The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)

CALL RICHMOND 21300 THE BOSTON DAILY GLOBE FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1953 CALL RICHMOND 2-1300 Tnirfy-Sfc APARTMENTS OK RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENTiFURMSHED APARTMENTS Summer Cottages and Houses FURNISHED ROOMS I Summer 'Jottage and Houses PROPOSALS ROOMS EMBASSY APf. HOTEL JAM All- A CITY OF BOSTON NO KFG NO rOMM Columbus Arms Hotel Watertown-Newton Line wHSaSuiiinisr Homa Lois COMMANDER HOTEL iNEAR HAKVARD ant Anrl.IFFEjfrrednm of lg roliinletelv-eqiilprwl II Commas jit, I in if Colrinan 4 LAKESIDE COTTAGE 148 MASS. BOSTON 4.VS COl.L'MBl'S KE -84i NEW MODf RN lnat lr. ants 3 hed- hmuff with hotel norrh. hi and cont.

nU The City nf Bndon. acting hi and UNItr treat Inte te I mat te tlfld Pooulatie lue. kiich. with lur jra.iou, hirtft raliinftji and rni! Til ouli. al iti CHrDtfl comfortable nr'iaie sinfjc nn noimn nwn.

niR bath phone Mid w'ct- irern rooms, all with new private tile it Harrm m. 4 lit. including furntur. ffvi ,) iTI9vM baths and showers; new modernis- Li'uui a k. ttrnciivfly (urnififM'tl I (8 CU dt'' Lu Rfta, Hnuur.

Au- nfllCI IIUIIl UIU tj UK at rooms, thorny, tn accordance with the pro-lBARTT FTTS POND. air neat, rismnt of Chapter 372 of the pi mouth First buiers will get rn 1 tic furnishings, full hotel CAI HH.Hi.AMS fr-ttj UATFI 1 s. I r- trom lit weekly. Call KE6-78iO. iCOMt TO iuttf AMI.

ROX. chusetts Acts of 1S4R. at bargains, on terms if desirea; just nwibk Nnuunnb dsuvt ravia si mus bath, parking area, tliS mo. Vn-ll. and Km.

kllctienrlte avart-heated Call owner Mon, through mf nU (or permanpni orcupaocy. ITti. WA4-a674 it.mbrldl.. Ma.i Hlrkland 1-40. ssjakprMnitOlil READY FOR OCCUPANCY! h' 'Sii OilU.ll XT! lj GUEST house S.lg EAST BROAnWAV.

So. Boston 3 rm. furn. ennt. ht.

next to also a double twin beds, running tiinta pref. 303. 230 Congress street, short walk iomi in. Ow nei or nremises SaCi HI I.IINTR 8T- BOSTON MANOR HOUSE ton. Invites propo.

4 NEW, MALDEN for ratr-uns on im.lMeoi IrTl Sun! Go to Crcsson oft KM ROOMS lor it men. daily from ar twenty-lour house. WOOa FriscOi. and up.

i txt Ais KUUHIS tar men. no Del VI Attn ssv is avn iitvs n. apt. in multiple unit, upstairs 2 myiS Iwerk. with iluxx.

la DarLmoulh BACK BAT AMI TNW A honrj will be requires 2 3. 4-RM. UNFURN. ants 7S to' xo.j.LJ.AAAA,A,aAAAAAa.AAA St. tUTJD.

RALk Bay SlJl tag trie work of surety company 1 Aiden road, Priscill Beach Mjm- turn toll I lit I t. I BEACON HILL TERRACE on ht. wwwwwwwwmwww mm iqi uid Dnnn ri i act omce at IB ki ji.iii BUTTERMILK BAY SHORES TMmbnK $20 Wk. UP. LA 3-9287.

mo. CaU MK. lAZCM, TMA 2-0. nS-7l m.vl3 Utnorirea to Transact ousinea rneu ici. the Commnr.Mrei.lth of Massachusetts I ctouJt n- 1 In the sum of 100 Percent of the 1 djLU3t jH- ajAUBCN tO.I BEACON BEACOV HIM, I inn LiTlDitrtll i.nli ft n.

ranfswl auuil myiu "Trimant Drlv. hstn. Lumir.otn. spacious 7-roora eotue. tl4 tjtL.

16 dhl CI 76iX q. ft-. 4 bedrooms, exran-j psu myj LARGE with kit ette. tnrluding TO-rt of the contract, to seeu-e UNfPf 111111 lluQU the due performance of the teccniracii 6-RM. HEATED APT.

-l. "uS ICUH-I till MW. I1U-. 9-. -1 l-O Ol.

du7t myH and the tun protection lt liu onl rk0 ft. wav. Com- BFIHAU (TSrFT in BF ar as uk arw -aa I I PROSPECT HILL SECTION. Som. gss.

else. bet tim. M.7iJ. St myll ROXtlURY 2 and fufn cont. bot water.

CTJ tHS48, "fued'fuie-wuo lately -tVmed. IV Duai- I I UU.R I ntt I Forms of proposals ma Room 303. J3rt Cci ROM 4 htd 70L simscrvt Arusa nrsirq. not writer, Dearms. ej Munroe CA 7-14S0.

t'AMB. 5 $05. ST 2-5PJ4 al should be uVie lot and 2-car ka'age. pn- iemo Reirn. Lievempmeni oniy si PiEWLT renv single rms kit.

ertv Boston. Each proprwa 24 WORCESTER S3. VERY largt room with kltchenettt facing park: $11. dSu7t my AHI.1NGTON Su er. sublet. myu enclosed in an env NTW. 'J-bedrm. single homes. MO per mo. See MR.

EARLEY, 3 Ralph Mann drive, Stoughton 1579. WOBURN June, July, August, cool pleas, kit rec lisiT, lg nr. Ig cioaet .110 wk. OA 7-9M8 $22i lor season. AH 5.3426-M.

dSu3t mylS mylS qsnst myi 3 Room. Girl, $6.50 Wk. marked "Proposal it rairnm mum, jonn am ram, rt' 7 rJiJrr, comfort Uust be Twenty-four S4i Wood Frame Beach. Manomeu tel JV- to anreTia' Phont Houses" ar.d left at Boom. 303.

.230, met 334B. dSu3t myH seen to be nf9e SS a ESTATE F- 7 Trtmont CI 1-5 1 1 SMAtL priv. bsth, hot a m.a ili water. lT unprovemcnU. Call WO dSu3t BEACON ST kit.

relrir ro 7-lt4 BOXBUBY shaft AAA A Beaut if ul 3 room and alcove asuii nvva FVTfrV A onlv Trlmuton pain lij tveninss v-tiiJii. dsufit my 12 frav at whch tirre and IpRiVATE BEACH, first-flmr 3 APARTMENTS WANTED LANDLORDS LIST YOI'R APT. WITH KfVrtIT CAMP 1. 3 AND kifnette. 14S W.

New- nlace 'he proposals will bo publicly (bedrooms. Ue. living room. SUMMER sublet for 3 gir's or CIt. prlv.

fam lure, airy rm. with RnCTRN s' Mats. av nr. Beacon running water next to bath; 3-4 S70-S1 dS mo. supt.

at all times. AR aft 6.30 p.m. on premises DE 820U tun isosian, t.i -HJu4. WFS 0Ped and read peiea ana reaa. room, siitn.

nVuno LOTS for salt in mtnea va a security tn the sum cf HEFr tFN, ueiano Wnte or at 3,35 NorioJt .1 Ta. in tht sie. person, a BcnUix, puich real, rent I L4 FSu mylS dSu5t my 13 kitchen ann Ditin uiir. done; nicely furnuhed; free refrig.s 75-80 mo. Janitor.

