The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

1 A Mi tele east itai ak te a tad a. shiest ny LA 1 A ca hat kef ka etr 01 v. A a a a a 1. a h. ww I iiif TTo nr T7 tvt i a iTnmTrvT at tnci! i a fat TV Airrt tv ci i TT viinn.

Huck. r. h. pu. zbubsnavoi tuum.

a Kstaxei as duti hum Am ifir rap nivrar mw unciui ar 'Mp" unKniuriN NhI tail i w. oawo I 1 SZL Ono, 10 A. M. bn wlU be played far the fourth time tbe IMU of HWni jrroTsaUOna AHti UqiOHt M. GREEN BCSHES.

TJT B. SYKES, Auctioneer On THURSDAY, the 96th GEM. Snares p. THIS EVENING. Thursday, Feb KV WU1 He MribrmH.

I iustenl, at 10J, 'dock, will bssold at aortiooatore, SAXON. tWa tP J.3. Backntoae's Drama, to three axcaltedOREEN Na Wagexlne street J. M. Hall.

P. BUSHES, ar THS HUNTES88 OF THE MISSIS too boxes Tooaece; 0,000 imported Cigar 8IPPI Miami. tb HwOr) Celeat Coonor doarn Brooms; eo begs Bio Coffee; tLLTT. DELIA. It O'Kannedy, Mr Perry; Wild Mnrtogh, Mb Sloan; loo Demi)ohn, 40 boxee '7 CAMPBKLia rlagan, 4P.M.

ismkUUf. nnaw, r. ok aTtoBBsguineeittBnanvir running Dger racket I natter, will I Tl MiA uwiA. at. uaur 7, leevs ijouawuw ana lannauH T.

B. SMITH, Paydr et. SrTbefine iaet ronnine maater, will poairi pack SAAun, i. Lake Proridence, Mil li ten a Bend. Vicka I eraediat landings THIS EVEKIHO, at "r6 BTBOTHER 45 Poydraa at, Tbe ftna aaaafnerr ateaanar 6EM.

Uwm Hiiapa, will Uae liir Ixmta and ail Intern rt iatifland "TT THIS SVENINO, at o'clock. JOHN H. SHAW de Poydraa at 'lTbeaaipMAiiAHON, Tyler. naater.from New York, diacharaiDgat Poet Third Municipality. Coaarn Til pleaae attead to the rereiit of their gooda on the a1 iMa af the follnwine anode ta order will i aaarked Ai a noaea wwenea aaarked F.

Thampawi; a caeea L. narked Bia a equate, and marked T. Sirria Ox; aaarked Sin annate. marked H. H.

ASHBR1DQK 97 Carry et ry "fLl2iBSTH JOHNSON will caU at Beaomer'a, ii lem. OScpital street, she will find Tuomai I raturntd from Panama F5 1 TMBKB. feet ckaw aeaanited White Pine, land I iZta brig Warerley from Bat for aale by LrZx eREKN, HARDING Poydraa at. Oaaenton aorpretriiaea on tbe tad inataut, in the lTafterDOon. a eorrel MAKE, apparently atrayed.

laa awaex anay baea her by applying at 1 Phil and paying expense. Fi at VtsX IALK Mr boase and lot, earner of Canal and Bnr atreeta The rarant portion of the lot baa So Caaal street. Terms accommodatinr. Apply aV i U7 unKTiinllTUV 7Taake tbetr leatdtwce known to tbe clerk an the Ia beamred at tbetr expense and ribri TtuaidsB aaarksA F. at New Orleana loo bbla.


BBLS. HONEY. For sale at No. 13 New MILLER A CA RROTHXRS. 1.

lAarjB ttatisi tin. ns 1. a oe larsv xiaii vium Ub tbe arcaod atory mi the Carrotltoo railroad depot, inev of Baronne and Perdido streets, suitable far a hM, Mann' ball or Odd Fellowa ball. Fosseastoa giren 1st May next, Foe terms spply at the emce or tne uar Saan laiiraad. No.

18 Baroane acrset. Fio lot Iafe Uaa Waited AtrnmittKNAN AnvnrvoaknowlBstuwnere absatsof a lad named John Breonan. aged IS years, a ua kia home ia Cinc naati. darine tbe month of De iistir leal, would confer a favor en bis widowed mother ky fearing intelligence at Magarine street, where she awaiia IBWinni ww Netiee. CHABGS of Breach of Trust having been ptefciied I against tbe undersigned by T.

Men vie lie, before Be carder Geaois, we beg tbe public aad our friends to suspend say setaion In relation to tbia accusation until a full exsaa tnatka ef it can be bad before the Becorder. whea we con adeatly expect te prove said charge to be utterly false and Saadies. JOSEPH HOLZ. fJS it F. B.

LEBLOND. nfor ttion Wasted OF BRIDGET, and her husband, THOMAS MALONET. They arrired la tbia city from County Galway, Ire shout a vear asm. Thomas Maionrv died about a week aer they landed. Any inforrnatioa that can be given ef Sridget Maloney will he gratefully received by Patrick Egaa.

at aucaaet cisn sc. isana attest, njoi sau gMaigup. FJ6 It mctiare ce rasnorrsa Km. MAGAZINE STREET, CP STAIRS, TTTHOLESALE DEALERS in silk, straw aad fancy dry fV gesda.hsve received per ships Empire City. Shannon, Lssra Saow, Marathon and' Clifton, a splendid assortment of Sonne rsoda, whrcb ibey oner te tne city aaa coontry Bsrrckanu and Tnillinera, cheap for cash or approved paper.

Thir MACS esmwuei Silk, Straw, Hair, Tuscan Ac Bonnets far ladiea and 7 "sUeboBS, figured aad plain of every variety. Artibcal lowers at au inn 1 Embroideries, Laces and Nets. Silks and Floreticea of aU descriptiona. wkerea aad Mitta Paraaolt and Fans Laxa Cambric Handkerchiew, embroidered and plsiu. Mea aad Boys' Panama, Leghorn, Campeacby and Palm leaf Hats.

infanta' Leerjorn and Taney Braid Hats. And a complete aaaui linent of Milliners' Trimmings, i Their stock will be replexiabed by every fresh arrival nrroaea the season, and wholesale buyers are respectfully mIIi II I tm nmlu tha assortment, which has been most carefully selected and will be sold aa low aa it can be in this Basnet. J. U.Carrie e.Hla TJY VINCENT A CO. By virtue of an order ef the Hon jv.i arable Judge of the Second District Court, bearing date i tia February, will be said on Tuesday, the 9th March, at i the following days, tbe entire stock contain ad in store Na 3D Chart res street, surrendered by said in 1 ssrsrnt ts bis creditors, ronsiating ef apwards ef one tnou mmA iris BLihhmia PwH Rattans Jaavin'a Gloves.

Glmna Cetiery Faaev articles. To? Ac. Ac Also the lease of said wore, terminating on the 11 October next, together with the extensive fixtures. Catalogues will be ready for delivery na the day previous 1 a. rh mU tha atne ran aa examlneO Lafayette Ubl.

THE following Sweepstakes have been opened by this Oub for January. Ixbl, to be run over the Lata yet te Caarse, ia Augusta, ua gatspstakea for three year olds twe mile beats en ham an aion Oa ta clnas oa the 1st of Scute inber. tws or more start, tbe Club to add Aooo, The race ta be ran aa the Tuesday of race week. Bwarpatakea for three year olds mile beats entrsrice gaja, gi.s) forfeit to close sa the 1st of September. Tbe lacs to be rua an the Friday of race week.

Tti iiaaiiiialsan tnhf addrrairii tn Fa at SL D. GLOVER, aagusta, Gs Svralxa'a Celebrated Panacea, Far tne care of Incipient Consumption. Scrofula. General Debut ry, White Swelling, Rbeunsatiam. Diseases ef the Liver and Skin, aad mil Diseases arising from Impurities of the tha Blood, sod the effects Oaf MfTTrnonry.

SW AIM'S PANACEA baa been for more thaa thirty two years celeArated ia this country and in Eorope for It txaraot diatry cures fcr the certificates ef which reference a Bade to the direct lona and hooka (wbicb may oe naa soke (which may oe naa 1 some of which give the for ffrueral aaMlcatiaa. at eatea up with srrofnla, gratis) sccompenyugtbe Panacea sarricalara of cases too friarhtfal 1 where tha aatienta bad been aloaost it baa been need in hospitals and private practice and has bad the singular fartnne ef being rtcmnmemded by tbs aasst ceieorated physiciaaa aad ether eminent persona. Prof, of Surgery. Pennsyin UnlveTslty. Vslentiae Mott.

M. Prof, of Surgery, N. Y. do. W.

F. Dewees. M. Prof, of Pennsylvania do. Cbsuenn.

V. Prat of Pbrsic. Pennsylvania do, T. Parka. Prest Coll Physicians.

Phils. Dr. Dei Velio, rtofcaaor of Medicine. Havana. Job Eoareaco de Lax.

Prof, of Surgery. Lisbon. J. Cbisanaa, Member Royal Colt. Surgeons, London.

4a. W.L ving. late Minister to Spain. SwTBoasmFearaoa. Major Gen.

British Army. btiiAsrt Robertson. British CooaoL Ac Aad also, tbe wonderful cures effected by Swsima Paaa eea, save far many years ansae aa iavaluabte remedy. Tbs Panacea does not caotaia mercery iaaay form, and bang sa innocent prenaratioa, at may be given to Use moot basdar iafaat The retail price has beea reduced to 1 RO per bottle, (con hnaUBg tares half puts) or three bottles for 04. BSWJMtS Or IMPOSITION.

awahn i Paaaeaa is ia round bottlca, Sated longitadiBas 1 ay, aith tbe following letters blown mm tbe glass 8WAIM0 PANACEA PHIXADA" Bad having tha name of Jamea aim stamped on the eta hag wax. and written oa tbe label covering tne cant, sad a splendid engraving for the aide ef the aaed af geometric latbs work, comprising niae snffirreat ana, which have been turned for tbe exclusive ear of tbe Wunetar bv ntaaar A Co bank Bote ensrBverS. Of Phll aariphia. Ia tbe centre is a portrait of tbe lata Wm. swsisa, ceuyilgin sees red Aran iu iimi VSTRMTrT'flPl A wslsnbls Fsmily Medicine, being a highly approved tor all dis ariaina anm Aebibt of the disvst oty ov 11 yv ergs so, aaca aa vvornia.

tnoiera nwna, ismcij, sever and Ague, Bleeding riles, bice tieaaacne, ac oe tbs ssBnshlcx (which may be bad atis) accompanying the Yeraufa*ge. a fZJV nT.TI Tins a snsia LimvMivni, BTAND. Seventh atreet, below Cbeanot, PhiladelpbiA and ana ey all the respectable Druggists tne turn Btatca 1 Mirriniv ty tw ft rumi.jc. PsrsSB wishing isaorsin tbegeatrt CEAsad 8 AIM'S VERMIFUGE, otMlwAia? rana aaonld be carefnl to a a af aprlled correctly oa tba bott les and hWSrle, or they may be nais aa by medicines made la imitation of them by a liiaiia bearing a somewhat similar name, well calculated ts stcaive. saT Bi usial A renra for tbe United Stales, RTHIF FrT.l.l'Ni RR.OTHERS A 104 snd 106 Joba street.

