The Rise of hom*o Quirkeas - Chapter 19 - Neowolf24 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

Chapter 17

Q/N: Yeah, this one was a lot later than I thought it would be. It’s a combination of the crap that happened over on Fanfic, life in general, constant revisions, a longer chapter, and getting my passport so I can get out of this crap hole of a country for a while. Evolution pops up out of my head and lands on my shoulder. “Yup! We’re going on a world tour!” Evolution says.

Q/N 2: This part isn’t really story related, so feel free to skip it if you don’t care. I just want to share my travel plans.

Firstly, I’m not rich, in fact my yearly earnings actually put me in the lower class. I’ve just been careful with my finances resulting in my expenses being much lower than what I’m earning. Even then though, it’s going to take careful budgeting and years of saving to pull off. My first trip is going to involve England, Scotland and a tiny bit of Wales; with Scotland focusing on the Highland. There can be only one! It won’t be me though =(. I’m hoping to eventually go to Barcelona so I can see La Sagr- “-Are they ever actually going to finish that thing?” Evolution says. *Sigh* La Sagrada F “-For real though, it’s been unfinished for over a century.” Evolution adds before I knock him off my shoulder. la Sagrada Família. Gaudi is by far my favorite architect, and I wish to see his work in person.

Anyways, I’d like to take trips to France, Italy, Germany and Scandinavia (Norway, Sweeden and Finland.) These trips are also scouting attempts, as I would like to move over to Europe at some point to escape this same old country run by the same old idiots. I want a new country, run by new (to me at least) idiots. As for moving to a country not run by idiots… look if you know a place like that, let me know; but I’m pretty sure idiots rule the entire world right now. I’m leaning toward one of the Nordic countries (They do make up half of the ten happiest countries on earth in the Global Happiness index Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Maybe the key to happiness is having Viking ancestors?) As for cities, Prague, Amsterdam (Not for the weed, I don’t want to smoke weed and even if I did, I could just go to Colorado for that), Kiev and Moscow (I’m an architecture nerd and St. Basil’s Cathedral is gorgeous. I’ll probably have to wait until Pooty boy kicks the bucket for those two cities though. He’s not leaving the Kremlin alive. Either he holds the Presidency until he dies of old age, or he gets assassinated, fingers crossed for the latter.) I’m also hoping to go to Kenya for a Safari, Brazil to see the Amazon Rainforest and the Cerredo, Australia to see the Great Barrier Reef, China to see a whole bunch of things and Japan before I die. I suppose as a devout Christian; Israel should be on the list too, but I don’t know if it’ll ever be stable enough to pull that off and I’m not really a fan Netanyahu. Ultimately, even if I only get to go to Barcelona and London, I’d be happy. Enough of that though, on with the show.

Start here if you skipped my blabbering, I don’t blame you.


The students are all in the common rooms. While most of the students are off doing their own thing, Izuku, Tsuyu, Ochako, Daisuke, Bachiko, and Izuku in the television area watching a movie and keeping an eye on the group in the corner. Toward one of the corners of the room, the dragon hero Ryukyu is sitting in a chair illuminated by a single overhead light much like a cliché interrogation room. The reason? This is an interrogation. And her interrogators? None other than Mina Ashido, Toru Hagakure and Setsuna Tokage. The dragon woman looks both nervous and unamused by this development.

“Alright Ryuko, if that is your real name.” Mina asks, causing Izuku to sigh. “Yes Mina, that is her real name.” He says. “Hush Midori! I’m trying to be dramatic.” Mina replies, getting an eyeroll from her boyfriend. “So, Ryuko… would you care to explain what we all walked in on this morning?" Mina asks, barely concealing her excitement. “I-I mean, it was kind of self-explanatory, wasn’t it?” The dragon hero replies.


Earlier that morning
Brief lime or lack of brief lime depending on how you look at it.

Mina is walking down the hallway in half zombie mode as she heads for the common room. It’s clear from her bed head that she isn’t completely awake yet. She reaches the door to the common room and notices Tsu approaching as well. “Hello Mina.” Tsu says, getting a half-conscious grunt in response. Mina jolts awake when they hear a feminine moan from the other side of the door. “Whoa, is someone getting it on in the common room?” Mina asks in surprise. “Maybe it’s Izuku and Toru? She said she was into the risk of getting caught, ribbit.” Tsu says. Mina looks mildly offended by this. “What?! And I wasn’t invited? Come on Tsu, let’s get ourselves some action.” Mina says before another masculine moan goes off. Tsu tilts her head at this. “That didn’t sound like Izuku.” She thinks. “Mina, maybe we sh-“ Tsu starts to say before Mina kicks the door on. “AHA! You thought you could get away… with… what?” She asks in confusion.

Inside the room, a topless Ryuko is sitting in Daisuke Asui’s lap, grinding against his thankfully clothed crotch. The two look toward them and freeze. A few seconds later, Ryuko turns bright red and screams in embarrassment.

Well that was a thing.


Over at the television area, Ochako looks at Daisuke with a curious look on her face. “So, you’re dating Ryukyu?” She asks. Daisuke sighs at this as Mina, Setsuna and Toru squeal. “Yes.” Daisuke says. Ochako then turns to Tsu. “And you’re okay with that?” Ochako adds. “Hmm.” Tsu says thoughtfully before turning to her son. “How long has this been going on?” Tsu asks. “We actually met before Reginald introduced us to you all. I’ve already been back here for two and a half years working to set things up. I met Ryuko about a year and a half ago when she attacked a group of villains I had been infiltrating. We fought for a bit; but eventually I managed to escape. We ran into each other a few more times and about 11 months ago, we started dating.” Daisuke says.

“But didn’t it feel weird? She’s technically more than forty years older than you.” Ochako asks. Daisuke shrugs. “The age thing kind of loses its taboo to an extent when you live as long as we hom*o Quirkeas do, especially when you factor in time travel.” He responds. “Daisuke?” Tsu asks. He looks to the frog girl in question. “Yes mother?” He asks. “Does she make you happy?” Tsu asks. “Yes mother, happier than I have been in a long time.” Daisuke says. “Then that’s all that matters.” Tsu says before they return to watching TV.

“Wait, so that’s it?!” Mina asks in shock, having ended her interrogation a few minutes ago. Tsu shrugs at the pink girl. “Well, what was I supposed to do? Go berserk, hunt her down and destroy half of one of the training grounds in a brawl with Momo while trying to melt her with acid?” Tsu says, causing the others to chuckle while Mina’s jaw drops, and her cheeks turn purple. “Please don’t, that was not a fun experience.” Momo says as she and Kyouka come check in on the more problematic girls. The Punkette is grinning at the frog girl. “Wow, that was a lot of sass Tsu; I’m proud of you.” Kyouka adds. Tsu croaks in satisfaction at this.

A second later, everyone’s phones ding as they receive a notification. Izuku pulls his phone out first and checks the message. “Oh, it looks like they’re going to be starting the international classes today. They’re splitting us into groups. Some of us will be staying in Japan while others will be in either San Diego, California; Apo in Dinemakȟóčhe; Paris, France; and Ghana? That’s strange. If we were going to Africa, I’d have guessed Abyssinia.” The hero nerd says. “Ghana is Baron Samedi’s homeland. I assume those of us learning magic will go there.” Momo says before her expression turns worried. “Apo’s a bit more concerning though.” The Heiress adds, confusing the others.

“Apo is pretty much right on top of Yellowstone Caldera. They’re in the process of relocating and evacuating the city because of the unusual activity there.” Izuku says. “Wait, relocating? How are they doing that? Isn’t Apo rather large?” Ochako says before Mei Hatsume charges into the room. “Guys! Did you hear?! We’re going to Apo! We’re going to help relocate it!” Mei says excitedly. Momo chuckles at this. “Figures you would be excited about that. Apo is rather unique. The city’s most important buildings and infrastructure can be packed up and moved. It’s actually an impressive feat of mechanical and technological innovation. The Lakota Sioux who built Apo had lived in the area for thousands of years, so they knew the land very well. They were fully aware of how dangerous the Caldera could be if it went off; so, they wanted the option to move it. I actually have a video of one of their Agrotowers being packed up.” Momo says before turning her phone around for everyone to see.

They watch in fascination as they watch a thirty-story tall glass skyscraper fold in on itself. The upper ten floors fold down until locking into place in front of the towers mid-section before the mid-section starts to fold in on the lower floors, all while the entire tower slowly leans into the ground. When the three sections have been stacking on top of each other, a metallic shell springs out of the sides of each section, basically converting it into a blimp like air ship. Twelve giant rotary engines emerge from hatches in the ground on wheeled mounts. Once the tower is completely encased, the sides of the airship open to reveal latches as the engines approach the tower. The engines attach themselves to the sides of the air ship before firing up and lifting the entire structure into the air.

“Whoa. Wait, so all the buildings in Apo can do that?!” Mina asks in surprise. “No, the technology isn’t cheap; so, it’s reserved for larger structures that can’t be easily replaced. Hospitals, the Agrotowers, the transportation systems, larger factories, skyscrapers, and schools mostly. Smaller houses and buildings though… Well, a lot of people are going to lose their homes.” Momo says. “So basically, if you aren’t rich, you’re living outside?” Kyoka asks. “No, Dinemakȟóčhe actually takes care of their people. They keep a set of apartment complexes packed up underground for people to live in while the new city is being rebuilt. And Dinemakȟóčhe really doesn’t have very many mansions. It goes against the idea of living with the land.” Izuku says.

“Uhh what about the furniture and stuff that isn’t nailed down in there?” Ochako asks. “Most of those buildings have gyroscope mounted storage facilities in them for larger furniture. Everything else gets packed into a train or the people take it with them in trucks. Dinemakȟóčhe’s logistical capabilities are the envy of the world.” Mei adds. “Well, we better get ready. The email mentions that we’re leaving in a few hours; and we still need to find out who’s going where.” Momo says. “Where do you want to go Izuku?” Ochako asks.

“For the moment, it would actually be better if the two of you remained in Japan.” Reginald Barrister says as he walks through a door no one had seen on the wall before. “It’s taken a bit of temporal manipulation, but I’ve managed to get some people together to teach Izuku how to use his new quirks.” The time manipulator says. “Come on, Zygote; we got work to do.” Gran Torino shouts from inside the room, filling Izuku with dread. “Come now Izuku, he’s not going to be your mentor for this; I wouldn’t have to manipulate time if I was going to send you to him.” Reginald says, relaxing him immensely. Of course, the mischievous grin on his face immediately puts the ninth wielder on edge again. “He’s here for Ochako.” He adds, causing said brunette to turn pale after remembering her boyfriend’s stories about the old man.

“Come along now Izuku, I’m the one with all the time in the world, not you.” Reginald quips. “I guess I’ll see you all later then.” Izuku says before walking over to the door. He kisses Ochako on his way there to snap the girl out of her panicked state. She blushes slightly at the sound of cooing, as does Izuku. “Hey! I want some of that too! And I better get a lot of tongue action out of it!” Mina pouts.

Izuku looks over to the pink skinned girl with a devious expression that catches her off guard. “Well, if that’s what you want, I’m not the best person to ask.” Izuku says before turning to Tsu. “You heard the woman. She wants some tongue action.” He says, causing the mischievous pink girl to freeze on the spot. Tsu turns slowly toward her with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “I think I can arrange that.” The frog girl says before allowing her tongue to poke out of the side of her mouth. “Uhh-oh.” Mina says before Tsu leaps toward her and starts kissing the pink skinned girl hard. Mina was obviously not prepared for frog tongue judging by the way Tsu has to catch her as the alien’s knees buckle from the ferocious assault. Izuku chuckles before going through the door with Reginald, where he sees Gran Torino and All Might already there.


“Alright, so if I’m not training the kid again, then why am I here?” Gran Torino asks. Reginald grins at the old man. “Because I’m fairly certain you have unfinished business with one of his actual tutors.” Reginald says as All Might’s eyes practically bulge out of his skull at the sight of Izuku’s new tutor as she gently floats to the ground. “What th-“ Gran Torino says before turning around and coming face to face with none other than the seventh wielder of One For All, Nana Shimura. “Nana? … But how?” Gran Torino asks in a stunned stupor. “I’ve warped space and time within this room. I was able to pull her out of her final fight with All for One for a brief instant in time and bind her to this room. This is actually the closest I can get to bringing back the dead, aside from Izuku’s children and the other three. She isn’t able to leave this area, and I will have to send her back eventually for the sake of preserving the time stream though.” Reginald explains.

At first things start to get deeply emotional, but then the moment abruptly halts as Nana starts to giggle before falling into a full-blown laughing fit. “H-H-Holy sh*t! Sora, y-you got so old!” She barely manages to get out, causing Gran Torino to frown. “Oh yeah? Well at least I was able to.” The old man says. The room falls dead silent for a brief moment as they all process the old man’s words; but then both he and Nana burst into laughter again.

The laughter dies after a few minutes and the old friends hug. A few seconds later, All Might walks up to the duo, getting the woman’s attention. “Yagi, I always knew you would do well, but to become the Pillar of Justice for the whole country…” Nana says before releasing Gran Torino. “That unfortunately backfired, Japan became too dependent on me.” The blonde says before embracing his fallen mentor as well. A few seconds later, Nana says, “Also-“ before slapping All Might up the back of his head as hard as she could, shocking everyone but Reginald, who seems rather amused. “-Clench your cheeks and yell ‘Smash’?” She chastises. Gran Torino burst into laughter again as All Might at least has the decency to look sheepish.

“To be fair, I didn’t have the issues young Izuku did with One for All.” All Might replies. “You also didn’t have a fraction of the power he got. Plus, you were built like a brick house by the time I gave you that quirk.” Nana sighs at this. “Although I will admit that we were in uncharted territory with the two of you. Neither of you had quirks aside from One for All. I doubt even Yoichi could have imagined one of us would be capable of developing the quirks of previous wielders.” Nana says before noticing a large figure entering the room as well. “Especially since number 10 there didn’t.” She adds, causing the others to turn to see Rika Takeyama enter the room. “Rika? What are you doing here?” Izuku says.

“I requested her presence. It’s not every day you get the opportunity to get ten wielders in one place.” A male says. Six lights shine in the room and one by one, each of the previous wielders is revealed. Yoichi walks over to Nana and says “To answer your previous question, no. I could not have imagined One for All would react to the ninth the way it did, although I have always believed that the quirk has a mind of its own.” Yoichi says.

“Indeed, One for All carried more than just quirks and power. It carried along fragments of your psyches as well. My guess is that by the time it got transferred to Yagi here, it had absorbed enough of this mental and psychological energy to construct itself a limited degree of autonomous thought. It adapted to All Might’s impressive physique and lack of a quirk by enhancing his body into a physical juggernaut, but when it transferred over to Izuku, it must have realized that his body wouldn’t be able to handle the amount of power being transferred to him; so, it readjusted itself to give him the previous users quirks instead. Then when it went to Rika, it realized that not only was she able to handle the physical attributes given by its base function as a stockpiling strength enhancer, but that her quirk would be far more effective if it gave her pure strength.” Reginald says.

“Yeah, before dad gave me One for All, my biggest weakness was that I couldn’t handle more than ten times my mass without turning into a statue. My muscles weren’t strong enough. I still have that problem technically, but by the time I reach it, I would have collapsed myself into a black hole anyway.” Rika says.

“Sheesh, you could destroy the entire solar system with that much power.” Daigoro says. “I have destroyed a few star systems before in past timelines but believe it or not; turning into a black hole isn’t really good for your health. It’s a last resort suicide attack.” Rika says, shocking the other nine wielders. “Okay, that terrifying thought aside.” Yoichi says before turning toward Izuku. “Evolution’s tampering allowed you to inherit our quirks and our experience using them, but, well, that’s just it; it gave you OUR experience with our quirks.” En says from the side. Confusing Izuku.

“They only had One for All and their own quirks to contend with. You have all of them. There are ways that these quirks can combine to make them even stronger, Fa Jin in particular could be useful in that regard.” Yoichi says. “So could Gear Shift for that matter, if we could use it that is.” Kudo says. Izuku looks to the second user and his eyes widen in recognition. Reginald chuckles at this. “No Izuku, he is not related to Katsuki in any way. The resemblance is just a coincidence.” Reginald says. “Although I do admit the fan theories that came out when Kudo was revealed can be rather entertaining.” Reginald thinks to himself before winking at some unseen entity.

“As for Gear Shift, this is a pocket dimension that I have completely severed from our universe; and the area is too small to support a reality shunt. You can use Gear Shift freely here so he can learn how to use it; but do NOT use it in the real world unless I tell you to. I can stop the reality shunt effect, but it gets increasingly difficult to so as time goes by and there’s still a risk of one getting through. Plus, if I’m going to be fighting off reality shunts, Nightmare is honestly more effective against Evolution.” Reginald says.

“So how do you want to do this?” Izuku asks, before anyone can respond, Bruce, the third wielder of One for All and original owner of Fa Jin steps in behind him and locks a collar around his neck. “Reginald had the older Mei Hatsume and Nora Valentine design this collar; it’s based on Nora’s quirk nullifying collar tech; but it’s modified to deal with One for All. It can cut off access to each particular quirk within it as well as limit the amount of power you can access from the quirks base strength enhancing abilities. Right now, it’s got you down to the same level of power the seventh wielder had.” The man says. “We’ve figured that Float is the best quirk for you to start combining with Fa Jin; and I guess Gear Shift to now.” Yoichi says. “Float is more simple than Black Whip; Smoke Screen and Danger Sense don’t really benefit from combining with either of them and combining Fa Jin and Gear Shift needs to wait until you get accustomed to combining quirks first.” Kudo says. “And I’ll take that as our cue to leave you to the training.” He says before snapping his fingers, causing All Might, Gran Torino and Rika Takeyama to vanish. Izuku turns to the previous wielders with a steely look of determination on his face. “Okay, let’s do this.” Izuku says.



Itsuka Kendo is in the gym doing leg curls. She’s not alone either, as there is a rather odd assortment of students there; ones that often wouldn’t interact. Nirengeki Shoda is running on a treadmill next to Tenya, who appears to be encouraging him. Itsuka smiles at the sight of the rather portly former vice rep of 1-B. The timid history nerd had approached her a few days ago and asked for help slimming down. He had been frustrated with his performance during the Desolation of Japan; having felt like he was slowing the others down due to his poor physique. She had enlisted the help of Tenya, Eijiro and Tetsutetsu as well.

Over to the other side of the room, Himiko Toga is wailing away at one of the punching bags. She sighs as she notices a couple of knife shaped holes in it. “How many times do I have to ask her not to stab the punching bags?” Itsuka mutters to herself.

Manga f*ckidashi is currently trying to lift weights, a rather comical display given his noodle like arms. Fortunately, the comic man has Jurota spotting him, so he should be okay. Mineta Minoru, Denki Kaminari and Kosei Tsuburaba are over on the other side of the gym, causing some concern from the orange haired girl; since those three are never a good combination. So, imagine her surprise when she sees them actually exercising. Sure, Kosei appears to be trying to flirt with one of the third year students, but Mineta is trying to do pull ups and Denki is focused on lifting dumbbells. Itsuka sighs when the third-year student dumps the contents of her water bottle onto Kosei’s head. He hangs his head in shame and turns around, only to be comforted by the other two perverts. “Well at least they’re staying loyal to Manami and Wajonna.” She says before noticing an odd shadow behind them.

Itsuka sighs at this. “Shihai, can you go one day without scaring somebody.” Itsuka says. “Nope.” Says the wielder of darkness, startling her as he appears from behind with Fumikage and Reiko behind him. “AAAAHH!” Itsuka shouts before turning to the snickering student. “Wait, then what’s th-?” She says before seeing Wajonna pop out of the Shadows and startle Denki the same way Shihai just did to her. “Huh? When did she get to Japan?” Itsuka wonders. “She can actually move at close to the speed of light in her shadow form. She can make the trip from Dinemakȟóčhe to Japan in a matter of seconds.” Shihai says. Itsuka turns a confused look to the white-haired man. “How do you know that?” Itsuka asks. “We became friends after Fumikage and Reiko introduced us.” Shihai explains. Itsuka turns to the poltergeist and her bird man boyfriend. “Those who dwell in the Shadow’s bosom tend to congregate together.” Reiko explains. Itsuka blinks briefly before sighing as the students all begin to head back to the dorm. Before she can respond to Reiko though, she gets a message on her phone.

She looks at it and her eyes widen before she grins. “Sweet! It looks like I get to start training with the Venomancer tomorrow. We’ll be starting international classes, and he wants me to come to Dinemakȟóčhe.” She says before frowning. “Oh… It looks like Geronimo Hero Academy is helping evacuate Apo. We’re going to have our hands full with that.” Itsuka says as Wajonna comes over with Denki close behind. The Native American woman winces at the mention of Apo. “Don’t remind me. I just got a brief break from scouting out possible back up locations for the city. We’ve already got our primary target and two backups, but the Council of Chiefs wants to be absolutely sure that we can deal with anything. It doesn’t help that Evolution’s cultists and monsters have been spotted throughout the wilderness.” Wajonna says, causing some worry among the students.

“Where is Apo relocating to?” Itsuka asks. “Right now, we’re aiming for the ruins of Denver, Colorado. We’re hoping the mountains might help us defend the area should we come under attack. I just got done exploring the ruins of Salt Lake City. It’s not the oasis it used to be, but the Mormons turned it into paradise once before, so it is possible.” Wajonna says. “Mormons?” Denki asks. “They’re a defunct Christian sect known as the Church of Latter-Day Saints. They were based in Salt Lake City, which they considered their holy city. The church collapsed after the city was destroyed by a nuke during World War 3. While America and China used more precision munitions, the Russians couldn’t afford those anymore, so they just used bigger bombs. The radiation was cleaned up, but no one wanted to put the work in to fix it since there were better places to settle.” Wajonna says. “Why’d you come here anyway?” Itsuka asks. “Booty call.” She says shamelessly before grabbing a mildly flustered Denki by the arm just as they get back to the common room and join up with Izuku and the other students.

“Oh, and let the other students know that we’re doing a lot of scouting in the wilderness, so anyone with mobility and stealth would benefit.” Wajonna says, leaving the blushing Itsuka behind. “Wow, she really doesn’t hold back, does she?” Jurota says he and Mawata are the last to enter the common room. “Y-yeah.” Itsuka says before turning to Momo. “So does Izuku want to discuss where everyone is going then?” Itsuka asks Momo, who is sitting next to Ochako and Bachiko, who is sitting in her mother’s lap. “Yes, but he’s in some sort of training session right now.” Momo says as Gran Torino enters the room. “Speaking of training.” The old man says. Ochako turns pale as Bachiko leaps up from her mother’s lap. “Oh no…” Ochako says before getting up and walking toward the man.