16 Westljjntv. AI.IRT0N 3 rooms, kiti-hen. bath wute. $B5 per nio avail. June shown by aunt.

only. JANITOR. 64 Brighton av.S LO TVVThFlt tp21 fesi we check credit. TA ik. Iicr (Dorchester.

24. Vo phCTie calls. 1 RM. warm; aaui my 13 SOMERVIIJ 2 prlv. bath.

fnrm of cash, certified check or bid myl3 bond ihU accompany each pic- priv. fam rv rII, aTirTtT W. ti Bonair SO handy ca-s, church.s: lentlenun EV to i iTt t.i I Inuitr. nt.s ai.jj, t. and JAMAICA SV5.

APARTMENT wanted. 2 bedrooms. North Falmouth Center kitchen and liv. for 3 adults. 3 iTRN.

rms. kifte, all utili-; PLAIN. rr rms ISi vix PrTirmsals must be mde ottsd-l UnUIWt Vr tvi furnished cottage. $500 for di hath ARLINGTON CTR 3 rms rurlicate. one sealed prnpo.aj WEST yarmoutn.

approx. iw (season. 01 rent mnntn o' wtn. 8 nat., hid.

$ti Brl- or arookline. OC S-MSW. RC A -6. 'iADTLtS Ui drs.rt 3 erTrm-unt ues suppiieo. MX r-smi.

vi. Dam; dSu7t myi3 hatn. AL-I-3S6' htrt best parking, open in oesi 10c; 1 an Utli. OUS Siup, pKS. JK O-RDia.

dSu3t mylS SOlfTH FVD 3. 3 and elec; carline. low rent' AV 2 91 FSumyl5 TRACK PF.OPI.E-Revere: furn. rm.

suitaule for 2 couples. $25 wk. Call RE 8-202-J sfier 8 pm. B'3 seCurilT 10 nr ar" ru In ine ptrtcs. pr'v.

mn i na- tail isorui ininvuu r-" bidder with the City Auntor pall COHEN, J51 Main Biock-l dSu3t mylS porch. SH3; no comm. i itf t-l. PLAIN Cool front ennt. SO.

270 Ne it f'irnished heated apt. in Metiford rite 183. Cilobe. dSu3f myi: Write 183. Cilobe.

dSu3f niyl5 Ra. tW-frXXiS-1' CLEAN, attrac." furnT mod. previous to tht time made lor Phone 21 IRKLAXATION tv.i seclission in HiU, and able, hskpg. rms reasonable. mxv-, fog the bids.

FSu mylS llv. rwrirm N. comfortable upiard camp. A BUS. exec.

working wife rred There will be a charge two uatsr Frftlit. MarSlitlelfl lexcel. view, near Smith River ar.d LGE. front rm. with kitchenette.

Bklne. Village, adults 3 or more mxc refs. Kl 7-2a4jbath. $78. AL -1733.

ST 2-j74M. dollars ($2 001 tor each set of specv- ssaisi 1 Lake, running water, no 114 COMMONWEALTH AV Pleas 3t my 13 hot cold water. 465 Comm tav. mad. 1-4.

up. LO dSulOt mjK Bca'ions taken out. SALE or rent, new 7-rm. axher Jor ee. CaUi ant rm for 1 or 2.

hot rlate and SWAI.THAM. 4 rms. nicely mahog 1st Floor. 2 It myl5 HR Faneull imh HS mac I ne rale HP" nn-ir in tape Loa. wsraj fut noor: Sa wk.

ftlKi. tul 4th floor: 13 wk any turn. renovaiea, i bd- looms, tile bath, pnrch. near 6. c.ooe.

hot etrltr. kfvfre BEACH 3 fum. rms. and J.I ana Lur tim rS'fter IMETJFORD Furn. single room, prl-1 2 tss.

3t myl4- hom- water F-S5 .7," zn minutes churches. m.ot. Revere? e-, -7- iiuiiu.a tnurenes. oie.iiora menL Revere: mot to be paid to me-h antes, teamsters. lU hdw chauffeurs and laborers the vnrV ertntract shall carline.

$15. Call AH 3- ftuj. qaUJi myia .1 7-9110 A RELIABLE party des. apt Brighton. Brkunt.ewt..Bost.

At, dSu7t m9 APT. around Roxbury and vie, 4 rms, or more, adulu. Natnk 3S24-W. $25 wkl.v WA 5-406j. dSu7t myli rm.

hath, nr beach: tor Summer season. mod annli- estate RE $-5472 aSu3t my 15 AlsZsift tdcTiT-t nrf.IRJmiiST- AU WfJ ioT tirl- MY- of clean rooms, all prices, kit, not be less than the ra-e of wages AN amaitr.r opportunity. ances, ti'e bath, oil ht. hot wat. sup- h- dSu7t m-9 must sell trut week 'or pa SAGAMORE BEACH Waterfront in the schedule determined enette.

etc. usual" my is rms A bath. $1J free Pullman AL4-1942 21 myl5 I kit. ant utllv included; vicinity 1 'O no commu. ATTRAC.

2-hdrm. avail June jjoij. BE 2-1263. GR 2-1326. t.

no children, CO 718.9. ven s. at myi4 1 rti.antTii! Vea-mur1 SA1 Is i am A. S70 wk New duo ex. year-M AT Corr.missioner of I-abor and Indus- suhMantJal J.

MEOFORD. lg. frt. rm cont. h.

gent, $7. MY 6-6878. tries of the Commonwealth, a cony FRONT COTTAGE una a 4. $50 wk, AlllK.WEW.7W. tries of tne t.ommonwri n.

v- 1 -z of which schedule is annexed to the ROOMS, breath-ukurig view of the. dSuSt mylS 11 CONCORD SQ. Furn. hskpg. b.w., dishes, stm S-8.

tel. riSn3t mvIS osuox- myis wamtmj young man to share Bay Siate-rd. aot. with B. ir slndunf.

263 CLARK NT ON Rms. for girls. ME 1 FORD, attrac. rm. nr elec plate il desired.

MT6-8H59. 3t myl4 form of contract referred to rierenj. slt water. a Ju-n. "r- small COTTAGT on Conies of sid schedule may be; looks lake, 2 IwacBes.

rt a. uk waterfront, electricity, obtained without cost, unnn aroH-l water and lake at thi, property 1 'm Boston Rt ration therefor at the office of thei most unusual, sets bact 60 ft. "'J to Nashu, and Manches- ALLST0N 2-rm. semi-bath and $15 wk. STJ-3744 3t mvIS from June 1 to Sepi.

1. CO FAMILY of 4 adults would like -rm. quiet neighborhood, vie. Dorchester: exc. rent $o0 mo.

Please caUTA V6ML 2tmyl4 HARVAKD Teaching fellow desires furn. 1 or 2 max. Call MRS. CHANG, wkdays only. 10-12a.

n.jJA 43t30. 'ANTED 5 "or 6 rms vie. Milton, Milttaoan Hvde Park, adult HI. buea, g.i. loc, nr.

oeacn; 3 mo. ay 1 CH3-627X tves and weels-er. 238. dSu7t myl3 ATTRAC. 3 rm.

apt. all util. gas. c. h.

elee. re-frig gas stove. 3 lge. cli'sets; off-st, bus, rple. only; 2d at powder Hse.