New York. DOLLARS REWARD. Baa away subscriber at Sbirldsborouah oa tbe 1Mb 1 negro boy named ZEDON, aged 44 years. 0 mcnes man, stoat ana, rasamrs hack of his riant ear. Ths am, reward will be gives for the delivery of said boy to aw as vak r1 llgfii nnnss.

ar ts lie oransnnc IB sua kal mt Mieldsborougb. ar at New Orleans toF. Bara t. 'Go, OdLevec RAYMOND CUEVAS. Tav at filaaramaa Cearae.

Ala 1. GREAT WELSH MATH RACE. PBDAY, February wb Tifty horses, araried and an trained, ts start in the following saner, for arse aawnat Iaw UMB11I on. 1 10 entries to start at 11 o'clock A. M.

10 entries to start at I o'clock 3 10 entries to stsrt 1 o'clock P. M. 410 entries to start at o'clock P. 1 io entries to Mart at 3 o'clock P. M.

The Winning Horse ef each race will thaa come together ka theporaea. at 4 a'clock, te be decided aa followsi Fir bora ia lost race Second horse in last race receives Third horse la last race receives 1 "i Foarth hstaa ia fast race 3tt I Wftk horse in aaat raca recai vea ea. to the above parses free to carry rno prxmes. Asnxtttaaee at the gate, 98 easts. Badges giving tha pnvi fA members' wand aad qarntti stretch, 1.

VHth 'tot Office, daily, until 4 o'clock P. ea rrdr. Feb. eeta, IsAA A card wffl be svea wbea tbe Wry a made, with Bamber upsa it, which wiU bs ths of ths horse starring in rbe race. 2 THOS.

LEEFE, Secretary for the rVenrletor. Chlkalasra Pisss Tertaa. "7" 9 i The public wUl please take aetleetbax I Mr. ITENRY PARSON 13 Cawia atreet. fT(f7l rXti? 7 anly agent for the sale ef my Piano A of roixe ta Louisiana, aaa toss AT).

token at tola depot assy fa iwaiui srom tne I factory, any kin vrsera mav be left few aav nary bi def a taqaired snrfl the article ia received aad apprsvad. CHICKERING. 344 WmhtofoasA. Beaton. SALE A BoardinrHousa, with Lease aad I I furrutgrs.

Basing twelve hoarder la the house it i T4 being one of tba beat loratians ba ths citv. Na 14 St, Street trawtiaa aa laa. laoia. Tha I a aceasmg eg ut nasi I a jaenire ea tae I He SB FIFTEEN 'If fram th. iTha." lers.

CoT 1. i. A A A Aa 2. S. A A A ast la aide.

Smith Gereldine, Mr Ryaar Nellv O'NeiL Mra. Sloan 'After which the rare of MT NEIGHBOR'S WaTB la wbicb Mr. lane. Mr. Kioaa.

Mr. Mnv Bynar. Mra. Perry and Mr. Bloaa perform.

THIS BVEirWO. Thoradar. Feb, i the Comedy of HEAB.T8 AiLK TRimP 4aby, Mr. Baaa, Wagataff, Mr. Wright, Martin, Mr.

Hoi Uadi MraTeray, Mra. Howdl Mia. Miliar. Mrs. tUw at flnaaa Mra.

Raerea To conciode with the Oraad Ballet e4 TEMPTATION M'rna Monplaiaw in aeren diSerent character i Frederick, Mooa. Moa grrMSi' ilaiair Bo Toag, Moaa. Corby i Jaeobo, Mona. Corby Bt'Ue italant jrortanata, a i lie Bkmdaaa. and the entire Ballet Troupe, with Naif Scenery, Magical rioiM ittaa.

extetimra Machinery, and aplendld Coa Orloiinn Theatre. IHTMDAT ITVENIKS. Feb. Sti Fifth night of the celebrated Grand Opera, In (bar acta and aeren tableau, by Boeaiai, 8E BLULAMU Araacee, Mine Widemaan Semiramia, M'ma Fleary Joly i Aaanre, Mr. GeaibraU Th.

lihtta nf kicmi a a i EngiiAo, kx Bale at tbe Box Office. bar Performauce cowmiencea at o'clock. Irua Kiee'e Clrcna. On St. Chariea MM eat.

omcanta Perdldo. THIS EVENING. Wednesday, Feb. Flrat ratrdArtlM I of HERB, CLINK This Vastly celebrated Artist, who rank aa tbe most est wishing and graceful Tight sum renormer in tne wario, naa Been angagea, ana will make hi flrat appearance tbia erasing, continaing EVEKY fcVENINU Tula ta. XHM, wun tne great Eqneetnan and Oymnaatic ueiajiuiance of tne Troops, will conetituta a moat recherche entertaia ment.

Fl The Benefit ef Janaea C. Ueyaiolda, Better knows as DAN RICE'S LITTLE DOUBLE. Will take place on SATURDAY, February anth.whea a I most cnotce entertainment wui oe gtrea, ana two PRIZES offered Car tbe two best conundrum A Oold Pen and Pencil, of rare workmanship and elo ldidMcralscMWarUx. It ta an aerstood that tbe first priss is for tbs best conandram famished by a lady. The second for dram furnished by a gentleman Tha to be given to tba lady The second tor tbs beat canon i cnotce ot rruea Conundrnraa, with real name af set bar, to be sent In oa Bexurosy morning.


Poonlar Sonra. Favorite Ballads. Recit Sedinoae Voci" Cavatina, "Casta Diva," (Norma) Bellini. MADAME ANNA BISHOP, Sourenir of La Sonnambula," for iolooceiio. HERB HEHMAN BBAUN.

Tha Favorite Ballad Sweet Home." MADAME ANNA BISHOP. Fantasia for Flute, oa a theme from the Bohemian Uni." and aa Italian Cavatina. HERB JULIUS SIEDE. Jbiah Ballad The Harp that once thro' Tars Halls." Scotch Ballad Coming through the Rye," with tbe original word a. dinna ask me." MADAME ANNA BISHOP.

Catalan I 'a Great Bravura Song" Gratia agi mus tibi" revived by M'ma A. B. at ber eouceits in York. Flute ObUgata HEBB JULIUS SIEDE. FART II.

Or VBATIC SCKNKS IS C08TTTMBA Melodic Suisse Violoncello. HERB HERMAN BBAUN. Favorite Berne, in costume, from Douixetti'i Semi Beria Onera. LINDA Dl CHAMOUNL MADAME ANNA BISHOP. Comprising, besides Becitatives and Cavatina, tbe popular Hsllad On ths Ranks af Onadalanivir Fantasy hw Flute BriccialdL HERB JULIUS SIEDE.

The celebrated MAD SCENE, and Grand Finale from tbe Opera of LUCIA Dl LAMMERMOOR, MADAME ANNA BISHOP. Bagatelle improrisres on the Piano. MB. BOCH8A. A Tableau of Mexican Life, introducing the popular Song of La Pasedita." (the Piwmenade.) sung in Caatilian, and in the National Costume of a MEXICAN GIRL, BY MADAME ANNA BISHOP.

Mr. BOCHSA will preside at tbe Pisno, CaT Tickets tl and 01. To be bad at W. T. Mayo'a Music Store, 03 Camp street, near tbe Armory Hall and on the day ef performance, at tbe alitor Books containing tbe words of the Songa, Engliah translation of OPERATIC SCENES, in roatnme.

Ac, to be sold st tbe door. Price so cents. Tbe Pisno Forte used on the occasion ia a Plryel'l grand action, from W. T. Mayo's music store, Lyric Entertainments to commence at 8 o'clock.

Doors open at o'clock. Fit MB. BOCHSA. Manager. Armary XI all, Camp street, ON MONDAY NEXT AND EVERY EVENING.

PROFESSOR ANDERSON, THE sQREAT WIZARD OT THE NORTH, (Tram England.) WUI have the honor of making kts first appearance in the Crescent City, aad Introducing a aeries or but GRAND FASHIONABLE ENTERTAINMENTS, SOIXSES HY3TKR1KU5ES, which are universally arxnowiedged to have NO PARALLEL IN THE WORLD, and the moat astounding wonders ia NATURAL MAGIC The Entertainments of Professor Anderson are of the MOST KLEGAST DESCRIPTION, and replete with the moat beautiful and interesting experiments of the deepest scientific researches in HYDRAULICS, PNEUMATICS, ELECTRICITY, MESMERISM and MECHANICS, tat" Tor particulars of which aee bitla. SaT Doors will be open at 7 o'clock. Performance to commence st o'clock. saT Admiaaioa 00 cents. Seemed chairs cents.

gar The plan far securing erata will be open at tha office of tbe Hall on SATURDAY and every oay iroui in A. at to a P. Fi Netiee aerial. PROPESSOB ANDERSON, THE GREAT WIZARD OF THE NORTH, at the ARMOBY HALL, order to accommodate Families, Distant Residents, School, Ac, wo0 cannot conveniently attend his Evening Entertainments, will give TWO GBAND DAY PERFORMANCES, ON WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY APTERNOONH. gsr Doors open at o'clock.

Performance to commence at 3 o'clock. gar Admiaaioa 60 cents. Secured seats 76 cents. Bar Javenihea ander Twelve years of age half price tar Places can be secured at the office of the Hall EVERY DAY from 10 A. M.

too P.M. T0 Isnpertajits Tbe plan far securing tbe seats for PROFESSOR ANDERSON'S GRAND SOIREES will be ready ea SATURDAY MORNING. at 10 A. when seats will be as Id. aT Apply early.

The reserved Beats ar limted. TM A Few Chelee Heat For PROFESSOR ANDERSON'S GRAND SOIREES MYSTERIED8E8, fifrnimYnttimt on MONDAY NEXT, at the ARMORY HALL, can be bad at H. D. Hewitt's music store, 90 Camp street. aEarty aptdicartoa ts aesirahls.

Fs GBAND CONCERT. Tbe public are respectfully informed that MISS CATHARINE HAYES will give bar Mixta aad Isaac Oraad Cencert. At tbe ARMORY HALL, On FRIDAY EVENING, Tebruary 27, laSa, PROGRAMME. FAST L. Soma aad Aria" Far varder la ana brl vtoo," (Parisina) Dotrixetti.

HERB MENGIB Cavatina "Robert tot qje si me," (Robert kt viaotej. Meyerbeer. MISS CATHARINL HAYES. Fantasia favorite ails upon the Boehm. ki KYLE Arietta" Vetture, Cavam." (I tjuindici) Bordeae, HERB saENUsS.

Fantasia an tbe Piano Forte M. E. BOULANGER. Graad Aria" Cotnc per me aereae," (La Bom aambnut) BeiUnL MlbS CATHARINE HAYES. paat n.

Premier Coorerto De Beriot. REUS BlRNfsIA 1 Kathleen Mavourueeu" An Irish Ballad Crouch. MISS CATHARINE HAYES. Aria Buna "Lorsqoe boob maltra," (Jean da awMh HERB MENGIB. Anld Robin Gray" a Scotch Ballad MISS CATHARINE HAYES.

Aria Boffa "Miai BampoUi," La Ceneteatuie) Roanni. HERB MENGIB. Bsilad Home, sweet Home." (Clari) r.AM Mr. LA VEND. Bar Ths Grand Piano emntoved ea this occasion is sees of Cbickering'A and fa srosa the Music Store of H.

