L. C. Dupuy, Auctioneer.

Office 97 Csmp etreet SATURDAY. May 14. 169. at 19 o'clock, at Banks's At vie, without reserve er limit. wui oe soa, toe louowing veiuaoie anaeugioiy locates residence, in the First District A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, toeether with ta buildings and Improvements tberenn, situated in the tquire bounded by Terpsichore.

Ap Nayaiesand Met pnmene streets, mrasuring7 fert 3 Inch front on Terpsichore street by a depth between parallel unea of 197 feet it incnet ena lines. The imorovementt cemoriee a modern built two store frame residence with back buildings, made parti of brick, gas flxtnuret throughout and fitted wttb all the conveniences fur a genteel family. The horse cart and Apollo trert line pt within half a square of tbe property. Terms or Sole; One fourth cash, and tbe balance en a credit of 1 and 9 yeara. by notes bearing 6 per cent Interest per enuum from day ef adjudication, and 8 per cent eveuruai interest.

The improvements to he Insured at the expense of the purchaser, end the policy transferred to balder of the notes. Art of sale before B. cenas. notary public at tbe expense of the pure! seer. spit in 10 91 roya a is is is Edwsrd A.

Jes. B. P. Coddlngton. CurtaiC.

JEE. OODDINQTON OO Importer and Dealers ta Tla Plate, Block Tla, Coppery ead, SPELTER, SHEET ZINC A BAB, BOD, BAND, SHEET BOILER aad PIG IRON. WERE, NAILS, CHAINS, Ac nhlD sdnsm AT Broad etreet New Tsrk. Tla A all aad Blotallle Cap inaaaJBtotary 88 Craaby street. Blew York.

JOHN CROOKE tt OO. Are aascuiactuclng ander their Patent ROLLED TIN FOIL, rRAIP, I BT OB IM10IIIS SsUabls for wrapping Fine Cat and Csvndieh Tobacco Chess, Slices, ftc. THIJI BEATEN FOIL, aO sixes, soperior ta bruttaaay aad ttrexgtk ts tha Imported article. ffletallle Caps. Por aetJlsg Botttat, Jsm, ftc stamped with any aaae st dears required.

Also, Mssie Plates. Solder, Type aad Britannia Morale. Jests edplvT DIORBHBAB'H MAGNETIC PLASTER. Tfie Greist Dtreagtheaer aad Pala atreyer. The best snd cheapest Household Remedy la the world.

Slmpl and pleasant In Its application, certaiB aad 'ffoctasi In Its trtylts. A beautiful, scientific external aratrre, appura'viOor tbe relief of pain at any time, ta place, ta say part of the human system, and nnder nrcum tancee. II ywa put tha Plaater anywhere, if pain thrra, tbe Planter will (tick there antll the pala hat voa fcwed. The Platte magnetise tbe pala sway, and PAD CANNOT EXIST WHERJB THIS PLAATElX APPLIED BtiffjMga, WesAnass, xMrDaa Birviraanim, Nearalgls, Dyspepsia, rains and Ache of every kind, dm Codgfa ani tMMEDIATELT BELIEVED sad wdtbaBttisi PERMANENTLY CORED by the magics. tk MA6BETIC PLASTER, tt bt the ss a ptessaatsst gad ehiacfst remedy ta grjeatcsttoa snlvsiBal eqaaUy ta tbs aurswg ma.

eas fencate wceaan, ad the faebst infant sack aad stw arlil nroTB a Beta and a Blowing aw. na arses eritjBS mmmrm af aH xteh ar mmm aB SSaF aSVW PLANTERS BtaaMBSBrwWsssea sabmPLASTEB. Bwfflae praatsnoa, assay as aw hsa will ras da att ognt i awAMsbeWJtaj'B Arx BL VanweTSw33f 7 "Walker street Bow York. sseiwrnrsUDw SlatETJO PIsTrBA asU bysfl J'f'Lrylown sad Vulage at the Cttttad srahw ataSslvradpftSP aoelimatrd Milch Cewa for Sale. Accllriieira i Csws larsals.1 1 Tbev are splendid Cows aad ar sots to give I satisfaction to the purcbswr.