$.0 PR fV-SMI. ATT. 7-rm. ideal loc, mini, to Harvard h. adults.

$1 00 SO 8-O6S0. dSu7tmy 12 ARI INGTON rooms and gar Spy dSu7t myl2 a oajr, retrig. 1:1 7-uJ. JSu7t tny9 ACCOMMODATIONS for 4 girls; YOUNG MAN to share mod. 3-rml Boston Housing Authority.

The juc- from highway, ldei! for by appointment. 9-19yt. eessfu! bidder will be reuinred to tew rooms, too, BE OF ALL dRu3t mylS only A LOVELY 3-rm. mod. tile BE 3t mylJ MEDFOKD Room in priv home for gentleman MY 6-8175.

3t POINT OF PINKS, rm. for rent, sea sonaL Call after 6 RE 8-0738 J. avi. nr. rwenmore su lu nrwiy aecor.

xurn. SUMMER RENTAL Nantaket. 7-' own bv. bitli. priv.

entr! oroVide bv Insurance for the pay- $030 buys it. pay bank meot of compensation and the fur-ls-49 a month fr act n'hmS of other benefits under Phone MISS HANLEY. Mano act "to, i iny I $40 per mo. Set ATT. 3 h.

8 mms. urn rra. nouse. wiin st m.v. uuaw, on ousune.

blo-haui. IH-2123 dSu3t mylS osuji myia Pljroouin. only 45 large rlosed-in yard. HLU 6-li89-W: dSu6t m.vl2 nvra. sq nu-n- wks.

venner. 271 Lamar. 15 Bates st. (iMIlt mU. lHn, st.

Janunca Plain St mvll Chapter 132 ol the Oenerai mtt JW inear 1 (the Workmen's Comnensatton ear WANTED 4-room unfurn. apt. or AT J8J COMMON Wl I TH A ROOMS with or without kitchenette Sties. anH 10. dnuhl tis I.

$3 At 10 week. 31 St. Botoloh rona aauits; ioak o-tTMio. 2t .1 1 11 1 mw all semi-priv. baths.

dSu.t 15 Boston. MWTSmyll AI.t,STONJt rms. modern. $80 use. rvi --i-ajw ATTR ACTIVFIY tV'-" 2 FURN.

rms. and kit te. also fm. dSw7tmyl4 nr Harvartla.taHlN 4JJw, rm. Anoly 22 Dartmouth YOUNG couple.

1 ch'ld desire 4-5- ARLINGTON 2-rm. furn. ant btti.ipl.. Iwtween 10 and 4 2t my 15 rm iinfiiro flat: Sftmsrv, Mert- u.j -n AO s. flns Jmnloy-ed under this enrtraet, and a bsck scr.

mo. or 29 1 rircuit iufflcient proof of compliance porches, lWxlOO' comer lot. bath-'Pint Pt i 7-241. Mori tnr Fn. the foregoing stipulation wui ne ln boating, fishing, close to water I nauJt myia eeoiitred prior to tht award 01 x.

Norton 5-7503. ALLSTONFurri Tfront rm and kit rKJXBURY- arge rm. and kitchen-! si a. nt M. .4 lA? I9fts rHoVA ette.

Call HI 2.7229 FSu mvIS RAY STATF. ROAn uti'i n- rl I i nee. ,4 km. I APTJ. mo.l vard sv; LO iROXBlTiY, nice "side fVont.

346i birm priv bath, refrig 2 mms. lord or Arlington vn children welcome. HA 6-7. dSu3t mylS taid contract. ARLINGTON cv.NTFR Front" mom Uud'eyst.

HI 5-2393. to r-enniore sa. mo ktctm.i. Tel. Factories, Stores, Lofts on bath floor, iinees (urn Ai; Rr-it: foe i nin nr.

kl arts. 4t myi.t NG couple desire 4 or 5-room 'Om, scr. por gas. elec sc The City reserves the right to re-, fA any or all proposals and to A HEM, 3 nnd blth suite; newly d.ino. free 4 ROOMS and batb, stave-nU'VieaT, refrig mo.

Janitor. I'- West-; adulu only. $12 wk. HU 2 889. land av.

Wu 3t myl4 948S-W. ThFSu my 14 tta CO 45-4263 aftee 5 P. or AC. HILL. w.

Cedar St. Nr uniur. apu suwin a niTv sarin bu i SuTF mvio Pinckney Unhid. 3-rm apt FS myi w.iy. Duhirn BofSoVtvhb.

lveaV jr. lurn -lor 4 Belmont Center Stores 15? the eon- WFSu myl3 maid k. for rent furn apt nr. Mass General 09 aiariooro Boston; 1. 1 i-inai i mil sec.

4 TQH RENT New buildirg Just 1 e7n 1 tH BBIGHt6n Center. Ternde Boston v- 7" onfc As k''rh. and ba'h. tpprox. $50 ini refrig orkng $71; no fee PFSU mylS I r-Su myla (Boston proper.

Write 5 193. Globe. msJ iront mCnvt I BRIGHTON 7 rms Sc gar. $8.1 3 ADULTS rtesre 5 or 6-rm RAY Will share newly "ren- i lumuniun rms. ar gar, sna a auulis desire 5 or o-rm aot BACK BAY Will share newly ren tract or contracu as it deems -rCApe C0D.

Harwich For rent. Its best interests 4-rm. cott. lovely scrn. porch.

cibu.n myio cnii front. U-12. 34 Worcester Sq.i CO 7-4293. REAL No bid shall be wttbrtrawn 1 rood, conv 7.

nr. Deacn, store, virr- ce'lent for any type period of thirty ,30. dfys subse- 14 "mr quent to the oMrirg of bidswno it COTTAGE for nT, to White Horse 7-1915. eves. BE 5-4230.

FSu my IS the. co-sent of t.C'.y. riTT Beac Dam. nr. trans-, reas.

bo o-bldl Miss SUSAN hit frit. Plea c.U PR 9'i' a ir FTX. dsu7i myi3 ovated 3 rm. rum. apt witn another men, ail utilities dSu7t my 15 BKLNE Beau 4-mi.

furn. JUt IU3I A beautiful. large 4 BEDROOMS next 'ltm: SOM for garage "tvait tnoRnt Wl BE Mil. I -2-1 moTrnh builrfing. couple per week CfTH BOSTON' HOr-TiNG menu.

Ca PR 8-85 95 I "riVWh mfr MdofRces; Tv4UrSnrt -JAMFS J. MAHAR.I lheated. elevator, Roxbury Crossing. carunt, an utu. i.o OI'INCT INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES ttiK.

ar 3 rms. nicely LDtf UTnv A I OVFt.Y 1 elean rm A- Ht or furn. for It. hkng BTrvill TW BRIGHTON 6 in mod 3t myl3 A'mio Mae 14. 19S3.

iCAPc COD Harwicnport. 3 7-8S71, PA 7-2875. onu.u- ro il 7-rm. commai. 12- uv.

RROOkt.INE. nr. Cool sunpnrlor. 3-car garage; well- fam nil ht adults. S70 ft H.

HE. 1 monero eon veo pnrps near reuTi. i. Maid, bus. people.

MA 2-2455. 4t myl2 dSu7t myI4 I ANET, Realtor. ST 2-7400. kept nrooertv: widow will sell foe PR 3-8652. 4V myl3 A LRG.