In a different area of the room, Tenya is helping Nirengeki to a nearby seat. “I *huff* I guess you will be going to Dinemakȟó- *wheeze* -čhe then Tenya?” The engine themed hero shakes his head at this while Nirengeki sits down to catch his breath. “While I do have mobility, I work best in a flat, urban environment. That part of North America is rugged untamed wilderness. I could do it, but it’s better to leave it to others more suited to that type of environment. Plus, my engines aren’t exactly suited for stealth.” Tenya explains.

“Tr- *cough* true. If you don’t mind, I really need a shower before going to this class meeting.” Nirengeki says. “Well Izuku’s in a training session right now anyway.” Itsuka says. “Good; I need some rest, I want to be fully refreshed in time for the UN Assembly tonight.” The portly man says before slowly wobbling toward the door. “UN? What’s happening with them?” Manga asks. “The Knatar ambassador is going to address the assembly today. It’s humanity’s first official contact with an alien species. It’s a really big moment for all of mankind.” Momo says.

The voice of Dean Nezu appears over the intercom. “It certainly is. Humanity has dreamt of this moment for centuries. Speaking of the Knatar though, can I have Mina come to my office? The Knatar wish to check up on Miss Ashido and her ship. I already have Izuku here with Mei Hatsume since trying to keep her away from an alien mechanic from a technologically advanced civilization would have been pointless.” Nezu says. “What do you mean? She’s right next to m-“ Momo says before turning to her left to an empty space on the couch. “What? When did that happen?" She asks. “She was out the door the moment Ra’kbor entered my office through one of Oboro’s portals.” Nezu says. Momo sighs. “Honestly, that woman is pure chaos.” The ravenette says. “I know, that’s why she’s my favorite student.” Nezu says. “I don’t think I’d have the patience to deal with her if she wasn’t so hot-“ Momo adds before turning beet red and slapping her hand over her mouth. “You’re not wrong, have you seen the rack on that girl? If I got my head stuck between her boobs and yours; I’d probably die because I wouldn’t want to fight back. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have an alien to meet.” Mina says, causing several of the others to sputter as she takes her leave while making a mental note to trap Izuku and herself in a room with Mei and Momo at some point in the future.


Mina enters the room where they encounter Mei, Nora, Isamu and the older Mei along with what they can only assume is the alien they heard about. Izuku is also there in a corner of the room. “Hey Midori, how was training?” Mina asks. “Interesting, I got to meet all seven of the dead wielders of One for All in person due to Reginald’s time manipulation.” Izuku says. She made a mental note to ask about that later, right now she wants to speak to the alien.

The alien is a quadrupedal creature with the same body type as a gorilla, but they have mostly blue reptilian scales, with the scales around their eyes and on the top of their mouth being made up of green scales. They have a massive, intimidating bird-like beak that looks as if it could crush bones and a long, slender tail with short brown feathers on it. The creature is wearing what looks to be a white shirt covered in grease stains, black suspenders and a strange looking set of mechanical goggles similar to Mei’s set. It also has four eyes, two of which are plum sized, human-like eyes with red irises where they would usually be located, and the other two are smaller, pure white grape sized orbs located on the sides of its head where the temples would be on a human. While they appear to be standing on two legs, it’s clear by the creature’s posture that it is normally a quadruped. Izuku notices the pads on the knuckles and concludes that the alien must be a knuckle walker, which makes sense given it’s gorilla shaped body. The creature is about the same size as a larger male gorilla.

“- It’s why the Kardashev Scale is flawed. Under it, my civilization would likely be considered an upper-level Type 2 civilization as we have successfully colonized two galaxies, but I can assure you we do not use anywhere near ≈4×1044 erg/sec. Generating such a massive amount energy would be impractical. Like any other system of laws, the laws of Physics has loopholes. We utilize these loopholes to drastically reduce the energy necessary to open a worm hole for intergalactic travel.” The alien explains, with Mei hanging on to the creature’s every word. The alien turns to see Mina and smiles.

“Oh, my goodness, look how much you’ve grown since the last time I saw you.” The alien says in a lower pitched voice before walking over to an excited, if not slightly confused Mina. “Oh, have we met before sir?” Mina asks, thinking she would have remembered meeting someone like this.

The alien chuckles at this. “Actually, I’m a woman, but it’s perfectly understandable that you would make that mistake.” The alien says, causing Mina to blush slightly. “Like humans and Phylarians, the Knatar have many differences between genders, but they differ from what you would be used to. For the Knatar, males actually have higher pitched voices than females. At the same time, the males are also slightly larger than females, just like humans and Phylarians. The easiest way to tell the difference for Knatar is to look at the tails. Females have tails with small brown feathers while males have more vibrant shades of blue, yellow and white.” Reginald explains. “As for your earlier question, yes; we have met before, although it makes sense that you wouldn’t remember me. You were only half a year old when you arrived on Earth’s moon. It took us about four months to clear you to live on Earth. You wouldn’t have even been a year old by the time we placed you with your family.” The alien says. “But look at you now! You’ve blossomed into a fine young Phylarian woman, and a queen no less!” The alien adds, causing the pink skinned woman to blush slightly. “Thank you Miss, uhh…” Mina says.

“Oh, right. My name is Ra’kbor and I am the head of Observation Post Luna, although that’s not really saying much since there’s only three of us up there. I’m really just a starship engineer.” Ra’kbor says. “Wait, is she okay like this though? I thought you said the Knatar couldn’t survive in Earth’s atmosphere, shouldn’t she have a suit?” Mina asks. Ra’kbor chuckles at this. “Oh, I assure you I’m fine.” She says before tapping a button on her goggles, causing a shell of white energy to briefly shimmer into existence. “I have a personal atmospheric generator shield equipped. It’s much less restrictive than one of the bulky armored suits that our soldiers utilize; although it’s too fragile for a combat situation.” She adds.

She walks over to Mina and takes a closer look at her. “Increased height, enlarged pupils, my goodness, it’s true! You are a Queen Phylarian. Can I see your wings and tail?” Ra’kbor asks. “Huh, oh, yeah.” She says before releasing a button on her shirt which opens holes in her pants and shirt; allowing her wings and her scorpion like tail to emerge from her body without destroying her clothing. “Marvelous.” She says before pulling out measuring tape from one of her suspender pockets and using it to measure Mina’s left wing. “31 taurits long. And your tail appears to have six segments. You’re definitely going to have a long lifespan.” Ra’kbor says. “Huh?” Mina asks in confusion. “Oh, you can usually get a rough estimate of a Phylarian Queen’s maximum possible lifespan based upon the size of her wings and the number of segments on their tail. In your case, I imagine you’ll likely live for at least four hundred and fifty thousand years.” Ra’kbor says matter-of-factly.

Mina goes rigid at this and her previous grin from meeting a real live alien turns to a frown. “Four hundred and fifty…. Thousand… Wait, so I’m going to outlive everyone by that much?” Mina says as her eyes start to tear up, drawing concern from everyone else in the room. “I-I-I’m going to have to watch everyone grow old and die? Hibiki an-and any of my children will…” She adds before she starts to hyperventilate. “I-I’m going to be alone for that long?” She says as Izuku rushes over to hug her. The older Mei, who had largely remained silent in the corner with the other two tech heads taps Nora on the shoulder and whispers something into her ear. Nora pulls out her phone and walks over to an isolated corner of the office before making a call. “It’s going to be okay Mina, we’ll find a way to get through this.” Izuku says. “I-I-I-I need some air!!!!” Mina shouts before expanding her wings to escape Izuku’s grasp and rushes out of the room. “Oh dear, I should have realized something like this would have happened.” Ra’kbor says.

“It was going to have to happen eventually I suppose.” Reginald says. Izuku turns to the man with an idea. “Wait, Reginald! You can help her! You’ve lived for billions of years, certainly you have some experience in dealing with the stress of a long life.” Izuku says. The time traveler smiles wistfully at the green haired man. “I do, but I don’t think my way of handling it will work for her. You have to remember that I am not human, or even a Eukaryote for that matter. The way my mind and thus my emotions work is far to alien for her to understand.” Reginald says before noticing Nora return. Reginald smiles as he makes eye contact with the girl. “But I believe someone who can help her will find her soon. Just give her some time.” Reginald adds before vanishing in a flash. Izuku looks as if he wants to pursue her anyway, but he decides to trust Reginald and the person he was talking about, since he’s pretty sure he knows who it is.


Mina is sitting on a cliff side with tears streaming down her cheeks watching the sun set. She’s still a bit in shock, but now she’s mostly feeling lost and lonely. “Four hundred and fifty thousand years… What the hell am I supposed to do with that much time?” Mina asks herself out loud. “Maybe you can learn to find a more easily accessible hiding spot.” A woman says, startling the pink skinned woman. Mitsuki finally appears in her Mist uniform, only without the mask. She holsters a grappling gun after finally climbing up the cliff. “Not all of us can fly you know.” She adds. “Miss Bakugo? What are you doing here?” Mina asks. Mitsuki walks over to a large rock and sits down on it. “Nora called me, told me what happened. The older Mei figured the only person that could help a pseudo-immortal woman is another one.” Mitsuki says.

Mina chuckles at this. “It’s not really the long life span I’m worried about, I just… How do you live knowing that you’re going to outlive your children. How are you dealing with knowing you’ll outlive Katsuki?” Mina asks. Mitsuki sighs before patting a spot on the rock next to her. “Come here, I got something I want to show you.” Mitsuki says. Mina looks wistfully toward the horizon. Mitsuki grins at the girl before pulling out her phone. “What, you don’t want to see pictures of Katsuki as a baby?” Mitsuki says. This appears to be enough to pique the pink skin girl’s interest. She walks over to the woman and looks down at the photo before bursting into a fit of giggles. “Oh my God, even as a baby he was a feral.” Mina says with mild amusem*nt.

The photo in question is of a nine-month-old Katsuki viciously gnawing on the arm of an extremely old looking woman. “Did you know that Katsuki had a half-sister?” Mitsuki says. Mina looks at the immortal vigilante before looking back to the old woman in the picture. “No… wait, is that her?” Mina asks.

Mitsuki nods wistfully. “Doortje Beekhof, my daughter from a previous marriage to a Dutch civilian.” Mitsuki. “Dutch… wait…” She says before recalling a video she had seen of the Troll. “So that guy the Troll fought that looked like Katsuki-?” She starts to ask. “Was my great grandson. That’s why I sent the Troll after him in the first place. I knew he’d capture him without doing any lasting harm. There’s a hero in that area with a particularly nasty reputation and I didn’t want him getting hurt.” Mitsuki says. “Wait… great grandson?” Mina asks. Mitsuki nods at this. “That’s the only photo I have of the two of them together. He was nine months old and she was one hundred and seven years old.” Mitsuki says, blowing Mina away. “And she didn’t get your quirk?” Mina asks. Mitsuki shakes her head. “She was quirkless like her father. It was a lot more common back then.” Mitsuki says.

Mitsuki looks out toward the horizon with a tear going down her cheek. “I won’t lie to you; it never gets easy, but you find a way to move on. I’ve had four different spouses, and only my relationship with Doortje’s father ended in divorce. All my other marriages ended through death. My marriage with my first husband, an American by the name of Keith actually lasted for fifty nine years. He died at the age of 82. God, that was over a hundred and thirty years ago.” Mitsuki says. “Wow… So, Katsuki has more siblings then?” Mitsuki shakes her head. “Keith couldn’t have kids due to radiation poisoning; he was a soldier stationed at Fort Hood when it got hit by a Chinese missile. Doortje and Katsuki are the only kids I’ve ever had.” Mitsuki says. Mina stays silent for a few minutes. “Does Katsuki know?” She asks.

Mitsuki sighs explosively at this. “The first time he saw the picture, I had to tell him it was a great aunt of his. After I revealed the true nature of my quirk a couple weeks ago, I told him the truth. He didn’t really know how to respond. You have to understand that they were born in two completely different worlds. When Doortje was born, the hero system was in it’s infancy. I didn’t even want to join because I prefer to stick to the shadows. This is before underground heroes were a thing by the way. The world was just emerging from what many people thought would be the end of humanity. Things were rough, but for the first time in nearly a century, there was hope. It was still a dangerous, violent world though. Nations rose and fall, cities disappeared in the blink of an eye; it was a rough way to grow up. As for Katsuki, he grew up in the All Might era, the most peaceful era since the pre-quirk era.” Mitsuki says.

The two of them sit there in silence for a few minutes. “How do you deal with it?” Mina says. “I take solace in the fact they lived the life they wanted to live.” Mitsuki says. “What about the other two husbands?” Mina asks. Mitsuki sighs at this. “You already know about Katsuki’s father; he was my fourth. He was killed by a villain who wanted to hurt me… The other wasn’t a husband though. Number three was a half Japanese, half Abyssinian woman by the name of Kimiko Addisu. She was another vigilante who died while taking down one of the last remaining yakuza.” Mitsuki says before seeing a bush to the side rustle. Mitsuki chuckles at this. “Izuku, get over here and comfort your girlfriend already. And bring her son and the streaker too.” Mitsuki says, hoping to trick the girl into revealing herself. “HEY!” Toru shouts from out of nowhere. Toru, Hibiki and Izuku all appear out of thin air, with Toru clapping her hand over her mouth and blushing at falling for such an obvious trick.

“So, are you okay?” Izuku says as the three of them approach. “No, but I’m better than I was thanks to-“ Mina starts to say before noticing that Mitsuki was nowhere to be found. “And here I thought Toru was the stealthy one.” Mina says. “She’s actually been helping me improve parts of my stealth that my quirk doesn’t help with. I finally managed to sneak up on Kyoka last night.” Toru replies before rubbing her ears, “She didn’t take it well.” Toru adds. “It’ll be alright Mama. I know I may not live as long as you, but my half Phylarian, half hom*o Quirkeas physiology does mean I’m going to outlive most of my siblings by at least ten thousand years. Plus, there are a lot of pseudo-immortal creatures here on Earth. There’s even a couple of cities made up of nothing but pseudo-immortals.” Hibiki says. “Wow, I wonder if there’s anyone else out there around Mr. Barrister’s age.” Mina says. Hibiki’s mood sours a bit at this. “There’s Evolution, but I really don’t want to talk about him right now.” The half alien man says. Mina shudders at the thought of the Eldritch abomination that was apparently part of her boyfriend in a past timeline. “Reginald is an extreme anomaly. They may call themselves immortals, but it’s rare to find one older than fifty thousand years old. The longer your alive, the more likely you are to die of something other than old age. If you make it to 50,000 though, your pretty much in the clear. The only other ones I’ve met over a million years old are Quetzalcoatl and Beekog; but there’s 37 total over that age. The second oldest is a giant trilobite around 280 million years old, although you don’t want to meet him, he’s a dangerous monster.” Hibiki says.

“Wait, we’ve seen Quetzalcoatl, but who’s Beekog?” Izuku asks. “He’s a sapient Oviraptor about 72 million years old.” Hibiki says. Izuku looks at his son in shock after this. “Uhh, Setsuna’s probably going to try and kill you if she finds out you’ve been concealing a living dinosaur from her.” Izuku says. “W-well, h-he’s kind of a hermit. Plus, he lives in a remote part of the Gobi Desert.” Hibiki says nervously. Izuku, being the protective father he is, notices that it’s starting to get dark out.

He stretches his arms and lets out a loud yawn to derail the conversation. “Wow, it’s really getting late isn’t it? I think we should probably head back to the dorms now. Do you want to stay for a bit longer or are you good Mina?” Izuku asks. Mina looks up at the sky and yawns a few seconds later. “Nah, I think I’m ready to go.” Mina says before letting her Luna Moth like wings erupt from her back. “Wanna fly back together?” Mina asks. Ever since Mina’s wings came in, the pink skinned alien has enjoyed flying with others, especially Izuku and Hibiki. “Sure thing.” Izuku says, walking past Hibiki and whispering to him that he should probably fly back separately to keep Mina from remembering about Beekog. The boy nods before fleeing the scene on foot since his method of flight is rather loud. Izuku and Mina line up at the edge of the cliff, only to hear a loud throat clearing from behind them. They turn to see a mildly annoyed Toru Hagakure tapping her foot on the ground.

“Oh sh*t, sorry girl. I forgot you can’t fly.” Mina says, causing Toru to puff up her cheeks. Ever being the gentleman, Izuku rushes over to Toru and sweeps her off her feet. He leans in and whispers “Don’t worry Toru, we can sneak off after everyone else is asleep and have some time to ourselves like you wanted.” Toru grins mischievously at this. “Okay, but we have to be careful. Mina’s horny senses are powerful.” The sometimes-invisible woman says. Izuku nods and the three of them fly away.


Later that night, Reginald, All Might, Rika, and Daisuke are all in a classroom when a portal opens up near them. Two portals open, with the Harbinger, Hawks, El Rinoceronte and Contingency walking through one of them while Rodeo, Rot Fist and Star and Stripe comes through the other just as the door of the room opens. Inko Midoriya is standing at the door and looks a bit confused when she notices the vigilantes and the heroes, but then she notices her grandchildren and forgets their very existence. “Rika! Daisuke!” She says excitedly, hugging both of them. The sight of Inko embracing the two of them really drives home just how big these two are, as she stands at chest level and can’t even get her arms around either one of the over seven-foot-tall individuals without them bending over. “Ah yes, thank you for coming Inko.” Reginald says. “Oh. Hello Mr. Barrister.” She says cordially.

Inko is honestly unsure of how to interact with the ancient being. She honestly wasn’t sure how to treat the ‘man’ after learning what he truly was. How can someone as insignificant as her approach a sapient single cellular organism that was the very first living being on Earth and has the powers of a pseudo god? “Oh, please dear, call me Reginald; no need for formalities with me.” He responds. “Okay then, Reginald… Oh wow, this is quite the assembly of powerful people. Izuku would probably be freaking out about now. But why am I here?” Inko says.

Reginald sighs at this. “We need your help dealing with Mitsuki.” Daisuke says, causing Inko to freeze. Eric and Charles look to the man in confusion as well. “Why, what’s wrong with Mitsi?” Inko asks. “We have some… bad news, that we need to break to her and we need help keeping her calm.” Rika says. “I’ve known Mitsuki for almost twenty years now, that woman is one of the toughest people I’ve ever met. Whatever it is, she can handle it.” Charles says.

“I wish it was that simple. You see, we have another ally in our fight against Evolution, one that will likely cause immense turmoil within her.” Reginald says. “Ahh hell, don’t tell me they let Cain out on a deal.” Contingency says in exasperation. Reginald shakes his head at this. “No, Cain did get released, but he was sent back to his home country. This is far more personal for her.” Reginald replies. “Who is it then?” Charles asks. Reginald sighs again. “Honestly, I really think it would be better to show you the video from Hokkaido instead.” He says, causing the mother and the two vigilantes to freeze. He decides to just get it over with by playing the video.


Five Days Earlier

Hibiki and Ox Tsunotori are fighting off a horde of monsters when they notice a ball of blue flames falling from the sky. The ball collides with the ground, releasing an explosion that spreads goo throughout most of the island. The smoke clears and the two brothers immediately turn pale as the last of the monsters flee. “Ah f*ck, please tell me that’s not what I think it is.” Ox says. “sh*t! We’ve got a serious problem guys! Evolution dropped a Blight Spore in Hokkaido!” Hibiki says. “Move.” A quiet voice that sends chills up the brothers’ spines says. Rika Takeyama looks on from a distance as an older man steps forward.

The man is wearing a heavily armored, Samurai inspired version of his previous hero costume, and the explosion like earpieces have been transformed into a crown, but his identity is well known to them. The Grand Emperor, Katsuki Bakugou has arrived. He steps in front of the group and raises both hands. The grenade like gauntlets begin to glow bright red as they spin rapidly. “sh*t! HIT THE DECK!!!” Ox shouts, causing the others in the area to run for cover. The Grand Emperor’s skin hardens like jagged rock, further shocking the viewers who quickly realize he is using Eijiro’s quirk. Seconds later, a massive blast erupts and when the smoke clears, most of Hokkaido is gone, much to the shock and horror of everyone watching and everyone on the video.


Daisuke stops the video as the others finally understand the seriousness of the issue. “K-K-Katsuki is th-the… I mean, I know he isn’t exactly the friendliest person on the planet b-but this?” Inko says as she starts to cry softly. She watched this boy grow up, she changed his diapers for crying out loud and he’s about to become her stepson. “Grandma, I know this is a bit hard to understand, but I’m afraid it is the truth.” Rika says. “If it helps, that’s not the Katsuki you watched grow up Inko.” Reginald says, getting a few confused looks.

“The transformation process that turned Katsuki into the Grand Emperor was more than just a physical one. His mind was warped as well. While he had always had a cruel and viscous side to his nature, it has been balanced out by a legitimate drive to do good. The problem is that drive was warped and twisted. He lost any sort of ethical reservations he might have once held, changing this desire to protect Humanity as a whole, regardless of the cost. It also suppressed his aggression, he went from a loudmouth with a penchant for violence to a cold, calculating man who prefers to let his actions speak for him.” Reginald says. This does help Inko calm down a little bit oddly enough. “So, he doesn’t have to become… that.” Inko asks not even looking at the video as she gestures to the older Katsuki. “Grandma, we’re doing everything we can to ensure that Katsuki doesn’t turn into that, Keigo and Neito as well.” Rika says. Hawks, for his part, winces at the mention of his elder counterpart.

Inko finally calms herself enough to have a rational conversation. “So, this is why I am here? To help figure out how to break the news to Mitsuki?” She asks. Reginald nods at this. “Yes, it’s the same with Harbinger and Contingency, as they have worked with her for decades now.” Reginald says as Charles falls back into a backless chair built for people with wings and sighs. Contingency somehow manages to look even older than he usually does.

“Mitsuki is a strong woman, I’ve known that since I met her while fighting the Neo Zulu empire over half a century ago. But this is uncharted territory.” Eric says. “She’ll be able to pull through it.” Charles says. “If only it ended there.” Akira Yaoyorozu says as she enters the room. Rika and Daisuke are over by her side almost instantly.

“Akira?! Are you sure you want to be here right now? He’s going to be here.” Rika says “Yes Rika, I have to face him eventually. If we’re going to save this reality we all have to work together, and I can’t afford to have an episode on the battlefield.” Akira replies. “Episode?” Inko asks. “Akira has PTSD.” Daisuke says, getting a horrified gasp from Inko, who immediately hugs the girl tightly. “Hmm, it’s not uncommon in this line of work. Even limelight heroes see some of the worst humanity is capable of.” Eric says. As a veteran and a vigilante, the older man is no stranger to PTSD. “Akira, he’s the reason that you are a cyborg. He nearly killed you when you were a child.” Rika says. Inko gasps in horror at this.

“Wait… her gun… it was given to her by Mitsuki before she died. Don’t tell me…” Eric says as his face turns pale. The Izukids remain silent as the others begin to make the connection. “Yes. In our timeline, Katsuki is the one who killed his mother. She was at Rodeo’s ranch at the time, he had retired by that point.” Reginald says. “So, is that why I’m here?” Rodeo asks, startling Inko, who had forgotten he was here, as he had remained silent. “No, we wanted you here for back up, same as the others. We don’t expect him to start anything, but it never hurts to be safe.” Daisuke says. “As for Akira, she got caught in the crossfire and it nearly destroyed her.” Reginald says solemnly. The room falls deathly silent at this.