Aoolv irnjae WB. ur.tctt.sci, cotuat us aseva w. gut era, llekiric Jr' ttptawt: fsuitd nbttar tirw. tbw acre. to the Tw the on ad If A 8 jra AlesTHTb Twr nty AM ef Lawreaea ffyirR1 rreea tbe Bagea Chiae BPawatT BATDRDAT.

April SS, lata, at Is aUack. afjiYeAfle TWITT ACRES OP Catioa Lead, ei'aatad ia Laweeaca BlissMalroL ahont lit Biles fraai tk. vl.TTV, Jeckaea RaUraad. well watered aad Bantered wta row i.wi, a.H ciakrea aad ieaces lann la rapeoie yieMiag a bale ef cottaTta the This land aeJeiBa the csttea term ef Mr. art.

and else the lands bdoogtag ta Meara I CL Chtndler, 1. Leggett W. M. CbandUe, A swinn i ne ienos in in wmaic viOBIty can eeperebased for arm than St asr acre. Title perfect.

Terme Caen Act af ads hefora Charles Itrinaer. expease af i be pore basse. aplt Yalaable Three Scery Brlek LrwelU inga, ettaated oa Calliope, between Cams aad aiMa slue streets Bala Porivc, Wit host Limit T5Y BENJAMIN BEND1G. Aactleaiir WIU be sold at auction oa SATURDAY, April 16, 1869, at is o'clock, at Banks's Arcaee TW CERTAIN LOTS OP GROUND, wttb ell the ta provement thereon, sitss'ed in tbe First in. ousts bounded ay Camp, Bartholomew new Gaienotr.l Magaxine and Dupisntltr (now Calliope) atreeta.

and aumbered 1 and 9. Lot Na I messur. tl feet 4 ioc bra front oa CaUlepe street by 107 feet 7 inches la depth on line towards Msgazine street 97 feat A tacbea 4 Haee the line dividing it from Lot No. 9, aad S3 feet Inches I line in tbe rear. Lot No.

i measurvatl feet 4 inches front by 87 feet 4 inches In depth', and tret 7 Inches 1 line in the rear, at per pien. Tbe lmprovemeuU comprise two Three Story Brick Dwellings, with aa iroa verepdah ia frant contalalng tww parlors, diamgroom ball on th. first floor three large bedroama, cabiact wcoiis noor i ana toree eos rooms oa noor. ta 'each house two story brlek building! aa petty ta aow en ted for S13M per annum. balance at one sad tw years' credit tor note searing mortgage en the property, with per cent interest per annam, Irom data to maturity sad not then paid, per cent until final payment: (he lra.

it Voiicf trsnsttned te the Actet aale befara Charlea Strlrswv. public, at tha expeneees tbe Darcbaaer. apis Very Desirable Kesldeaee Situated aa pva rmn, rivus crpsicuora sna Meipoeaeae streets. First District, without reserve, la conseqaeace of deoartnre. BY BENJAMIN KENDIO, A urtkmeer Office ft Arcade Passage WiU be sold at auction on SATURDAY, tbe loth lnat, at lSs'clock.

at Banks's Arcade, without reserve A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, with alt Ue4m pro Yemen's thereon, situated In tbe First District rta square bounded by Apollo, (now Carondelet inow St Cbarlee,) Terpsichore end Metpomeae streets, esignated by the Na tl, and meatniee ts feet inches front on Apollo (now Carondelet) street, by US feet ia depth, between parallel linea, as per plan. The improvements comprise a kandsoms two story frame Dwelling, cos taming five rooma, a ball on first and second floors, gallery front sad rear 1 a two story frame building attached, containing a large dming room, kitchen aad washroom first floor, sad three eervsntt' roe est oa second fleori gas Introduced throsboat tbe houM; cia and other necessary outbuildings In the yard. This property if beautifully sit sated, sdjetalog tbe residence of tbe Hon. T. H.