1st flr. room. 3 roin to mod, $75. BE 2 5102. d.Sii.'lt my IS BEACON HILT.

1 A 2 kit'te and b.ith. Call RI 2 0S18, OFFICE, DESK SPACE a WANTED FIRST FLOOR 18,000 to 20,000 go. ft. with iviass. ora.

ti 7-Mob4 stter i Wollaston-Milton Line BF.ACON HILL 2-rm. apt $40. 4 1 a 3-5431 CAM. -4 1st $S0 mo. 19 Inman sU; tel.

KI 7-8391. reeSRng.M. nlS fchd'ofnt the smrurt! compl. of the eoritraet. wih satisfartoeVjto pvt.

oeacn. lodou. UK -i( 3-. 1. workshop, storage, etc.

46 Cam- iuretv for faithfully doing the or.L la 3.2974 wtf bt required. 'DtrXBVR. for rent 3t mvl3 hu.1,9 for; ortu Sit S3 I BL on' Offices at Reas. Rentals car line, So, bus. min.

ST 2-2727 LARGE and small tn convenient. CAMB. Bris.on Brookline Newly AMERICAN Co'nnial. A- P. dr-c Ac fur.

Sum. suhletsor 6-eol deep free7e. sm -oil. gar. loading platform within 25 rsu myis Sept.

1. 1-4 $78 to flJJ Nollmtned asking tl8.3'0. GR 2- 7030 lees com. ljs tjyuu, urt al-oill, UK dSu3t mylS Mliit my I CAMB Near Harvard Sq. 3 fn-s.

bath, all utilities. 2 extre nice Capes: well-built with fireplaces, big kitchens, tiled baths, big InLS. SIO aorl 2lV Id UacT idults; $.3 per mo. heated, priv. cont hot water; EL 4-4808.

n-uu niyiD ouiiaing. lmmeoiate 'The cice eonj Zl DORCHF-STEB-Doubl. BBKLNE CcvM CoglerdH? CHFLSEA-5 3S a il west of Boston. Will buy bed-m? MAIN po pjiXjgjmi CtDtL0 SuWFmylO -DFDHAM ST.rrnTl prrStfT Wm. PeaSO O'Brien, InC TiSr, Tthe deposit Payment i centralheTt! -ar' on able lor cleanser, beauty BEAr0Nl rTTBkTnT-Newly decor" nrCIRARI ACCIfsT (DAPC Bart furn.incutil.

$13 wk. KE 64n87. L. Sd I deposit w-iM be A V-319 fi LV-WALTHAMrnT Tpt-TrTnew REALTOR such dren tsr ee-t--. s.

bug. in vw. CU titer -yW- J-4392. St myll MERCHANT BI.DC. house good 'ocaUon.

hea'ed. ig tTTg It turned tn coryiittr-o at or wlore BOOKLjN "rm Mnmei SL. Boston; t-043. $100 month. WA 5-3192.

3t myl4 IB STATE ST, LA 1499 1 ttThem.4rrmTst be.d'f1ed -it rwRateriwC "mproTSnem 's! STOP to let. 630 whmgton usfnwoWn; handy' SuWr.my0 jamaicaON rmTflrThT. thT-ein." ai-1 n-ar Catholir CsHirrh and suWF mylO cation. BE 2-2753. 3f myl3 My r.nCTilRt' nKICPt1, uu7- k- AL4-3560 TmmmmTr 14 Ston- Betth off -nsrSm BEACOHlLLriVronsr.

Nt" UWlslUHJ OhUCtS days. dSu3jnyDlSTRi ef Public Works. Pesdfng Atlantic Nantasket iWATERTOW N-2500 "j.r"?! lge. attract, rms, rea- LA 3-8718. MUST completed at 1247 Beacon LARGE 3-rm.

apt. 1st all im- htd- low mv'A ft.s endorsed Wth the ri-me and dSuJtrwH ample oase- mvli nr. Coolidee convenient park- mam good transo 211 dSu.t myJ5 COMM. A at Exeter 3 furn ant newly painted, avail BEATR1C K. B1ULIAMS.

Rriltef June 1, suitable 3 girls CO dSu7t m9 in, IllAII IA.AII aa i.t priv. nULLAilUfl. 1IU.BUU COP. SQ. studio bath.

CI 7-7864. 3t raryl.t I 7,1.1 III. Chelsea bean, rms A- Colonial, 3 lovely bid. fpl. lire, dinmcrm Ynuoffa.

exc. loc, sent. cple. pref. TH 3-0325.

htrier and "Pror-sat syirj stAt hree room rrT'ac. BRIGHTON Center-Lge. " rentrtntr mfr mile to Boston, row vacant. MUR- i xi .1 Past V. ini Sfnrlosffa, ji myia town oil hL, laundry.

en DriVltS. laSurrevMiA i O. dSu7t mvll 5221. SuTThF mylO --i-- 9-5120. CAMB.

1 or 2 girls wanted dSu7 rrvIA fid submitted to tr noro mi run- 5.iiij. write box v.entervu;e, Works st the oee of the gosrd Mass or caU Hyannis 2016-R-K FARM. ULLAGE HOMES of Pu1-' Works Town evenings. dSu3t mylS LiL BRIGHTON 2 pvt. bith.

suit. BEAUTIFUL OFFICES snare attr. apt. g.1. -soo eves.

FSu my 15 ownVoli 'Sii'lSgSS ,2 MORTGAGE MONEY mo. WILSON, SO 0-0888. 1 aae HYDE PARK SINGLE igi. nskpg. tan eves.

2-3J19. rOU FVT rrr eottaBe. 4: MRUl StSLI I rUK rla -s-ntl. cottage. Sleeps l- Maes with a ce-t ed check It iWl no navahte II? the Town TW Town DHnn riti wm 1 MEDFOKD Apartment.

2 rooms, AND display rooms: Brookline. AS 7-J1840. Teas, rents: Sud7t my 10 ba'h. sun porch. and electric- Money In 24 hours to consolidate hTiImesses- 31 states 3t my 13 ocfoglt.

Stent, inrl. SatOO tan wk. OC. 3-1428. 1 Boston 8.

2-71 J. attractivt rm. CA 7-6 i bo. Sept. mcl.

$600 or $50 wk. OC 3-1428. or Ma ne'orr P. Eastern Stvtr, TViW ivy. 9on ski atunm.

i fie o-'a. puis repair your home. dSu3t myl5 Economical 1-Osy tfrslct 3t my 13 th's'eh'eck to i 'of said Town if the J.1. STonday. June DESKS lge light office; parking adiacent; tel.

and mail service. 93 federal Km. HU 2-4M5. FSuW mylS DORCHF.STER. at Ashmont stj 6 rms 1 floor; stm 10U heat; extra furn.

rm. with kit te. lor lady, S10 front and rear niaras; sun wkly.i also 2 rm. adults. tl4porch; nuiy be seen 1-7 very clean, all utilities in- S5 Wood av.

off Cummtna eluded. TA 5-4052. dSu3t mylS'highway. 2t mylS dSa bG: BROOKS ESTATE l.7n- -ITILE bath. Dish washer in modern -Lovely frt.