“Damn… this is just f*cked up.” Charles says, echoing everyone else’s thoughts. “Mitsuki should be here soon. She’s coming with the students and some of UA’s staff. You need to be ready to c-“ Daisuke says before the massive door made for mutant quirked individuals gets kicked inward. “Alright, we’re here, now what’s so important that you needed us all here at once?” Mitsuki says before freezing at the sight of the paused video. The others freeze as well. “What the f*ck?!” Katsuki shouts in anger. His rage is nothing compared to that of his mother though.

She immediately charges to the front of the group with a look of blind rage in her eyes. “WHAT THE f*ck IS THIS!?!? WHICH ONE OF YOU DEAD f*ckERS EDITED THIS PHOTO?! THAT’S NOT MY SON! KATSUKI WOULD NEVER DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT! HE’S A HERO!” Mitsuki shouts. “Mitsi-“ Inko says quietly as she approaches. “Inko?! What the f*ck is this sh*t?!” She shouts, though not as loud as before. “Miss Bakugo. I’m sorry, but if you can calm down we can explain.” Reginald says. “Explain what?! How you doctored this video?! How you-“ She starts to shout as all the students and staff finally get in and see the image.

Of the staff that came with the students; Nemuri and Present Mic seems to be in shock, Shota and Nezu just look tired though, something Nemuri picks up on. “Wait, did you know about this?” The dominatrix themed heroine asks. “We met the man in person a few days ago. Reginald asked us to keep silent.” Nezu says.

“She isn’t going to listen Reginald. She won’t believe you unless she has undeniable proof.” An older male says. Mitsuki jumps in shock before whirling around to face the new person. Her eyes go wide in horror, and she falls back onto her butt. She desperately tries to scoot away from the man as he enters the room through a portal alongside High General Keigo and Chancellor Neito. Another portal opens and Okimi Todoroki and Masumi Komori rush in to reinforce the group just in case. All of the students looked on in shock. “I am your son Katsuki Bakugo, or an alternate version from the future. That is me in that video. I was the one who destroyed the island of Hokkaido. And more importantly I am the Grand Emperor.” The older man says.

Inko rushes over to Mitsuki as her back hits the wall and embraces her. “W-wh-what the hell? W-what kind of sick joke is this? Th-that can’t be my son.” She says quietly. The Grand Emperor starts to walk toward her, determined to knock some sense into the woman, only for Daisuke, Rika, Okimi Todoroki and Masumi Komori step between him and his mother with Harbinger and the other heroes joining them. “Nonononononono, y-you can’t be. I-I know my son’s an asshole, but he’s my asshole damn it! There’s no way he could be some sort of malevolent dictator in the future, right?” She asks as tears of frustration, confusion and anguish go down her face.

“LIKE f*ck I AM! DIE YOU BASTARD!!!” Katsuki says before blasting his older self with his quirk. It takes a few seconds for the smoke to dissipate, but when it does, everyone is shocked to see the Grand Emperor staring down at his younger self looking completely unaffected by the point-blank blast. Not even his outfit was affected. “RAAAA!!!!!” Katsuki yells before releasing a series of highly concentrated explosions that rattle the whole facility.

Before the ninth explosion can erupt though, an armored gauntlet surges out of the smoke and grabs his face. The smoke clears again, and the Grand Emperor has his younger self’s head in a vice grip. Even worse, his skin is covered in jagged rock. “Wait, that’s Eijiro’s quirk…” Izuku says, stunning the students. He effortlessly pulls the kid over his head and slams him into the ground on his back with enough force to drive the air out of Katsuki’s lungs. He places a boot on his chest looking just as unphased as before. “Stop.” The Grand Emperor says with a cold, authoritative tone that even rattles the usually brash blonde.

“KATSUKI!” Mitsuki screams as Inko tightens her hold on her fiancé. Masumi walks toward the Grand Emperor and whispers. “Do I need to remind you about the virus I implanted inside of you and your cronies? One step out of line and you’re all in for a very bad time.” She says menacingly. The Grand Emperor sighs before taking his boot off his younger self’s chest. “Stand down men.” The older man says. He then turns to Mitsuki as Masumi uses her telekinetic bacteria to send the feral blonde back to his class. “And for the record, you’re right, your son could never become what I am. You can thank Doctor Garaki’s transformation for most of this transition. He did exactly as he promised. He gave me the strength to do what is necessary to ensure that humanity lives.” The Grand Emperor.

“And your decision to sacrifice the entire Western Hemisphere dooming almost forty million people to death?” Daisuke says angrily before flinching as he hears Mitsuki wail of horror and anguish behind her. Rika winces at this as well. “Humanity faces the greatest threat in the history of existence. I do what I must to ensure not only our survival as a species, but reality as a whole; what is tens of millions of lives in the face of losing all that ever was, is and ever will be?” He says. Several of the heroes growl at this comment. As much as they don’t want to admit it, he is technically right, even if it’s the morally wrong way of going about it.

“And what good is our survival as a species if we lose what makes us human in the process? Because that-” All Might says, gesturing to the screen showing the devastation wrought by the Grand Emperor’s blast. “-is NOT something a good human would do.” The man is trembling in rage at the callous disregard for life the Grand Emperor holds.

The Grand Emperor sighs before turning an exasperated look toward the time traveller. “Seriously Reginald? You still choose not to tell them about the Blight Spore either?” He asks rhetorically. He turns to Rika and says. “You of all people understand what that thing does. We all had a front row seat as that thing destroyed the Earth. You even joined our forces toward the end.” The Grand Emperor says. “She what?!” Many of the occupants shout in shock. Rika glares at the man in front of her. “You know damn well I had no choice. By that point, everything was already gone. A few million people we managed to evacuate to Siberia was all that remained of humanity, and outside of that haven, the world had already been corrupted to the point that it couldn’t support normal terrestrial life. Except for Nora Valentina, I was all that was left of the ‘Good Guys.’ Hero, Villain, Vigilante, Military, Civilian. All those titles had lost meaning humanity gave it’s last cry against oblivion.” Rika explains darkly. Many of the students pale at this.

The Grand Emperor sighs at this. “Long story short, the blight spore is a parasite of reality itself which corrupts everything it touches. For living things, the corruption is an extremely slow and painful process that has no cure. Those infected suffer as their entire bodies shift and transform in ways no creature was ever meant to. After 48 hours, the living being has been almost completely replaced, but their consciousness remains if the new creation lives. Since life shouldn’t exist like this, it’s as if their very soul is on fire. What I did saved them from a fate far worse than death. Could I have destroyed less of the island than I did? Possibly, but is it really worth risking reality itself?” The Grand Emperor says in a cold tone that causes many of the students to shiver.

The others remain silent at this. Several of the heroes are growling in rage as they cannot refute his claim. While his motivations may be suspect; his words are true. “And what you did to me?” Akira says as she marches toward the man with a look of fury on her face. She removes the synthetic skin covering the entire left side of her face, exposing the metallic plating and glowing blue lights, causing many of the students to gasp in shock and horror. While they knew she was part machine, they were not aware just how extensive her transformation was. “Your attack on Rodeo’s ranch should have killed me. I lost all four of my limbs, I had second and third degree burns around seventy percent of my body, and my liver, both of my kidneys, part of my brain and one of my lungs were damaged beyond repair. I would have been crippled for the rest of my life if it hadn’t been for Mei Hatsume, Nora Valentina and Melissa Shield. I was only seven years old when that happened.” Akira says angrily.

Izuku’s heart drops into his stomach as he barely manages to catch Momo, who almost passes out. A green blur shoots past them as Inko Midoriya of all people surges forward and punches the man in the face. He is completely unaffected by the hit, and Inko’s knuckles appear to be broken. Daisuke leaps forward and grabs his grandmother before pulling her away, but not without much effort as the green haired woman looks ready to commit a murder. “You really shouldn’t make a habit of hitting the most powerful people on Earth Inko. Melody and I are willing to let it slide given the circ*mstances, but others might not be so merciful.” The Grand Emperor says. “I’d beat the hell out of death itself to protect my grand babies!” Inko shouts angrily.

“As for you.” The elder Bakugo says, returning his attention to Akira. “The only reason you even survived that blast was because of Doctor Garaki’s soul anchor. I didn’t want you dead, I wanted to make sure my mother wouldn’t flee; and the threat of me withdrawing the device keeping you alive accomplished that. She had been a thorn in my side for too long and I needed to get her out of the picture, once and for all.” He says. It feels as if the air around them freezes as they process what he had just implied. There was no mistaking it, the Grand Emperor killed his own mother; and he did it by threatening to end the life of Izuku’s seven-year-old daughter.

The Grand Emperor turns around and starts to leave, with his allies close behind. He stops before turning his head toward his mother. “For what it’s worth, I am not the boy you raised Mitsuki. Katsuki Bakugou went into the Doctor’s machine that empowered me, but the Grand Emperor came out. We’ll get in touch when the time is right to reveal ourselves.” He says before moving past the students, who part ways to let him through. Neito tenses as he locks eyes with his older self, who sighs at this. “One day my boy, one day you’ll understand.” He says.

Hawks also steps through the group to confront his elder doppelganger. The man merely smiles as the group leaves the stunned students behind. Mitsuki seems to have a glimmer of hope in her eyes. “Y-you see? M-my bo-“ She starts to say, only for Rika to cut her off. “Aunt Mitsuki, I’m sorry if this comes across as cruel, but take this from someone who spent years working with him toward the end; He didn’t say that to make you feel better. He said it because he needed you to calm down. If this world is going to survive, we need Mist at her best. He is right, he is not your son; not anymore.” Rika says before turning to Inko. “Eric, Charles? Can you escort Mitsuki and my grandmother, somewhere private? She needs to grieve, and the two of you are the closest to her.” She adds. The two vigilantes nod.

Many of the students are watching what happened in stunned silence. “Dude… first Evolution, now the Grand Emperor? How many supervillains is our class going to create?” Mineta says. Izuku visibly flinches at this causing everyone to glare at the diminutive hero. “Bro, not cool.” Denki says. “Whoa, wait; I didn’t mean it like that! Neither one of them are truly the same people as the guys here.” Mineta says. “Correct. Evolution was a rogue part of Izuku’s personality while the Grand Emperor was the result of a transformation which essentially turned him into another person. More importantly, these individuals are from a previous timeline. Izuku and Katsuki have nothing to do with them and I hope you continue to treat them with the same level of respect as you have before you learned the true identities of our current enemies and allies.” Reginald says.

With that out of the way, Momo tentatively approaches her daughter Akira. It’s clear by the tears in the heiress’ eyes and the expression on her face that she’s overwhelmed after learning the true extent of her daughter’s damage and how it happened. “It’s okay mother.” Akira says as she replaces the artificial skin on her face. “I was able to recover from the attack, even if it took almost a decade of rehabilitation. Plus, I was able to pursue my dream of fighting for justice because of my enhancements.” Akira says. This proves to be the mother’s breaking point as Momo bursts into a hysterical crying fit. No words were exchanged, none were needed. Izuku rushes to her side as the three embrace while everyone else disperses to give them some privacy.

“It’s fine mother, I assure you. You and father were there for me, as were my siblings and their mothers. I had all the support I needed for my future… well almost.” Akira says. “Almost?” Izuku asks. Akira sighs at this. “Mother was heavily opposed to me becoming a vigilante at first.” She says. “Well can you blame my future self?! Her child had been horrifically mutilated! She-I would have been scared to death if you pursued a dangerous career like that after all you had been through!” Momo says angrily. “I know mother, I know. That’s why I never held it against you. It was Grandma Inko who eventually convinced you to let me chase my dream.” Akira says. “What would she know about something like that though?” Momo asks slightly miffed. “Mother, my body was blown to bits, and I still haven’t broken as many bones as father has. She spoke from experience.” Akira says playfully, forcing Momo to concede her point as Izuku pouts at his daughter. “I wasn’t that bad…” Izuku says defensively. “Father, you broke both your legs and one of your arms before you even officially made it into hero school.” She deadpans. Momo giggles as Izuku slumps over in depression.


An hour later

“Alright guys, I know that was rough, but there was also something really badass that just happened!” Eijiro says to brighten up the mood. “Seriously guys! That’s the second supervillain Izuku’s mom punched in less than a week! That’s manly as hell!!” The rocky red head says. “Yeah and then she had that badass moment after! She said she’d throw down with Death itself for her grand kids!” Tetsutetsu says before turning to Izuku. “Your mom’s a beast dude!” The steel teen says to the now blushing green haired boy.

Rodeo, who was spending some time with his daughter on the other side of the room snorts at this. “Well yeah kid, you don’t mess with mama bear. She also said she’d rearrange the capillaries in my brain when I threatened to castrate her son.” The Texan hero says. “DADDY!!!” Pony screams in anger and embarrassment. “What? It was just tough guy talk; I wasn’t actually going to castrate him. Strangle him a little maybe, but no castrating.” He says defensively. Pony slaps her dad on the shoulder over that last addition as Izuku turns slightly pale at the thought of dealing with an angry Rodeo.

“Hold on, can we go back to the part about rearranging capillaries?!” Denki asks in shock. “Her quirk is the attraction of small objects, anything under five pounds, which includes blood vessels and capillaries. She doesn’t have to be able to see it to control it if she knows where it is. She uses it combined with her knowledge of anatomy as an Emergency Room nurse to stop bleeding by closing damaged blood vessels. She can also remove things like bullets, shrapnel and debris with a level of precision that many medical instruments could never achieve.” Izuku says. “Oh… That’s both amazing and horrifying depending on how she uses it.” Denki says.

“As much as I hate to bring down the mood; has anybody checked in on Katsuki?” Shoji asks. Several of the students wince at this and Kirishima’s smile vanishes. “He said he wanted to be alone… I honestly can’t imagine what’s going through his head.” The usually happy red headed rock man says. “Should we get anybody to make sure he’s okay? Where is he anyway?” Hanta asks. “He went out to Ground Gamma to blow off some steam.” Eijiro replies. “And someone is already going to check on him, although I really don’t know how it will work out.” Itsuka says. Izuku turns to the martial artist in confusion. “Who?” He asks. “Believe it or not, Neito.” She replies, silencing the students. “Uhh, don’t they hate each other?” Hanta asks.

“Yes, but they also share something in common… Their future selves…” Izuku says. He had honestly thought about checking in on Katsuki himself for that same reason but decided against it. “Should we call someone to keep an eye on them?” Ochako asks. She and the other girls of 1-A as well as Saiko Intelli are in a different part of the room trying to help Momo process what she just learned. “There’s no need Miss Uraraka. I have already arranged for someone to be there.” Dean Nezu says over the intercom. “I still think I should go talk to him. But I’ll give him a bit.” Izuku says.



“RAHHH!” Katsuki shouts, releasing a barrage of explosions from his gauntlets that quickly decimates a small store he was taking his anger out on. He hunches over with his hands on his knees, breathing heavily as sweat drips from his forehead. “Well… that was quite the spectacle now, wasn’t it?” A slightly pompous voice says from behind. Katsuki whirls around and prepares to send a blast toward the source, but he stops when he sees a wall of ice standing there. “What the hell? Who did you get an ice quirk from? Icy H-… Shoto died.” He says. He was a bit rattled after he learned that a little while ago. Shoto Todoroki was one of the only students he saw as a serious rival. A hole appears in the center of the ice wall and Neito walks through with Vituos, the magical black cane he got during the Desolation of Japan, pointed toward the explosive blonde. The gem on top fades from light blue to white as the teen walks up to him.

“Oh right, you must not have heard about that yet since you just got back to normal. Vituos here is an ancient mystical cane from an extinct species of aliens which allows me to harness the powers of fire, water, earth and air. I got it during the Desolation” Neito explains with a hint of his usual pompous flair showing. Katsuki looks at his fellow blonde in shock for a second before he snorts. “Sure, why not?” He says before glaring at the former class 1-B member. “So why the hell are you here?” Katsuki asks. “Can’t a man take a walk without any ulterior motives?” Neito asks. “A man? Yes. You? No.” Katsuki responds.

Neito rolls his eyes at the bomber. “If you must know, I was trying to ensure that you were functioning properly after meeting the Grand Emperor. We can’t afford to have you shutting down in the battlefield now can we?” He responds. “And how the hell would you know what that’s like?!” Katsuki yells. Neito looks at him in surprise. “Did you not even look at the people who were with him? My future self was there as well, he’s the Grand Emperor’s right hand man apparently.” The less pompous than usual students says.

Katsuki grins ferally at this. “Ahh, so that’s what this is about? Can’t handle the thought of being number two to a class 1-A student, huh?” Katsuki says. A vein pops up on Neito’s forehead. “Not everything is about competition you know! And yes I know how absurd that sounds coming from me!” Neito says. The blonde’s mood sours a bit after this. “Besides, we’re all in the same class now that we lost so many students and UA temporarily closed down…” He adds. Katsuki freezes at this.

“I-I know about Rikido, Ojiro and Koji. Not to mention Shoto and I saw Hanta’s body, although that f*cker came back in the most ridiculous way possible; but who else did we lose?” The bomber asks. “Mezo Shoji was a close call, but he was saved by a spontaneous quirk awakening 1-B lost Rin Hiryu, Sen Kaibara, Awase Yosetsu and Togaru Kamikari as well as our teacher Vlad King. Mirio Togata of the big three was also killed as well as a large portion of the second- and third-year hero students and most of the general studies, support and business classes.” Neito says. Katsuki freezes up at this. “f*ck… they got Togata?” He asks. While he wasn’t exactly a fan of the blonde’s personality, he had a lot of respect for Mirio as a fighter. “We also lost almost thirty percent of Japan’s population and most of the government…” Neito says. The bomber turns to look at the blonde as if he had grown a second head at that statement. “30…” Katsuki says before sitting down on a nearby rock with a stunned expression. He had seen the news since he woke up and he knew the damage was bad. But the idea that nearly a third of the country was dead was a tough pill for him to swallow.

“Yeah, not to mention all the foreigners who lost their lives in the defense of Japan.” Another voice says, confusing them both. Hawks leaps from a nearby building and sits on a half-ruined bench as Katsuki stared at the man. “They even got the Musketeer. He may have been a bastard, but he was a tough one.” Hawks adds. “The Musketeer?” Katsuki says in shock. He may not be the hero nerd that Izuku is, but even he knew of the former number 1 of France. He was one of only a handful of people who could challenge and possibly even beat All Might. A few seconds of silence pass before Hawks decides to break it.

“So, the three of us, huh? Never would have imagined myself as a military man, but I guess time has it’s ways of changing us all.” He says, deciding to just come right out and address the elephant in the room. “I… I just don’t get it… I want to be a hero.” Katsuki says in an unusually calm state as he looks down at his grenade gauntlet. “I know I was praised relentlessly for my powerful quirk when I was younger, but I honestly didn’t care about their praise eventually. It was great at first, but then it just became normal. But not everyone thought it was a great quirk for a hero… There were a few people who thought it was better for a villain. They usually didn’t last long. Either they got thrown out of the school or changed their mind to conform with peer pressure… or I just bullied them into shutting up, which really didn’t help change that idea in hindsight. Those were the ones that got to me. I suppose they were right in the end though. My quirk is capable of a lot of destruction.” Katsuki says.

“Yeah, and I could kill hundreds if not thousands of people in a matter of seconds using my feathers as arrows if I wanted to. The whole idea of villainous quirks is bull sh*t. Hell, All Might could have been a super villain if he turned his power against us.” Hawks says. Katsuki turns to the man in slight shock at this. This quickly turned back to a neutral expression. “Could you kill your own mother?” He asks.

Keigo is the one who seems caught off guard this time. “Well, I’m kind of an orphan, but hypothetically? No, I don’t think I could do that.” The winged man says. “The capacity for evil is something that all sapient beings share my boy.” Reginald Barrister says as he walks into the ruined street they were in. “We like to dismiss the truly ‘evil’ people as outliers. Convincing ourselves that there must be something seriously wrong with them, because no being could possibly harbor that level of malevolence within them. But it’s just not true. Adolph Hitler, Pol Pot, King Leopold the Second, they were not beings of pure evil, they were human just like the three of you. Even I could have become a malevolent being if I desired, and there are times where some of my choices have made me wonder if perhaps I am.” Reginald says.

“You say that like you’ve destroyed the universe before.” Katsuki says. “Actually, I have. I’ve destroyed the universe more times than I can count.” Reginald responds shocking the three men. “Most of it was accidental. My powers can be very dangerous, especially when I was still learning how to use them. But there were times where I was forced to make the same decision the Grand Emperor made in Hokkaido, but on a universal scale. What your older self did there was the right decision. If he hadn’t done it, Rika or I likely would have.” He adds. “It ain’t Hokkaido I’m worried about. Like he said, that was a mercy killing.” Katsuki says begrudgingly.

“I know, I was just trying to show you that not everything is black and white.” Reginald says. Katsuki turns an incredulous look toward him. “Are you seriously trying to tell me he was right to kill his mother in that timeline?!” Katsuki shouts in shock. “Of course not, while there is a rather large grey area, that was thoroughly in the black. He could have just as easily captured her if he wanted to, and what he did to Akira was unacceptable, but the reason behind it? He was, and still is trying to save reality itself. Sometimes you must make the most despicable choices in the name of survival. Take what Rika said about him abandoning the Western Hemisphere for example.” Reginald says, drawing their attention to him.

“Do you remember how many people she said that decision killed?” Reginald says. “40 million people… three of the five most populous nations on Earth are in the Western Hemisphere. 410 million people total… was it because the blight spore hit over there?” Hawks asks. (See omake # 1 for more details about Earth’s population if you’re into that kind of world building thing) Reginald shakes his head. “The Blight Spore landed in France. Rather than having it radiate outward as a circle though, he created large impassable trenches throughout the Earth which cut the world to pieces. Only three regions still had anyone left alive though. There were forty million Brazilians who had dug in in southern Argentina. 2.7 million Abyssinians who had managed to fortify the subterranean city of Janna-Jabalia (In modern day Eritrea, I mentioned it in an omake in what I think was chapter 10.) They could only save one set of people and the Grand Emperor chose to save the Abyssinians.” Reginald says.

“What? Why would they go for the lower amount of people?” Neito asks. “Because Janna-Jabalia had a lot of powerful fighters left, in addition to being one of the scientific capitals of the world.” A new voice says. Neito jumps from his spot and whirls around to face his older self. The Grand Chancellor raises his hands in surrender to make it clear he is not a threat. “The Brazilians on the other hand, were mostly civilians and military. Janna-Jabalia also had crucial technology and infrastructure that we desperately needed to survive longer. It may seem like a horrible choice to make; but at that point, we already knew it was over. We were just trying to hold out as long as possible so Melody could gather as much information on the Blight Spore as she could. Besides, does it really matter when the whole universe is going to start over anyway?” The older man adds.