Mc Caleb, and al toeether one of the desirable locations for a family residence The dwell ins now rents (or 660 a month, and will readily rent for 876. Terms One third cash tbs balance at I and tyetrs' credit for notes bearing mortgage on tbe property, with pet cent interest, per annum from date te maturity. nd not then mid. 8 ner cent until final asrawnt ana improvements ta be insured and policy taanafcrred te yea dor until the first nets la paid cioi saw oeiore vnartes Btnnger, notary pabuc, at tbe es pen of the purchsser. apis Flae Brlek Dwelllatra aa Delord Street between Camp sad Magaxine streets, without reserve.

BENJAMIN KENDIO, Aortas Office Na 99 XJ Arcade rataage rr 111 oe sold at aaettoa SATURDAY, April is, 1868, at IS o'clock, at Banks's Arcade, without TWO CERTAIN LOTS OP GROUND, with aU the Im provements thereon, situated in tbe First Dirtri in the square bounded by Camp, Magazine, Delord and St Joseph Btreets. Bald Lota are designated ss numbers 11 aad li. to wit 1 Lot Na 11 measure tl feet 3 Inches 6 Hnea front on Delord street, by 1 fret 9 inches 4 lines In depth. The improvements compriss a two story Brick Dwelling, with an attic and iron verandah la front, containing two parlors, dining room and corridor oa first floor two large bed rooms and nail on second floor, two rooma and targe hall in tbe attic a two story brick building attached, containing kitchen and eervsntt rooms cistern, water works, wash room, wood bouse and other necessary outbuild Id gs ta ths ysrd. 9.

Lot No. 19 measures tl feet 3 Inches fi Hnes front by 149 feet 10 inches lines in depth. The improvements comprise two story Brick Dwelling, with an attic aad iron verandah in front, containing tare pariore, dining room and corridor on first floor, two large bed rooma and hall on aecond Moor, two rooms and urge hall In tbe attic, a two vto. ry brick building attached containing kitchen and servants' rooms also, a two story brick building ta ths rear, containing! three rooms 1 cistern, water works, washroom. wood bouse end other necessary outbuildings ta tbe yard end gas Introduced throughout the bouse.

The yards bricked and divided by a good brick wail. There is aa alley running from Delord street to the rear, in common to mid iota. Tbe Dwellings now rent for 860 per month earn rio. 12 is rrasea up to tne year iboi. Terme One third cash 1 balance a rone snd two years' credit, for notes bearing mortem re on the piuueny, with 6 per cent, interest per annum from date to maturity, sad if not then paid, per cent, until final payment The improvements to be kept Insured and policy transferred to vendor until first note is paid.

Acta of sals before Cbarlee Stringer, notary public, at tbe expenee of the pnrchteiis. apIO A Saleable Oroeery Stand, altaatd aa the corner ef Bacchus sad Calliope streets Without Reserve BY BENJAMIN KENDIG, AucMoaeer Ornce No. 9S Arcade Passage Will be Bold at public auction ea SATURDAY. A pill 93, 1869, at It o'clock, at Banks's Arcade, witbeut itsvue A CERTAIN LOT OF GROUND, with all the improvements thereon, situated ta tbe First District, ia square bounded by Beccaue, Calliope, Dryadea Bad Clio streets, designated by tbe No aad measans 91 feet 8 inches I line front on Beeebea street by I'D feet depth, end front on Calliope street forming the corner of etao ebua and Calliope streets, as per plan Tbe Improvements comprise a one atnvy noose, containing 1 large room in front, now occupied aa a Grocery Store, two other large rooma and a kltebcn ta tbe rear 1 cistern aad privy ia the yard, all covered with slate exceptaae room attached to tbe main building, which is covered with ahinglee. This property Ie now leased te Mr.