WAVPTON Brslria'nnr'aRR TO LET. WANTED, BEACON Brookltn studio auiet home. BE 2-507 MALDEN 10 Min. to Boston, renov lge. rm and gjs.

ele-. ht h.w $15 wk. MA 2-1-28 mylS C. A. McNIFF BEACON STRFET LA S-OI589 Ees.i LA 7-4OS 5t my 1 1 OFFICE space for lawyer, account- my 13 Beacon HilL 23 ant.

or real estgtt broker. 11 Bet- Pinckney Nent Piorknev Neit t-d" st'tJfi'-tor- bo-'H within wen I new cottage. 2 living. 7 davs afer the enrtract may have room and kitchen combination, bath. SOUANTl ill tven nw-ed to b-T porcn, shoner.

chimney, screens! it 1 to the fsel tha and screen doors: deeded land; nr. FOR FENT Unfurnished, beautiful wue rates a-e e-tabihhed Cathohc church; Ideal lot for boat- home, I bath, shwr oil proieet as set forth the me: priced at cost. S2E50. GLADYS children welcome, $I2o mo. IMEDrTELD Center, modern, sunny.

hskeg. refnst RI a-US)(ill. 3t myi3 a a aa la aitl a iur. i.nir, urn. inesi neat, rorcecl noi lSt ZnCl IVlOrtgaEeS: with oil.

Near everything. si myu Call An all ec. 2nd ttr art. 4'4 bath. Phone Medfield 375.

eves 6-9. dSu3t m15 IGRLENVILLE Rnxhury Owner a. I at $22,500. REAL ESTATE WANTED INSt'RA VCE FINDS liv. kitch.

A- atier n. goofaet documents. n. s-xeter rn or 2-1 BEAUT, furn. with dinette, all reasonable.

5t5 Mass. av. BROOKLINE Newly fum. room, running water parking BE BANK ll.VBl rBUAll SUNOS, Proposals ie-1 out a-l jert wun ici. i.j.

uuo, I heat, cont h. janitor AV 2-S684. Sun. and eves FSu my 15: MALDEN New 1 A- 2 rm priv. $15-18 nr.

trans MA4-i28i BURLINGTON WANTED NORWOOD e' erk as tbovt directed, and. ro $3800. new 3-bedroom FSu mJ? rflUUndWFfil TH MORTfignr en. HARVARD SQ. Beautiful NEW 4-bdrm.

house, situated within e-her st tne soove nsmeo nou-i ranch MEDFORD or Maiden, 7-8 rm. at myii be run irir ooer.en s-a Vorthvood a7 SO ner mn. For radr and the undersigned reserve V' 1 c. vo i "s-urn isbi, snare rm. nr.

church and schools. MY 6-2215 NEW 2 bedrm. 1st Irg s.m, 'urn. 2 tile hatn, few minutes of Rt. 128 on Rt.

62i fiiMO 1 $35. Aft. 8 p. Is will bee Tea Same Day refrig. $3a month JANITOR, f.

h. w. heat, garage. Mr acre of land, Oil CK DOUGH. No nvBi AS Ware tel.

LA 3 1800. iMay be seen by call EDWARO UUllin for you to pay. UN 4-4243. WF I FSuM mylS AR S-tUftfl it mi? r-gbt to reject any or all Pt 2. VS't, -v1S onv.

nome. comm. $jo. CO running ws'n rusn in.iei. e.

dSu7t my 12 trl'rirt for Town: FALMOUTH Pyitimer rental or yr tail SAugus bMHi-w. IniinS 2-bedrm. bnck bungalow. 0 circle. uyiTun ana family oestre lot In renova-ed.

for appointment caU A 1n HARVARD SQ.Bedroom. DAVDIIOV The hJdder sr-ril start st-or y-rler LO 6-1854. 'solid rr.ahog. carnei. wan wji ee-tra-t within te- eien Npwton: tvi dSu7t rr.yia ALTS' mn'T rra iVaiiu' remt kiteheni Steam RoUd T.h'ie Works I for season or comp.

oil heat. Prexmseg. 12-3. BRKLN Attr. front rrn.

quiet ret. il smgie iSZi-M 246 mo JANITOR! 3 II I nXui-l use. LO 8-8709. I r-s ba'T, bco rcn and vara i 115 ML Auburn st. C.imbndge.

ill 011 ft DORCHESTER dSu4t myl4 I.i LT's-Jik 2D MORTGAGE and business oans. FSuM my 1 5 umiiwiis. I Ull email mo- Fluster 185 Devonshire st. Li 0 3-APT. DICK, HI 2-2288 bouse, dSuJt mylS loc- $7.

rels. LO 8-8014. Vo r-orv-i mv be withdraw-, oil heat, cont. hot water, gas. El.

4-33oi. dSu4t WAN'TED- nr fp mm. Kil. or oa.n-snwr.; priv. erti n.

A 1 Ufa. 4 2-7o57; DE 3-33934 34-hour ferviw-l'owtr? uuTtunpfied- HI 5-1301. 101. Nr. Harvard Sq 2 CHILDREN TO BOARD aeres.

on highway, witmn 25 miies Bost. LE 9-12T8-W. ROX. CnmPl. renov 3 y-9Xlg piazza, sis.o i ousts.

myl5 Ileal IIUAUUIT ATtflTlllT in turn, ror ngni linen turn rnT srioir, A5S bv r.rr. la mi. suum 'I c'-mmi. f. Board Public' Works, HarryiGA or write 481.

It Chairman. dS.i3mylo 1 'LAKE W7NNTFESAUKFX Knotty good loca: rent reasonable; business I WILL pay cash fn ti-fr couple. EI asa KIT. APT. for rent.

S13 week. bus. LaGRANGE ST. area. S-B ga dSu.3trr,yl 5j WEE WILLIE 4-5278.

i ne-Ki ox cepAu 1 Write 457. Globe. dj ir. Rest. shermaT-S-4-; my'- ht sink.

onv. bat 14 sink. onv. bath. rm, sfove V.

tTimnchir. Rnl or woman preferred. 31 Irv-rase. 0i ni. urn wood V4rl4ll $27 mo.

aomerviiie; can CF-NTRAL Camb. 2 furn. all mil. al-o hskpg. ATivrRTTsFWFVT I pme eottasre on lake ail ronv hoardint TBF TOWN OF BHnoKf TNE tccomd.

6 reonle. $100 month until hTs-o KMirnrimt ntiivs week MY a-5742 after 6 p. m. a few months until mi own his sit ann Kusinpn pronenies PA 7-3871. LGE lgt.

hskDt. furn. ant. 2 rms 105 Brunswlt gt, .8 DAIRY FARM, bordertnsi vil- via sto o. iit s-ua td wun rngiaaire.

an inn, on utniiaiT r-o in sll, rnyilistWlV nSult rnvIS motner IS aoie to cans ror nim: nt Sj ssnposti fob ii TrTtnv I.Ts; 1 ion-kmg for a foster home within 15 XOnLlDCE CCRNER-Smgle and to -lnrr tVtTrVt jLAKE NORTON. MASS. For tale. I miles of Boston, preferably on the dble.

rms shower, car space, bus. irrnline isVrlsi 4 rms screen porch toilt. In-south side: $10 a week will be paid 'person. LO 8-8883. 3t isuiaten.

oatning. noaur-g. nsnmg: for his boan; cioiamgana mcaicai. ruani ps i iee: lolrl llliase. niamr a.

v. CH 2 .74 Irivnn I A Trm 2-famllv 3 -land woodland: two story- house. I0m dSuSt myi 4 Hir.Hr.ATF tt iiifst off 3 SOL IH 87NU MOdern ntO. wate It, house and KB rsa.rl Sta HI'- -JO4. CHARLESTOWN, 302 Main st.