Reginald sighs at this. “Yes, it does. The universe never remains the same. Though the changes between each incarnation are minor, those changes pile up over time. In some incarnations, people who may have existed in previous timelines will not exist in the next and new people come into existence as well. You yourself were the very first Neito Monoma to exist.” He says, surprising the younger version of himself, but not the Grand Chancelor. “Yes, but as you have told me before, they don’t truly disappear. They merely exist in different forms.” The older copy quirk user says before noticing a mouse nearby. He uses his stretching quirk to extend his left arm and carefully grabs the creature before bringing it back.

“Take this creature for example. Given the infinite nature of existence, I can guarantee that it was a human being in a previous timeline. And it likely will become one again. People do disappear, but they also return eventually.” He adds. “Will they be the same person though? Your experiences play a major role in who you are as well. Despite being the same person physically, I dare say this universe’s Neito is destined to become a much better person, at least morally speaking.” Reginald says. The Grand Chancellor suddenly looks much older than before, despite his already advanced age. “We can only hope.” He says wistfully. He then turns and walks away, but not before Neito grabs him by the arm.

His elder doppelganger does not turn around, but he does stop. “Why… Why did you become what you are?” Neito asks. A few seconds later, the elder man sighs. “Because I had to; and perhaps if we succeed here, you won’t have to become the same.” He says before Neito releases him. Once he is out of sight, Reginald sighs. “So, what’s your take on this Chizome?” He says, confusing the others. The three of them are immediately on edge the moment Stain drops in from a wrecked building nearby.

“He is… far more like me than I would like to acknowledge. He knows what he does is wrong, but he does it anyway, because it is necessary. I would look like a hypocrite, but I would still have had to try and strike him down for his actions.” The hero killer says. Reginald chuckles at this. “And you would have failed.” He adds. “Oh, I am very much aware of that.” Stain replies.

“Well, that’s just great, but is there a reason you brought the Hero Killer of all people here?” Hawks says. “I brought him here to reassure you three.” Reginald says. The three of them look at the time traveler like he grew a second head after he says that. “What?” Katsuki asks. He’s not even being aggressive this time, he’s just genuinely confused. “The three of you are afraid of becoming the monsters your older selves have.” Stain says, causing the three of them to flinch. “I am fully aware of what all of you have done and had this been before I met Reginald; I would have struck each and every one of you down without hesitance.” Stain says. This immediately puts them on the defensive. “However, I have recently come to realize that people can change… You are nothing like your future selves.. at least not yet. You have a choice to make. You can either follow the same path as your elders or you can be better. Working with Reginald has taught me that nothing is written in stone. You will only become them if YOU allow yourself to.” Stain says before pulling one of his combat knives off his belt and pointing it toward them.

“Though keep in mind, if you do choose to become them; one of my blades will meet your necks.” He adds before throwing the blade into the ground and turning to Reginald. He nods to the immortal before leaving as fast as he appeared. “Did- did he just encourage and threaten us at the same time?” Neito asks. “Well, this is the Hero Killer we’re talking about.” Hawks says.

“K-Katsuki?” An uncharacteristically timid feminine voice asks. The boy’s eyes widen in shock and horror as he turns to look at his mother. Before he can even say anything, he realizes that Reginald had already left; and he had taken both Neito and Hawks with him. A few seconds pass before he finally decides to say something. “You hate me, don’t you?” He says, alarming Mitsuki. “NO!” She shouts, shocking the bomber. “Of course I don’t hate you, you aren’t the same as that other version of you. I-I honestly don’t think I could hate you even if you did turn into that. You’re my son, my love is unconditional, even if my approval isn’t.” Mitsuki says.

“Besides, you don’t even have to turn out like that. Just don’t go through with whatever that transformation thing your older version did.” Mitsuki says. “Can we really afford to turn down that kind of power right now?” Katsuki asks, stunning Mitsuki. “W-wha-?” “Think about it old Ha-!...” He starts to shout before calming down. He looks down at the blade that Stain left in the ground before continuing. “Mom… This Evolution… He’s a threat to existence itself. We’re fighting a war against a being that transcends our entire universe, we need all the power we can get. Even if I have to become… that… even if it means that people like Stain will hunt me relentlessly afterwards… can we really afford to reject an-“ Katsuki says before Mitsuki slaps him. For the first time in a long time, he sees his mother looking at him with true anger in her eyes. Sure, Mitsuki is always a hot head; but that’s not real anger, it’s just how she is. No matter how angry she’s acting, it never reaches her eyes unless she is truly mad. “No… You will not be doing that. Reality itself could be crashing down around us and I still wouldn’t let you do that.” Mitsuki says.

Katsuki stays silent for a few seconds. “Don’t you get it? It’s my fault…” Katsuki says quietly. Mitsuki seems confused by this. “Evolution… He was born of the misery from Izuku’s childhood… I was the source of most of it, his chief tormentor. It’s my fault he exists in the first place.” Katsuki says. Mitsuki sits there, struggling to refute what he said. “Bullsh*t.” The two of them hear from a side alley. The two of them are surprised when Izuku walks out of the shadow; with both his swearing and his look of anger catching them off guard. “Do you really think that you were the only one who messed with me? Everyone did. The students, the teachers, the neighborhood kids, the parents, random strangers I didn’t even know that somehow knew I was quirkless. EVERYONE!” Izuku says.

“Do you really think that it would have changed anything if you hadn’t come after me? I talked to Reginald about Evolution last night. Evolution doesn’t exist because of what that version of myself went through during his childhood; he exists because that version kept his feelings bottled up. I mistake I made in this reality as well. And even if it was your fault, it wasn’t you personally anyway. Reginald said that while we do exist in each universe, our personalities can differ drastically because our choices and environment are constantly shifting.” Izuku says, shocking the two Bakugos. “You are not going to become that. You don’t need to. The burden of Evolution isn’t on you alone, he is the enemy of existence itself.” Izuku says. “Damn you Deku, don’t you get it? I’m weak! Everyone except for me has become so much stronger through magic, aliens, technology and quirk awakenings! I couldn’t even get a quirk awakening!” Katsuki says.

*Spoiler Alert*

“And you don’t want it. Not right now at least.” Reginald says as he comes back into the street from a door in a ruined wall that wasn’t there before. “I’ve seen countless versions of you get their quirk awakening, only to kill themselves by blowing up a part of them that shouldn’t explode, brains, hearts, lungs, spines I’ve seen you blow them all to pieces. Your quirk awakening allows you to emit explosions from ANY part of your body, and it can easily kill you if you don’t have any idea how to use it. That’s why I have it suppressed right now.” The time traveler says, shocking Izuku and Katsuki while horrifying Mitsuki.

“I intend to unlock it eventually, but for right now it is simply too dangerous. Besides, just because you aren’t as strong as the others now, doesn’t mean you are not powerful in your own right. You will get stronger eventually, it’s just a matter of patience. And while you are indeed neither Alien nor Magic, not all of the relics have chosen their hosts yet, and there is also the possibility of ‘Divine Intervention’. Powerful mystical beings often chose to use their power to enhance mortals.” Reginald says.

*Spoiler End*

“Now I believe it’s time for the two of you to get some rest. It’s getting late and you have your first international lessons tomorrow, or training in Izuku’s case.” Reginald says. Katsuki remains rooted in place for a few seconds before turning away and huffing. “Whatever. I’m out of here.” He says before leaving. While Mitsuki follows him, Izuku walks over to Reginald. He looks like he has a question, but Reginald shakes his head. “Not tonight Izuku. I know you still have questions, honestly you’re like a less energetic Nejire on that front.-“ He says. Elsewhere, Nejire’s hair spirals twitch slightly, and she sneezes, startling Eri slightly, whose hair she had been brushing. “But there have been enough revelations for one day.” The older man says.

Izuku pauses before remembering that he, Momo, Mina and Katsuki had been through a lot of intense emotional moments today. With that, Izuku nods before turning away and using Blackwhip to grab a sturdy looking pole and launching himself into the air before activating float and flying back to the bunker dorms in the ruins of UA. With that, Reginald snaps his fingers and a door pops open on a nearby wall, which he opens before leaving the area.


Katsuki opens the door to his room and sighs explosively. As he is heading to bed, he notices something. A brown sack with a simple rope is sitting in the center of his bed. “Huh?” Katsuki asks. He walks over to the bed and picks the sack up. He opens the bag and a look of confusion crosses his face. “What the-“ He says before pulling out an ear of corn followed by a slice of watermelon. “Why is th-?“ Katsuki starts to ask before sighing. “Whatever, I’ll figure it out tomorrow.” He says before tossing the sack over to a nearby table before putting the two pieces of produce next to it. He turns around and starts to take his shirt off. He never notices the black and white painted arm emerging from the bag and grabbing the piece of watermelon. When he turns around, the arm is gone, and so is the watermelon piece, although he doesn’t seem to be paying attention to that as he climbs into bed.

Oh boy, that’s going to be an interesting combo…


The next day

A portal opens in a small coastal cove. A group consisting of Cementoss accompanied by Pony, Tsu, Tenya, Kyoka, Mina, Eijiro, Tetsutetsu and Nejire walks through one of Oboro’s portals. “Hey, ya made it.” A relaxed voice says from a corner of the room. They are met with a man in a pair of blue swim trunks with pot leaves on it and a black surfboard with green stripes down the middle. “Oh, hello Michael.” Tsu says. “What’s the Stoned Sorcerer doing here?” Tenya asks as the group heads for the exit of the cove. Tenya has always believed in maintaining a high level of professional decorum, so he honestly doesn’t know how to deal with the stoner, who is the complete opposite. Regardless though, he’s fully aware that the weed smoking vigilante is both skilled and powerful, and he’s no stranger to quirks with odd fuel sources, but orange juice doesn’t get you high. “You’re in my neck of the woods bro. Of course, I’m gonna be the one coming to get ya.” Michael replies. “Oh, so you’re from San Diego?” Pony asks. “Eh, New Tijuana, but it’s all part of the same area anyway.” Michael responds as they finally reach the exit. Mina gasps excitedly at the sight of the ocean. “Yeah, La Jolla is pretty great.” A familiar voice says. Mina and the other students look over to see the former number three hero of Japan turned vigilante Hawks sitting on a cliff ledge.

“Oh Keigo. I didn’t know you were here.” Cementoss says. “Nezu called, said he wanted extra protection for the students. I’m also not alone by the way.” The bird winged man says. He says as both Ox Tsunotori leaps down from the cliffs above and Tatsumi Jiro steps around a corner. They both head for their respective mothers while Keigo looks around in confusion. “Wait, where’s Hibiki?” Keigo asks. “He said he was going to keep watch from the water.” Ox says before looking to the ocean and sighing. “Which was just an excuse to go surfing apparently.” He says before pointing out to the pink skinned half alien man in blue Bermuda swim trunks and a pink surfboard with white waves on it.

“Hey now, nothing wrong with going for a surf on patrol; I do it all the time. If the waves get high enough you can get a good view of your surroundings from the top.” Michael says. “WOOOO!!! GO HIBIKI GO!” Mina shouts. “Well, he seems to be having fun.” A feminine voice says. They look up to a ledge about twenty feet away from them and see America’s number one and three heroes: Star and Stripe and Pony’s father Rodeo. “Dad? Why are you here?” Pony asks. Thomas pouts at his daughter playfully. “What? A dad can’t come see his daughter every now and then?” He asks. “No, it’s just that California is usually Aunt Cathy’s stomping grounds.” Pony responds, gesturing to the tall blonde woman.

“Eh, I was in town anyway. Lieutenant Chops is having his bachelor party here in a couple days.” Ox replies. “Buddy’s getting married?” Pony asks. “Who’s that?” Eijiro asks. “Oh, right. You know how Izuku told us about American Police Officers with hero licenses? Lieutenant Buddy Chops is the resident hero/cop for Dallas’ 5th precinct.” Pony replies. “Wait… isn’t that the cop who managed to take down a super villain?” Tenya asks. “Oh yeah, I remember hearing about that. They said he took down King Ignis about four years ago. I wonder how he did it. Ribbit.” Tsu says. Rodeo snorts at this. “Yeah, that was his quirk in action.” The Texan hero says as the group reaches the top of the cliffs. The students are awestruck by the sight of the hero school in front of them.

The building resembles a medieval Spanish Alcazar (Castle) but also featured elements of an Alcazaba (A type of fortification built in Spain back when it was Muslim controlled) and more modern American architecture. The school was wrapped around the edge of a massive four-tiered cliff facing toward the pacific ocean. The giant cliff system juts out much further than the rest of the coastline, and almost resembles a giant spear head bursting out of the earth at a diagonal angle. (Think Pride Rock from Lion King.)

“I heard about this place. The cliff the school is built on wasn’t originally part of the landscape, right?” Kyoka asks. “You’re right. That actually happened in a fight against an early Super Villain with an earth-based quirk and a team of vigilantes.” Cathleen says. “Oh yeah, I remember Izuku telling that story to Bachiko one night. The group of Vigilantes defeated the super villain, but the damage done to La Jolla threatened to send a huge chunk of the area crashing into the Pacific Ocean. In a last-ditch effort to save the area, one of the vigilantes with an earth moving quirk used all of his strength to push the cliff up from the rock below. The vigilante died and his rock like body became part of the cliff. He gave his life to become the pillar upon which the San Diego area leans on. It honestly sounds more like an ancient myth than a story of modern-day heroics. Now that I think about it, wasn’t Bladestorm one of the vigilantes in that fight?” Kyoka asks.

“Yeah, and it’s only because of his testimony that we even know the name of the vigilante who created the cliff. They named it Menoetius’ Spear in his honor. The tip of the spear is supposed to encase his body according to Murabe, but none of the x-rays or ultrasounds have detected anything.” Kathleen says. “Now come on, let’s get you all into the school. We got a lot to do today.” Star and Stripe says.


Shota and Mirko enter into what looks to be a large open plain with Itsuka Kendo, Mei Hatsume, Setsuna Tokage, Shinso Hitoshi, Hanta Sero, Saiko Intelli, Shihai Kuroiro, Jurota Shishida, Denki Kaminari and Himiko Toga. The Rocky Mountains can be seen in the distance, but that’s not what draws their attention. The group freezes to observe the bustle of activity surrounding them. Dozens of massive airships similar to the one in Momo’s videos, as well as what appears to be enormous blimps likely built to carry thousands of passengers at a time dot the sky. Meanwhile, a long convoy of large off-road trucks is driving down the center of the plains. This convoy is being escorted by a large military escort too. Hundreds of soldiers mounted on ATVs are zipping through the area with their weapons ready for combat at any moment. There are also dozens of attack helicopters with large transport helicopters holding various tanks and artillery pieces below them. The students also notice a large escort of jets patrolling the area. Itsuka squints at some of the fighter jets before realizing that not all of them are from Dinemakȟóčhe. She looks around and spots dozens of Mexican Humvees and APCs as well.

“The Dinemakȟóčhe sent out a request for international help escorting the caravans since relocating a city the size of Apo is a huge undertaking. The Americans and the Mexicans deployed some of their military forces since they happen to be close by; and quite a few nations sent heroes. We’re also technically part of the international effort.” Shota says. “Wow, I’m surprised they have so much international support.” Setsuna says.

“Dinemakȟóčhe is one of only a handful of nations that are on friendly terms with pretty much everyone for now. There’s even some Zulu and Brazilian heroes here.” Shota adds before pointing ahead. The retired Venomancer appears to be having a discussion with Brazil’s La Bombarda as well as a short woman with reddish brown skin with a small primate on her shoulder. “Aww, what an adorable little monkey-“ Setsuna starts to say, only for Itsuka to elbow her in the gut. “Setsuna, that’s not just any animal, that’s Thunder Tail. And she’s a Bushbaby, not a monkey. She’s with her handler; the Earthwalker, Zululand’s number five hero..” Itsuka says. “Wait, handler?” Hanta asks. “Yeah, Thundertail is one of the world’s only non-sapient animal heroes.” Denki says. Several of the students seem shocked at this. “How did you know that?” Itsuka asks. A pained expression crosses the electric quirked man’s face. “Koji had a poster of her in his bedroom. It was one of the only times I actually got him to talk much. He would have loved to meet her.” He adds sadly.

Not wanting to dwell on all the friends she’s lost, Setsuna turns her attention back to the small primate and realizes her mistake. While it is clearly a Mohol Bushbaby, there are jagged yellow streaks in her fur resembling lightning which give off the occasional spark. Setsuna also realizes that the woman Thundertail is standing on appears to be a mutant quirked woman. What she had assumed to be skin was in fact reddish brown dirt. The woman also has dazzling Emeralds for eyes and rock teeth. Her long hair is made of brown woody roots, similar to Ibara’s vines. She is wearing a yellow pleated knee length skirt with a brown stripe around the bottom outlined with blue lines made of what looks like cow hide and a headband covered in red, brown, green and yellow beads as well as a strip of yellow cloth wrapped loosely around her torso with yarn tassels and multicolored beads. Setsuna’s eyes bulge as she sees just how loose the strip is though. Her left boob is clearly visible, with athletic tape covering the nipple. She also appears to be decently endowed as well, with what appears to be at least D Cup Breasts.

Realizing what she was looking at, Shota sighs. “A lot of Africa doesn’t have the same hang ups about female breasts being visible, unlike most of the world. Stop staring. It’s not just rude, Thundertail will shock you if she sees it.” Shota says. “Speaking from personal experience?” Mirko asks mirthfully. “Yes, but not mine. There’s a reason Hizashi doesn’t need hair gel to get his hair to stand up like that.” Shota says, getting a few snickers from the students.

Height: 6 inches plus a 9 inch long tail
Weight: 4 lbs
Gender: Female
Birthday: January 14
Age: 5
Blood Type: N/A
Quirk Name: Lightning Blast
Quirk Description: Thundertail can release powerful blasts of electricity using energy generated by collecting and amplifying the earth’s natural energy through her fur.

Basic Biography: Thundertail was rescued from a forest fire when she was a baby. Her mother did not survive the event, leading to her being taken in by a wildlife center. When she was around a year old, her quirk came in. The facility housing her was unable to accommodate her quirk, so she was given to Earthwalker, who is immune to electrical shocks due to her physiology. She has since become one of the woman’s sidekicks.

Name: Ntokozo Mbatha
Height: 5’1”
Weight: 285 lbs
Gender: Female
Birthday: March 5th
Age: 22
Blood Type: B+
Quirk Name: Root Manipulation
Quirk Description: Ntokozo’s Quirk is plant based one. She can drive her root like hair into the ground with great force, she can also use this for stabbing things, but she does not like doing this. Her roots can grow up to three miles in length, but only if they are submerged underground. By wrapping her roots around the roots of trees, she can take control of those roots as well. She can cause them to grow, shrink, move and she can even temporarily revive dead roots.. Unlike her own roots, the roots she controls can emerge from the ground, and with considerable force. She does not require food, instead relying on photosynthesis for energy and absorbing nutrients from the Earth with her root hair. She is weakened by low temperatures and she is limited to controlling tree roots, making her ineffective in areas with few trees like grasslands, deserts and arctic environments. Her body is also made of an organic soil like substance, which is why she is unusually heavy despite her petite build.

Basic Biography: Ntokozo was born into a poor family living in a small homeless community in the ruins of Johannesburg. Upon learning of her quirk, her parents turned her over to the government in exchange for a large cash reward. Thankfully, the decision to turn her into a rescue hero saved her from the worst parts of the Mongolian style Hero System. Despite being forced into heroics; she legitimately enjoys being a hero. She is also a kind, highly curious person with a very energetic personality. While she is not very effective in areas with few to no trees, she is devastatingly effective in jungles and forests.

“Anything else we need to do to avoid getting attacked?” Itsuka asks. “Don’t call Thundertail Pikachu, a Pokemon, a Digimon or any other kind of superpowered video game animal and don’t call Earthwalker a trainer or tamer. Thundertail won’t attack you, but Earthwalker might. She’s gotten sick of the Pokémon comparisons. Also, keep her away from Nejire, the last thing we need is for those two to feed off of each other’s energy.” Shota adds. “Wait, do you actually know her?” Setsuna asks.

“She’s been in Japan a few times, and I’ve been called to assist with difficult takedowns around the world. Quirks that disable other quirks are incredibly rare, especially ranged ones like mine and the Japanese government likes to offer my services as a diplomatic favor.” Shota says. “Ah, good; you’re all here. We can deal with your training once we get through these mountains, this is the last leg of our trip, and this will likely be our final escort with actual people. From here on out it will mostly be convoys carrying vital equipment from the old City of Apo to the ruins of Denver.” Venomancer says as he walks toward the group. Denki gulps notices a Mexican light tank/APC with an enormous dented in gash on the left side of its turret. “Holy sh*t, what did that to a tank?” He asks, drawing everyone’s attention to the vehicle. Shota sighs at this. “Denki, I already told you that Evolution is loose here in the wild lands of Dinemakȟóčhe, I imagine they were one of the lucky ones.” The quirk erasing hero says.

“Yes they are. The Mexicans have already lost sixteen of those same tanks alone. The Americans even lost two of their Flying Fortresses.” Venomancer says. Saiko turns pale at this. “Wait, you mean the AC-250 Flying Fortresses?!” She asks. “Uhh, am I missing something here?” Hanta asks. “The AC-250 is the pride and joy of the American air force. Not only is it the most heavily armored air plane on the planet, but it features a state-of-the-art weapons system and massive amounts of firepower. Even powerful heroes and militaries prefer to avoid conflict with them if possible. So to have not one, but two of them go down…” Saiko says before looking into the sky. “There’s one right there actually.” Saiko adds, pointing into the sky. The students look up and as if on cue, the monstrous aircraft lets loose an enormous hail of cannon fire and missiles. The students watch in wide eyed shock as the aircraft decimates a large swath of forest in a matter of seconds.

“Alright, enough of that. We have work to do. Himiko, Hanta, Shihai; the three of you will be part of the rear-guard watch. I want the three of you to stick as close as possible at all times. Setsuna will be sending her eyes and ears with you as well. Each of you is going to have a radio. You can call in reinforcements, or even air strikes if the attacks are too large for you to deal with on your own. And there WILL be attacks. That said, try to avoid making yourself known if possible. You’re here as scouts, the military and the heroes and vigilantes will handle most of the fighting.” Shota says before turning to Saiko. “Saiko, you’re heading for the mobile command center. Contingency personally requested you due to your strategic and logistical prowess.” Shota says. “Me? What did I-“ Saiko starts to say before Shota cuts her off. “You may not have actually fought during the Desolation, but you saved millions of lives with your efforts. The city of Niigata would likely be sitting at the bottom of the Sea of Japan right now if you hadn’t noticed the disturbances in the Niigata-Shinano reservoir.” Shota adds. “That was Powerloader and Ceme-” She says only for Shota to cut her off again. “Powerloader never would have found that abandoned construction yard at the base of the Niigata Dam and Cementoss wouldn’t have been in the right position to stop the dam from rupturing without your guidance.” Shota continues, leaving the woman in shock.