D. Regan en til tbe lftth of April, Hew, st 8 per month. Term One third cash 1 balance et one sad two years' credit for Botes bearing mortgags on tbe piopeiiy, sri'h percent Interest per annum from date te maturity, and if not then paid, 8 per cent until final payment Tbe imwovementa te be insured and policy transferred te vendor arrtll lint note la pal. Act of aele before Charlet Stringer, notary public, at the expense of tbe purcbasaV. apl3 House Servaat and Washer and Ireaer, At Auction.

BT N. VIGNIE, Auctioneer Office No. 8 Banks' Arcsde Passage Will be sold at aoctlon on SATURDAY, April 16, isoO, at 18 o'clock, at the City Hotel. Commrn treet CADY, negress, eged about 17 years, cook, wstlitr aad irnner 1 with her child Paul, aged II msntba, J0NTB, alias hlarg rlte, negresa. aged 93 years, first rate boose te reset 1 with her child, aged 18 months all fully guaranteed.

Also, several Cher Slaves, comprising Flell Hands, Csrrisg Drivers, Cook sabers and it 00 era. Terms Twelve months' credit, for apfrored city acceptance, bearing 8 per cent Interest Acta of sale before Thos. Beck, notary public. spit Far Malo a Private Kale on aeeeaat Departure Star Planing Mill, earner of Hercalai aad Calliope streets. B7j N.

VIGNIE, Aactioneer Offlce Ne Banks' I Arcsde THE SAW AND PLAITING MILL, known as th Stat Planing Milt In complete order and equal to new tn every consisting at one engine mane wy ueeas ie tac) cylinder sod 8 feet stroks withlraa bedplate, aae thing complete a tt ie aow rsnning 1 one double Sued every thlni boiler made by Leeds ft Ca, 49 incbee ta diameter and to teet long 1 two Na 1 on frame planing, tounglng and grooving machines, Woodworth's patent made by Samee) B. Schenck ta the order of the Star Planing Mill, with extra set of cutter bead and eaperier si cv Under. of Crasbv'a natrnt iron frame circular saar, fa making weatberboarda, complete with extra saws; east cross cut circular saw, with wooden fit in 1 Banco, several extra atw sf different sites and thickness 1 aoa Bipy edging circular ssw, with wooden frame beach sad extra saws attached, to to cut different kinds of timber; ataty feet wrought Iras thalkinf, compict with drumq, puikryt snd boxea. Forge, bellows, anvil, blacksmith tas4s.tcck. die, wttb extra new macUinery.

taa nameroue to mention. Alee 60 to 660 feet of leather and ln41 rubber setting 1 five males and three carts, with htrasa complete, sad all ta lumber, dressed and rough, that may selr tbe yard. To ether with the privilege) af the leas expiring SOtk Sertemoer, isro. The shove rnachlnevy caa bs eaea daily ea the snwlist In operation Aring working boars. For farther particulars, terme.

apply st the errcee tbe aatfawMwr. No. Banks's AirAda, irm ir rsntrj. A verv vslusSle nimrr. an tbe Metstrie Ridge ana Jefferton Bsilroao, fifteea I JT.b,!! 1.

dry by tbe Common street er 7 The car atan ererr hour st a rutabaat fifty yard, from the place. There are J2U7Veriy ranmng oeca ia toa ijaae ih eBW ol srell baiit new. and all ta good order, fJsV kitchen aad eer welling H4ue. con tuniot stare rooms vaata'rooniai targe barn. wb (ttsowaswoiM and cblctea honas; witbt well supplied with Vnt Sgf wos.

which are pecan oearge. fgJaVuof pare drlaktag lat.h7deTf. purchasing tbe pic PP1!" j. BARTLETT, al Gravier st INDIA BDBBPB frOOu" OIL CiHWG. AC.