Far saT Pnce sf Ticket A3 and (1. They at the office af tbe Armory HaU ea THIS MORN Every seat win be numbered. a a a raatalnlas tha aawds SBT the DOBg a French, Italian aad English, may ba ehtairtfdin the rnarait i rs tltrfr' I Price, 6 a rents. Doses opea at ltfpa 6, Corsr to ooairaenca a 8 O'clock. F90 AT THE T.aaT Sw? cm, A tNTTTIifiS OF i MTAnrr a 1 aUHeaautlne the TEMPTATION and EOtPinjnOW.

These aubltasr works I a far Cnanes a. ex rraarca. which are acknowledged to be tne nnem evsx mAmmmM tl 1 1 III .1 wars i i the nast laml Btataa. were fuumw I WrnT Open fram A. iXt 111 At BrUllaatly UlaaJnatod tW AdnTtanSths wxade wwta0 cento." iLhaifa alaitltel en Liberal terms.

BaTTbe agent rvapectfully Informs tbs citizen of Jfew Or seaaatnat tbsss are the aameerigiaal Patasjaaaa wbicb were exhibited hi tbia city, la Jsaaary ltJa. Bar A dearxiatiea aivea every evening at balf east a'ehack. sSv Aregiaerof the sawsto can be aeea to tbd aoar. Yry Geada. rf etare end tale to cloae ceastgsaaaBS, aa sf FOREIGN DRY GOODS, comprising Cri comprising Craaa Shewn Ckha PtiBts, sic klnacas.

Masuas. Manilla Grass ClothA 1 JMT. IlW iltilX. Port. erel, 07 he sold Hon 01 A be I 1 I 10 DblA CoDnerssi 40 ChiRnktMi WO boxes Mustsrdf SO bonea Pickleai 100 cases Claret; 10 bbla.

Wbitc Wine; 40 eheata Teat cases Sardines; Brandy, in. Whiskey, Bom, Port, CnracoB, Maraihino, Sherry. Nails. Paper. Matcbea.

Starch. Candles. Mack Bugar, Glassware, Hams, Ac Tils Crreeeries PreTialeMa Liqnera, Ve. BT MORPHY NEVIUS Oa THURSDAT. tbe Sh Instant si 10 o'clock, will hs sold at auction at No.

Magaxina street cssss nacoa enonldere; go bbla. lioar Bagan 60 bbla. Prime Beef; so bases Tirgiaia Tobacco: 100 doaen Painted Pailai 900 boxes Boston Ma 1 Scant Brand. Gin. Whiakee.

Hum. Port and Madeira inaa. Star, Sperm and Tallow Candles, Black and Imperial Teas, Bice, Starch. Wbaie, Lard and OUre Oils, Castile Soaps, Brandy Cherries, Cordials. Ac Fsiruitare, 3iattraaea, tfce.

At the Auction Mart, BT Camp street. BY R. M. MONTGOMERY Wm. P.

Scott, A act ion On THURSDAY, the SOU instant, at 10) a'clock, wiU anld ai auction A rarled assortment of HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN FURNITURE of every description. Also, an Inroiceof HAIR and SHOCK MATTRESSES. tar Bale pasitiee. Terma Cash. VM Cottaa Cauai.

TJ.L CABMAN at CO Oa THURSDAY, tha toth at 4ls o'clock, will be sold at section at the riantera', Mississippi, ixmiaisna ana uriean rrcsat com menring at tbe Plautera' Pre 4 bales COTTON, daniaged. ar Terms Cash. F6 Fine Dlabograay Famltatre cVc. Without Keaerve. BY BACH a JAMES, Auctioneers Office Camp at.

On TH UB8DAY, tbe Snth inst at 10 o'clock, will be st auction at No. 133 Baron ne street A fine assortment of HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, con sisting of fine Mahogany Bedsteads, Bureaus, Chairs, Sofas, Xnree pry larpera, ac tr Terms Cssh, Ft IOO caaea Ivip Lad uaaset lira nana. 1 rf. 1 tAnnuui Auctioneers. On THUB8 OA DAY, tbe snth instant, at 11 o'clock, will be sold at auc at Na 60 Maaasina atreet.

without reserve quality and Southern manufacture, ta which'ths attention I 100 cases atp, it newt ana nne tJHOOA.s, ei saserior tne rraoe aao planters ia reapectnuiy caiieo. SaV erms Cash. T8 Mteek efFamllr tirarerlea. BY MORPHY A NEVIUS On THURSDAY, tbe Wth I a 10 o'clock, will be sold at auctiea, at the cor arra sjgiom ana mib st i i. A large and general aseortmcnt of GROCERIES, all lately ooogut and beautiful order.

Buyers are respect roiiy soiicitea to ran ana examine previous ta tne erne. Fiae Hair Mattreeaea. At the Auction Mart, Na 87 Camp atreet. BY B. M.

MONTGOMERY Wm. P. Scott, AnctY Oa THUBSDAY, the SMb at 101, o'clock, will be sold at auction, without reserve 10 fine HAIR MATTRESSES. 10 SHUCK 10 HAIR BOLSTERS. All of tbe best quality.

Sale positive. As Terms Cash. FS laina srr Flour. P. B.

TAYLOR A TO URN Office no Common i Oa THURSDAY, the 96th inst. at 4 o'clock. will he sold at auction at the flat boat landing, by order and uiufcrr the inspection ef the nortwardena, for account of I woura tr mav concern 14J8 Ub. FIX)UK landed from tbe flat boat Nancy. Alan, 141 bola.

landed from flat boat Elk. sss Terms cash Fit 1 tseaeraJ Aasortrue nt ef lieaea. Catnelia Japoniras, Evergreens, Ac rT BACH A JAME9. A act ioneers Office 98 Cams st. On ATURDA the fertb inMant, at 10l o'clock, will sold at auction on square An assortment of Roses.

Camelia Japoniras. Cratagers Cape, Yellow aud Grand Duke Jessamines. Mespilus Ja ponica, ria in and Variegated Euouimna. Magnolias, vi burnums. Fruit and Flowering Pomegranates, Arbor tti tea.

Arbor Crape Myrtle Trees, Pettisporum, Tallow or or Croton Trees. Also, aa assortment of other Planta tdT Terms Cash. The above will be sold in lots and delivered aa sold. FOB bbla. Dajnaa ed Flear.

BY P. B. TAYLOR A TOL'RNE Office Common street On FRIDAY, the 97th 11 o'clock, will be sold st auction at tbe flat boat landiag, by order and under the inspection of the port wardens, for account of whom it may concern 144 bbla. FLOUR, landed from the flatboat Eagte. Alas.

14M bbla landed from the flatboat Owl. taT Terms Cssh. Ti Fiae lioaeeheld Fa ml tare etc. Without Reserve. BY BACH A JAMES, Auctioneers Office 36 Camp at.

On MONDAY, the let March, at 10 o'clock, will be sold at auction at 103 Carondelet atreet, between Perdido and Poydras A fine assnrtment of HOC8EHOLD FURNITURE, Ac. consisting of Bedsteads, Bureaus, Marble Top Centre and Pier Tables. Armoirs, Chairs, Mattrrssn, Ac Bar Terms Cssh. F96 tea rs I are, Fsral tn r. J.

L. CABMAN A CO On FRIDAY, tbe STth instant, at 11 o'clock, will be aold at a action at No 4 Phihnna atraet near Hevia Tbe contents of a Boarding House, consisting of SO Bedsteads aad Bedding. Sideboards. Bureaus Chairs, Tables, Armoirs. Carpets, Washstands, Looking Glmra, Crockery, Glass, Kitchen Ware, Ate st Terms Cssh.

FM Jenniasa'a Falla lUaanfactariaa; Co rail pany's StocA BY J. L. CARMAN A CO On SATURDAY, the nth March, at 18 o'clock, will be sold at auction at Banks's Arcade 300 shares of (100 each, of the Capital Stock ef the above company, in lota to suit nuTcbaaera. Tbe Manufacturing Establishment la located 00 the Natural Dam of the Fourche La Pave River, near Little Bock, in the State of Arkansas Tbe obfact of this company is the manulartaring of Cotton Goods for the Chihuahua and Santa Fe markets Further particulars can bs obtained oa application to the Auctioneers, No. 60 Magarine street.

This company is working under a very liberal charter. Terras One quarter cash balance at 4, and 19 months Fsn Trade Sale, by Catalofrae ef Beatoa aad Sandwich Glass Company Ware. BY R.B. 8YKXS, Auctioneer On MONDAY, March let, 1863, at 10U o'clock, will be aold at hia auction sales room. No.

61 Magazine street 1000 packages GLASSWARE, comprising a full and piece sasis 1 nil in lor tne traaa. 109 nsrxagea LAMPS aad LANTERNS, com prising erai assuranent of eaca. The whole being received direct from tbe Boston and Sandwich lam Company for their annual trade sale in this market; being a Larger assortment and ef better quality than any previous aale. Teima no cash, 6300 ninety days, over 8900 aix month far ensured paper. bale posuivs.

Catalogues and samples of the ware will be ready far ex animation usnatloa several da)a previous to the day af sale, which the trade ore invited to examine. Bherlfne Hale. 8. L. and Ezra L.

Levy v. Mrs. Cora V. Conrey. Na 4,461.

STATE OP LOUISIANA Parish of JeSeraon Third Judicial District Court By virtue of a writ of seizure and sale to me directed by tbe Honorable the Third Jadl cial District Court, in tbs State of Louisiana, ia the above entitled slu*t, 1 shall otter at public sale a tne umn ax change, a coffee bouse, corner of Rooaseaa and Philip in tbe cltv of Lafavetto. oa SATURDAY, the 47th day of Man 1 IM at I aVlAck. P. A certain sonare of around, airaate in the suburb Boutlrny in tbe pariah of Jefferson, designated by the Na 00. as per nlan hv Maelhanarn oa the 6th Febraarv.

1S46. said square conulns 18 lots numbered from 1 to is inclusive, ana ia comprised within Napoleon venue, Nayades, Pitt and Jena streets, and measures 900 test front ea napoleon avenue. 900 feet on Jena street. 900 feet front oa Pitt street and 3UO hundred feet front on Navades street. American ansa are.

together with all toe aaiiainga ana mapsuwctueuis tbeieon. Seised in the above entitled suit. Terma of aala 1. Ceeh sufficient to pay gooo, with interest at 8 per cent, per annum from 9th January, 1849, and cost of suit A The purchaser will asaosne the payment up te tbe amount ef hia bid. of two notes, one for 06OO maturing 9th January, lfsvi, with interest tberesa at tbe rate of per cent per annum, from theotb January, 189, rill paid, aad the ether for eono.

maturing 9th January, 1864, with ia terest thereon from nth January, 18, at the rate per cent, annum, and the babmcef F8 mlO 10 37 of the pariah of Jefferson. Hale hy the ShertsTef the Pariah ef Orleans James Lawrence Bogert as. Heirs of Fowler and ala SECOND DISTRICT COURT OF NEW ORLEANS Na 4169 By virtue af a lodgment rendered April 30th, a tmi an nn a biuuds 1861, and signed May loth, 1861, Baa to me directed by tbe Honorable! be Second District Court of New Orleans, in tbe above entitled matter, I will proceed to sell at public auction, ia the Rotunda of tbo City Exchange. St. Louis street, between C'bartre and Royal atresia, oa WEDNESDAY, March 10th, 1869, at 18 clocx nr a tamtxa A certain mere or parcel ov umaa, being in tbe suburb Saulet of the city ef New Orleans, mea saring ISO feet in front on Tehoapltoulaa arret, by 990 feet in depth sad front on Bellerhsssa street, more or leas, 190 feet in front ea St.