“Mei, you’re going to be with the mechanic’s brigade. They need all the help they can get keeping these military vehicles in fighting condition. Evolution has also been leaving surprises on the vehicles to attack the mechanics, so your powerful heat beams can help protect them.” Shota adds before turning to Denki, Itsuka and Shinso. “Itsuka, Denki, Shinso, you three are coming with me and the Venomancer as part of the mobile task force. We’re going to be moving a lot, so be ready for that. Nejire’s daughter Tenshi ‘Paladin’ Hado and Chizue ‘Steelflex’ Kirishima-Tetsutetsu are also here as their own independent mobile force, but we may encounter them.” Shota says as Venomancer walks over to Itsuka and Shinso with what appears to be jet packs. He then turns to Jurota and hesitates for the first time that day. “Jurota, you’re going to be in the thick of it. As much as it pains me to throw a student into the most dangerous part of the fight, your new boost in power and size from your transformation makes you a valuable front-line asset. Mirko and Earthwalker will try to stick with you, but if you get separated in the chaos; Bladestorm, El Rinoceronte and Rot Fist are all on the front line as well. Fuyumi’s daughter Okimi Todoroki is also out there. Try to avoid Rot Fist if you can though.” Shota asks. Jurota tilts his head at this. He looks as if he’s about to ask why before a blast of blue flames erupts in the distance. The students watch as a group of giant trees effectively evaporate in a matter of seconds. “As you can see, he’s not holding back at all. While you do have a healing factor, it’s just better not to risk it.” Shota says.

Itsuka sends a worried look toward the hairy hero, but he just gives her a thumbs up. “It’s fine Itsuka, I got this.” Jurota says before transforming. The now giant hero in training heads over to Earthwalker and after a brief conversation, as well as a sudden shock that has Itsuka facepalming while the others laugh. Denki pulls out what appears to be a metal disc which expands to a two meter diameter and charges it with his power, allowing him to take flight. Meanwhile, Venomancer, Shinso and Itsuka all shoot into the air with their jet packs and a familiar mist like portal opens behind Saiko. The blue haired strategist pauses as the mist flickers slightly. “A lot of portal quirks have been acting up lately. Even Oboro’s having some issues, but they’re mostly cosmetic for now. I wouldn’t send you through if it wasn’t safe.” Shota says. With that, Saiko takes her leave. He looks around and sighs as Mei appears to have vanished likely drawn to the prospect of working on advanced military tech like a moth to a flame.

Setsuna, Hanta, Shihai and Himiko head for the rear. Their exit is not even close to as flashy as the others, but given their need for stealth, that’s likely a good thing. The telltale sign of heavy gunfire from the American gunships and machine gun/cannon fire from the Mexican army and Dinemakȟóčhian Mechanized Calvary is all one needs to hear to know they have found the enemy.


A blue portal opens up in a nearby alleyway and Present Mic walks through with Gang Orca behind him. The students come in behind them, led by Yuuga Aoyama, who has a grin on his face. “Ah Paris! It feels good to be home.” The flashy blonde says as Mineta Minoru, Kosei Tsuburaba, Mezo Shoji, Toru Hagakure, Kojiro Bondo, Tamaki Amajiki, Inasa Yoarashi, Camie Utsushimi and a rather irritated looking Katsuki Bakugo come in behind him.

“Still don’t know why the Rat wanted me to come here. The Parisian Academy of Heroics is for rescue heroes. I should be over in San Diego.” Katsuki mutters to himself. “Your combat skills are not an issue Katsuki, it’s the rescue side of heroics that you tend to ignore.” Gang Orca says. “I’m a walking bomb, what use would I be in a rescue situation?” The angry blonde asks. “If you learn to focus your explosions and gain a basic understanding of structural engineering, your powers could be extremely valuable in a rescue situation. Most civilian casualties in fights between heroes and villains aren’t caused by the heroes or villains themselves, they’re caused by collateral damage that occurs during the fight. Building collapses, car wrecks, falling debris, stampedes when the fighting occurs in densely populated areas; these are the real killers. You could clear debris, free trapped people, you could even stop fires.” Gang Orca says.

Katsuki looks at the Orca man like he grew a second head at this. “How the hell am I supposed to stop a fire with explosions?” Katsuki asks. “Wind pressure. Explosions create strong gusts of wind. It’s like blowing out a candle.” Inasa Yoarashi says. “There is that, although you have to be careful doing that. Wind can spread fires just as easily as it can stop them. I was actually thinking more along the lines of creating a firebreak.” Gang Orca says. “A what?” Katsuki asks. “It’s an area that you clear of vegetation and other flammable stuff to stop a large fire from spreading.” Mineta adds. “How the f*ck do you know that?” Katsuki asks the diminutive hero in training. Mineta pulls one of his sticky orbs off his head and holds it out. “Most adhesives either burn or lose their stickiness at higher temperatures. These things don’t. I can stick together a bunch of nonflammable objects to create a wall to keep a controlled burn contained.”

“Exactly. When you have to fight an enormous forest fire, one of the best ways to stop it is to build a firebreak either with explosives or a controlled burn.” Gang Orca says. “Isn’t that how Endeavor stopped the Yakushima fire.” Kosei asks. “Yes. Four years ago, the southwestern part of the Yakushima Forest was on the verge of burning to the ground. Endeavor and a team of his sidekicks destroyed an eight-hundred-meter-wide strip of vegetation with a controlled burn while a few other heroes who were on the scene dug out trenches and built barriers. Three of UA’s teachers were actually involved in that, Powerloader, Cementoss Thirteen. The fire still burned nearly 1/8th of the forest on Kagoshima Island, but as this part of the forest was destroyed during the chaos of the Dawn of Quirks; it was seen as an acceptable loss. It had been approaching one of the few areas on the island that hadn’t been logged during the Edo period. Some of the oldest trees in...” Gang Orca starts to say until something strange catches his eye. “Katsuki? Where did that bag around your neck come from?” Gang Orca asks. “Wha?-“ Katsuki says before looking down and groaning in irritation. “Oh come on! I thought I left you back at UA!” The explosive Pomeranian shouts while some of the other students burst into a fit of giggles.


Earlier that morning

Katsuki is walking down the hall of the bunker when he encounters Eijiro, Shoji and Fumikage, with Dark Shadow sitting on Fumikage’s shoulder in the form of a raven. Eijiro tilts his head as the half-asleep blonde walks past him. “Hey, Katsuki, what’s with the sack?” Eijiro asks. “Huh?” Katsuki asks. “The one around your neck.” Eijiro explains. Katsuki looks down and seems shocked by the bag’s presence. “What the- wait, when did that get there?” Katsuki asks. Fumikage’s eyes narrow slightly at the bag in question. “That bag… Why does it look familiar?” The bird man thinks. “What’s in it?” Shoji asks. “I found a piece of watermelon and some corn in it last night, but when I woke up, the bag and the watermelon were gone. I thought it was just a dream at first, but the ear of corn was still on the table where I left it.” Katsuki says. He reaches for the bag, only to recoil when a hand erupts from it to grab his arm. “WHAT THE f*ck?!” He shouts before wrenching himself free of the hand and removing the bag before throwing it to the opposite side of the hall.

Eijiro and Shoji seem to be unable to comprehend what they just saw, but Fumikage’s eyes widen in recognition of the hand as Tenya, Jurota, Itsuka, Setsuna, Izuku, Ochako, Tsu and Toru all open their doors to find out what happened. “Wait, isn’t th-“ Dark Shadow starts to say from his perch on Fumikage’s shoulder as Katsuki throws up his hands to blow the bag apart. “Katsuki, d-“ Fumikage tries to say, only to be cut off by an explosion. In a twist that nobody saw coming, a bare ass emerges from the bag and lets out a huge fart which somehow deflects the explosion back at the bomber. “AHH, what the f*ck?!” He starts to shout before gagging. “W-what the hell? Oh sh*t, why does it smell so bad.” Katsuki says as Toru and Setsuna burst into laughter.

Before anyone can respond, Koshari’s head pops out of the bag and he razzberries the bomber before withdrawing. “Wait, that was Koshari.” Izuku says. “Who?” Eijiro asks. “Koshari, he was one of the clowns at the Kachina Festival we went to.” Fumikage says as a pair of hands emerges and starts dragging the bag toward the blonde whose face he just farted in. A portal opens and Shota walks through it. He looks down at the bag and sighs before pulling out his phone. “Yeah, I found him. Your signal was right.” The teacher says.

“Mr. Aizawa? What is this?” Tenya asks as Katsuki throws the bag away from him, only for it to start crawling back. “That was the Chief of the Hopi tribe. He said that Koshari’s bag had vanished. It has a habit of doing that apparently, so they put a tracking device on it.” Shota explains. “Okay, but why is it here? Why is that Native American God here?” Shoji asks. “He’s a Kachina, not a God and he lives in the bag.” Shota explains, only confusing the students who haven’t seen him at the festival even more. “As for why he is here…” Shota says before he turns to look at Katsuki. Several of the students could swear that they could see a look of mild amusem*nt on the teachers face.

“Koshari is a Clown Kachina. His job specifically is to teach people how not to behave by being an example of what not to do. Apparently he has developed a habit of appearing around people who he believes don’t behave properly according to societal views. He then tries to make them behave properly by trolling them relentlessly” Shota says. “WHAT THE f*ck ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! I CAN BEH-“ Katsuki starts to say before Koshari sticks his ass out of the bag again, as if threatening to fart in his face. He falls silent as everyone else bursts into laughter.

“His presence could also be a beneficial for you though.” Izuku adds after calming down. Katsuki turns a confused look toward Izuku. “Don’t you remember what Reginald said last night? About divine intervention? Koshari may be a Clown, but he is also an immensely powerful mystical being, and I seriously doubt he would just stand by if you were in serious danger. How is he supposed to teach you anything if you’re dead?” Izuku adds. As if on cue, Koshari’s hand erupts from the back with a thumbs up gesture. Katsuki freezes for a second after this. He had been trying to find a way to boost his power. He just never imagined he would end up getting hit by a Monkey’s Paw situation like this. “Gah, whatever.” He says before taking the bag off and going back to his room, where he threw it on his bed.


Gang Orca blinks a few times at this explanation. “Alright then.” The monstrous looking hero says. “Hey, you made it.” A feminine voice says from the exit of the alleyway says. The group looks over and sees a tall brunette with a French Braided ponytail wearing black jeans, a white tank top that shows a modest amount of cleavage, an open white jacket and red heels. “Oh, my goodness. Joan De la Rue! France’s number one hero! It is an honor to meet you mademoiselle.” Yuuga says, bowing with deep reverence. “Former number one. They just abolished the ranking system, last night in an emergency session of the European Parliament. It seems All Might’s speech at the U.N. really rattled our government.” She says before turning to Present Mic. “Come on, I’ll show you to the Academy.” She adds.

Kosei appears to be in slight shock at the sight of the older woman. While she is not as muscular as Mirko or Star and Stripe; it’s clear that Joan De la Rue is no slouch in the fitness department. Her bust is rather modest at 36 b cups, but then she turns around and the pervert of 1-B’s jaw drops. Her ass is large, perky toned, to the point that it even gives Mina and Itsuka’s impressive rears a run for their money. And while her thighs aren’t quite as large as Mirko or Tsu’s, she could easily crush a watermelon with them. Just as the air barrier quirked perv starts to drool, he gets slapped in the back of his head. He turns to the side to see Yuuga scowling at him. “You will not ogle the Pride of France in my presence. Understand?” The usually chilled out Frenchman states, leaving no room for argument. Kosei nods his head while Toru sighs. “Man, just when we get our class perverts to chill out, we get a new one. We need to get that dude a girlfriend. I wonder if Camie would be interested.” She says referring to the blonde from Shiketsu and one of the few girls she knows whose relationship status is unknown to her. “Don’t look at me fam, I’ve been hooking up with Tatsumi for the past week. And yes, you said that out loud. Your boyfriend seems to be rubbing off on you in more ways than one.” She says teasingly before walking back to the front of the group.

“Tatsumi? Wait, does she mean… oh… well let’s just hope Kyoka takes it better than Mina did. At least she’s not here right now; even she can’t hear things halfway across the planet.” Toru says to herself. On the other side of the planet, Kyoka’s jacks twitch, though she has no idea why. Regardless, Toru joins the rest of the group as well.

“So should we head off?” Present Mic asks. “Not yet, Charles is supposed to meet us here. He may be held up at the hospital though.” Joan says. “Hospital? Is he alright? What on Earth could have put him in the hospital?” Mineta asks, slightly terrified imagining what could have taken a man who could have matched All Might in his prime out of action. “Huh? Oh! No, he’s fine, he’s an ER Doctor at the Hôtel-Dieu, one of the few hospitals to survive from the prequirk era. It’s actually right next to us.” Joan adds, pointing to the wall on the right side of the alley. “It’s much older than that though. The first official records of its existence date back to 829 A.D.” The man in question says. He appears to be wearing his vigilante uniform, causing Joan to roll her eyes. “Always the workaholic, eh Charles?” Joan says before strutting toward the man. Toru and Camie giggle at the obvious attempt to get the vigilantes attention. “Joan, with Evolution around, we can’t be too careful. That monster is everywhere.” Charles says defensively.

Joan chuckles sensually at the oblivious man. “Charles, I know for a fact that your armor can be deployed in less than a second, I’ve seen you do it. There’s no need to be so formal right now.” Joan says. Charles shrugs at this. “Alright.” He says before pressing a hidden switch under the right arm pit. The armor retracts itself into a belt, revealing that he is wearing a white lab coat, black scrubs and black shoes. He even has a stethoscope around his neck. Joan sighs in defeat as the others laugh at the interaction. “What?” The mutant quirked man asks. “Anyway, on to the Parisian Academy of Heroics.” Joan says.

The group leaves the alleyway and enters what appears to be a city square. Several of the students look around the area at all of the old-fashioned buildings. While most of the city had been destroyed in World War Three, the people of France did their best to restore it to what it was before the nuke hit. “Thankfully Oboro was able to drop us very close to the school, it’s right over there actually.” Charles says, pointing to the east. “Wait, isn’t that where the Notre Dame is?” Mineta asks. “The Notre Dame is actually part of the school. It was one of only a few of Europe’s Cathedrals to survive World War III, but since the original Catholic Church died with the destruction of the Vatican, it lost its purpose as a church. Most of the country believed that demolishing it would have been a travesty, so it was converted into a school, and later became part of the Parisian Academy of Heroics.” Charles says. Sure enough, they could actually see the top part of the Notre Dame looming over the Gothic inspired walls surrounding the school. They also saw what looked to be a large castle to the right. “Chateau Liberte serves as the main part of the school and wasn’t built until the school was founded just under a century ago. The Notre Dame serves as an assembly hall mostly.” Joan adds. “Huh, where are your training grounds though?” Mezo asks. “Underground.” Charles said.

“Wait, you’re training us in the Catacombs?!?!” Mineta shouts in terror. “What? Oh no, the Catacombs are in a different part of Paris. Even in the age of quirks it’s too easy to get lost down there.” Joan says. “That’s mostly because of all the spirits and dark magic down there.” Charles says before getting elbowed in the gut by Joan. “Stop making stuff up to scare the students.” Joan says. Charles tilts his head at this. “I’m not. The Revolution has known about magic longer than the rest of the world has. I’ve worked with Baron Samedi several times. He's one of the strongest practitioners of Necromancy in history, to the point that he is considered the patron of Death, Tombs, and Graveyards, so if he says they’re full of Spirits and Dark Magic, they probably are.” Charles says. Joan blinks at the man a couple of times before sighing. “Thank you Charles, it’s nice to know that my penthouse is built above cursed grounds.” Joan says.

“Back up, he’s a necromancer? As in he uses curses and dark magic to bring back the dead?” Yuuga asks hopefully, thinking of all the people he could bring back. Charles smiles wistfully at the Frenchman of UA. “He can bring back the dead, but only if the problem that killed them can be healed, and even then, only if the soul remains in the body. Once the brain is dead, there’s nothing he can do, so there’s only a six-minute window at best. You don’t even need magic for that though, I’ve done it with my quirk, and technically even regular medical intervention can do it.” Charles says.

Yuuga visibly deflates at this. “Who did you lose?” Joan asks sympathetically. “Aside from a lot of my classmates? I lost my parents. They weren’t even in Japan, they died in the fire of the Louvre, where they worked.” Yuuga says sadly. Joan winces at this. She had been one of the first heroes on the scene of that disaster. Thankfully the Museum had already been evacuated, but many of the workers had died in an attempt to save as much of the art as possible. “Yuuga Aoyama right? Your parents were part of the group who saved the Denon section. Your father was even found using his quirk to protect the Vitruvian Man and your mother was part of the team that rushed the Venus di Milo down to a fireproof vault. They gave their lives to protect two of the most significant pieces of European art in existence; especially after all we lost in the aftermath of WW3. They are just as much heroes as you are.” Joan says. (Q/N: In reality, the Vitruvian Man is at the Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice, Italy. In this story it was transferred to the Louvre when it became clear that Venice could not be saved from the rising sea levels.)

“Oui, Van Gogh’s Starry Night, Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, Michelangelo’s Statue of David. So many iconic European works were lost in that war.” Yuuga says before smiling. “My father’s quirk was an unusual one. He had a pouch in his stomach that was nearly indestructible. He always said he’d use it to be a hero, even if it wasn’t a quirk suited for the job. I’m happy to know he was right.” The French student says wistfully.

“Those two really are cute together.” Camie whispers to Toru. “Yeah, Joan’s obviously into him, but he seems rather oblivious. Nora says she’s been like that since she met her about two years ago working with Harbinger.” Toru adds. “Yeah, it’s a real drag.” Nora says. “WAAAAH!!” Toru screams, having not heard her approach. Now that she thinks about it, she didn’t even remember her being with them at all. “Huh, so that’s what it’s like on the other end of that. No wonder the others get so annoyed when I do it.” Toru says. “Yeah, but it’s way more impressive when she does it. She can’t turn invisible-“ Camie starts to say only for Nora to clear her throat before pushing a button on her wheel chair, engaging a cloaking device. “… Okay, maybe she can. But she’s still sneaking around in a wheelchair.” The blonde adds. “Is she really the most impressive one in that regard?” Another person says. The two whirl around, only to come face to face with the giant wall of fur known as Ren. “How the hell does a creature the size of an elephant sneak around like that?!” Toru asks. “Thousands of years of practice.” He states simply as they finally reach the gates to the school.

The gates open and the students come face to face with what appears to be a fortified medieval town. It had dozens of buildings aside from the Castle that serves as the main school building and the Notre Dame. There were nine 3 story medieval houses made of stone that lined a three sectioned terrace in rows of three in front of the castle, which was on the fourth tier. A large town center dominates the bottom layer of the town. On one side is the Notre Dame and on the opposite side was what appeared to be a set of shops and offices designed in the same medieval architecture.

A massive fountain filled with statues of six French figures both past and present appears in the center of the grounds, although one spot appears to be empty. Four of the statues are actually important people from the pre-quirk era; King Charlemagne, Joan of Arc, Napoleon Bonaparte and Charles De Gaulle. The fifth figure was the original Chevalier de la Liberté, the first of France’s official heroes. He was a man named Remy Leclerc and he had a rather simple but powerful magnetism quirk. “Whoa, this place is huge!” Mineta says. “It doesn’t look anywhere near this large on the outside.” Kosei adds. “It is bigger inside than it is on the outside. They built it with the help of a man with a spatial manipulation quirk.” Yuuga says before turning to glare at the empty spot on the fountain.

“Good, they already removed that disgrace’s statue.” The French student of UA says. “Who was there?” Mineta asks. “That was where the Musketeer’s statue was. I smashed that thing myself.” Joan says. “Oh…” Mineta says. “What are they going to do with the empty spot?” Camie asks. Charles sighs explosively while Joan turns to grin at him. “A statue of the Harbinger is going there. He’s the first vigilante to receive that honor in history.” Joan says. “I didn’t want a statue at first, and I still don’t like the idea, but Joan convinced me that it was the best way to reunite France after the turmoil from the revelation of the hero system’s corruption.” Charles says as everyone turns to look at him.

“How bad has it been here in the European States? The Desolation kind of took a lot of attention away from it in Japan, and most of the people responsible were killed in the attack.” Mineta asks. “That wasn’t by accident, Evolution knew they would sweep it under the rug using his attack as a distraction. He didn’t want them weakening Japan, he wants to destroy humanity at its strongest.” Charles says.

“As for the European states, the biggest loss was the loss of the Nordic states. Iceland, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Karelia all united into the new nation of Scandinavia. All of the other breakaway nation-states agreed to stay in the European states, just as their own entities within it. Spain got the worst of it on that front, or at least what’s left of Spain. Catalonia and Valencia broke away to form the Nation State of Catalonia, the Basque Region and Navarre split off to form their own country along with the French Basque Region, and Andalusia, Aragon and Galicia each broke into their own Nation States. Here in France, the only real breakaway aside from the French Basque Country was Britanny and the new Flemish state of Flanders, which was a combination of the Flemish parts of France and Belgium. Britanny is in talks with Ireland, the Isle of Man, Cornwall, Scotland and Wales hoping to establish a new Celtic Union. Italy and Germany lost Sicily, Lombardy and Bavaria respectively.” Joan says. “Sacre Bleu… I knew it was getting bad, but for Spain to completely fall apart…” Yuuga says. “Not everyone broke apart though, some states united. Czechoslovakia is back and what’s left of Belgium joined the Netherlands and Luxemburg to finally make Benelux a formal nation state, and Switzerland was finally restored as a nation state. As for Spain, I’m surprised they lasted this long.” Charles says.

“Wait, is that a good idea? The last time Switzerland was an independent state, they went on to become the only nation in history to conquer all of Continental Europe shortly after World War III.” Yuuga says. Charles sighs at this. “They’ve agreed to exist as a demilitarized state to ease everyone’s paranoia.” Charles says before sighing at the sound of Nora snoring. “Ren, can you please carry Nora into the school with us. And someone wake the other students.” He says without even looking.

The others look and see that Nora, Camie, Kojiro, Kosei and Toru had all fallen asleep. “You’re not going to wake Nora?” Mineta asks Ren. “You don’t wake Nora unless you have a death wish.” Charles adds with a faraway look in his eyes. Ren sighs before pressing a button which transforms her wheelchair into its robot leg form and carefully scoops the girl up and places her on his back, where she instinctively snuggles herself in. The others wake up and they head into the school.