JM Twrata "iWTBEYNOLDS ft CCL UWotd fewimauwi. PBIESTL.EY 3EIN. Na, M9 aad 91 casap etxeet, lavters and Dealers HARDWARE. CUTLERY, IRON, COPPER. AND TIN PLATE, Have aow a weil I i of Foreign aad Doutestic Hard ware, nailery, angina ana aam.

fw' icaa Bar, Hoeo, Sheet, Boiler, ScralL Aasle. Half Round as Oval Iran, which they are offering tor sals att amrket tste sag aw accraimwiiaiing swrma, Also Tnesrrnts fsrHIQmsa Btstkoaf Bar and Boiler Irwa. agsmtafSwift'Boina4BUlLiw Areagrncs zorj tx. szuawry st vti nimiwus xyIHr ui. Araagewttfsr G.L.

Hanks' BoflMawnlsi lory, Armsgests fa ths Bt 1A fcw Wrks. at BVancti. Craoke AymZm, Pwrthesaleaf CaHTTvPirfrm aGlaar We Invite the attention of coantry deera isatr and merchants, sad Us public rneTsiljr, well assarted stock. Dalthaore Bee Herrtwf aad Paltoa Marhet srtlTVH i torn, now stubs, per vupyj' Tt ser snip and rweale by airl.r At CorjAnaa sa) 1 staff. wmi mivcuvn una aervaata' rooma water works, ctetern, and ether necessary eatbuUdinge la ea ysrd i the yards are paved, and divided by a brick wall, and there ia aa allev wvtaaaek iunik ih.i.

7 ap et stock A. 1 dfe la.awat 1 A lsea. ta, of etde lor j.a. BE AlW rz J.A. Beerd dr Pier i issts ta i.

A. ft B(TIOMf ArrRAIS 8 a Ageata Bar Baie of Real act on warm a ass tor i aa nsasx i i si and a Saul Ar. ade Tery Desirable OaewcUery llss.ssa Csa moai sxrert. TJT J. A.

BEARD ft CO. Garunev asri. Air WiU a asd at evjctiew aw AT AT a a'etoek at baaks' Atcade A LOT OF BOOED, wtlh tne luipraveirteuts 111 era. ta th Pint Dtenct te tbe sqeare beonard CixsW mum, Paimyra, Reeaaa aad roitay in nev meaaanng 97 fert tne has Unas frsnt oa Cr aeei street, i fsat In tbe rear, by itMh en tne af 199 feet 4 tncbee, and IT krrtt tncbss 3 net, oa ta ef To tmpreeeearnte cvntut of a Owa Story Frame kite bee. efcacm.

Ate. Tn nan One thwd cash balance at 1 and years' IV aatee bearing naertgsss aa tbe property, cent mtarett aad 8 1 I per cent. eventoel interest' 1 and policy transfer! Act of axle before Jta. erahaat, aetary pnbac, at ta sapenseof the perebsaer. TPer Pale an Aereaat Iepartart WO DEUQRTFTJLLY LOUTBL kLilDjC.

Lafayatto Aqaarei Two fitey oad Atu Brick Buildings, koery Intshed. having tae, hjarant, ao every canventeace for fasahy leeideaeael 'or aarticulars arely ta J. A. BEARD CO, Banks a Areasa, Ptf taMssoaiaoatiwat, VrJ Bftareae at Private Sale. Mjif fd, Booat 96 years, a goad Seamstress sold ander fall gnamatea.

For full nafbcalara J. A. BEARD ft CO r. aps tf as atagatja.straee.' Geed Uabegaay Faratcare, Piano, fcj J. A.

BEARD ft CO. OardneT Smith. aacuonear WIU ha sold at sarttoa BuTni vT 10H o'clock, treinesW Good Makogaay Sofaa, Rocking aad Perir Chaba. Book Case, soles. Mirrors, Timepiece.

triroBdoiea. Para, inss, Ac Bedsteads, Araaaire, Beraaea, Wtaasaada, Car a rts, Rriaa, Matting, Curtains, Shades, 6 was. China aast aud Ware, Bitches. UUnkt ftc, ate 7U VC, 7 Fine SOverwere, Slrrer Tea Set, and one exceUent Pktl cvio nana sau usntr. asTTe Beaatifal LecalJ fer a Qudstrtne Residence for Sale.