Tnesnaa street, sad 160 feet in depth on tbe line separating said property from property now or Istely Mionging ia ar. naawv, as wsws ainaw. uw closes at right angle and anaaaiiaso fceA thence extends to a further depth of lew feet te said St. Thomas street. required to effect the partition, and to bear 8 per cent per I JAMES P.

TRERET, P9J Sberiff ef the Pariab ef Orleana Teate par le Hherlf de 1st paralaae d'Or leans, l'etfet doperer an partage. Jaa Tawrenea Boaterts. les heri tiers de Fowler et TiEOXIEMB COLR DE DISTRICT DE LA NOU vella Ortesas No. 4160 (Action ea partage) En vertu d'aa jusem*nt rendu le 90 avril et lignle 10 nasi 1861 et moi addreaar par 1'bnnvsrablb Deuxieme Cour de District de la Nouvelle Orleans, dans 1 "affaire ci deesos, le prortderai le njercmli tn de mars 1863, midi, dan la Ratoade de la Bourse de Cite, me St Louis, entre cellee de Chartres et Boyakt poar an partage, fa rente proa emaat at dernier anclirnaamr. de is propriete dont salt la description TU ttno its trua slrneV aa tanbours Saulet de to ville fa NoarrUe Orieana, meaurant 160 pieds ds face a la rae Tehoupltoafas.

aor swi pleda oe proaoaaenr ex oe ami la me Bellecbarse. proa oa motna, 190 pieds de face A la rae St Tbornas et loo pieds de profondeur but ia li gna qui sepsrs ladite propria de celle sppartemmt ea eyant sppsrtenu M. Hunter, A taoseilr distance fadite ligne se fcrme A angle droit at hm ei a ao pieds da at s'etend Bene antra arefaa aear de 100 pieds ladits fTbornaaenaembleavecle btti sses et lea ssifliisst taw qoi at dessaa, tuuslaaut ea baa a bii sua briiinm ram mra asdoiara, Bvac ae dt ta, aaanagee, prrviieaeBet rvitades artachra. Cooditiona Us tier camptant, nn tkerab an CTetrlt vesta, et aa tters Vpa I I fl A. a poar cent dlatrrrt par aa ea your ae aaaBeo facihtor te aartoge.

et aesto ret I I Acaniptsv T30 rherff de fa Ta the Pahlle. On aud after tha let a Mart next. aavamnlboa tickrta win be sold et cento 'ttttt wmnamymn riven and xtsrtsrs, etJsarwfae rt taaae. say rt ceatA BS6 6t HART. THOMAS A CO.

lira le aa Uaiea Aietel, Na. Ysrk. 0a tbe Eoyoneaa pfai nt''Y '64tffe OraAvse Seed, far Hedcee. A few sail i kt at cnotce aeeo jrmn meugu ibyereriisnaawhabadit collected ea had river, 7 u. awl dirarrioB aad eaB bs asar a re as ant aa 1 i bnshei together witb the buildings ana lmprovernenrsirerean, consisting ef brick sheds covered with slate, with tbe rights, ways, privileges sad servitude thereto belonging.

Terms One third cash; stw third at I year's credit, with per cent per anaam interest from tba day of aale; and one third at 9 years' credit, with per cent interest per an am Aom tha dav esT sals, in notes in such auras aa may be a tbe at I the tha tbe of tbe a aa st 1 I I I I ImAtm XV nil I PHI la siiisannr rt aa a i Mayor, suhlett ta tha aomiaaliaa of the Whig Coaren ttoo. Fer RecordeP FiPst ltrlcU Ws ara anthonaed to announce JOSEPH ETTER as a candidate tor Becorder oi tbe First District subject ta the noailaattoa ot Mra rDlg yooYennop, Jfeiara. Edifrt Please announc CHAS. V. JONTi! as candidate for Becorder of tha First District of tbe city of Now Orleans, cum prited Between Felicity noaa ana umai street at the snsolng election.

i a IS nan taix nuo. tree I CaBnuiinKiouer. PVsse annonnca JACOB K.EY8 aa a candidate far amc of Street Commisiioner, at tba solicitation of many friends, at tba ensning ejection, March Fso te Pleaae aaajovnee A. MONTAN YE aa a candtnata ta the office of Commissioner, st the solicitation of many friends, the ensuing election, March gs. Fis Wa are reaneated to announce Mr.

E. D. WHITE aa a suitable candidate far tba office of Street Commiaeionerst ensuing ejection. Fst td Fer City Treasirer, Tor Treasurer af tbe city of New Orleans, 1. A.

DC BEL. Election oa the Sid of March, Fil WM. H. GARLAND is a candidate for Treasurer of tha dry of New Orleans. Flo ten Fer City Cemetreller.

fate, firasaaa Tba friends st jtood rovernmetit desire to testify, at tbe election next month, their appreciation of talents and integrity of Mr. JOHN CALHOUN, 07 electing him ts the office of Comptroller, for which you will please announce him as a candidate. Fil te The undersigned is a candidate for the office of Comptroller of the city of New Orleans, and respectfully solicits suffrages of his frllow citixeus. Fil ADOLPHE LA YET. Pleaae announce O.

DEB 8. the isratut Comptrulier the First Municipality, as candidate for the Comptroller ship of tbs city of New Orleans. FIT For City tSarvevar. JSdt. Pis.

la reply to the numerous inquiries why my nama does not anoear in the Dsutis aa a candidate lor ths I office of SURVEYOR, I beg teare to state that I consider approaching election ia af the greatest importance, and that ths best men should be selected 1 and therefore I presume that if tbe people think 1 am worthy of tbe office, they will ao express it at tha proper time. If nominated as candidate, I shall be proud to run but if others are found axe wortny, 1 auomit to tne aeosion, Fi6 3t A. G. BLANCflARD. We are authorized to announce HUGH GRANT at a candidate for City Surveyor of New Orleans.

AT Election on Monday, March law. F19 SPECIAL NOTICES. uiri 1 njiri it ririrri nrr i ri The Manx any ef aa Aacleat Esyptiaa Will be opened by Mr. GLLDDON, ia tbe presence of seven hundred members of tbe Lyceum, and for tbe exclusive BENEFIT OF THE LYCEUM AND LIBRARY, on FRIDAY EVENING. Feb.

SI, at half past 7 o'clock, at the LYCEUM HALL, Second Muni; cipality. Admission to noo subscribers, SI each person. faf The Professors of the University of Louisiana have kindly promised to attend, in furtherance of the sci entina results. ATNooe admitted.memberi or others, without tickets PM MISSISSIPPI FIRE COMPANY No. i The officer and members of this company are hereby notiaed to attend tne sojourned mommy meeting, to ne neia at sue aoigioe House, on FRIDAY EVENING.

97th o'clock. Punctual attendance is particularly requested. Kvh F. J. ROBERTS, Secretary.

"NEW ORLEANS PHILHARMONIC SOCIETY. The members of the aoove society are nocineo inat tne resuiar rehearsals of this society will hereafter be held on THLR8 DAY EVENINGS of week instead of Tuesday a htnna Membe Members are requested to be punctual in their attendance. By order of tbe Board of Managers. HUAVaiiu u. otwiiT, F94 at Secretary, 90 Camp St.

SEAMEN'S HOME ASSOCIATION, I New Orleans. Feb. 90. iMfri. I An election of Fifteen Trustees, to serve the ensuing year, will be held at the office et tne crescent insurance tympany on MONDAY, 1st proximo, between the hours of 1 anS 3 P.

M. i. W. STANTON. President.

GEO. W. LEE. Secretary. Fo lit NOTICE.

Tbe stockholders in tbe NEW ORLEANS AND OHIO TELEGRAPH COMPANY are hereby notified that there will be a meeting of tbe said Company at the Gait House, Louisville, on TUESDAY, March 8th. Itkal, at 9 o'clock A Business of great importance will he nrmented to tbe meeting, ana a lull attenaancc 01 tne tockholden is requested SJk F90 tMhl New Orleans and Ohio Telegraph Co. tnKOOL NOTICE. SECOND MUNICIPA L1TY The Committee en Teacher will bold a regular meeting on the last Saturday oi each montn, tn tbe Super mtandem arppm, municipal xisu. 0 k.

uin osmusa I Pnklie Rehoola of the Municiualitv. Applications, refer ences, Ac, may be left witb tbe Secretary of the Board, or I er. I wltb tbs supermtenur ins ocuoaoi. 91 was, p. IjlJUPSI LiairmsB.

LONE STAB DIVISION Na 9 President, Jesse Gill vi Prasidsnt. John Burke Recording Secre tary, A. Philips 1 Corresponding Secretary, J. Henderson, Jr. 1 Treasurer, P.

Cummlnga Messenger, O.V. Peck; Sen tIneL John Henderson, Ben. Meets every Tuesday, at o'clock P. Hope Hall, Kayadea atreet, opposite the Morse ntaoun. ORDER OF THE LONE STAR, Division No.

A The regular meetings ot this division will be held every FRIDAY EVENING, at o'clock, et tbe Lodge Room, comer of Camp and Nate bee streets. Candidates for initiation will I. RICARDO. Secretary. ORDER OF THE LONE STAB, Division Na I.

City of Lafayette The regular meetings of this division will be held every SATURDAY EYENING, st half past 1 o'clock, at the Odd Fellsws' HaU, oa Levee areet, near Jacxacn. offiejii J. V. WreaTPreaidenti J. Cotton, Vice Prea dent; 8.

TL Peck, Treasurer 1 Jolm Puree 11, Rec Secretary, Jesse Gillmara. Cor. Secretary 1 t. S. Bauiden, Sentinel, Biman Nenbnrger, Messenger.

no om WANTS. A lady fully competent to tske charge of the Englisn and arithmetic classes and ive instructions on the. piano forte, in a female eeminary tha eountrv. Anolv at the Franklin High School. Royal street, corner 01 Hospital street, between 8 and o'clock, P.

M. Good references required. F98 "I'lT ANTED A situation by a middle sgea woman wno well exnerienced in the care of children, and can come well recommended. She can be beard of by applying rfiu rSaialanna street Fsb I as ItaN'TED Printing Material. Press and type suitable VV and Buffieient to publiah a country paper.

Addreai A at tnis omce, naming piaca wuaxv sua examined. Fi6 It 1T7 ANTED A person well aeemainted with French. Latin and Engliah languages, wishes to obtain a situ aa Hank keener, or Teacher in an academy or college. Book keeper, or Teacner an aca. post paid to Box 40, Post Office Addn ift "IT TAN TED By a young man who has a large and influ ential acquaintance in rn, naiim.

ana nua muvw. .1." wholesale arocerv orary goods house. Satisfactory reference given. A note left at 14 Tchoumtoulas street wiU be attended to If addressed to B.C.B. bf WANTED A NURSE A young woman of good char acter, weU acquainted with tbe nursing of children.

Armlv at Na 63 Camo street. F34 3t Tlir ANTED A good Cook, Was ber and ironer roraaiuaii family. None need apwyunieas Apply at Na 91 Commercial Place, back office. rTMat i WANTED A Colored Servant Mr a tarnuy oi iwu per aant. She must wash and Iron well, and be ofunex eeptionable cbaracter.