A giant flaming blue skull erupts in a clearing. There is a large, circular lake and a lush jungle behind them, with a large rock outcrop covered in moss immediately next to them. The skull soon vanishes, leaving behind a group of people in the process. Baron Samedi is at the forefront of the group, with Edgeshot, Mount Lady, and Kamui Woods of the Lurkers, Deatharms and David Shield immediately behind him. Momo Yaoyorozu, Neito Monoma, Fumikage Tokoyami, Kinoko Komori and Melissa Shield are all at the back of the group, along with Kinoko’s daughter Masumi and Momo’s daughter Akira. “So, this is Ghana.” Neito says, as they all look around. “Yeah, but where in Ghana?” Kinoko asks. Baron Samedi turns to the group. “I could tell you, but I wanna see if Melissa’s been studying de tings I asked her to. So, Melissa, where are we?” Baron Samedi asks.

“Hmm.” Melissa says before waving her hand in front of the outcrop. Her hand glows with a dull brown light and the outcrop begins to shake slightly, causing some of the moss to fall from it and revealing limestone below it. “I will never get used to you having magic powers.” David says, causing the blonde American to blush. She walks up to the outcrop and traces her fingers across some of the cracks in the limestone. “Shatter cones.” Melissa says before looking toward the lake. “The lake is oddly rounded too. It’s a crater lake. The only crater lake in Ghana is Bosumtwi.” She says before her eyes start to glow a dull silver color. “And seeing as we’re facing North, I’d say were somewhere along the southern side of it.” Melissa adds. “Hah, you’re right! Bosumtwi is a sacred lake by de way, so treat it wit respect. Your magic is one dat works best with extensive knowledge of tings concerning de atomic elements. Chemistry and geology are very useful to you. I suppose it makes sense dat someone wit a scientific mind would end up leaning toward Alchemy.” Samedi says.

“So… where is this school anyway?” Mount Lady asks. “De school isn’t here, or even on dis plane of existence. Dis is just where you go to get in.” Samedi explains. He holds out his right hand and a small blue flaming skull appears in his palm. “Hold still for a second, de flames won’t hurt you.” Samedi says before leaping into the air. “Flames?” Kamui Woods asks. He blows on the skull, causing a massive inferno to erupt from it, engulfing the entire group in the surprisingly cool flames. Despite the warning, several of the people in the flames shout and scream in a brief panic. The flames subside within seconds, leaving the group dazed as a human sized blue fire skull erupts in front of them. It disappears almost as fast as it appeared, leaving Baron Samedi in its place.

“Could you maybe warn us the next time you try to set us ablaze?!” Neito shouts indignantly. “Where’s de fun in dat?” Samedi replies mirthfully. “Whoa. Those are big mushrooms.” Kinoko says in awe. The others turn to see an entire forest of tree sized mushrooms inside of a massive cave system. A large lake of what looks to be purple water is in the southwest of the is also present and to the north is a massive glacier forming cliffs everything. “Dat’s why I brought you here. You can get a lot of practice wit your mushroom magic. De school itself is deeper in de cave. Dere’s an opening in de glacier. Be careful wit de wildlife around here, none of it’s friendly, especially not de spiders.” Samedi says.

“Why didn’t you just teleport us to the school directly?” David asks. “De school has many defenses of magical, natural and technological nature. One of de magic ones is a teleportation blocker. Dis is de only place you can warp in to here. Now let’s go, our ride is here.” Samedi says, pointing to a large APC. Kinoko pouts at the vehicle as it opens the back. “What? What kind of magical school doesn’t have a train?” The mushroom girl says as the others start to enter the vehicle. “Dis isn’t Hogwarts, and we’re using dat vehicle for a reason. I told you to be careful wit de wildlife for a reason. It’s very dangerous down here. De animals don’t mess wit us in the APC due to a soothing charm dat’s been cast on it; and a train like de one from Harry Potter is too long for dat charm.” Samedi says.

“How bad could the animals b-“ Kinoko starts to say before part of the glacier cliff explodes outward and what appears to be a giant spider like creature with dozens of rows of razor sharp teeth in a massive mouth, thousands of eyes. The beast’s body appears to be close to two hundred feet long, sixty feet wide and forty feet tall. The body is attached to eight razor sharp bone plated legs around six hundred feet in length. It charges into the forest, pushing smaller mushroom trees to the ground before disappearing among the larger mushroom trees. “And dat one was rather small compared to most.” Samedi says, referring to the monster. “… Fair enough.” Kinoko says before she and Samedi enter the vehicle and the door shuts. She sits down next to Neito, who is frozen with a look of pure horror on his face. “Is he okay?” Momo asks. “He’s Arachnophobic and that was a big ass spider, so I’d say no.” Kinoko replies. Fumikage chuckles at this. As the vehicle starts up, the ice begins to heal itself. “How is the ice healing itself?” David Shield asks as the vehicle starts to move. “It’s not ice. Dat’s a wall of pure mystical energy. De ting powers this entire dimension. Now settle in, we gonna be in here for a bit. Dis place is huge.” Samedi responds.


After a few hours, Izuku finally emerges from the pocket dimension. The green haired hero slowly shuffles into the common room where he freezes on the spot. Ochako is sitting on the couch in a sleeveless tank top and shorts with cuts and bruises all over her limbs and a large welt on the left side of her forehead. Ibara is doing her best to tend to her by cleaning the wounds on her left arm while Yui and Reiko help. “He was just so fast. I knew he has a powerful quirk, but don’t people usually slow down at his age? He’s almost eighty.” Ochako says. Izuku accidentally crushes the doorknob with enough force that it comes off in his hand. The sound of crunching metal draws the attention of the girls on the couch, as well as Manga, who was playing video games nearby, Nirengeki, who was lying on a couch behind Manga reading a book with his legs wrapped in ice packs to help speed up his recovery after an intense workout session and Mawata Fuwa, who was sitting in a loveseat in a corner reading a book.

The group seems to freeze as Gran Torino enters from a door on the opposite side. “THINK FAST!” Izuku shouts before using the remaining energy stored with Fa Jin along with One for All to perform a perfect flying kick to the face of the old man. Shockingly, the attack actually connects directly, causing him to fly across the room and hit the wall with enough force to crack it. “Huh,” Gran Torino says before pulling himself out of the wall. “So that’s what it’s like on the other side of that. No wonder people get so annoyed with me.” The older man says before looking over to Izuku. “Why d-?“ Izuku starts to ask angrily before Gran Torino interrupts him “She asked me not to hold back. I wasn’t going anywhere near full strength when I trained you, but she insisted on me giving everything.” The old man says. Izuku pauses at this. “And don’t worry about any injuries, Recovery G-“ He starts to say before and white and pink blur flies by the old man, whacking him in the shins with her cane in the process. “AGH!” Gran Torino shouts before falling to his knees. “Twice in one day… I’m losin’ my touch.” Gran Torino says as Recovery Girl walks over to Ochako with a flashlight. “Follow the lights dearie, my quirk doesn’t help with concussions.” The nurse says. “Hmm, okay, so it looks like your fine on that front. Your heart rate seems a bit high, as is your body temperature, but I’m going to take a wild guess and say that has nothing to do with any injuries.” Recovery Girl adds.

Izuku finally takes his glare from the old man, only to freeze at the almost predatory gaze from the gravity thief. Ibara and Yui aren’t much better off, with the latter even licking her lips hungrily and even Reiko seems to be affected as she silently laments her boyfriend being in France. As if on cue, Danger Sense flares up again. “Knock it off En, Nana told me you’re just doing that out of spite. I can’t help it if I get more action than you ever did, you lived the life of a hermit for almost half your life.” Izuku thinks to himself.

After a few seconds, during which Izuku is finally satisfied that Ochako will be okay after she heals with the help of Recovery Girl’s kiss. Surprisingly, Ochako seems almost unaffected by the downside of the old nurse’s quirk. “Hmm, it appears that hidden quirk of yours has increased your stamina significantly.” Recovery Girl says before getting ready to leave. “You ladies might want to be careful if you want to join the two of them, you might not be able to keep up.” The older woman says teasingly toward Ibara and Yui. The vine haired woman’s jaw drops and her face turns as red as a tomato at being called out by the elderly hero. Yui on the other hand just seems to get even hungrier. “Do us a favor and use your vines to bring her back down.” Recovery Girl adds before leaving. Ibara looks up and sure enough, Ochako is just as red as she is as she floats around on the ceiling. Reiko appears to be the only other one in the room that heard the remark as she leaps off the couch and mumbles something about having forgotten something in her room.

Having been largely forgotten since the outburst from Izuku, Nirengeki and Manga share a look. “I don’t know if I should be jealous of Izuku or afraid for his wellbeing.” Manga says. Nirengeki nods silently at his classmate. “Jurota’s hard enough to keep up with, I don’t even want to imagine what he’s like.” Mawata says quietly to herself before returning to her book.

Izuku turns to Gran Torino with a look of shame on his face. “Sorr-“ The green haired man starts to say, only to be cut off by a large yellow boot crashing into his face. “Don’t apologize Zygote. That was a damn good kick.” Gran Torino says as he leaves the room while Izuku rubs his nose.

“Oh, and don’t wear yourself out too much. You and Ochako may have nearly limitless stamina, but the two of you are going to be training with Fat Gum and All Might tomorrow.” The old man says on his way out. “Why do older people talk so shamelessly about such things?” Ibara says rhetorically in exasperation as Ochako floats right back up to the ceiling and Izuku sputters uncontrollably. “You stop giving a damn what other people think when ya know you don’t have much time left. There’s a reason stds are such a problem in retirement homes.” Gran Torino responds before leaving the room while laughing at the plethora of disgusted expressions triggered by his last comment.


Later that night

Dean Nezu is in his office, with his desk covered in various photographs and documents. He has a large corkboard with multiple pictures of subterranean tunnels and caves with extensive claw markings as well as maps of cave systems in Japan. The Dean looks truly puzzled as he looks over the collection of data. “What are you up to? This digging pattern makes very little sense.” Nezu says to himself as there is a knock at the door. “It’s open Mitsuki.” Nezu says loudly. The immortal vigilante/mother of an exploding Pomeranian enters the room in her uniform. “I still don’t know how you always know who’s at the door without even looking at the cameras.” Mist says. “It’s a combination of things really. The sound of your footsteps, your scent, the way you knock, it all comes together to give me a highly accurate guess as to who’s around me. Unlike whatever this is… Even I have to admit Evolution’s below ground antics are nonsensical.” Nezu says.

“About that, my guys may have made a breakthrough. We’ve been able to trace all of the digging back to a single massive cavern around 19 miles below Honshu about the size of the island of Tasmania.. There seems to be a fairly large amount of activity down there as well. They’re thinking this might be where the monsters roaming the caverns are coming from.” Mitsuki says before handing a large file over to the Dean.

The small mammal furrows his brow briefly as he starts to look through the images and data. His eyes slowly widen as he starts to finally understand what is happening. His hair stands up on end, his pupils dilate and he begins to shake in terror as it all comes together. “No… please no.” Nezu says quietly before rushing back to his desk and pulling out various topographical maps, frantically scanning each and every one of them. “Nezu, what’s wrong?” Mitsuki says as the small mammal rushes to the cork board and looks through the maps there. He pulls out three satellite images of the Aso, Aira and Kikai Calderas and takes them over to the board.

(Trigger Warning for any Geologists, Volcanologists, Seismologists and any other scientists. I have no idea what I’m doing. Seriously, this is Syfy Original Movie level BS.)

“Everything. If what I’m seeing is correct, everything is wrong.” The dean says before rushing back to his desk, clearing the papers from his computer keyboard and pressing a button which causes a large screen to descend in front of the cork board. He pulls up what appears to be a map of Eastern Asia on the left side and a full 3d model of all the maps of Evolution’s digging.

He frantically enters new data into a simulation on his computer. The new cavern suddenly appears on the map before he presses a button. Of the many tunnels connecting to the cavern, three larger ones light up. Each of the tunnels eventually wind their way toward each individual Caldera, with tunnels branching out from them as well while crossing throughout the entire nation. Nezu presses another button, which causes an explosion that collapses the main cavern. This collapse sets off a chain reaction of collapses which steadily make their way toward the Aso, Aira and Kikai Calderas. From there, the magma chambers of all three of them drop out from under them triggering multiple Earthquakes fault lines throughout Japan. The violent quakes combined with the massive space hollowed out by the attack below Japan rip the islands to pieces before they are swallowed by the sea and the earth, triggering enormous tidal waves and leaving a huge hole. Once the tidal waves recede, the water from the Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean begin spilling into it, eventually filling with enough water to visibly lower the sea level throughout the Earth.

Mitsuki’s eyes widen, her mouth is hanging open, her skin is pale, and she is shaking as much as Nezu is now. “What the hell? It’s like some apocalyptic Rube Goldberg device…” Mitsuki says in horror. “Indeed, and with it; he’s going to destroy Japan. Not just it’s people, but the very land itself…” Nezu says in shock.

“Holy sh*t… please tell me we can stop him.” Mitsuki asks. “I-it’s too late. We might be able to stop the explosion, although I highly doubt Evolution would allow that, but the best we can do is postpone the collapse. The damage done to the land even without the explosion would mean we have about a decade before Japan is gone.” Nezu says ominously. “And with the explosion?” Mitsuki asks fearfully. “Five hours at best…” Nezu adds.

Whoa… He isn’t playing around is he?

Omake 1: Earth’s population

The Earth’s total population is way smaller in this story than in the modern era, sitting at around 1.7 billion people. Mongolia is the largest nation on Earth with a population of around 480 million people, which is just a little more than one quarter of the population of Earth. America is number 2 at 147 million, Brazil is number 3 at 111 million, Abysinia is number four with 94 million and Mexico is number five at 72 million. While three of the most populous nations are in the Western Hemisphere, the majority of humanity is in the Eastern hemisphere. That being said, in a real twist of fate, Europe has actually become the least populous continent on Earth aside from Antarctica with a total population of only 61 million as opposed to Australia’s 63 million. Of that 61 million, 34 million people live in just six cities; Dublin, Paris, Barcelona, Berlin, Warsaw and Moscow. This low population has led to much of the continent being reclaimed by the wild. Europe’s low population is the main reason they can maintain the relatively high standard of living they have in the real world despite only accounting for a small percentage of the world’s total GDP.

Omake 2: The death of Mist

A seven-year-old version of Akira Yaoyorozu is helping Mitsuki Bakugo load a young calf into the back of a truck on a wide-open grass land. The animal looks to be a bit weak as the rest of the herd grazes. A faint boom can be heard in the distance and a few seconds later, a small gust of wind passes through the area. The cattle all look in unison toward the southeast, where a series of small bursts of orange can be seen. The noise gets louder, and the winds get stronger as the orange bursts get closer. The cattle, including the one Mitsuki is trying to get up in the bed of the pickup, begin to panic. Mitsuki puts the calf down as it and the others run away. “Akira, run.” Mitsuki says. The winds are raging as the silhouette of a man appears in the explosions.

“Aunt Mitsuki?” The young girl asks, she is slightly terrified by the situation. “RUN!” Mitsuki shouts as her son appears in an earlier version of the Grand Emperor’s costume. Akira does as she is told and a few seconds later, Katsuki slams into the ground like a meteor, kicking up dirt and rock in the process. He emerges from the crater, looking to be in his mid-thirties. Judging by a small cloud of dust coming from the direction of his ranch house, Rodeo appears to be on his way. She’s not entirely sure how much he’ll be able to help in this fight though, as while he is still a formidable opponent, he’s fairly old at this point.

“Katsuki.” Mitsuki says in a neutral tone. Inside, she is a mess of emotions, but she has to stay strong. “Mother… You’ve caused me a lot of grief over the past few years…” The ‘hero’ says quietly. “It’s not like you’re giving me much of a choice. What you’re doing over in Asia is wrong.” She says. She starts to search for a way to escape, just as she has done the last three times she fought him. Her eyes widen in shock and horror when she notices Akira peeking out from behind the truck. Katsuki seems to notice this as well. Katsuki throws a strange disk toward the truck before Mitsuki can respond. A red-light flashes as a needle shoots out of the disk and Akira shouts in pain. Before Mitsuki has a chance to respond, Katsuki releases a huge explosion, engulfing the truck and the girl. “AKIRA!!!!!” She shouts as Rodeo finally arrives. The man looks quite a bit older than before, likely in his late seventies by this point. “Mitsuki! Get out of here! I’ll hold him off!” Rodeo shouts.

“No, you won’t; you’re going to rush Akira to the hospital.” Katsuki says, gesturing to the crater. When the smoke clears, Rodeo and Mitsuki are horrified by Akira’s badly mutilated body. Much to their shock, the little girl is still breathing, despite missing her limbs and half her face. “That device I just used is one of Doctor Garuki’s latest inventions. It’s a temporary immortality serum. You have three days in which you can save her. I know for a fact that Mei, Nora and Melissa will be able to fix her with cybernetic intervention. But there’s one other thing you need to know… It has a built-in off switch, one that I can trigger with a thought. If Mitsuki tries to run, I flip the switch and Akira dies.” Katsuki says coldly. Mitsuki and Rodeo both freeze at this.

“Damn it.” Mitsuki says before pulling her gun from its holster. She tosses it to Rodeo, who manages to catch it. “Make sure Akira gets it when she’s old enough to start training to be a vigilante.” She says. “How the hell is she supposed to be a vigilante like this?!” Rodeo shouts in confusion. “She’s going to have to become a cyborg to live anyway, and with Mei and Nora there, I can guarantee she’ll get the tools she needs to do it. Just wish I still had my old arm to give her too, but that’s somewhere at the bottom of the Marianas trench right now.” Mitsuki says. Katsuki quirks an eyebrow “You’re not going to say something about giving it to her yourself once you escape?” Katsuki asks. Mitsuki glares at the monster masquerading as her son. “We both know I’m not getting out of here alive.” She says harshly. “True, I just expected you to say something snarky like that.” He says calmly.

Meanwhile Rodeo cradles the girl gently in his arms, wincing as some of her skin falls off. He knows the girl would be screaming if she were conscious. “God damn it, this kid’s going to be messed up for life, even if they do fix her… Give him hell Mitsuki.” The old hero says before activating his quirk and carefully rushing off at high speed while using his body to shield the girl from any further harm.

Mitsuki sighs before putting her hands up. Even if her current cybernetic arm doesn’t have all the abilities of her previous one, she’s still not going to lie down and die. Katsuki glares at the woman before sighing. “Alright then.” He says calmly before his gear starts clicking and whirring. His armor and gauntlets start to open up, allowing him to step out of them. He is wearing an insulated body suit below the armor which makes it clear that he has bulked up a bit since his time at school, but he still has a lithe, flexible form. He assumes his own combative stance, making it clear that he has no intention of using his quirks. This really doesn’t change the outcome, as Dr. Garaki’s transformation also enhanced his physical capabilities well beyond superhuman anyway.

Mitsuki surges forward fist co*cked hoping to at least do a little damage. Much to her surprise, Katsuki doesn’t bother dodging, allowing her punch to hit him right in the center of his face. He seems completely unharmed by this attack though. “Damn. Even without using his hardening quirk, he’s tough as hell.” She goes for a leg sweep, but Katsuki jumps over her leg with ease before driving his foot into her knee. He didn’t break her leg, using just enough pressure to hyper extend her knee. Mitsuki grunts in pain as she tries to push herself back with her good leg. Much to her surprise, Katsuki allows her to escape. A vein in Mitsuki’s head pops up. “GOD DAMN IT YOU BASTARD, WE BOTH KNOW YOU ALREADY WON THIS FIGHT, BUT THE LEAST YOU CAN DO IS TRY TO TAKE IT SERIOUSLY!” Mitsuki screams in anger and despair.

Katsuki quirks an eyebrow at this. “Bastard? I thought I was a brat.” Katsuki says emotionlessly. Mitsuki scowls at him. “You are NOT my brat… My son died years ago at the hands of that bastard Garaki.” She says bitterly. Katsuki shrugs at this. “Fair enough.” He says before surging at a breakneck pace. Mitsuki barely has time to put her mechanical arm out to block. Unfortunately, Katsuki’s punch was powerful enough to shatter the carbon steel prosthetic and send her skipping across the ground. When the dust clears, both of her legs and her hip appear to have broken on impact with the ground. To her credit though, she continues trying to get back to her feet, but it’s clear that she can’t stand anymore after that. Katsuki slowly walks up to the woman. One punch was all it took to take out her arm and both of her legs. When Katsuki gets to the struggling woman, he grabs her by the head and pulls her up to eye level.

“Any last words?” Katsuki asks coldly as they look each other in the eye. Mitsuki spits in his face while also taking a swing at him with her one remaining arm. “Go to hell, you bastard.” She says angrily. Katsuki pauses at this. “I won’t lie, that probably is where I’ll end up.” He says before breaking her neck by twisting her head 180 degrees. “But not today.” He adds before dropping the now dead woman. He stares down at her corpse with a cold, dead expression on his face. “I suppose that’s it then. All these years being a thorn in my side finally caught up to you.” Katsuki says before raising his hand. He releases a powerful explosion that can be heard for miles around. When the smoke clears, Mitsuki’s body has been destroyed. He then turns around as his armor flies up from the ground and reattaches itself. He pauses before saying; “Goodbye… mother.” With that, he leaps into the air and flies away with his explosions.

Holy sh*t… That was just cold.

Omake 3: Sparks in the Shadows

What the-? A lemon with no sight of Izuku?
We’re taking a new route this time guys, Izuku’s not the only one getting lucky.
Lemon Warning

The door of an empty storage room in the underground gym flies open and Denki comes flying through the air before landing on a thankfully padded spare weightlifting bench. His pants are long gone, and his shirt has been torn in half. Altogether, it looks like he’s been attacked by a wild animal. A shadow emerges from the front of the bench just as Denki looks toward it, half in fear, half in arousal. When the shadow finally takes form, Wajonna Black is standing there fully nude with a mildly feral look of arousal in her eyes. The reddish-brown skinned woman may not be the most stacked woman on earth, but she definitely has an erotic figure. Her 32 B breasts are incredibly perky and bouncy and her slightly darker nipples and slightly smaller than normal areolas only make her even more attractive.

She stalks toward her prey, swaying her 34-inch hips erotically. This is where her main asset comes in. While she is quite a bit more petite in build compared to some of the other athletic women he knows, her ass is definitely toned and bouncy. The modestly large, bouncy ass cheeks are alluring to the eye and her skin appears to be unusually flawless. Moreover, there’s barely even a hint of body hair on her, a feature she owes to her Native American ancestry. The sight of her completely shaven puss* practically drooling with arousal causes Denki’s erection to stand fully at attention.

She pounces on top of the man and with one swift movement, his boxers are gone, leaving his moderately girthy seven-inch-long co*ck standing at attention. One thing that he’s learned is that Wajonna is not one who likes to waste time with foreplay, she knows what she wants, and she takes it, and she can be rough about it. She pulls out a bottle of lube and slathers it on his co*ck as quickly as possible before slamming her ass on his dick, driving him balls deep into her anus with a loud clap. “Alright Sparky, you know what to do.” She says hungrily. On cue, Denki channels a weak pulse of electricity through his co*ck and his eyes roll into the back of his skull at the sensation. He has no idea where she got this particular lubricant, but apparently it greatly increases sensitivity and even causes the substance to vibrate mildly.