BT J. A. BEARD ft CO. Gsrdner ftarrb, Atrti rawer 0 "ill be said st eoctlen aa SATURDAY. April IS, lar.

at l9o'elock, et Banks's Arcade. Mratlo street FOUR LOTS OP GROUND ta tbe Fourth District, ta uwaqaare bounded by Magaxine, Cams, Talrd aad Foortft toeets, and Bseeeurmg each 80 feet frost on Third (treat. by 197 feet 3 rncbea ta depth and froat ss Camp rmrZ rarailel Hnea, and forming tbe earner af Taint and Camp. Tbe old shed tbe property la rented at aa) per most a. Ther ace some lies oaa tree, an Uife l.ta.

Banqastteaoa both aides atade sad paid for, aad taaaa' trees planted. Terms One thM esahi balsaceatsaa and two yeara for notes beariog mortgage on tbe property, with Bat cent Interest sod Sasr cent eventaali tercet Act ef Bale be (ore aotary pabiix, at the expeitas of ths parcktisn apt Very Desirable OaevStwry aad Attle Uaae on Robertson street For Sale. TJTI.A BEARD ft CO. Oardaer Smith, AaeMeassr XJ WIU be sold at ssctioa oa SATCrJaT, April 16V 19, at it o'clock, at Banks' Arcade A Mfi or OKOUND. wit the taMMSTSaaenta tbereoV ia Kona xriawict, in toe aqaarc owanoee sy a san.

VUlere, St Ana aad Dasnatae atreeta, being Na. aaa acaunsf so Met 10 incaas a fraat aa street, by a depth of 64 feet The fanpreveavrato cam prise I so story and eerie House, slate roof, containing 6 reams 1 a two story kitebea containing 4 swasaa, esttara, weier weeka, euiVr. bosses, Ac. TUDprwrcTjtantaaroakSstlysew.Sjkuiiai IB 06tV. Terms rOne thtrd cash 1 balance at 1 sad yearn credit for Botes beertog par cesft.

interest aad a pa laaa.1! eventual tn tarsal, by saortawga oa ths titpmr. The Improvements ts be kept insorsd aad taa Bah transferred te the vendor. Act ef Bale before A. BamdaWawadfc Mt exsanse of the purchsser. etHO Deelrahle Doable Cettae iot era lr Street TJT J.A.

BEARD ft Ca GardneT imfth, Racttsasu JJ Will be eold et soctioa ea SATURDAY, April 16. lw9. at 18 e'erock. at Banks's Arcade 1., A LOT OF GROUND, wttb HO ths Imrewvemanto thereoa, ta tbe Poarth District, la the square aesnded by First, Annrractatton, Satagma and Caippews straeta. measuring an feet 4 locbeu front sa First street, by septa of 14 forts tacbea, between parallel Unas.

The bnprava. menu consist sf a doable Cottage and tUtcben, arita aiats root, containing nine rooma, two cisterns, stabiee. containing nine rooma, two cisterns stabiea, Ac; shad treea In front and vsgrteovt rsrdeaa 'I yard paved, Ac Leased ora Jaauary year, with the prl'iiegt ef itatb jrear. atV wi aw ta the lo, for one S. iy, ml Ml 1 1.

feUi. Terme I eeo cosh balance at I aad years credit lee? wvea snmi rjnarvgagvn taw siupsiii, wua per in tercet end I per cent evenraai tatcreat Tbe 1 ori stents ts be kept tasartd snd tbe peftcy tiiattirred ts ta end or. Act of sal before Wat Shannon, notary posttc, at the expenee of the rsrcktsrr. apis Ceatfertahlo Cottao Beatdeaea aa Nay adee Street for sola. BT J.

A. BEARD ft CO. Gardner Sntrta, Aartlsntse Will be aoid at soctioa oa SATURDAY, April IMft. IbbB, st It s'clock. st Banks's Arcaee A LOT OF GROUbD with the tmpioi taieut tbaeeu In tte Fourth District, in the eqasta awaaoVd by Nayaaae, Apollo.