Appiy at ai natcncxsBvev, bet ween io ana cases. et ANTED A situation in a private famllyto do plain sewing snd chamber work. by a rrapectable voung avail rawmaaat ABOinS BVe so as a. thia office. St XT ANTED By a gentleman speaking ths French and n.l.

1 1 a.h an aatanalve huSineSS BC rraslntance in ths city and country and a cash capital of oooo, a situation partner in a wen cataouaussi i WL reTTBuBwiS of sjwilirant addressed to G. uuiui care of Lauve A McCail, 66 Old Levee, will mr prampt attention. WANTED A man thoroughly acquaint Hard wars trade, who can speak fluent! I a i I ia a mtaalioa with the theFrenck tabushedln CaUfornia. by addressing at the office of hfa paper. Satisfactory rsan ences ss to character aod carabil tty will be required.

nS tt Gilbert Pateat AcUea Flttaa Fertej. Tne sso crioer. naa 'S, which are warranted to be of tone and werkmanahip, and ofjera ar sale at the store ef GUINNESS um. a I in na L. A HILL, No 68 Camp street.

fiaao rortea tonea ana repvarvu. Fi6 Im Jt. DUNBAR. OFFEE, SUGAR. TOBACCO, CIGARS.

Ac 464 boxes SUGAR, white, brow and yellow Havana; 170 bags COFFEE, prime green Havana, 35 bales Cuba Leaf TOBACCO, wrappers and fillers; as mo rrfixARA. nMnilaa, heat brands: Now gP? SouSf front Si vana, for sals by yo Tf A DK VI8SER A 96 Old Levee. Beeta, 8hea aad Bngua. Constantly on band an excellent saaortmerit jfof araannablt goods. For sal upon reasonable terms by I aj AAVJUJW UB uiaiw UI.I apposite BsnhPlaca.

Fix 6t Favteat MedJeiae Wareheuee, Na 60 Poyaras Brreet. a sn i j.liii.iininnt desulntioa XX. Patent aad Family Medicines are rxmsraniiy band, wholesale and retail. Purchasers may be assured tbat by sopplying tbemeeive Bt tbe above piece they wUl receive the freshest and para ntodiclnal cornpound to be fcnnd to thia eonntry. 1 mmw A iresB soppiy ex pu 1 1 no i irJl ri sunnlv i pound Syrup of Yellow amcb ttoot.

tLOOt, WsMlIIWIonaua. dote, JJeJley'B rala axrractor, ate. nv ansop tit ad IrreaA Balls given by HOPE HOOK AND nx viine COMPANY No. 3. A at the Orleans Ball Roam, ea THURS Goa DAY EVENING, TeA M.

lAMk r. near ia ussijiiw. Maaagsrs. i W. R.

BVbrmldtt, w. wal M. Bris Pms Whitine. A G. Risk.

J. iP nmC. DriscoU, J. McMaan, T. StalUngs, B.

L. Bobertsoa, HFLaaiiea ere WQaaaed to bring tbetr hvlWa Tickets. Graad Faaey Dree Ball. I IV: MECHANICS' TIR1 'IB oa aLT r. t.t.

Waft, I XV Tl 11 1. rTasna arts A RAD AY EVENING, Msuxh4.U6A tea Mr tne euraiat Jf CL Mcllkav D.C" siiosw. Jsa Jolls, MartiaLatx. 3. F.

Graber. Gondrtea, Alex. Boaartaaa. Joba Iaraoth, B. L.

Braea, H. Fssdicx, as. Risk. W. H.

Blaek, BenTolsdana, T. T. PasWMle, I Bbbiibb Arderille, Charles WhHiag, mtmfTB HOCMffg M. Whelai in, Jo Ruaha, Bobt Con art, Jat Dtowhaa A If. Monttea, fleoigs Mayae, Waa.

XrknUt. daa ttiaaey. a Tnianliliaa a. Mc4overn, m. w.

aieiiy. Jas. Dana. JebB rarreu. P.Carrk,' M.

Aanill, M. U. JaamCoasTeve. Joba Hywee, A AAi mar. Tl irxeta i be bad of any aeaTalhaih7Ba Of Invi a at toe i ww A aisa era i 1 4 T7 tmlii mriril W.

vms tbe for all P. v. on I I I of 1 a I enZ A fa" a 'STE A MBn'ATS'. I obile aad tbe Lake Packer. ffS aw FOB MObUIA DsIi U.

8. Mail Ler TWlhtet Arran merit The new and slmr nrrarnm packet steaniera FIA T. Uiberaoo. mastar. OREGON.

A Hlero.msatea. and I CALIFORNIA, H. P. Ensign, master, (baring ben brtit expressly for tha lake trade, Vth wperiorsccornmoriatinris.) I ot toe snore steamer will leave ton ronecnartrain nau roed DAILY, oaamral at ths Lake ml tha 4 a'clock M. the way iefbs osa will lem tha antra as tbo Meat promptly at a a'clock P.

M. JeistT B. OEDDES, Agent, 10 Bank Flace: CANAL LINE 8TEAMEB BT. CHARLES 1 For Mobile The new, splendid lake ateamer 1ST. CHARLES.

Beahea Flaw, ssaster. built exprcauy ivr tha Lake trade, with good accommodations, will leave the New Canal every TUESDAY and FRIDAY EVENING. RetarBlns. will leave Mobile, via Bllosi. Mississippi City, Pass Christian and Bay St Loait every MON DAY and every THURSDAY, via Pass Christian ana ney sjouisv iih recesvea as tne wsrenousa at au boorg of tne oay.

ro coast rreignt is receiveaat tne ware Boaae, jror rreignt or peerage appry to nsi R. oxjDDE Agent, 10 Bank Place COAST LAN DING STEAMER MOBILE 'For Mobile, via Bay St Louis, Pass Chris Itian. Mississippi City. Biloxi and Pasca gouia ins nne substantial lake steamer MOBILE, J. W.

Hoffman, master, built expressly for tbe lake trade, with good accommodations, will leave the Pontcnartrain Baiboad everv WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, on the arrival at lake of the 6 o'clock P. M. cars. Beturnio will leave Mobile every Tuesday, via Paacaroula, and Bay St Louis, and every Friday, via all tbe Coast Landings. I Alt freight for const landings will be received by railroad steamer Mobile, and Mobile freight will be rsceired by railroad for mail line.

Tbe way letter bag for coast landings will leare the office of the sgent at ft o'clock P. M.on njHwesoay ana aaturaay Agent. 10 Bank Place. 8 REGULAR THROUGH LINE, VIA THE New Basin For Montgomery, Wetunrpka, Selraa. and all landinas on Alabama river The new, iigut draugbt favorite iiaaai ngrr steam packet bLAtUri, u.

ti. enaw, master, will leave lor tne aoove ana intermediate landings on THURSDAY, sth instant, at o'clock, P. M. For freight or paaasgr, having eplradid. accomi na.

appiv on ooara, at tne new 1 Mcdowell, jr. a it i Basin, or ta F2ft I Poydraa st. The Ohle Klver. TOR CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE AND Pittaburg The splendid iiaaMiigar steamer iiwrt, namnei cncxei, master, is now re ceini diate ni treisnt and will leave lor tne aoove ana au mterme ian dines on FRIDAY, the STth instant, at M. ror rreignt or passage, uaving superior accoaunaeoa Hem, arjnlv nn ooara, or to F6 WASHINGTON A.

Fl MISTER, 14 Poydraa US, FOR CINCINNATI AND LOUISVILLK 'The elegant steamer EUROPA, D. Collier, maater. will leave for the above and all in termediate lauding on FRIDAY, tbe 7th Instant 4 at 4 o'clock A M. For freight or passage, having the finest ac commodations, apply on board, or to FM WASHINGTON A FIM18TER, 14 Poydrsst. FOR CINCINNATI.

LOUISVILLE AND 1 Madison The new and splendid passenger 1 tx TT23. A 1 in leave lor the above and all Intermediate laudinx THURSDAY, the With instant, at 10 o'clock A. For freight or passage, saving aiaiiirpaaarn accommooationa, apttty on ooara, or to FM WASHINGTON A TTMI8TER, 14 Poydraa at. FOR CINCINNATI. LOUI8V1LLE AND Hadison The fine steamer uutnUIB, Joel wiuTelveKir I Green, master, is now receiving freight and the above and ail tbe intermeaiie lanain lings For on THUBSDAY, 96th instant, at 10 a'clock M.

freight ar psssage apply on ooara or to US mrixj' WELL. Jr. A 13 Poydras at. FOR LOUISVILLE. CINCINNATI AND Madison.

The new, light draught steamer FALCON. Black, master, is now receiving freight, aud will leave for the above and all intermediate landings on THURSDAY, the 96th instant, at 6 o'clock P. For freight or rsaatgc, having superior accommodations, apply on board, or to Fi6 McDOWELL. Jr. A Poydraa at.

FOR. LOUISVILLE The new and splen did light draught packet steamer BOSTONA. J. C. Beniley, master, will leave kit i above and all the intermediate landinas on 8ATURDAY, tbe 28th instant, at A o'clock P.

M. positively. For freight or passage, apply on hoard, or to tA 8AMU having superior accammooatieaa, SAMUEL EWING, 30 Gravier atreet. FOR LOUISVILLE. EVANS VILLE.

1 Meraphi and Vicksburg The splendid and awift running nasaemrer steamer MAGNO u. 1 will ImmIw and 'all intermediate landings on THURSDAY, the 96th instant, at o'clock r. ML or rreignt or passage appiy on board or to B. SMITH. 84 Poydraa at.

Fro THEO. 8HUTE, 99 Common at. An State room can be secured by applying to Thee. Shute, 94 Common stleet, erho Tlnaar Ivf laaf aalnnl. a.

FOB ST LOUIS The splendid passenger fit earner GEM, Snapp, master, is now in port iieseeivina freurht and will leave for the above and all the intermediate ports on THUBSDAY. the set inat ant. at 6 o'clock P. far rreignt or passage, nav 7. Wwwl.tir srvnlv on Board, or to Pj JOHN tHlVi Poydras at.

Ked Klver. 'REGULAR RED RIVER PACKET CASPIAN For Shreveport, Hurricane and r.mlin, Rlufls. Ac Tbe fast running ova srnger packet CASPIAN, Dunn, master, will leave for the above and all intermediate landings on THUBSDAY, the Stith at 6 o'clock tr. M. ror rreignt or naassge.m iv ins suDerior accommndarinns, apply on ooara.

or to ipply on board, or to Jr. A 19 Poydras st McDOWELL, Brar1.1t bed river passenger I Parket steamer CADDO Na A For Shreve 1 nmt Orand Ecore and Alexandria the new. elegant and swift running passenger peccet stesmer tsuiiu rto. ursnam masuer, win lemw tuw awvw vm DAY, the 97th inst, at 6 o'clock. P.

M. For freight or paa mge apply on board or to T. B. SMITH. 34 Poydras st.

rt J. U. nUUUSUfl a. t.U sgeuia, jib, rnmi RED RIVER PACKET For Natchitoches, Grand Score, Alexandria, and all intermediate landings The splendid snd KIMRAT.I.. Wm.

Kimball, master, will leave for the above on 8ATUKDAY. the 98tb instant, at a'clock P. Tor freight or passage, having superior accommodations, apply on board, or to Fi 8PEAKE A McCREARY. 3 Tchon pi tools st Natchez. NATCHEZ WEEKLY PACKET NATCHEZ Na 1.