3 furn elec refria gift -V K. s.eo. nrrn ri-i. are reasonable. JA 2-2048.

dSii3t my IS 'care furnished also. Write 275, ro IT arty one or or 5u wrrTrre ClnW nfffp. dbU3t IMrlO COTTAGES VI ficfi? or S-t oa o. i a following items, aceording to rpeclMODCTN caf.ons which may nfi hsning. nine grove: a REAL HOME, away trotr, i nome I iiiu.ij Trr aoot'ibarn: bam with 50 tieupt and nette.

priv. bath, heated, cont DEDHAIM 2-FAM. the Bujldmg Commission. Bern 21.1- lor s'our cnua- SUQ0U, houktep n. Vndele'an S-t5 40 miles north of Boston.

mo. lju "smt'VVu iplitti of room for hav: large silo.h. $17 wk also 1-rm. and kitcii- Town HaM. on or afer 12 ft-ve'vei A milliMnm latritaft r.n 4nr cfitr -tt 1 A It a Sfsnrns, art i titer 5 44 Dana 4t myl3 Mas, it 1013.

for al- r.r sreuas orsvt. a. I TWO. 4 rm. 1st fl- stove htd La.Pts- age ol tools; woodshed.

3 car gt- 2t'mvl hj, rental Sfll'ft $82 150. 1 itch- teratmns to d-y pipe systems o' -N i. II HAVE a happv comfortable home 7' i 3tmv2-t "country for a pre-school CAMB Central Sq. 2-3 nn. Beach, ag? cm.d Fo7 deiaifs call East! tnttttt.

27 Lee gt: jiv925 st 8. corlolrla-s Frf warrl 1 A ctirTrt fl Perbam dSu3t mylS School. 345 Harvard Creet. i cot for rent, al! ur.nrov.: R-ideewater 8-2C75. dSu3t I 4sa-viiJArage; mi.k taken at aoor.

newTONVTLLI 3 It Oakdale section: asking: $14,900. WEYMOUTH HEIGHTS Heated 4 560 flts dsily; 40 milk cows SZf frig 'neat utils. 3d flr- rVrfius'MRS. CHAMBERS. DE 3-3977- rmi.

bath; pr trams: util Holstetn and Guri25Jv-rari ne. bu s. cpi $18 wk. LA 7-7223. i FSu WOO: WE9-i262 evenings.

JMistered: rnpi, line of farming cus- cple- 3t mylS vblTlilEWER Frookline. and the Michael Dri.coli;prch.; Aug. 15 and Sept BL 8-2120. isTanTED Congenial CAMB. Le.

ground fir 5 win- 2t 15 EcnosM. sej nno ne ir; i I mother. 1 or 2 children to thare i ouuonai. S.L. -o 1.

my 3t my 14 HAVE IT so wnLMr I of poor health, ror 'further informa-. NF. Harv. 2 kit bath. $14 k-ook 'int.

in accoraar-e wytn i "o-NEW Ig. cott. on cape, by lake, com-'an care of child, all utilities CAMB. Lovely rms. for ter 461.

Acts of 193o. plete; $2'95. FZ lerrrs; Rt. 28 to included. $78 to $20 per wk.

TA.5- board, gar. opt. loc. KI' 1 or 7-5838 1 si myu WATERTOWN-5 rms. and sun tr-ontrcharles E.

Palmer. Box i also 3-im. lor. gar tile ba'h, f. d3, fi3 Farm.ington N.

H-. or phone I BE 5-1829. iBamstead. N. H.

3184. FSu mvla 'kkW-TON Small 913 a month for VACANT art. ready for you NOW. Name your own terms. Owner: HI2-110O.

wage rates nave ra-n P'epare-, 44 thnJ 58 to Carver 3255. WTrnyl3 du7t rr.y!4 1 main flr rcriv. 3 RM. apt, in Beaehmont. Revere mm.

apt, in ceacnuionT. RI hi Do You Know? Boston Globe Carries More INDIVIDUAL CUSSIFIED Advertisem*nts THAN ANY OTHER BOSTON NEWSPAPER! A faRM on Route 125 In Bar- yng. ous. need, kitch- h. A- c-.

running wa- -tn- abou, js, miles! ThFSu QUINCY (NORTH) my 14 a oafn tnnu.r. ror a n- ia'rtment of Labor and Tndues: i- WILL board new baby or sm. girt. DORCHESTER At Ashmont s'a i-d ar" in'udld in Vhe V.a'-AHANT-S-rm.

apt. from June 1 exc, care, loving home. AR furn. rm. with kifte.

for ladv. S10 ti'onj. Trie Building Commission re-l to Labor Day. overlookirg ocean! dSu5tmyl4 I also 2-rm. fum.

apt. serves the right to re act try nr beaches. Call HI 2-8112 or tr-Ti bosrd girl. 3 or 4 yrs. $14 very clean, ail utilities trbVdsrw sa'Pt as-, bid or no" LY 8-0852.

gd ie gdod care. CH I included. TA 1 tion of a bid. to waive anv (pfor-1 si A NT A SKET Rent or sell 5 dSu3t myla I dSuSt myiS er iirom oo-wn. resj.ut.iis.

HpxMliHY 1 ana z-rm. nimtsnea 3 FAM. nit w. ht.t eros-int PR FSu 3 FURN. avail May 29: priv.

mouse wirn ig rooms na wi.i kit ette arts, with all facilities. 184 30 mo plus 2 ex bldg Its; si 1 iprate and woikshop adioinmg next to hath; adults. 63 Moreland aoo SF.VF.RY Realtor. 1-5388 house: barn 38x70; wonderful place st. and 241 Warren st GE rr.slify in a b'd.

to award the con-! st oreanside bouse. 2 bath rms. wti 1 roard CHILD 2 or I'nham's Com 2 Conner. SomerVillc (Magoun 4t myll for poultry; S12.5O0. CHARLES arid HI 2-7650.

ThFSu myl4 hSKDg. rms. 1 St ft- 8fi4 tracts as it shall decide to be 7810. dSu.1t mylS lUWNutNU KUaUUKT e-celient care. Woburnz-n53.

a rw hid sts. ta 3t mrl3 or nnnne Karnsteao. rs. M. lrs svau, vk mvlt by the Bn.lding Commission.

Room ocean. LY 2-8 194 or A 1-0487-M. like it. but need more room. 3t my 14 21, Town Hall.

Brookline. at 2 twol rt1- 55 Virginia GF. 6-9229. 3t myl-3 i Uphams Cor Lt hskne. rra car $3 CO 5-M34, jiSu3tmyl5 rm.

kit'te, ht It 4 cont h. nr. Hunt. Long-i wood tvj. 128 Conant st OA LUFFS 5-Badrorm bouse.

near water, hotels, stores: $400 season. Vineyard Haven H99-M. 5-B-room stucco 2 2 bot water heating systems, slate roof; ready for G.I. wnth $1000. Call HI 2-2233 NO Cash Down VACANCY Sn modernised 4-ot.

Best value in Cambridge for vet. eran. Call owner after 8. UN 4-4243, DORCHESTER m. a.