First snd Becoaw straeta, reswearing so fart trass on Beyades street by a depth sf ISO feet between paraUet lines Tbe improvements consist af a Cottar Howe esntatav lag four rooms, a two' story kl tehee, slste root, with foss? rooma. well fenced ye' good oatbaUdlngv eknebery. and all the eonveoiencee bi rv awry for a genteel rvatrleata. gjessis tin tat rvavemaer, isbu. at sao par saawta.

Terme One third cash baisare at one aad tan credit lar not besnAa aaarisase eatbe piopetty snia 6 per cent interest, aad 8 per cant even ntuai late: lltliiet Tbe improvements ts be kept tnsartd and policy traaa' asrrea to tne vesssr. Act of eaie before J. BVer, as let Baboc, at tbsea; Coazfertahle Oae Siory Rosldeace oa Coi ana street. Fourth Dwtrirt BY J. A.

BE A RD ft Ca Gardner Smith, AuctWaeer. WIU be etd at aactioa oa SATtRDAY, April fca, IMS, at 19 e'clork. et Banks's Arcade A LOT OP GROUND, with the rmprevemen thereon, ta tbe Poarth District, ia the square bw Coliseum. (Use Plaquemlne.) Prytaaia. St Andrew Sad Jeerpbiae atreeta, mimuiiagsl 6st4 tacbea Haaslraat on colt treat, oy a septa at 10 leet.

Between peav Tbe Imueeaeaaente com prise a Osje Biery allei lines. VI ntaiatag four ttoitlti tias kitchen contaiaint largo largo All nine room. Daatrv. kitcBaw. sna two servants' roans st 836 per atatita.

Pa next Rented till tbe 1st Jaly Brat, Term One fourth cashf balsace ea a credit of tt, ta aad 94 mamas, foa notes bearing raartgwrs sa th arawar. ty. with 8 per cent Interest aad 8 per cent vtlaat bitrreet The impromsaenta to be kept taeured aad tAwBeakay ttansfeTreo to tbe vendor. a Act of sale be tore Boot J. notary pwblie, at th cs pease of the purchaser asO Two 8iery JFrwnso Dwell In a Canrr street, betweea Nyde sad Prytanla, ta the rtwu Dietiict wltbout bmlt BY J.

A. BEARD ft CO. Gardner Smith, AacttaaeerA Will be said at sactlonsw SATURDAY, at 19 Banks' Arcade A LOT OF GROUND, with the lniuiaktu sbrwsv ia the square bouaoed by evades, taaia, Caarey and Sixth streets, metering 30 feet 7 inches lines front set Cenrey street, hy 109 feet ta death, betweea eara'IrA lines. The improvements ar stwo etery Frawa Buii naej en brick pillars, containing foar roams, and a two ear kitchen with two rooms, two Cletama, waas heeett wua abode tree aad gardea la franx, a Terms Ose thlrd caab 1 balaaca st tt sad laawtbt creott, for notes beartag per cent toUroat sad par cent alter atatarity, seenrad by saertgag ea tas wn perty. The imprevrmeata to be kept insured aad th policy treaefened to toe vender.

Act af sals before rSkcaaU, the expense of tbe pan has ir. aetary pablic, aft Val Jaahle laiproyed Property street oa a Lena Credit aa Ms era slaw) TiTI. A BEARD ft CO. Gardner Smtrh. Aa Will be eold at aacttaa sa SATURDAY, Arst bt.

livo, at e'clork, at Banks 'a Arcade TBRES ROTS OP a ROUND, with aba la pn 1 1 thereoa. ta the Ptatt Dwrrtct ta the boosts saa aed by Msgazine, Teacher, St Joseph and Deierd ttrerov aseaa. tn 4 feet 4 laches I fins frost SB Magastsa etraatj 64 1 ret inches 6 hnea In tbe rear, by a depth of lit tread tacbea 3 Haas on tbe aid line aeasvat to 8t Jeerpb ayee. aad II fast 3 Inches 6 liwea aw the side line Barest lord streets Tbe jnvproveesentt a doable etery Brick Buildtng wow litnl till the Both tsjaw's? ZZL Tbe rear baifdiag the te Jtwto ba, tbe privilege ef rsassvrsg them by the siyaratioa bat nia Or fc rt cs.k W1 sdrfL teU 7 go be beat unwed ta tbe aasswat at envs trnprrewrs too. g.