Every SATURDAY irvFNINB. at ft o'clock For Hard Time. ey, Grand Gulf, St. Joseph, WaterprootNatchet, Fort Adams, Bayou Sara, Pointe Coupee, Fort Hudson, Baton Rouge, Plaquemine, and all taterrnediate landings The splendid passenger parket ateamer NATCHEZ Na r. Leathers, piaster.

wiU leave aa above on SATURDAY, tbe tvth instant, at a'clock P. M. Forfieight or passage apply on board or to CA.RkoLri. Yjfi 01 union now. i nasehlts Hivsr.

iiaja. FOR OUACHITA RIVER The new and I Alld tTllght draught tast passenger steamer m. aT, i. aiaalBt rr" Hall, maater. will leave for Camden, CnampagnoUe.

Wiimiogtlon. uarnsonours, mon ma rnlnmhla and all intermediate landing on the Oua rhitaand Black Rivers, on THUBSDAY, Snth instant, at 6 o'clock P. M. For freight or paasage, having superior ac commodations, apply on board or to Fil t. The Cottar.

REGULAR WEEKLY PACKET FOR tra Coast snd Lafhurrhe The elegant steam boat MABY FOLEY. P. Dsifesee, master, will leave for New Orleans every THURSDAY haif psat 0 o'clock A. M. Returning leaves ThibodsuxvlUe every Sunday, at 7 o'clock A and uonalosonnne every on day, at o'clock AH.

For freight or paasage apply on board or to Jal8 AUGTJSTTN A THIBATJT, New Orleana REGULAR PRINCETON WEEKLY 'Packet Steamer SAXON. For Prince cwlJi.i.. f.mlm. T.aka Providence. illiien Bend, Vicksburg, Warren ton.

urnna cruij, rvoa Natehsa Fart Adsna. Ba' Baton Rouge i anH aTT inlemiaiWs passenger steamer SAXON. J. H. Estes, master, will leave ss tne sooveou snuswum For freight or passage, Having superior arassnwi ITrH flTR EK M.

OVOTas sc. gar The ffgx'ftn will taxa ireignt una tnp svi suaw. Bend. NEW ARRANGEMENTS TOR 1 Regular New Orleans and Lafourche Seml W. WI.

Oarkat R1mar ROBERT CAMP ci I Pne nonsldaonvll a. Tnibodaax ana oocxporv iw new light draught superior swift running psssenger steamer ROBERT CAMPBELL. A. B. Bagan, maater, will remain In tbe trade daring the season as a regular seroi weekly packet, snd will leave New Orleana every MONDAY and THURSDAY, at 6 o'clock P.

M. Beturning, will leave Thibodaux every Wednesday aad Saturday at o'clock A M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to STONE A WALWORTH, Tchoupitoulsa st Mercbsnts and planters can rely oa the Robert Campbell remaining in the trade the entire naaon and that special attention will be paid to the delivery of all way freight and business entrusted to her. Jala tf AttaVapaa. ATTAKAPAS PACKET Tor St.

Martin 'sville. New Iberia, rraukun. rartersonviiie, rand all tha intermediate landing Tbe supe new liaht draught stesmer DELIA. E. Caatello, mas ter, will leave for the above oa THURSDAY.

96tb at o'clock AM. For freight or paasage, having superior sccomsnodatieTis. apply on board or to PAV LOBIT A CO Contist. fOR ATTAKAPAS, Ravsa Bomf, Mouth 'of Bayou Black, Berwick Bay. Pattersrrvilbe, iraaMville.

Franklin, Cbarenton. New Ibe ria, Martins villa snd au Intermeoiaia lanoiug i Brtig. master, will leave for tbe above aodU utermedhrte landings, on 8ATCRDAY, tbe 9Mb inst, at 13 o'c'ocx, ax. rwrosui ni tu. at AS A An.

A mm IJkXlinWV a tAA ar wiMivma XX71.I ts. TT I vrV REOULAB WHITE RIVER PACKET Tbe entirely new. elegant and rwiA running amer CATHARINE. MAxx.9, u. nran built expressly for tbe above trade, is now ta nralva rrsistlt.

and will leave OB THURSDAY. 9 th inst. at o'clock P. for Bstesville, I Jacksonport, Powhatan, Elizabeth, Angusta. Desarc Cla i all lamlinsa on White Klver.

ror rreignt or I havins snod armmrTwdations. prly on board, or to F9 MOSES GREENWOOD A 93 Carondelet St. Nssrles. TO TAX PAYERS OT THE TOWN OF MANDE vtt JL. Piniaiii holders ia Msadeviue are hereby notified tbat the Real Estate Tax for 1861 aad tbespecis! tax of tan, are uow dee, and that I wiil is I i fat thia city anril I lla IbA Y.

TAB IPieilH BBIOI II Tlx mra ax mvMd tm call i iaTiBff my my I hm. I can be at Na 166 CcmtM 9mtnwrem iiw nrk and Haaoital. bclwn tne novran a. nmu wis ra. TY MS.

VtjWIUagVi't i vwaJ.w.. inil yT To a ii fc D. 4 Daadv I.laa af Osanib a. rim aaa aftr tha 1st ss March, tbe pries sf pur tickets will sw raduced to 1 1 1 1 am k. ana aosa ua is v.

atarters and driven. We shall also an tne same oay commeuca a sty row a. tha nmeraf Caaal and Cnartres streata to tbe Mexi can Gulf Railroad, via Rampart Bad Lav I i Th. saw' i S. of New (Means tbat Mr.

HENRY PARSONS. 13 Caaiaatrr.fasg ntfcctbe 0 tl (J if aale of their PIANO FORTES, with ar If a AaT Martthout Colemaa'a Atoliaa AttarbraeaA aao I mmw a TTTWARIIC TEni anA tha aalv TT 1 BI rt 1 III" emjuwaii Msssm from Hris strare aw T96 At WUNN8 A CLARK. Broadway, New Torit Vanah Roogw sTawBMh RsVBtB. Just rezsHved trom the tab stated aaaiafat bay af Fsvt. Paris, a srrpertar aaajrts ent of A ae BOOTS, which wiU be sold ea the most reaanriahie teraia.

Alao. fine TB0NKS of all daserfotiaae. alwayaea band at tbe ja. sa aui w. rxt mm, ,.1.

l. I ATa Y. tArff a swn ToM fialll if I el li I I MTsuwa aharac. A at 1 Tr.o Tsaaarr to IW JafiS 1S1 I mn bad nou'. at follows: I tnevrtawileavirig Mexican Gaff BAuioad at A.

Ss 'I Bis PV I Pirse mr Canal and Chartres at, bk A M. ta 9 P. af. I Ot j. n.

tssBui. 1 r. k.s mr a sssrorkia s. rn Shin Shro Br Sp Br Sp 8c 60 hhds lrii.1 lard, 4 S)7 0 1 lw ton bbls to hf A 37 14 176 99 A CO hf 9 I I I I TUT 1 MARINE 'NEWS. tll''COM'MERC riCAYUNB omcm, Fsbraarr lsVA CLEARED YESTERDAY.

i amhln Tacht. TlMTtDPson. Braass. ria Gslreatoa. rtracia.

LiTemooL Whitney Atco OCBogertsVco Wsodraff Axo JnoHnriey DTJ Roeers, Sprsgae, New York, MroesotaTAllrn, New York, Mt ARRIVED. 5 StcabipMrrlco, Pta Indnota. Tia Oalreston, trtat, ts Harris a Morgan asjr I Cnicorn. Pollard, 34 day fm Bvjstoo, to msstsr say I Ship Theodore, Morton, te Liv tlst Dec, to Thos I "BarUs BsxkPany lis, Bbedd, 9 days fm CTuuiestue, to Cotchett I a cnapman wi my asl a. BrigJWaTeriy, Andsraori, SX days fm Bath, Me, to master Brig tatanradnr.

Ooday. days fm Havana. In ballaat, Brig Prhnara, Browniow, 14 Brig Teteadaba, GelpL fays to Vera Crux, in ballast, shaiomnTvarnan? MeCartv. daya fat Savannah, to r. r.

mw ha mv ht Hope A Susan. Anaelmo, ta the Coast. 13 te am a a. Delta, BrickeU, fm Cincinnati Falcon, Black, fm Cincinnati. Europe, Collier, fm Cincinnati Caspian, irann, tm iseo.

tuyer. CatUsrine, Bellengton, fas Bayoa Boeui Saxon, Eaten, fm Princtoo. Gipsy, Ure, fm Bayoa Sara. Venture, Gillett, fm Shreveport. na Montsnmer Music tm uuourcna.

Towboat Ohvia, ittemore, man tne fsaira went sows light brought up bark Fsmpbyna, brigs Premere, Te sreaaoq sna scar mount TiM.Krt.1 Tlnfra tlsnfwirv frnm tfl ana to sea in mat, snips union, ooutoeracx, aun a Mathews and Ramillon broug at ws ships Unicorn and Theodore. Towboat Anglo American, Foots, from the Passes towed down and to aea Sad inst, ship Astrican. bark Trout and brig Rogerilue brought up bark Murillo, brigs Wa verly aad Bastaorador. Below comlnr np. Bhipa Devonshire, Delaware, Ssndusky and 4 snip UsJaOWIsV EXPORTS.

BSA20S Steamship Yacht 160 sols Boar, 90 de bread. bbta potatoes, 170 has soap, 90 do candles. VEftPOOL Shin Leavitt Stores 0t4 bales cotton. NEW Ship i Rogsra 160 kales cotton, 148 tobacco, 94 bndssngar, 1600 bbla floor, 9000 skxeorn, I kiM sul Am 9AV Irw. alaaa 1 NEW YOBK Ship Mmeaota 331 bales cotton, 1447 bats park, 163 do whiskey, 1180 tcs 1610 bbls 94 hf do 637 kegs 494 bMs ou, loB ao beet, ov xega ouner, tow aaa corn, cks nntash.

0 bis heme. Tl do Banana ri 11a. gs baga feather, bli stins, 100 emty cki, 66 pkgs mote. PEN8ACOLA Schr Martha 900 skxeorn, 10 ete coffee, cks bacon, 60 bbls flour, go bbla whiskey, 10 do pork. IMPORTS.

BOSTON Ship Unicorn 700 tons Ice to Warner LIVERPOOL Ship Theodore ska salt to Rogers Aca GALVESTON Steamship Mexico 48 hhds augar, 39 bbla molasses Gordon Jr 66 do Hewitt, Norton Aco hides, bales cotton Powell 3 do Williams 18 do Brad Wilson Aco aa da Armstrong. HarrisA Co aa ska cot seed 8 A Levy sundries te Hart Acs Hall A Kro.p 8 Elder Aco Klemm Pickett, Perkins Aca. CHARLESTON Bark Pamphylia oss cks rice to order. SAYAN AH Schr Mount Vernon OTP cks rice to order RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. COAST Schr Hope A Suaan 30 hhds sugar, 125 hf 186 molasses to order.