With that, Wajonna pumps her hips like a mad woman in a cowgirl position. Denki groans in pleasure as she rapidly f*cks herself, essentially reducing him to a living sex toy, not that he seems to mind in the slightest. She bends down and almost bites into his neck as she tries to mark the man as hers. “f*ck man, she’s an animal.” Denki says before grabbing her cheeks in his hands, sending a mild shock through them as well as he gropes her ass roughly. Judging by the borderline growl he receives in response, Wajonna approves. She continues f*cking the daylights out of the man for another two minutes before leaping off of him, pushing his legs back and slamming her ass back down on him in a reverse amazon position. Denki appears to be mesmerized by the vigorous bouncing of her ass cheeks. About thirty seconds later, both Wajonna and Denki feel the end is near. It takes another three pumps before Denki’s erupts inside of the darker woman’s anus, and action which pushes her over the edge as well as she squirts rather violently all over the bench and his legs.

There’s little time to rest though, as Wajonna leaps off him, the sight of his cum falling out of her mildly gaping asshole greatly increasing his arousal. She grabs him by the arm and tosses him against a pad on the wall, likely something she set up ahead of time. She literally runs toward him before dropping down to her knees and basically inhaling his co*ck, deep throating the man with the greatest of ease for the next thirty seconds in order to get him rock hard again.

From here, she leaps up and wraps her legs around his neck before driving his co*ck all the way into her puss* with zero restraint as he is driven further into the wall. You’d think she’d be at his mercy in this position, but nope. Somehow, Wajonna remains in complete control as she lunges forward and kisses him hard while driving his back into the wall while pumping her hips wildly into his own. Denki winces slightly as his hips start to hurt a bit from the force of her f*cking him into the wall. She continues to f*ck him like this for the next two minutes until both of them come close to their end. With one last slam of her hips, Wajonna screams in bliss as her puss* begins to spasm around him. This pushes Denki over the edge as well, causing him to deliver a second cream pie to her puss*. Wajonna finally releases him from the kiss and rolls her eyes as she notices the vacant expression on his face. “Whey…” Denki says as he slides down the wall into a seated position.

He shakes his head a bit and comes back to Earth only to be met with the sight of his smiling girlfriend with right hand on her hip as his cum drips down her leg. Despite how tired he is, Wajonna doesn’t even look slightly winded. She looks at a clock in the room and sighs. “Damn, break’s over.” She says before walking over and kissing him on the cheek before tossing him a blanket and a spare set of clothes. “Sorry I can’t stay any longer.” She says with genuine affection in her voice. Denki chuckles at this. “I’m not. Pretty sure you’d kill me if you did. You’re a wild animal.” He replies. This causes Wajonna to blush profusely. Apparently she has no problem being aggressive in the bedroom, but she tends to get embarrassed when you bring it up. Denki smiles warmly at the woman though.

“It’s not a bad thing. I just wish I could keep up. That’s part of why I was at the gym in the first place.” He says. Wajonna’s blush deepens as she seems genuinely touched by the gesture. “St-stop doing that damn it!” She pouts before blushing even more. Denki smiles at the woman. “Nope, I love breaking that tough girl façade of yours almost as much as I lo-“ He starts to say before his eyes widen and they both freeze. He’s never actually said that word to her yet, and she hasn’t said it to him either. Their relationship has been advancing just as fast as their sex life has, but neither one of them seems ready to say that. “I-I need to get back to scouting. I’ll see you later.” She says before merging back into the shadows. Her shadow rushes over to a nearby corner and grabs what he can only assume is a bag with her clothes and basically vanishing, leaving Denki to reflect on what he had just almost said.

Wow. Wajonna really is a wild one.
Lemon end.


Omake 4

A Satanic Family Special

Ibara is pacing nervously while Itsuka, Reiko and Jurota appear to be trying to calm the girl down while Yui sits quietly nearby. Pony is in a nearby forest, foraging with Kinoko to keep her away as the chaotic mushroom lady tends to make delicate situations worse and Itsuka may or may not have spilled the beans about a date Daisuke and Ryukyu were on to distract Setsuna. “Look I know your daughter isn’t exactly what your religion would consider a righteous person; but I’m sure your parents will accept her eventually.” Itsuka says. Ibara turns to look at her and sighs. “That’s not what I’m worried about. Yes my father is a very religious man, but he is also a tolerant one as well. He is a firm believer in not forcing others to comply with his own beliefs and he tries as hard as possible not to be judgmental. I’m sure he’ll even accept Rayalas once he gets over the shock of her origin. I’m more worried about what will happen if Rayalas’ father shows up. Nezu already told us he is in the area right now.” Ibara says.

“Mom, it’s going to be okay. Ray knows how to deal with her old man.” Hayami says as she and her fiancé Rayalas enter the room. Rayalas ducks slightly in spite of the large doorway. “Uh, why’d you duck?” Jurota asks as Ibara rushes to her daughter. Rayalas blushes after she realizes what she did. “Oh, Uhh, most doors on Earth were smaller in the prequirk era. I just got used to ducking to fit through the door.” The demon says.

“Hayami! Why are you dressed like that?! I thought I asked you to dress more modestly!” Ibara says. “What? I did, I’m not showing any cleavage at all!” Hayami says defensively. She currently has her normal leather jacket zipped up, but her pants were tight, a bit too tight. “Uhh, babe? Those pants are really tight. I can see a bit of camel toe.” Rayalas says. Ibara looks to her future Daughter-In-Law and sighs while Hayami readjusts her pants. Rayalas is in her typical knee length skirt and nerdy business style attire. “A succubus who happens to be the daughter of the devil himself has more modesty than my daughter, this has to be some kind of joke.” She says before her phone rings. She opens it up and sees a message from her mother. “Oh, it looks like they were delayed, they won’t be here until after lunch. Something about an explosion on the highway? And what does she mean it smells like rotten eggs?” Ibara says. Rayalas sighs explosively at this. “Probably my father’s doing. If I know him, he’s getting ready for Poker Night with Dean Nezu, Dr. Aviar and a few other buddies from other parts of existence. He blew up the highway to delay them until after he was done.” Rayalas says. “Well at least we have a little more time now. Izuku’s going to be busy for a couple of hours anyway.” Itsuka says. “I suppose I could work on tending to the underground greenhouse to calm my nerves.” Ibara says. “Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. How about I come with you?” Itsuka replies. Ibara smiles at the red head. “Thank you, but I’d really rather be alone for right now.” Ibara adds before getting up and leaving. A few seconds pass after Ibara leaves the room before Pony speaks up. “This is going to be a disaster, isn’t it?” The horned girl says. “Mhm.” Yui replies.


A few hours later

Ibara, Izuku and Hayami are all sitting in the living room. It appears that tending to the greenhouse did not work, as Ibara looks far more nervous than before as she awaits the arrival of her parents. “Ibara, calm down it’s going to be fine.” Izuku says, grabbing one of her hands and squeezing. “Fine? FINE?!” Ibara starts to shout in a panic. She never notices the door open, nor does she notice Dean Nezu with a rather short woman with a fairly strong resemblance to Ibara, only with a more angular chin and dark brown eyes. While she does have vines for hair, hers do not appear to move the way Ibara’s do. Beside her is a very tall, slender man in black slacks, a button up white shirt, a dark red vest and a blue tie with a cross on it. “Izuku, I’m about to explain to my heavily Christian parents that my child, who I have with a man that is also with nineteen other women; is not only a Wiccan but is engaged to a literal demon! A succubus no less!” Ibara says.

“Wait, she’s engaged to a what?” The man says, causing Ibara to go wide eyed in horror. She whirls around and freezes when she sees her shocked parents. “Father?!” Ibara says. The man, clearly realizing how much his daughter is panicking, walks over to the girl and hugs her. “It’s going to be okay Sunshine. We already knew most of what you just said. Reginald and Hayami came to meet us a few days ago, and she was straight forward about her religious beliefs and her father’s situation.” The man says before turning to look at Izuku. “We will be discussing that by the way. I don’t really like to judge people over being in nontraditional relationships, but twenty women does seem a bit extreme. If nothing else, I need to know my daughter is taken care of.” The man adds. “Didn’t King Solomon have more wives than that?” Hayami asks. “Yes, and they ended up leading him astray.” Enix replies. The woman also comes over to hug her daughter, causing Ibara to start crying.

“It’s alright Sunshine, I will always love you, regardless of any choice you make and so will your mother.” The man adds. The woman makes a few hand signals which Izuku recognizes as sign language, likely reaffirming the man’s words. Izuku can’t help but smile as he and Hayami approach the family. The father looks over to Izuku and smiles. “Oh right, before I forget. I am Enix Shiozaki and this is my wife Chiaki. And before you ask, yes, she was using sign language before, she’s unable to speak due to a condition she was born with.” Enix says.

Enix and Chiaki Shiozaki
Enix’s Quirk; Plant Manipulation: Enix is able to make soft bodied plants such as flowers and vines move if he is within fifty feet of them.
Chiaki’s Quirk; Growth Enhancement: Chiaki is able to cause plants to grow rapidly. She does this with energy absorbed from the sun via her vine hair.

Like Katsuki, Ibara’s quirk is a perfect blend of two seemingly weaker quirks to create a powerful one.

“Now then.” Enix says before turning an eye toward Hayami. “When you say Succubus, do you mean she has a quirk that makes her look like one?” He asks. Ibara freezes as Hayami sighs. “No grandfather. Rayalas is an actual Succubus, a literal demon born of Hell. She’s actually the queen of Succubae.” Hayami says, leaving the man speechless. “B-but she’s not a bad person though! Sh-she’s actually rather sweet and honestly nothing like what I imagined a demon to be like!” Ibara interjects. “Hmm, Succubae are potent corruptors, and if she truly is their queen, that would make her even more powerful. Are you absolutely sure Hayami hasn’t been corrupted by her?” Enix says. Izuku chuckles at this. “Honestly, when you meet her; you’ll probably think Hayami is the one who corrupted her.” He jokes. Hayami sends a slight pout toward her father, but then sighs as she realizes he’s right.

“Yeah, like my mother said, she’s nothing like what you’d imagine her to be. She’s actually waiting in the other room; do you want to meet her?” Hayami asks. Enix blinks as his wife squeezes his arm. “I do believe that would be the best course of action, yes.” He says before remembering his tie. “Wait, do I need to put this away? I don’t want to hurt her if she’s friendly.” He asks before grabbing his tie. “Nah, like I said, she’s the Queen of Succubae, she’s not really affected by crosses. Just don’t ask her to come to church, that would hurt her.” Hayami says before exiting the room. When she returns a few seconds later, she has Rayalas with her. Ibara’s parents are actually shocked by how conservatively dressed she is; having expected something more risqué from a demon of seduction.

“H-hello. My name is Rayalas.” The demon says, bowing respectfully. “Huh. Definitely not what I was expecting.” Enix says. “Look, I know that I’m technically the enemy of your entire faith-“ Rayalas says. “Whoa, hold on; we don’t have to be enemies. I know you’re a demon and I’m a Christian Minister; but God is quite clear that we are not to judge. Jesus himself preferred to be around tax collectors and prostitutes because they needed him more. Besides, it’s not like you’re the Devil himself.” Enix says. Rayalas quirks an eyebrow at Hayami. “You haven’t told them yet?” She asks. Before anyone can respond, a ball of flame explodes on the opposite side of the room. The flames vanish, leaving an unnaturally black cloud of smoke with the smell of sulfur. Shota and Hizashi rush into the room in their full gear, ready for a fight with Nemuri behind them, ready to use her gas at a moment’s notice.

As the smoke clears, they can see the silhouette of a very tall figure. The figure is holding what appears to be a pitchfork, and he has large, folded wings on his back and massive curled ram horns on each side of his head. The figure opens his eyes, which glow red with twisted malice. Everyone other than Rayalas, Hayami and Nezu immediately prepare for a fight as an intense wave of fear passes over them; only for it to immediately vanish as the figure starts coughing. “Ahh *cough* Ah sh*t. Why d- *cough, cough* Why do I even use this thing anymore?” A masculine voice says before coughing a few more times.

The smoke clears and trepidation gives way to shock. While the man is clearly very tall, he does not look to be in very good shape. The demon in front of them appears to be a fairly fat, older balding man with wrinkles and dark red skin. What’s left of his hair is slicked back with grease, completing the image of a sleezeball car salesman. “W-wait, what? That’s him?” Izuku asks before turning to Ibara. “I thought the bible described him as handsome.” He adds. “Oh, for f*ck sakes, look here broccoli boy, the newest part of the bible is well over two thousand years old, and the book of Genesis is way older. A lot can happen over that amount of time. And besides, I still got the old charm amirite ladies?” He says before giving Nemuri the old finger guns. The teacher, for her part; recoils at the gesture. “Ah what the f*ck ever.” He says.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa; look there’s no need for hostility. Look, I don’t know which one of Rayalas’ demon friends you are, but we should probably get the introductions out of the way. Hello, I’m Enix Shiozaki, Reverand of the Yokohoma Church of Christ.” Enix says before smiling and extending a hand. The demon blinks a few times before bursting into a fit of laughter. “Who am I? Buddy, I’m the very antithesis of your religion. I’m not just a demon, I’m THE Demon. I am the Prince of Darkness himself; Lucifer, but you can just call me Satan.” The man says, causing the Reverend to recoil.

Name: Lucifer
Formal Title: The Prince of Darkness, Satan
Height: 8’2”
Weight: 641 lbs
Gender: Male
Birthday: Unknowable to mortals
Age: Beyond our ability to understand
Blood Type: ?
Magic: Lucifer is most likely the most powerful magic wielding being to have ever existed. His expertise is not just limited to the ‘Dark Arts’ either. He is capable of effortlessly wielding all types of magic. Even the Oovarians were wary of him.
Hell’s Armies: As the Highest-ranking Demon; Satan has the full might of the Abrahamic (Christianity, Judaism and Islam) Hells at his disposal.

Superhuman strength and speed: Despite his out of shape appearance: Satan is an immensely powerful being. Even All Might would not be able to match his power.

Near Invulnerability: Lucifer’s body is incredibly difficult to damage, to the point where even exploding nuclear explosions; can’t harm him. Even if someone does get through his tough hide, he has a fairly powerful healing factor. He is also the closest thing to a true immortal in existence not counting Reginald Barrister.

Charisma: Again, in spite of his appearance, Lucifer is still a master of manipulation. The slovenly jack ass routine is merely a front he is capable of dropping at a moment’s notice.

Basic Biography: The Morning Star, the King of Lies, the Dark Prince; he has many names; but one thing always remains the same; he is the very essence of Evil itself. While most depictions of Satan portray him as handsome, those same depictions are also very old. Nevertheless, Lucifer is still one of the most powerful beings in existence. He’s also a major asshole.

“You’re… God protect us.” Enix says before putting himself in front of his wife and daughter. “Ehh, he might already be doing that.” Satan says while winking at Nezu; who chuckles. “W-why are you here?” Enix says, pulling his tie back out. “OH f*ck! IT’S A CROSS, ANYTHING BUT A CROSS, AH CRAP I’M BURNING!” Satan shouts mockingly as flames erupt around him for dramatic effect before immediately being snuffed out. “Seriously though, that really only works on lower ranking demons. It doesn’t even actually do anything to them; they’re just too stupid to realize the symbol harmless. It’s churches that you really need to worry about. And not even all of them. My influence is actually stronger in corrupt churches. Especially in some of the Catholic Churches. Seriously, the priests are supposed to command me to get out of children, but I spent more time telling them to stay out of children.” Satan says before he looks over to the door and notices the Dean. “Oh, hey Nezu.” Satan says before snapping his fingers. A large bowl made of bone wrapped in human skin with a stretched agonized face on it appears. “I brought Salsa made with the hottest peppers the Moyranas Valley of Blades has to offer for poker night.” Satan says. “Lucifer.” The dean responds. Hizashi leans over to Shota and whispers “Wait, so Dean Nezu is on a first name basis with the Devil himself?” Shota quirks an eyebrow at this. “Are you really surprised?” The sleep deprived teacher asks. “No, just wanted to be sure we’re on the same page.” Present Mic adds.

“Wait.” Shota asks before squinting at the face on the bowl. His eyes widen in recognition. “Is that Donald Trump’s face on that bowl?” Shota asks. Satan snorts at this. “Yep, I skinned him alive a few centuries ago; I only use this bowl for Mexican food to add insult to injury.” He says before remembering Enix’s question.

He looks over to Hayami and Rayalas and laughs. “You seriously didn’t tell them? Holy sh*t, and people think I’m evil.” Satan says before turning to Enix. “I got a poker game here tonight with Nezu; he actually managed to get Rick Sanchez C-137, Deadpool from Earth-616 and Cthulhu all at the same time, their schedules never line up.” Satan says; as if that explains it. “Oh and I’m the Succubitch’s father.” He adds. He says. The fear Enix once felt was instantly replaced by anger. “Wait, what did you call her? Why would you call your own daughter that?!” Enix says angrily. “Did you forget who you’re talking to? Believe me, name calling’s rather tame compared to some of the stuff I’ve done to her.” Satan replies

“Why are you here jackass?” Rayalas asks coldly. “Really? Two hundred years and that’s the first thing you say to me? Sheesh, kids these days.” Satan says. “Cut the crap dad, you tried to kill Hayami.” Rayalas adds, getting a horrified gasp from Ibara and a look of anger from Enix. “Well yeah, she killed your uncle Sloth. She had it coming.” Satan adds. “You hated Sloth.” Rayalas retorts. “Well duh, he was way more of a fat, lazy slob than I am. Still, he was family. Besides, that Narut-zi Scorpion was just a baby; if she couldn’t handle that there’s no way she’s worthy of one of my children.” Satan responds.

“Don’t act like you care, you’ve always hated me.” Rayalas says “Of course I do your disappointment and your mother’s a grade A bitch.” Further infuriating Enix. The man marches straight up to the Devil with fire in his eyes. “Ooh, looks like we got a feisty one here.” Satan says mockingly. Enix takes a second to breathe and somehow manages to reign in his temper. “Okay, look. I don’t care who you are; if Rayalas truly is your daughter; then that’s no way to talk to her. Regardless, I still believe that family is a bond that should be able to transcend even the worst of circ*mstances so long as it’s not toxic. Now in addition to being a Minister, I also happen to be a family counselor. “Oh sh*t, a psychologist. Hold on, if we’re doing this, we need to do this right.” Satan says before snapping his fingers and a long skin tone couch appears for him to fall back on. “Look Doc, it was all my mother’s fault! She was just too sexy! Wait, what? I don’t even have a mother.” He says before looking down at the couch. “Oh right, I made this couch out of Sigmund Freud.” He adds. Satan laughs at his joke before standing back up and making the couch disappear.

“Seriously, though, if you must know, the main problem we have is her attempts on my life.” Enix recoils at this. “I know, right? She’s never even tried to kill me once!” Satan adds. “Wait… You’re mad because she HASN’T tried to kill you?” Enix asks dumb founded. “Yeah! She hasn’t tried to shoot me, stab me, blow me up; hell; she’s never even tried to poison my food! Not that that would even work anymore; my food’s been poisoned so often I’ve developed an immunity to every poison known to man and demon. Can’t even eat a steak nowadays unless it’s seasoned with a bit of cyanide.” Satan comments before turning back to Rayalas. “Speaking of which; your two-year-old nephew just made his first attempt on my life last night and it was a doozy too, how he managed to fit the Bladed Salamander of Gortassin into my toilet is a mystery to me.” Satan says. “And here I thought my family was f*cked up.” Shota comments. “Wait a two-year-old? Surely you showed him some leniency then, right?” Enix asks in shock.

“Eh, kind of. I punted the little bastard into the Chasm of HIV Positive Syringes; but I’ll throw him one hell of a party when he climbs out in about a hundred years or so.” Satan adds. Enix looks positively livid now. “You’re a monster. I’ve never encountered a family more toxic than yours.” Enix says. “I repeat, I am Satan. Of course, my family dynamics are f*cked up.” Satan says. In a twist no one saw coming, Chiaki appears to be hugging Rayalas’ arm supportively. Enix sighs at this. “I suppose this family is just far too toxic to save.” Enix says before turning to Rayalas. “I guess we’ll just have to provide a better family for her ourselves.” He adds. Satan grins viscously at this. “Then my work is done.” Satan says before opening a portal and throwing the Pitchfork through it. “Not using that thing again.” He mutters to himself before snapping his finger and vanishing in a puff of smoke and leaving everyone else confused. “Wait… What just happened?” Izuku asks in confusion. Nezu bursts into laughter as Rayalas face palms and Enix seems to have a look of hope in his eyes as he turns to the Succubus. “No, that was not a ray of hope. If anything, it was just one of the more twisted parts of our relationship.” Rayalas says, confusing the man.

“While Lucifer is indeed evil, not all of his deeds will be. My guess is that he used his horrible attitude toward his daughter to ease you into accepting her. However, he did not do this out of the kindness of his heart, he did this to create a small sliver of hope, that way the inevitable disappointment still has an impact. Afterall, if you know there is no chance for your situation to change, then it’s really not that devastating a blow..” Nezu explains.

“Just like Evolution…” Izuku says quietly. “And that’s the only real reason my father hates him.” Rayalas says. “Wait, isn’t Evolution invading his Kingdom right now?” Ibara asks. “Wait, Hell is being invaded?” Enix asks. “Yes, all of the afterlife realms are under attack by Evolution. Even Heaven is being assaulted.” Nezu says. “Heaven… my word, he’s invading Heaven?” “He’s not really invading Heaven, Michael and the rest of the angels are holding him at the gate with little issue. God is really the only being he knows he can’t take on yet.” Rayalas replies. “And Hell being invaded is nothing new. The various hells are constantly warring with each other. Lucifer hates Evolution because he’s becoming a better version of him. He’s never even reached the gate of Heaven; no hostile force has until now.” Hayami adds. “Michael, you mean the Archangel Michael?” Enix asks. “Yep, he’s a nice guy but you do not want to get on his bad side.” Nezu says. “Can we stop talking about this now? The affairs of the afterlife have always been a touchy subject for Ray.” Hayami says. “It’s okay babe, I had a feeling that your grandfather would take an interest in that. Most clergymen do.” Rayalas replies. “Well, we can discuss that later then. Right now, my wife and I would prefer to settle into our guest rooms. We just got back from an emergency meeting of the Council of Independent Churches in Louisiana yesterday so we’re still dealing with a bit jet lag.” Enix says. “Fair enough. Your room is in the civilian guest ward of the bunker system. We gave Rayalas and Hayami a room there as well and Ibara chose to relocate to the area for the duration of your stay as well. So long for now.” Nezu says as the group disperses.

A/N: Well, it’s been a bit hasn’t it? I know I promised this would be the launching pad for the next phase of insanity. And with the last revelation, it was. But I am not approaching it the way I did the last one. Honestly it all hit the fan way too fast last time. Instead, I’m going to ramp it up. Unlike last time, this attack is going to be global. You’ll get the response to the last part in the next chapter followed by the true kick off for the insanity.