bs rleXeTvVit mi tw aTt. few Act ef sale before Was. znenee of the suitbsssr. paasic. at tbo sr Deatrable lmw rre Camp, Wasningvea ana Bizta atreeta.

teas. sated by th ros 4, 6, 4, 7. 8. B. It and k.

bs Koa. 6 nd scesaar each feet front aa Wasbiagtwa street? bp a death ef 19 tart tachr hot ana par. allei lines. The improvements ere oi ta 4 aad 6, aad ti minis stwtory dwelling, slat rao oatauiiae (ar raow gallery ia ftbnt, with gardes aad shrabaery. esad a an story kitchen ta tbe rear, coats In tn teas rooma, eastern, Ac Lots 7, 9 aad 90, miawun each teat 1 inch I Una front ea Csmp street, by ewrAh oT 100 teatt Inch 4 Unea Betweea parallel Unas.

Ul LoU 7 aad eta mass fine old ask trass. Lota Hand 13 measure eacn teet I Inch. 1 riM treat oa agasma street, syasawUtof len feet I inch Uaea, betweea paraliet Haes. Tbe above property is nseat eligibly situated, sad IrnaaB diatety eppeaiie tbe reaiAenca sf James BVsbb, Esq. Terma One third ceshi balaace aa acred rt lawd years, for notes bearing mortgage ea tbs pi overt.

v. an' Cr era latere, nd a pee cent. ewBtwal in tenet Th iprovtmiuu ta be Isaured and the paucy tssaWTsd to Vendor. Acts sf sal before E. Beraett, aetary a3c, Bt thee, penes af tbe parr hare rs.

saw II ar'fJVlrtjT't" totefarm mv IrteaAt aad the awVele rbat I BBS leave! A I rfj. A tka aea waai ts taa st saw down tawaTcaataaaereoa Jackmw, ewea Tcwiawias i i fanerala carriaavw andeaka. left there ar at mv old stand aa tbe coewer off riilr.a n.iMSrsra, will be pramnt iv att r. wm. smith epl New Ia earJoa.

perfarm Biav weeding er eultivs'n NE a i.L Hu, stent veeevao was earraea. tarnlra, suawatnlea. ea blTsa all other tetaaiei, thaaeigat Bscs eaa as waft jj? raaVmsa Cl aadaea. are fne a aasswva WBJTlNtr CO w. .84 fstanr jeet v.

hew Oriear To. apio gt ki.s apaBisa. saw awaf nace is a rse. arales oad engineer, and batanga ta srt, aad AV ef thepariin ot at J. Aueta.

i. A b. act. 1. Ievr.

N. fj. in T'ev 4.. TO it. a of svrr ist.

i BaX yak PTDalk wTl. MIlAt I Oft (Wtjwelf(i nVa twPt UTB rtt tTv til" BV Star wVaMT? wpftsl m.u i on gUrpi4. Btri A. SEARD ft CO eJardaer Bmtta AaaUejeer ViJ iJstt Te ea 8 AT CROAT, AgoitS. iava it eVIeck, at Banks' Arced IE LOT OF OROOND, with tas tesswrewjewta T.

th. rrrtk District ta to Maare boaa ied bw 1 FTFTT DOLLARS BEWATD WT Mil for tbe peirebea.iovj of tbe nrro tom i ALF6ED. 3 years aid, ie bi.rk. soot ou Are feat foar or five in. ne, he i kMMUd hold aonearsru I a fc? 1H 1 i if i i 1 5 it II i 1 1 i i 1 a if 1 at i li re ill it i Ir i.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.