BAYOU BOECFF Steamer Catharine 123 bid tugar order. LAFOURCHE Steamer Music bbls 167 hhds sugar, 46 1 bbla molasses Bogart, Foley A Avery 14 do Cam mack A Squire 17 hhds sugar Pavy, Lobit Aco 4 do Roy 90 do Rewes do Druilhet A Son 19 do Brand Landry 8 do Burbridge A Adams 10 de Gordon Jr do Ballecq 40 doE Shiff Aco 90 do, bbU molasses bales cotton Gerard Aco Total 14 bales cotton 46 nf bbls molasses 369 bbds sugar. PRINCETON Steamer Saxon 07 bales cotton Wright, Williams Aco 9 Swiflvy, Green Aco 998 McConochie A Donnell 169 Payne A Harrison 108 Pinekard Aco to tt rrvllaew Aca 104 Hill. McLean Aco 136 Brander. Williams Ace 19ft Watt A Deaaulles lo Jackson Aco 18 Pickett, Perkins Aco 44 do Downs, Cnddyjkce 79 do Ward A Jonas 49 Kelly, Conynghsm Aco 31 TbornhiU A Mcllbenny 66 6 Connolly 10 HendArsoo A Peale 40 do Bogart, Foley A Avery 33 Hewitt, Norton Ace 94 Wil liama 14 Byrne Aco Oakey A Hawkins 16 Beck 17 West 19 Bachsnnon, Carroll Aco 0 Nolle, Cox Aco 87 Fellowe Aco 66 Moore 90 co*cks Aco Boclner A Stanton 8 Curry A Person Total 9160 bait "BAYOU BARA Steamer Gipsy 94 bales cotton to Brugjer, Bulkier Acc Payne A Harrison Carroll 10 Lee Druilhet A Son McRae, CofT man Aco 6 Curry A Person 17 Menard A Vignaud 9 Gerard Aco 17 Plaucbe Are Bellocq Laove McCau97 hhda sugar Menard A Vignaud 30 do Gerard Aco 19 do Pfaiache Aco 69 do, 9 bbls mnlssses Bellocq 40 do Druilhet A Bon OS do do, 90 bbds sugar Flower Aco 40 tea do Burke A Ernest 06 hhda do, 98 bbla Issirs Kelly, Conyngbam Aco 98 do EVocbereaa Aco 71 do Watt A Deaaulles 60 do 8 Nicholson Aco 60 do, hhds sugar order 1 do Lauve A McCsll 90 do A Mil tenberger Aco 3 do Degelos, Plaisant Aco 30 do Darby A Tremoulet 30 do ForataU 94 do Sbtfi Aca 1 do, 18 1 bbl innlaaari DeBumc Total 346 bbls molasses 370 hhds sugsr 13)1 bales cotton.

MONTGOMERY Steamer Beacon 694 bales cotton to Jure Aco 1 Mill. Mcliean aca 1 1 sataxaiocuie at srasi neli 39 Clsvelaed. Bros Aco 440 Farley lit Camming, Stewart Ace 673 bbls rosin, 6 do turpentine, ens kegs tar Harris 960 bbls rosin, 36 de turpentine May A Van book 1 cak bacon Leak Aco 1 box mdxe A Johnson Aco 9 do Wil liama, Phillip Aco Total 1919 bales cotton. BED RIVER Steamer Caspisn sos bales cotton Cum minsa, Stewart Aco 194 A Miltenberser Aco 161 do Mill, McLean Aco too Jackson Aco ITS Kelly, Conyngatn Aco 76 8 Nelson Ace 60 Fellows Aco 10 Short A co 19 Hoyt A Ford 16 Boobieu Payne A Harrison Greenwood Aco Total 1049 Bales cotton. SHREVEPORT Steamer Venture IM baka cotton Gray A Campbell 1 1 Brander, Williams Aco 14 Fellowe Aco 17 Wright, Williams Aco 16 Rugeley.

Blair co 3 bales Eltries tiunlsstu pre wu 00, ocar sauia, wao cAlpin Total 161 halea cotton. CINCINNATI Stesmer Europe 8087 bbls flour Taylor A Cassilly 49S do, 437 do lard. 991 bbls whiskey, 189 cks hams Hearty, Leggett Aco too bbls pork Vom Bros 60 do whiskey, 3 hhds tobacco Love. Savage Aco 3 do Sbultx A Hadden 46 bbU whiskey Fletcher 40 do Martin, Owen Aco 876 bxa at arch Cowan, Dykera Aco 600 do candles Kidder 100 rls oka vara a Bell lou nxs siarcu so mt 60 do Cieraidin a ui Tl bbls notatoes. 90 do aonles urknirfM an As hmoms all do washboards Bee be Aco 60 do, 175 do brooms Wheeler A Blake 34 tables Duncan furniture McDowell Jr Aco 3 bxs mdxe Burbridge A Adams 100 kegs pigs feet, 16 do batter, 66 do lard, loo bx ClCMWrMTl ATI Stesmer Delta 400 bbls 94 do alcohol, 17 do beans LandiajAco furniture McDowell Jr I Aco AB kegs 133 bbls bud, 391 do pork Leland ro lH I aka com Beattv.

Learett Aco I bbls Lard oil Wright I Aco 064 do pork Babco*ck A FenneU 314 bbls whiskey to Sturges, Adams Aco 184 do McGregor Ace) do. 600 da flour. 16 do bams 96 tcs do Tsylor A Csasilly SO bxa starch HaU A Kemp 1 cak potash 8 Littlefield Oft bbls potatoes Schneider 10 do pigs feet A Denkler 60 do beef Oaiesby A Macauley SO do pork Vose Bros 96 do alcohol WJ Dewey 100 bbls whiskey, 473 do lard, 100 bxs starch Seeremb A Voorhiee 110 kegs batter, 116 bx cheese, SS0 dos washboards Geraldin Ace 60 bbls whiskey De t. ham. Connollv CINCINNATI Steamer Falcc ISO tea SnObbai beef, 600 a inm A.

flnar. 9uo bxa meat. 40 bhda shoulders A I Montgomery 60 bxa bacon Burgess Ace eoo bbto flour Sturges, Adams Aco 789 ska corn, 6 cks pork, bbla lard ma 1 ui A iwali gall Ara An Tsvlor A Cassilly 1 bbl kegs beef, 6 do bams, kegs tnri i.7 i ri. ioo tr. (i bbls 40 hf do beef Mil Bank Aco T7 bbls pork Vose Bros 60 do Love, Savage Aco in a.

iuA ail Rrisham oo do lard Shrombire A Son a rio rrss. 10 hf bbU 86 keg butter Schneider 110 pkgs I do, 194 bxs cheese, 100 kegs pigs feet Dolson oO bbls ki.k i Mrflaav Ataa190 do Gcddca 167 bxs cheese era lain stco iv xega tongues lassani so us suns Bcevil A Mead sundries, oroer. Klat hnata fid Mv. ON Cottle's boats 9000 bash ear corn Sbultx Had den. IND Robertson's boat 3000 bush ear corn SO aka do, IV Oi aeia 1 ltml OtmlXa DOW fjW uum DJi, iv nam wiBiM 7 IND ioranger'l boat 130 keg (0 bbl hvd, IOOJXVum pork, so bbls pirt feet to order OHIO Hsynes' boat 800 bbhjpork, 600 tcs lard Bturgea, Adams A Graham WoodrufTAco.

cm Ferris' boat 9000 bbla oour xayior uaanuy. CONSIGNEES. Shia ITnlenrn rVnwi Rnaton Honning. Gensnny A Hiscox Wright, WiUiama Ao Msxah, Ranlett Aco Tufts, Fer nor A Hobart Beebe Aco Nourse Aco Kennedy A roster Hampton A cocoraa aco. i waamss m.

co and order. MEMORANDA. KTWs learm from the officers of tbe Mexico, arrived yes terday, that tne aeamship Fanny, Talbot, hence far Brosos Santiago, wag oaoiy agroaaa an iss rear snsun a BW Faaa Two towboat were endeavoring to get ber off I Inme Mtlr rarta. NEW YORK, Feb 16 Cld ship Race Hound, Copeland, San Franciacot ahips Paciflc, Nelson, Cham plain, Woo4 ranciacot amps racinc, neajoi Catbarine, Edwards, NOrav. ward: Cat bonne, jsowaraa, nura mit us Worth, harks FJiiot Melntvre: Clari aaa.

Cook, Oris tUISTAM Bh llln hia KhsnriaU Laari. NOria PHILADELPHIA, Feb 16 Arr ship Tarqnin, Doughty, bark Ssrsgoaai, Turley, NOrla. BALTIMORE. Feb 17 Cld ship Dumbarton, Carlton, c1lARLE8TON, Feb 90 Arr bark Saranac, alien, NOr; Cld brig Tartar, Sheer, Oris. Spoken.

Jan SO. lat 34. km 78. ship Montreal, from NOri far Llv "TbV bat tr, Ion TS 40, ship Bell Rock, from NOrla far IdyerpooL PASSENGERS rrM t.s a a areamanip mrxicv, uuio uunauu wmM awn, Ksker A lady, DrCI Brown, Cats, Dr Reynick, 8 Tucker, Gordon, Powell Fly, Mysra, 8 GoWman, A Ben bam, HeUaborn, II Hudson, wooa, mcxtaster, Mrs Kenner, Miaa Kenner, Mra Hogan. Mrs RiUex, Mrs Paacball A family, Mrs Vesta, Adams, Hompreys, BnrreU, Victoi, Holt, Rider, TubbJB Powers, Wildmin A children, Grinstead, Brock brige.

Weatherly, Wood, Ward, Chamber, Whitney, Lewis, Todd, Hanco*ck, Miller, At bert. snd 46 on deck. Ship Theodore, from LiveTpool 19t ateerage. "PLANTATION NEGROES. oat received from Seotk A Carolina aad for ease thirty likely yeong a.

gioea. i twelve to twenty year of age. Tbey can be area at Ni Perdido atreet. Refer to PURVIS, WOOD A a ca rts ist Fifty Dellara Bwavdl. LOST somewhere an Basin street, betaeea Caaal and Omiaau azreeta.

a RE A OTP IN. containing eight diamonds, witb ebaia attached. It waa stock in a white handkerchief. be sieve reward will be paid SB HsbeiBg srtt st Na 13 Canal street, new ouuojiigs. ras ot w.

raxAa, sf At Biaaax tac xw. i.s.naiv, vLAri nir.Kn. sf clothing I 1MB with i tbetr ewa hsraortatioa. I asnrn i UBBANK a CO. 09 ttravter strejet.

Blalherry Kaees. TJST RECETVKD loa Maijaxory Kaees frsen 4 to Inches thick. Ia yard Live snd White Oak Knees sad Creaks Yellow Pi as Spars and Tnaberi Spraca Soma, Live and White Oak Timber, Plank, Ac Arcade Mill Mabegany sad LemberTard. Office SA Josesb street, near tbe mt" TifiM HENRY T. SHERMAN.

Psaw KTwale. I Rrrike, strike for your fatnerbnvd, Htmaartea I hmik) seVPnrSrhftea ft F. Gouid 1 1 One fatthfuTfrir Tbe celebrated Bell Polka ifeiMOn. ea lannTIi imisa. nTirm imiXB min wuw I dclUee.

tnr tfjree ueiasmtia Bi linniwr I 83vHgjW T. Tbernugn Bass roro risiro tjnl "ai I Imm the InrMrr Ordinary Middling Stock Amrea Stock Arrived Arrived Stock prices af 100 at aa 1000 cored No. Trieste Fancy New New Boston easy: from C' A please obiigs pool, d9 pared With IT A CI Ha A jn. aad lish post at I 5erTtM Scboot JSrinser af other at ataer new nwl I wnwi TT AVE ht atare sad far aula a large ai V. ,1, Aala I A a.