Thursday. May zi, 1953. Bids will not be received sfer the time named for the opening. POGFR TY1.FR. Chairman ol the Buildins- Commission.

iP.OXHUFY 3-rm. htd. furn. ants I very reas, rent. conv.

loc. newly Idecorated; shown 7-8 til day 78 Highland st. 2t rny14 iROX Furn. apt, 17 I 4 rms. 1st priv, hath, $13.50 per week GA 7-4032 I dSu4t ROXBURY 2 nicely furnished stall shower, all utilities, heat, hot 'water.

myl3 ROXBURY 2-3 rms well furn. apt. i white sink, cooking. HI 2-9727. I WF my 13 USE The Boston Globe FOR THE BEST CLASSIFIED RESULTS 1234 COMM.

1 2-rm. ht. h. bath with 3tmyJ3 4 L'NTURN. nr Cam'b 1st auto, gas $65.

147, Globe. dSiiat my 15 743 TREMONT 1, 2. 3 furn! or low rent. Apt. 22.

VThFSu rryl3 CAUTION In answering advertisem*nts DO NOT send your references, letters ol recommendation. Army or Navy discharge oapeTs or "holographs to a Postomce or Giooe ofhee box. Sena copies when requested. FOR a cool, newly furn. ar.d dero- rated Irnt.

rm. Call AL 4-8785. 2t myi 3 a su my i ONSET 3-rm. knotty pine cottage, elec. kit also 3-rm.

maid service. Bl 4-5218. eUTNCY Sublet from Jure I to Sept 1. 4-room furn. house, on water front: ldulta.

Tit OR 2-7917. 3t my 14 GLOBE ADVS. PAT BEST TRY ONE AND SEE CODMAN SQ Mod. 7 4 rm. vac 2 heaters, white sinks.

$12,500. Call AV 2-4498. FURN kit. all streetcars handy. SO 8-5207.

dSu3t a 4 POOMS to let in Boston Address A 380. Globe office. 5t -43 660 at Junior Achievement Fete Twenty-three Boston business 'scholarship; Harriet Tenenbanm, firms marked the close of a of Boston, winner of the Bos- ton Universitv scholarship; Vivian cessful year last night at a banquet of Roxbury. se-in the Hotel Somerset. Ilected bv the Horace A.

Moses ROADS Continued from the First Page He advised the road builders that no one has been or will he authorized either by him or Gov. Herter to tell contractors where to place their business. They measured their success not. Foundation, and P. Tingus, 18, of Boston, recipient Of the Na in monetary profit, but in valuable --s tional Association of Electrical Distributors award.

experience in the field pt private enterprise, for they are members MS Special citations were presented of Junior Achievement, school students gaining an early sense of by Mrs. Herter to David T. Tyler, responsibility and in many cases Jamaica Plain; Gerald I. Krafson, an early start towards their ulti-jMattapan; H. Goldman: mate goal.

William F. Manley and Richard Nearly 600 members of the.Freedman, both of Boston. Callahan Goes Into Action Hardly had Volpe cpncluded his remarks when Callahan, now chairman of the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority, took to his feet and headed for the microphone. He tore off his tie and ripped open his shirt unique organization, their specially -r5 trained advisors and representa collar as he explained in gasping! Delegatrg Selected Selected to attend the national convention Junior Achievement ''V Ui I s' 1 Mttitf (fk jmm'r- jhlill -H' n. undertones that this was his first' public talk since a year ago last! tives- ot sponsoring companies heard Gov.

Herter commend their work. April when he underwent an oper in August at Oxford. were "Theories about private enter ation for a throat career. AWARDS Continued from the First Page John Taylor, Globe promotion director, told the group that more schools had entered the competition this year than ever before. Taylor had high praise for the calibre of the work contained in the material entered in the contest.

"There has been great improvement in the school magazines over the past year," he said, "but there is a similarity to most of them." He urged the study of makeup, format, layout, typography and general styling of the popular national magazines in an effort to stimulate an individual anpeal in their respective school organs in the year ahead. Refreshments were served in the interim between the awards and Borge's half-hour of music and comedy. Awards totaled $1020 plus $85 for the best comments on the remarks of Keyes Beech, Boston-Chicago Daily News war correspondent who saw service in Korea. Beech addressed a Globe student journalist group in March. There were six $100 top prizes.

The rvinners were: BEST (SCHOOL NEWSPAPER TTR ST PRIZE Cass A. William Reagan. St Sebastian's Country Day; Class Lltsa Olmstead, Wellesley H- Class Bill Tangney. Quincy H. S.

HONORABLE MENTION Class A nrisp exnnunded in thp rlafsmnm Nancy Black. West Roxburv: Nao- At that time. Callahan rasped. "the doctors told me I had four months to live." He explained that; he has been coins to school for- a nearly a year to learn how to talk! are just theories," he said. Lipman and Sidney Doren.

both come to life through Junior ol Dorchester, and Hit-hard Freed- Achievement." man. Selected as alternate was Dimitrius Merages of West Rox- ExpantUng Rapidly Last nights banquet was one of The Boston association, begun In the hiRhliphts of Achievement 1945, now has 3P0 members and is Week, being observed in each of the expandini rapidly. Each of the national orennization's 30 areas. 1 through his diaphragm and breathe! through silver tubes inserted in his throat. I GLOBE AWARDS TO HIGH SCHOOL EDITORS $Wr a.

i'-? Robert Ahem (second from left) of the Globe presents In broken, laboring tentencei. he a. a- it. Ai a defended his administration as a A Vmm WW 9 9 junior firms is sponsored by Others who took part included Nicholas E. Peterson, vice president Greater Boston business organiza BOSTON JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT marks its eighth vear.

Left to rizht. front: Davfd T. Tyler, toastmaster; twdius lu vviiiictiii jaan t.icii.y9 sj i. tusauau 5f siaas Litsa Olmstead, Wellesley, Class and William Tangney, Quincy, Class C. state official.

"When I left th- Public Works Department," he said, '1 made up my mind to tend to my own business and I expf-cted the new de- Josephine V. Washington, speaker, and Richard B. Circeo, president. Rear: Nicholas E. Peterson, chairman, Boston Junior Achievement Committee Mrs.

Christian A. Herter and Gov, Herter. tion. Each organizes in October, elects its officers, issues stock and tackles the problem of marketing its product successfully. There is a Junior Achievement metal Works firm, a printing shop, a bank.

The 23 companies cover a wide range of business endeavor. Mission f-hurrh St daaa C. Petes-Martha ner Worre Tlam. Ar.J.m.- Dartment OfTlCia! tO mind tT.eirS. of the First National Bank and chairman of the Boston Junior Achievement Committee; Msgr.

C. T. H. Sherlock, Diocesan superintendent of schools and Merritt A. ClegR.

executive director. Junior Achievement of Eastern Inc. Also. David T. Tyler, toastmaster: Josephine V.

Washington, who read Amato, Maiden H. S. Dorothea Puzas, St. Ma He said that instead "their have HOVORAP.IK MENTION Class A. Girls' H.

Lynn; Class Lila 6e- a i William Reagan. St. Sebastian-! ietsky. Newton H. S.

s.UTO ui Class B. Fred Guthne. Maiden Bovs'j BEST MAGAZINE MAKEIP aRd my associates in the Oepart- By the end of the year, each of ftnmc, Cat- Volpe bar.dshake. Callahan told ingham, Philip V. Corey of Port- the members has tried his Governor's proclamation; Rich BEST SPORTS 8TORY ICiass B.

Richard Lincoln, Milton s'i FIRST PRIZE Class A. EVtward M. i Class C. Paula Fellows. Posiindal.