Anyway, the chapter started out with a new relationship emerging. Daisuke appears to have hooked up with Ryukyu at some point before the story even began. What’s worse, Tsu and Mina caught them in a rather intimate moment. But the woman Tsu chose to intern ends up being her son’s girl friend? Talk about awkward. Luckily Tsu seems perfectly fine with it, and she even manages to land some serious smack talk on Mina as a bonus, snarky frog for the win!

From there we get into the bulk of the chapter. As I said before, this attack is going to be global. To help create this type of global chaos, I decided to start the international studies now to send the students and some of heroes to other parts of the world. They’ll be split between Paris, France; San Diego, California; Apo in Dinemakȟóčhe and the nation of Ghana in west Africa. However, that doesn’t mean these are the only places that will be hit.

We learned that the city of Apo is actually in the process of relocating. The Lakota Sioux have lived in that region for a long time by this point, so they know the land well. When the Yellowstone Caldera starts acting up; they take it seriously. For those who may not know; the Yellowstone Caldera is one of the few super volcanoes on Earth capable of causing a VEI-8 level eruption, which could potentially end human civilization. The Long Valley Caldera in California; Valles in New Mexico (We Americans have three of the nine active super volcanos on Earth in our backyard yay! This is an honor we share with Japan, who has three of their own.); Toba, in Indonesia; Taupo in New Zealand, Atitlán in Guatemala; and Aira, Kikai and Aso, all three of which are in Japan.

From there, we learn that Izuku and Ochako are both staying in Japan, as both of their trainers are there. Ochako learns that it’s her turn to get the crap kicked out of her by Gran Torino and Izuku actually gets a major shock. With the help of a little temporal manipulation, Reginald manages to create a pocket dimension separate from Earth’s timeline as a whole. This allows him to bring back all seven of the deceased wielders of One for All. With their help, hopefully Izuku will learn how to use his quirks together, seeing as he only gained the combat knowledge of each individual past users, who never developed the other quirks like Izuku did.

From there. We learn a bit more about the international classes and get to see an odd assortment of students at the gym. Nirengeki is trying to drop some weight (I’m in the same boat right now), Wajonna shows up for a booty call and Himiko can’t stop stabbing the punching bags, her urge to stab things is just too strong. We learn from Wajonna that the city of Apo is being moved from the Yellowstone area to what is currently Denver, Colorado. The region around Denver is covered in mountains, it gets a fairly decent amount of snowfall and it’s over a mile above sea level, presenting unique challenges to any potential invaders. That’s actually one of the reasons Denver is rather high on the list of potential replacements for Washington D.C. as the capitol should the current capitol of the United States fall. From there we learn that the Knatar are making their first formal contact with humanity; marking the first official interaction between humans and an alien species. Nezu actually uses this announcement to inform Mina that she has a Knatar visitor herself. She and Mina meet up with Ra’kbor, the Knatar mechanic / head of the moon base who apparently took care of her when she was a baby until she could be placed on Earth with her adoptive parents. Both Meis, Nora and Isamu are already there, as they would never miss a chance to interact with a being from a highly advanced alien civilization. While Ra’kbor was checking up on her though, she ends up dropping a bombshell on Mina, apparently Phylarian Queens have an absurdly long-life span, as in several hundred thousand years. Mina does not take this information very well. Thankfully Nora knew exactly who to call about this, someone who’s been through the very thing that freaks Mina out the most about her long-life span.

She ends up fleeing into the wilderness, only to be found by the pseudo-immortal vigilante Mist, aka Mitsuki Bakugou. When Mina reveals that she’s mostly upset about out living her son Hibiki, and everyone else by extension; Mitsuki ends up explaining that she’s already done that.

We learn that Katsuki’s dad was not her first spouse, nor was Katsuki her only child. He had an older half-sister from Doortje Beekhof, who was also half Dutch. Mitsuki also had two husbands and a wife before she met Masaru. She shows Mina the only picture she has of her two children together. Katsuki was only 9 months old and Dortje was a whopping 107. She had experienced exactly what Mina was afraid of already. She tells her that it never gets easier, but she’ll survive. Then she baits Toru into revealing herself, Izuku and Hibiki by calling her a streaker. From there, we learn that Hibiki will also live a lot longer than his siblings, though not nearly as long as Mina will. Hibiki even reveals that there are entire cities made of nothing but pseudo immortals. He also informs her that pseudo-immortals rarely live past 50,000 years old anyway. The longer you live, the higher the chances that something other than old age will kill you. Reginald and Evolution are extreme anomalies, the second oldest is a 270-million-year-old Trilobite, who happens to be a villain. There are only 37 beings more than fifty thousand years old, including Reginald, Evolution, the previously mentioned Trilobite, Quetzalcoatl and an Oviraptor by the name of Beekog. Setsuna will not be happy when she learns that the Izukids know of a living dinosaur and never told her.

From there, we move to the next bombshell reveal. Inko Midoriya opens this particular scene as she meets with Reginald, Daisuke, Rika, and All Might. With Rodeo, Rot Fist and Star and Stripe, Hawks and El Rinoceronte coming in as added protection and Contingency and Harbinger being there for emotional support as two of Mitsuki’s closest friends. Inko is understandably confused and overwhelmed by the sheer power assembled in the room, but the sight of two of her grandchildren initially overpowers that. The time for everyone to learn of the Grand Emperor had come.

From there, we get to see more of what happened in Hokkaido. What comes after only makes it more devastating as Akira Yaoyorozu enters the room. It is revealed that the Grand Emperor was the one who not only crippled her for life; but murdered his own mother. Once they start to process what they learned, they are about to start planning how to deal with the situation, only for Mitsuki to bust down the door before they get the chance. Mitsuki and Katsuki both end up going into a state of blind rage; with an extra layer of denial out of Mitsuki. Of course, there was no way anyone was going to convince Mitsuki unless she had undeniable proof. Which she got in the form of the Grand Emperor himself, along with his two cohorts. Masumi and Okimi joined the group, with Masumi even threatening the man with microbes she planted in her body should he get out of line. This leads to a mental breakdown for Mitsuki and a full-blown attack from Katsuki. The first explosion is powerful, but it doesn’t even scratch the Grand Emperor. He launches a devastating volley of explosions, only for the Grand Emperor’s hand to reach out and grab him by the forehead before tossing him away like a ragdoll. Izuku quickly recognizes the other quirk the Grand Emperor used there, shocking everyone when he points out that it is Ejiro Kirishima’s quirk.

We learned yet another one of Katsuki’s atrocities. He left the entire Western Hemisphere, around forty million people, to die. All Might ends up bringing up the destruction of Hokkaido, forcing him to reveal exactly what the blight spore does. We get another bombshell, as apparently Rika was once a part of the Grand Emperor’s forces. After learning what the Blight Spore truly was, even the most stalwart of heroes were forced to admit that what he had done was a necessary mercy killing.

The blows just keep on coming though, this time from Akira Yaoyorozu as she reveals just how badly the Grand Emperor hurt her. Momo is understandably distraught by this, and Izuku isn’t much better. We get another badass grandma moment out of Inko Midoriya as she slugs her second super villain this week. This woman truly has no fear. But then the Grand Emperor dropped another bombshell on the group. The Grand Emperor was the one who murdered his own mother, using the threat of allowing Akira to die to keep her from fleeing. Eventually the Grand Emperor leaves, but not before Hawks and Neito have a chance to face down their counterparts as well. The Grand Emperor does his part to calm Mitsuki by informing her that he is not her son, the transformation that made him what he is essentially killed the old Katsuki Bakugo.

Once everything clears out, Momo and Izuku approach Akira. Momo is on the verge of a complete meltdown and Izuku isn’t much better. Akira reveals that Momo had initially been opposed to her becoming a vigilante in her timeline. Akira then destroys her father by mentioning that, in spite of her injuries, she still hadn’t broken as many bones as Izuku.

An hour later, Eijiro tries to lighten the mood by pointing out that this is the second time in less than a week that Inko has punched a supervillain. We also get to learn a bit more about how Inko uses her quirk at work. The ability to telekinetically move around organs and tissues is very helpful in an operating room. Then Rodeo performs two of the most important duties of a father of a girl, embarrassing his daughter and threatening her boyfriend all in one go. Izuku wants to check in on Katsuki, but apparently someone completely unexpected decided to do it first, Neito Monoma.

We cut to Katsuki, who is currently in full meltdown as he proves he’d be great at demolition should the whole hero thing not work out. Neito comes in with his usual snark before revealing he wanted to check in on him, much to Katsuki’s understandable confusion. We learn a bit more about how Katsuki is handling the deaths of his classmates. Out of all of them, it appears that Shoto’s death rattled him the most; as before the recent changes, Shoto was really the only person in class that Katsuki wasn’t sure he could beat. Learning that Mirio Togata died rattled him even more and finding out that nearly a third of the country was dead put him in a state of shock. Hawks comes in as well, adding that the Musketeer and many other foreign heroes were killed in the fight too. The three of them deal with the fact that they are apparently big bad guys from the future, with Katsuki bringing up the whole villainous quirk thing. Hawks shoots that down immediately saying that even he could be a villain with his quirk, and a terrifying one at that. Katsuki asks him if he could kill his own mother, to which Hawks replies with him being an orphan.

Reginald comes in and reveals that even he has doubts as to whether he is the good guy sometimes. He even informs them that he has occasionally had to make the same type of decision the Grand Emperor made in Hokkaido, but on a universal scale. He also brings up what Rika said about abandoning the Western Hemisphere, specifically how many died because of the decision, 40 million people. When Neito questions why Janna-Jabalia was chosen over the Western Hemisphere, his elder doppelganger comes in and reveals that the Brazilians had mostly civilians, Janna-Jabalia had fighters and scientists. This turns into an existential debate regarding whether past incarnations are truly the same people. It’s after the Grand Chancellor takes his leave that the real surprise occurs, as Reginald seems to have brought none other than the Hero Killer: Stain to help solve this issue in the most on brand way possible; by threatening to kill them while simultaneously acknowledging the similarities between himself and the Chancellor.

This is when Mitsuki Bakugo enters the picture, prompting Reginald to leave with Neito and Hawks. Mitsuki ensures that she still loves her son, while also stating that he doesn’t have to turn into the Grand Emperor. This is where things get heavy as Katsuki reveals that he is seriously considering undergoing the transformation, anyway, believing that he can’t afford to turn down any options to boost his power with Evolution around.

Shockingly, Mitsuki ends up slapping her son across the face. It’s then that we get to see true anger out of the pseudo immortal vigilante/mother. Katsuki finally reveals that he is feeling guilty because of his role in creating Evolution. He was Izuku’s chief tormentor, the one who generated most of the negative emotions that fueled the monster. Only to be confronted by Izuku himself. He reminds Katsuki that he wasn’t the only one who messed with him, everyone did. And even if he was, Izuku was the one who chose to bottle up his emotions.

Katsuki goes on to say that he is too weak. Everyone else got powered up and he couldn’t even get a quirk awakening. That’s when Reginald returns to inform Katsuki that his quirk awakening is being suppressed for a reason (I won’t say what, as it would be a spoiler). He adds that Katsuki will likely get stronger at some point, but even if he doesn’t; he’s still immensely powerful without it.

The power up comes sooner than expected, but Katsuki never would have imagined just how poorly it would go for him as a certain bag dwelling Kachina makes his reappearance. I just couldn’t bring myself to let the guy go; he’s too much fun to write.

This leads into the first day of international classes. The first group lands in San Diego, which has Pony, Tsu, Tenya, Kyoka, Mina, Eijiro, Tetsutetsu and Nejire accompanied by Cementoss. They end up meeting our favorite marijuana fueled summoner, the Stoned Sorcerer, there. We learn that he is actually from New Tijuana, which is to the south of San Diego. Fun fact, the San Diego-Tijuana border happens to have the busiest international border crossing on Earth.

Hawks also shows up along with Tatsumi Jiro, Ox Tsunotori and a surfing Hibiki Ashido. They also encounter Pony’s dad Rodeo and Star and Stripe. Rodeo even name drops a hero/cop who will actually show up at some point in the future. We also get a bit of backstory about the hero school in San Diego, complete with a tale of heroism fit for ancient mythology.

Next up we find ourselves between the Rocky Mountains and the Great Plains with Mirko and Shota with Itsuka Kendo, Mei Hatsume, Setsuna Tokage, Shinso Hitoshi, Hanta Sero, Saiko Intelli, Shihai Kuroiro, Jurota Shishida, Denki Kaminari and Himiko Toga.

There’s activity everywhere as large fleets of air ships carrying passengers and buildings alike make their way from the Yellowstone region to Apo’s new location in the former site of Denver, Colorado. We quickly find out that this is not just a national effort though. Heroes from around the world have been brought in and America and Mexico even sent some of there military to help protect the caravan. When Setsuna seems surprised by the amount of international cooperation, Shota reveals that Dinemakȟóčhe is one of only a handful of nations on friendly terms with just about everyone. Even Brazil and Zululand sent some heroes as La Bombarda makes another appearance and we get to meet one of Zululand’s limelight heroes and a rare non-sapient animal hero; Earthwalker and Thundertail. Thundertail apparently has a habit of shocking people who stare at her breasts (as Shota mentioned, the Zulu and many other African cultures do not have the same issues with exposed breasts that we Americans do.) We also get a fun side note, apparently Present Mic’s hair stands up so easy because he learned that the hard way. We also learned that Earthwalker herself is prone to attacking anyone who makes Pokémon, Digimon or Pal World references about her and/or Thundertail. She’s also apparently a lot like Nejire in terms of energy levels.

We also learn that Shota often does international work on behalf of Japan as a diplomatic favor due to the rarity of ranged quirk nullifying quirks. Then Denki notices a rather heavily damaged Mexican armored vehicle. Shota reminds them that Evolution is loose on the countryside, which is why they are there in the first place. This leads to the students being split into groups based on their skill sets. Himiko, Shihai Kuroiro, Setsuna and Hanta will be part of the rear guard as scouts to warn the main convoy of incoming attacks. Saiko Intelli was apparently personally requested by Contingency to help coordinate efforts; as she apparently made a very good impression on the general of the Revolution, as well as the rest of the hero world due to her actions during the Desolation. Apparently she was the main reason Niigata wasn’t swept into the Sea.

Mei was sent to assist the mechanics brigade in repairing the military vehicles escorting the convoy as well as the convoy itself. She was also there to help protect the mechanics, as Evolution has been booby trapping some of the vehicles to drop monsters behind enemy lines.

Denki, Itsuka and Shinso will be joining Shota as part of a high mobility strike force, with the latter two students receiving jetpacks to help them stay mobile. We learn that Steelflex (Eijiro and Tetsutetsu’s future child) and Paladin (Nejire’s future child) are also out there.

This leads to the final assignment, one that Shota clearly isn’t happy about. Jurota Shishida is going to the front lines with Earthwalker, Thundertail, and Mirko. El Rinoceronte, Rot Fist and Bladestorm are out there as well as Okimi Todoroki.

The next group consists of Present Mic and Gang Orca. As they are in France, I had no choice but to bring Yuuga Aoyama in. Mineta Minoru, Kosei Tsuburaba, Mezo Shoji, Toru Hagakure, Kojiro Bondo, Tamaki Amajiki, Inasa Yoarashi, Camie Utsushimi and Katsuki Bakugo (Who is not happy about being sent to a school specializing in rescue heroes.) Are all with him.

Katsuki complains about the school he was sent to, leading Gang Orca to explain how he could use his quirk for rescues. This leads to Gang Orca pointing out that Katsuki is wearing Koshari’s bag, something he was unaware of. We get a flashback involving how Katsuki reacted to the Kachina’s presence. Naturally he freaked out and tried to destroy the bag after an arm shot out and grabbed him. This led Koshari to stick his butt out of the bag and literally fart his explosion right back into his face, something which greatly amuses many of the students.

Shota emerges from a portal seconds later and informs the students that he has a habit of going off on his own to ‘reeducate’ those he deems as lacking in manners by relentlessly trolling them. Katsuki is obviously furious about this, but his brain breaks the moment Izuku mentions that this could be the power boost he needs, leaving Katsuki to lament the Monkey’s Paw like situation he finds himself in.

We encounter Chevalier de la Liberte right after the flashback ends. She proceeds to escort them to the hospital Harbinger works at. Kosei’s eyes start to wander, only for UA’s resident French man to correct him rather forcefully. News of another Izukid relationship emerges as Camie Utsushimi reveals that she’s been hooking up with Kyouka’s son Tatsumi. We also learn how Yuuga’s parents died. Nora and Ren show up when Camie and Toru discuss how cute Charles and Joan are together.

We also learn how the European States are dealing with the recent upheaval caused by the Revolution exposing the corruption of the hero world and governments as a whole. The Nordic regions of Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Karelia (Mostly the Russian part of Scandinavia) and Iceland have completely left the European States, going on to form their own independent nation. Other changes include the birth of new states within the European States and the borderline collapse of Spain (Sorry Harle, Spain just seemed like the most likely country in Western Europe to implode like that.) The Flemmish finally have their own state, as do the Basque. Andalusia, Aragon, Galicia became independent and Catalonia joined up with Valencia to become Catalonia. Britanny broke away from France and is now in discussions with Wales, Ireland, Cornwall, the Isle of Man and Scotland about forming a Celtic Union. Lombardy and Sicily of Italy and Bavaria in Germany also became independent (Although knowing the Germans, theirs a fifty/fifty chance that they just used the chaos as an excuse to kick Bavaria out.) Not all of it was bad though. Benelux finally became a formal state, Czechoslovakia is back, and Switzerland was allowed to become a state again after apparently conquering the whole continent of Europe after WW3. (Neutral? More like biding your time. I’m on to you guys. Your disguise of neutrality has more holes in it than your cheese. =P) Nora and some of the students fall asleep at the mention of geopolitics, thus ending the segment.

From there we move on to Ghana with Baron Samedi. The Lurkers (Kamui Woods, Mount Lady and Edgeshot) along with Death Arm and David Shield accompany the students here. Momo Yaoyorozu, Neito Monoma, Fumikage Tokoyami, Kinoko Komori and Melissa Shield come here along with Akira Yaoyorozu and Masumi Komori. We learn a bit more about how Melissa Shield is dealing with her newfound magic by combining it with scientific knowledge. We also learn that the ‘school’ itself isn’t in Ghana, or even in that dimension for that matter. It’s in a completely separate dimension. The entrance is what’s in Ghana. We learn that portals don’t work well in that region (on top of the fact that portal quirks are acting up on Earth. In case it wasn’t clear, there will not be a repeat of the portal madness from the Desolation. There may be a few portals, but there won’t be any easy escapes this time.) Not much else to say about this one. Most of the introduction for this region is going to happen in the next chapter. Like I said earlier, things are going to ramp up slower than the desolation; and the magic event is likely to be one of the last ones to start.

Finally, we find ourselves back in Japan. Izuku emerges from the pocket dimension looking absolutely exhausted, but his energy immediately returns to him when he sees the state Ochako is in. Gran Torino appears to have gone all out. Izuku is pissed, resulting in him drop kicking the old man in the face for once. The hits keep coming as Recovery Girl delivers a drive by shin whacking to the old man as well.

Gran Torino reveals that Ochako asked him not to hold back, which is why she was covered in injuries. That said, it still turns his girlfriends on to see him defending his girl. Even Reiko ends up getting caught in the crossfire. We then learn that Ochako and Izuku will be training with All Might and Fat Gum soon.

This leads to the final part of the chapter, the one that sets the stage for the madness to begin. Evolutions grand plan for Japan has been discovered. This lunatic intends to send the islands of Japan themselves crashing into the Pacific Ocean. He wants to literally erase Japan from existence. Evolution’s head promptly pops out of my left ear. “And that’s just Japan! I’m going global this time!” Evolution says before I push him back in.

Finally we reach the omakes. The first one is just a little bit of world building concerning the Earth’s population in this story. World War 3 killed a lot of people it seems, as the total population of Earth is waaaay lower at only 1.7 billion people. Mongolia is the largest nation with 480 million people, and the United States and Brazil are the only other nations with a population greater than 100 million now. (Japan was previously one of the most populous nations on Earth, but they slid down the list considerably after the Desolation.)

We also learned that of all the continents, Europe was the worst hit in terms of population. The entire continent only has a population of 61 million people as opposed to the almost 748 million who call it home in the reality. And just over half of that is concentrated in six cities.

The next omake is essentially the story of how Akira became a cyborg and how Mitsuki died in that timeline. Evolution pops out of my ear again and says “And here I thought I was cold.” Before I shove him back in.

This leads to our lemon of the day. I decided to give Izuku a break for a bit so I could focus on the other relationships blossoming in the story. Denki’s getting some this time. Also, it appears that Wajonna is incredibly aggressive in the bedroom. Denki then proceeds to make things awkward by dropping the l word when the two have barely even known each other for a week. There’s fast relationships, and then there’s that. Not much else to say there though, it’s a lemon so I don’t typically spend a lot of time discussing it.

From here we get our final omake of the day. This omake was originally going to go at the start of the chapter, happening at the same time as the Daisuke x Ryukyu reveal. I was unable to make it fit properly though; so, I put it in as an omake instead.

Ibara’s parents arrive, and they get to meet Rayalas. Unfortunately, they are not the only ones who appear though as Rayalas’ father also shows up. A Christian minister meeting the actual Devil, clearly that’s going to work out well. The only thing is, he’s not anything like we expected. Sure, he’s tall, but he looks like a balding, middle aged obese sleezeball, which is not even close to the charming charismatic prince he is depicted as in popular culture or Christian art. It appears that time has a way of changing everyone, even Satan. We learn that Nezu is on a first name basis with the devil and even plays poker with him, Dr. Aviar, Rick Sanchez of Rick and Morty, Deadpool and Cthulu.

At first, Ibara’s father Enix is taken aback when he realizes exactly who he is and his relationship to his future granddaughter in law. But then Lucifer reveals just how messed up their family dynamics are (Is that really a surprise though?) As much as it pains Enix, he realizes that this is one family that is far too toxic to save.

That’s really all there is to this chapter. Buckle up kids, cause it’s about to get nucking futs. Japan is doomed, with the only question being how long they can keep the nation from literally collapsing, the Yellowstone Caldera’s on the verge of going off, the aliens are starting to show up and who knows what else this demented monster crammed inside my head has planned for the world. Evolution pops out of my ear and says “Actually it’s quite roomy in here. It was pretty empty from the moment I moved in.” I grab the demented Muppet by the throat pull him out of my ear and toss him out the window.

This is the first chapter I’m posting exclusively on a03, as I had to shut down the Fan Fic version due to a troll in the comment section posting what I’m seriously hoping are fake links to child p*rn (I have no intention of following those links to find out). As always, thank you all for reading and I’ll see you next time.

The Rise of hom*o Quirkeas - Chapter 19 - Neowolf24 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.