Msrina shirts aad half baaa. I sail half aaa. of sll sescrintaans. at fl nnwa aaassn flag motrw uimii I As, black aad faacy eravala. witb asvajai'ewa i jUTal da" riCAYJJrTB OFF1CB 1 IUBSVilivsi Wednesday, February IMS.

sd wan again acUTd and laattltad 11 COTTON The sale of SWOO bale at steady prices. 0 I Bead. MWdllnf 1X9 9 Hi 6 JMlddJinf rair tlFsir. COTTOIf STATEMENT. oa hand September 1, leol te aay, arportsd te data.

ajtportaa to oay 1 nasi ml rr w'r 1 TOBACCO We bear af the aale of 1 as follows MatHjC; MS 4c; 48 at 41(C) at C. 1 at aa gbC.aBdMMiaoaaatyatTc, re vnaama arr A raMCrTP. oa band SapUaar 1, last akda. suice te day. ExpTrtod aT.

sa hand and oa ship board not cJaarad s.U BUG AR Demand active; 000 hhda. ware sold at aatar swing ta light rsceipts. lair to tally fair X4 tie. MOLASSES 1000 Wua. were anld at KwM'cj one lot bbla.

very choice having braagnt tde. FLOUR Demand nmltad. Sales 60 Mas. Okie ia Iota 076 St. Louis at 4 40 and 100 at 4 6 v.

A A Aa atAsa CORN Sales S600 sacks, tnclodlng ata oraiaary as atixad in lots st He; 1O00 White and Yellow ia 4 lots atsScandTWmtlotaatsat. WHISKEY oOO bbla Recti fied were aold ia lota OS Wcandiootnlotaat 1TI.C PORB. M0 bbla. Meat ware aoU at S14 esataiA BACON 4 casks Sides sold at aad an tsarcaa augar Haas et toe LABD Sslea bbU Ke. I at tae bbla.

aad Hsrcag latere andaosat HAY asoe halea Wsatsra were sold at ahsot Sis 4T sea. r.nrrasiuii eaaaned to Wlkt FREIGHTS A ship taken far Havre at Xc aai one far at I Mac. EXCHANGES Fair i ti 49 area at premise Jia ar cent, premiun. MLaMU Billa. as aooa sua eea mmmtm 1 York 60 daya.

York 'BBAssnssi, samx, ilin aant 00 at cent, discount. Cattle Market. BEET CATTLE The stock fa very ample and prices we qnote Western 4.rflc 47 aotj Texas ete. HOGS There are awry smaii boga effsrtngj wrtcea ovTTC AjrTKBeC SHEEP None left la market. MILCH COWS Prices 46 3gr bead.

I CALVES AND YEABLIN GS Calvea acarce bat ample apply of Yearling; prices Btrav 60 head. ISCELL ANEOUSa HAVANA CIGARS A large assort meat oa hand, aad constantly raceiviag aappliea of tbe beat nmuufactaro Havana F91 3m J. V. BICPLFI A 17 Conrmon st. 1AL1FOBNIA Sight Exchange ea Burgoyas naa Francisco, for sals by J9 Im A POL.

HAMTLTON.8 Exchange Phvpa. OCGAft G1MBLETS Ia store and for aala by CHAS. C. GAINES, Noa. ao Magaaine and 40 Grariar atraeta, New Orleana.

T9 9t ritfie gentiemaa who was seen ts pick up a lady's VEIL in Bourbon street yesterday (Saturdsy) afternoon, will leave it at this omce or at Na 90 Birsri lie street, ana the swnsr. if reqalred, a reward will be given. FJ9 0t ADVANCES made ea shipment of cotton and other produce consigned to Firldea. Brother A Ca Liver and VY. c.

Peckarariu a va.fltw lorx, ay tf GARDNER. BAOEA A 1 Ca. 47 CoatombsaBS at MADAME ARNOT, Perdido street, between St Peter and St. Paul, having Just arrived la this city, ia pea to tell aU who may visit bar of aant aad future events certainty. T4 lm COAL.

100 hhds broken aad screened Bed Aah Coal, In store and far sale by fib J. H. ABHBRTDOB A 0T Canrp at MALAGA WINE 900 Indian barrels sweet and dry wine of a superior quality, for Bale by F6 at WABNEKEN A KIRCH HO FT. Bank Place this should meet tbs eyeof Robert London, of MisaoufC be will hear af something to his advantage by calling sa Fas BWINEY, GBEEN A Ca, 114 Camp st, TAO PLANTER eejOOO saur Basset Bragana, ia stare and sor aai oy F. DUNBAR A a) S4 aad ft a Orapa Ylaee.

SCUPPERNON6 aad Isabella Orap Yiara, far aaleby COM8TOCK, A CO, Fs Sptf Na 11 ComBBna at 2. AND FOR SALE 60 tons Sand Ballaat, afloat lath Second Municicality. Anply to F9I tf FBEb'K CAMERDEN, 94 Orsvierst AFFLECK'S SOUTHERN BUBAL ALMANAC and Plantation Record and Account Book for J869, for aale by Jala tf A. BBON8EMA. Stationer.

T4 Camp st Dr. Leaaael Oaatlae. taT Office. Wa 460 Magarine atreet. T4 lBT Bathe Often aad he Healthy.

Tor Warm. Cetd. Shower ana Perfumed BATHa. call at SB Canal street, ails mb Camp aad Msg i no street. Bear Camp.

JOSEPH ROLLINS, Bather, reTTumersna Jal gdptf Tsafajoaahle Hairdresaer. LADY who has had much experience aa a teacher of music la desirous of obtaining a situation in a private family in the country. She teaches both tbe piano forte an lime, and would. If deal red. aulte to voeal sad metre.

roeuret music inn" in ins uawu owKun au education. Address J. box 16, New Orleana office. Tt4 X.oat. THE Individual who made himself ao nartieulerly polite and at ths same time relieved me or biv nookvt book.

the Pewbarrrein Baiboad De pat, on Friday morning last, will please to return tbe same, with the Botes, due bila and memorandums therein eontaine to this office, or through the post office Tbe small amount ofmoneyl becaa retain. WAIT S. HOXT. 44 et" aroTICB Tbe andersigned, having dispo tira iBtnrsIt im tb, (Jrooesy btwrnVas at ta sir rnwiDIl THOMI disposed of their en ss at No. 9 and a Common street, to Mr EDWARD THOMPSON, aechser full recommend bim to oar eld tastunieis and the public, and solicit tbe patronage of our former friends to be extended to bim.

A. MON TAN YE A CO. New Orieara, February 11, 1859. Im A. of an Engliah Educa an, aad also speaking Freacb.

being diarngaged a certain aumber of benra each day, la desirouaof giving private lessons to a limited number of pupils. Unsxcepd onabie city lefciaacea can be given. Address Picayune omca Jaal tf iv aavA rpHE subscriber offers for sale at Siatter'a old stand, car of tptanade and moreau stmeta, a nnanwisi. all of whom are young, athletic sad effi. iiat 8s gar planters sad those wishing ta purchase heavy mea anal women, would be pleased to see this lot from Virginia and Maryland.

WALTER L. CAMPBELL, Teimadxh Hotel, New Orleaae, to Aet. Tba Lease of tbU celebrated Hotel expiring enrne XI st October next, snd Messrs. Madge A Co. retiriag from IiiisIiisbi the tsoprisitor eoera it far ssaae Bar a term of nyeyears Tor particulars apply to 4.

w. tttniai a mm v. v. Messra. Madge A Co.

Witt dispsss ef Usrir fainirare sotisble terms Ft Im an Frederick B. KaapF, Xleatal Hargeaa, "asaesaaa. Baaiornartnaraf ths late firm of F. H. B.

A J. A Kaapp.) stiU twatrawat the sj. a. a. a.

aawar aw wmiaa. of bis prof seal na at the eame 'place which be baa occupied for assay ins rnMMnig IrTRFr OPPOSmt THE RUINS Of ST. CHARLES MOTEL. Jan 63 adpdAWly UerticaltarAl Eatabliahaaeat By JOHN GREENFIELD. At the Louisiana Uni varsity Medical Col lege Coenmoa street, between Bazoaae sad1 Phinppa streets, new vritsat rruiv, ursa mmJt IkmM EMnVMU.

fll'SSB Plants. Bases. Bulbous Boots. Ac Agricuharsi Garden and Flower Seeds, Strim rner of Castam gaT Country orders punctually attends to. Fil 3m Fer Saks.

A VALUABLE Plantation ar tract af Lead anvralxdng 9000 seres, more or less, about 000 acres cleared, with Jin liama and ether improvemsntstliaraaa. atoatad on tha Bayoa OeGiaia, La, This most desirable and very valuable tract ef toad fa for sale, either ia Mock, or will be eUvtded lata rhea. apioiat. trarta. ta an it BnuvJiassxa.

From and after the 1st of Msrrhawxt, the tarsal ef aale ted by appti ration to tbe underaaaea. RACE A FOSTER, Attorneys at Law, Tie tmdAW 14 ExcbaBge Place. Hew Orleans. a i ear VarteUee a aeatre nt. Abates 18 new building win bsopea far pabHc pa ta iianva a tbe 16th of Anril next.

AxeMicationa far sngaga arili be received, addressed to the subacribsrs Mo bile, axttil the Loth ef Fx tm J. M. FIELD. Jan. H.

lABADgt Attendato thedutir af hat a aaa ok.ii lb At II SSSVPUS wa vow Weeoene HJtkawitbeaackstoBrica aw. aw.x B. F. Batlthp Deatiatg Ma IIS SA Cbartss street, cerner of Lafayette SraAre Air. jUaae, Prafeawar Maatep a i Who rsaaee to this city aritA III! I not Ulgh rarinrasneadatioa, fa aeairoua mf tnTutr tuesaagb aad well eoaUfiW a Af "toachsr are ra.

ss.ed to caUeaM T. Maya, Mr. H. D. Hewitt, aad Mr.

Hsnry Pasaona rtt M5 ON HERVOUS DEBIldTT ur. raaaaaf th Urrioa by Exateaa. PrieeOlA Addrsat tae htoafnee. 1 Wapeaard straet. New York city nvm smtis if sast said sor lied for.

TlOji i gratis if seat paid aawlied etaf CROCRERY. CMINA, CLASS. mUmPt. Th msseribsrs hsvtng be coming year, Wirt from thaW aatire arork at a ksf nriee for CASzL Tbe fclViag of the leading artteieai eOt and Painted China Tan Bout, Vases F.eit tod Irw Btaae 2 Cat aad Pressed A rasrtera, TsasWera. J' Lampsef ail ktnds.lable Knaves end Fsrka, Japan a a Silver Pasted Castara, ForiuSseona, A asitaasnaaad ixorA Tia (roaaaot ait nneis.

AUa anai 1 1 mt OT i Ui A i 4 IT 1 Aaaa oa remve YraVsitB inuil wan i aW 1 v1 aiaa ta lea ara iat 77777 tro T54 040 aawsananaaaana, IM.S4S id dA aj rsaotretw reductiou of I araasiae ImVltAI tbe aWlTTItar ttwl tn I I Reevera. Steaxnboar. City and I fort tbat wa ar determined to eiear our lid isTjuTsanU. sad tbr, 9Mjj. a U.MC..

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

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Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.