Defends Present Position ithe Glotes reporter later that he land, J. Paul Griffin of Ports- at each operation, in his firm. ard B. Circeo. president of the Jennings.

Nobis 8r G-eenough: Class I HONORABLE MENTION Class A.i tr-i. v.j mnllth H' JoSODh Foley ofl Morns Fyimi.nHtr.n Mi Clasa -li 1 Adams Reaver Cotio, -la a SII si a Still CORIifJerea VOlpe Had atiaCKea mOUin, CI. UBl'll vl four Boston members, ranking' Boston association, and Sheila w. 1 v.rfiiuori men rri nerrr.n Grady, who made a presentation to C. Jack Lynch.

Melrose H. 8. r.atricla KUDane. Dorcnester Bristol. R.

Joseph R. Perin: oflwi'h 'achievers" in the 30 4oan iirreu. ftit. lrmiiy Acaoemy. Wat- ertown: Class B.

Donne Ciass C. Beveriy Lewis. Girls' High position as Head of the iniesuty. abaremer and ne Lia UOVOD1D1V T.lasa A WPlWTftW ino uovernor. rs fr-Srhnnl.

a s. 1 SchooL Frammgham, Austin E. Page. Tim Sanders. Framtngham H.

Class S. Loweil: O. B. J.OWeii:i Paul VUlBrtM, in. 31.

OUUIWIIIT WI1JI.I1 IJtm faul Wnarton, lirookltne H. 5- an R. Joanne Ma ore Woburn HIT ti ll STD1TIOV li j. ia, a lv W. HurtforH Walter J.

Reed nficeLXe "cnoiarsnips Tor tneir work nne, i inr nn ro nr rnrtiar.r rr tioitti r. ra i.ri.n They are Martin R. Forsbera 17 63i KsuuL inAsjiAaiiisr; ICiass l. uiiam Jjonerty. Boston toi-l s-rrje-e a e- ot Hartford TTR ST PRIZE Class A.

Johe. lege H. S. If' Ulf MU ftw WK. Th tOl r.

-a c.ti Savin of Roxbury, winner of the M. T. arner of Sun- O.Tarles: Kohl, ad rireioo, ah. n' BEST POEH k.l I jl. Stl111l 4.

limSKIil) Ol 0QtWU.rnnn Thmrtlt la. "HeTe aSland. and Horace Watkins of Personal To Women With Nagging Backache Bolivia Gives Texan Concf sMoii "hOoSaW finio'rnri. A.Of iSade SS: fSosSV honorable mention A. fe reiterated ttatementt' Jflizabeth Colloredo.

Milton Academy for, Memorial H- S. Stwt. M. Trinitr Audemy.that f0 final rout has -eefl Jcid. tinI 1 newu' fw r-" 1 Girls; class B.

Richard Lincoln, Miitonl honorable jentton ci sat a st Sorneryii; Cjss George the artery and adderj vk president, and riar-. Division Engineer. Corps Of cm 8, Cwti r.rrrri,r vice president; and LAPAZ. Rnllvit 11 CAm neers, told the contractors he The government gave final approval f. o.j viass jajiiea xauerson cosion: noarooro iu-ior.

Arsdemy ai1" echnlcal H. S. Oiris: Ciass B. Margaret Your.g, Dor- Cass C. Waldgon argaret Dor- Mij-rt rf B'hion iEni tan Boston to make it pay." 1 BrI he constanUr Inter- Gthesr included Con-thef- was fr.cluded Con- their rUi Case C.

Joan r'4c' H. S. wrprised ttfsee the "spread'' in Chester st for BEST NEWS STORY today to oil land concessions to Glenn- McCarthy. Texas oilman. Feeley.

Medford H. bids. trmsfT iroryt. riasa A. Philin ana.

Topsheld H. Class B. Lali Murphy. McCarthy is the first foreigner to nST PSI7-J- i e.l.l. TOD.e..

X. a uir'l UiB ir'naisi WJ nia i Milton Arcmy for Girls Cm fi Bo Cthoii If. BasVt Oat. rfnair.4 n0-trMSUiirKr Albert Kill, Rhode Ml- go low mat we a.e leanui oi re chri.t,r Ginw. St.

John Trj.iyng.irH Mtaon. Ttunton if s. 4 jK in sod Public Works Director Philip-Milts," lie aaitl He explained tha f1. "0S.A,?-f. which SllaharT Veld Tm S.

ManHni: John O. Morton. New, the extremely low bids result, that in r- wnrlr ICisel Tor in. rr.mmissioner work for fftrr-Mhiro rirmitv an increased load the pe given on concessions tn about a quarter of a century. New Head of British Mission LONDON.

May 14 (Reuters) Lieut Gen Sir John Whiteletr will VPOMTtOV T-lasa A ClafS R. JacaUelvn O'-'-er Cr nue- bianwood 1 -it-n j. u. -J w. rnri.a aeuson.

Margie Mraweener. Mission field 8- 8, Llass rt Public Work; Col L. H. Hewitt, of Engineers because of in-Ihvtum F.nmne-T. New England Di-jcread surveillance.

Nagging bteVsrbe, loss of pen sndenergy. headaches and dirsiness tnny he due to slowdown of ktdnry function, lioefors ssr good kidney motion it very Important to good health. When some everyday condition. auch as stress and strain, esuses this important fttnot Inn tn slow d.iw n. many folks surfer burkarhe feel miserable.

Minor hlsd-der Irriist tons dit. to cold or wrong diet mar eatiae gslllng up nights or frequent passages. Don't neglect your kldnevs If these condition, hoihar you. Try Ivan's Pills-t mil diorette, llserl siirree.ritlly hf millions foe over Ml entrs, lf enisling how many timet I1wn glvn hnppr relief from these discern, forts belt, id. ft lleaof kl dnevtuhes and 81-tars flush out wtata.

Get Doan't fult today) THANK HEAVENS! Most attacks are acid Church Class C. David Maclsaac Volpe GrMpg His Hand SomerviHe H. S. I Rs.yfg beecii AWAan FTP ST PRIZE Marietta Cortn. WuuyiT vnirm.

Corps of En- Indigestion. Whet It strikes take Betl-sna BEST NEWSPAPER MAKEIP At 4reiir Vt. cast and 1asahllSfiff Depart- latiwi tablets. They contain the fastest-acting BBedicines known to doctors for the relief "Lrer to wors wun your pencils." he told the contractors. Ks said that "we expect you contractors to make a fair profit Mlsk Wftn rap4 hi.

hand and Public Work. Chief En- B. John FinnCrin. Koith Ai-afimv i THlRi, titasn Vinr-A $1 i tITl nt JH if rt thai hi r-" a tJf f.rav succeed Air Chief Marshal Sir William Elliot as chairman of thp British Joint Services Mission in Washington, it was announced here of heartburn and gas. SO refunded if not tstisfled.

Send empty earton to Iwell; Cass C. Marlou Mitchell. Water-LFOLRTH-Carolyn Baldwin. w.kefSetd rnark. wer not direcW pergontilyi fh followng wr elected di- but not get rich at the experts of Orangeburg, Y.

Get Beu-tng today, aat. honorablb mention Cias. a' fifth jsmes Forte, somerviiie h. a. at him.

Alth.ougi he returr.d Fermo A. Bi.nchl of Fram- the government" lonignt..

The Boston Globe from Boston, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.