"We have One for All at home" - Chapter 2 - griffinguy24 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Chapter Text

Midoriya Inko was ready to f*cking kill someone.

She’d been given the runaround for days after Izuku had been taken. No heroes cared, and the police were a lost cause. A fair number of them seemed to think their job was to wait for Heroes to bring in someone to arrest. A fair number of them checked out on her case mentally when they were informed that her son was Quirkless.

Some thought she had murdered her son, which infuriated her, despite the fact that she knew, intellectually, that it was an avenue they had to consider.

At least two of the bastards thought she murdered her son… and they approved of that.

She’d had to be restrained by the only two competent officers she’d met, Tsukauchi and Sansa.

Hisashi was a lost cause, as usual. She hadn’t even been able to get in contact with him, but that wasn’t f*cking new. At this point, she half expected that he was dead and that his company was giving her that portion of his salary as a widow’s pension and forgot to tell her. Whatever, f*ck him.

Mitsuki and Masaru were the only people still willing to talk to her, but it was clear they thought Izuku was dead and were trying to get Inko to give up on him. Well, no. She’d failed Izuku twice before. It was her fault he didn’t get a Quirk, and she couldn’t reassure him after his dream was killed by Dr. Tsubasa. She wouldn’t fail him again. Even if the worst had happened and he was dead, she’d go to hell before she stopped trying to find him.

Speaking of the doctor, that bald man had also disappeared. And somehow, the smooth-lobed police officers hadn’t made any connection between the two disappearances. But it made perfect sense to her. The two disappearances were probably connected. And whoever kidnapped her son thought that no one would care about losing a Quirkless boy.

Inko would ensure that whoever made that mistake would regret it for the rest of their short life.

And so, this afternoon, she was dressed in her nicest work attire, carrying a clipboard and a messenger bag, striding like she knew exactly what she was doing, as she made her way to the disappeared pediatrician’s former office. She looked rather plain, and she moved with confidence. Everyone would think she was supposed to be there.

As she approached the locked door, she made several gestures. Her Quirk allowed her to move small objects. She thought it was useless. Her son once asked if she could pick locks with it, and showed her some online tutorials. She’d laughed it off at the time. Now, the knowledge was proving invaluable. Within seconds, she was inside the office.

The place looked desolate. The waiting room she’d remembered looked like a wasteland. Looking at the offices, it appeared that anything that wasn’t nailed down had been stripped bare. She took a crowbar out of the messenger bag, put on a pair of rubber gloves, and calmly tried to use her own tactic. Making sure she was quiet, she reached out with her Quirk and pulled towards herself.

It was a useful tactic for cleaning in hard-to-reach spaces, or if someone had lost something they couldn’t see. It would send anything towards her within the size confines of her Quirk.

She kicked up a lot of dust. A few papers came to her, none of which contained any information. Some pieces of toys from the former waiting room. Some lost pieces of medical equipment.

A few thumps from the walls, floors and ceilings gave her pause. She sublimated her frustration at the situation into breaking open the tiles, floorboards, and drywall as she got to the pieces, all of which contained pieces of junk lost during the building’s construction.

All in all, Inko was feeling depressed that this avenue of investigation wasn’t going anywhere. She tried the last room, the man’s personal office, expecting this to be as fruitless as all her previous attempts.

As she used her Quirk, she could hear a meaty thunk come from the wall behind her.

She turned to the source. It was behind a set of bookshelves that were bolted to the walls and floor. She went to work with the crowbar, destroying the hardwood shelves.

Once she was done, she’d revealed a safe installed in the wall. Perfect.

She looked at the safe… and her heart sank. There was a numeric combination lock, alongside some kind of fingerprint scanner… and, wait, was that a retina scanner?!

Of course! Of COURSE the bastard wouldn’t make it easy for her! What could she do? Could she go to the police? Talk to Tsukauchi or Sansa and hope they could handle it? Or would they be forced to arrest her since she technically used her Quirk to break and enter? f*ck!

Inko clenched her fist, rage overflowing, until she heard a loud CRACK!

Blinking, she saw the safe door broken off of the rest of it.

Did… did she just have a Quirk awakening or something? Some sort of hysterical strength applied to her attraction Quirk?

Honestly, whatever it was, she’d take it. She removed the door. She saw a group of binders.

She leafed through them. She saw tons of names of people, families, Quirks. One of the smallest ones detailed an entire family, the Shimuras. Others were groups of families who produced similar Quirks. Others were lists of patients.

Finally, she saw a note in one that made her stomach churn.

“Bakugou Katsuki. Secretes nitroglycerin-like compound from hands, produces sparks to explode them. C-to-B-tier potential, B-to-A ease of use. Abduction risky, parents well connected, ideal media victim. Hero hopeful. Smash and grab as a student most workable.”

Inko held back her tears through sheer wrath as she continued to look through the papers. She couldn’t afford to destroy this. Finally, she saw what she was looking for.

“Midoriya Izuku. Quirkless. Too enamored with Heroes to recruit. No resources to offer for a trade. Possible test subject? Easily abducted.”

With that, she placed the binders in her messenger bag. She brought plastic bags in case she found evidence, and this was more than she expected. Wiping her tears on her sleeve, she made a beeline for the police.

Thankfully, Tsukauchi was available. She offered the detective the binders. The man questioned where she got them. Knowing the man was able to sense lies, she fully admitted that she broke into the abandoned office to collect them. She half-expected him to arrest her right then, but instead, he instructed her to go home and not tell anyone about what she found, not even the entry on her friend’s son. There was a chance it could endanger the boy.

It was easy enough to do. Once she got home, she broke down in tears about the entire situation, taking a long bath to try and calm herself.

She half expected nothing to happen from it. So she was surprised to be woken up early in the morning by her doorbell.

Tsukauchi and Sansa asked her to come into the station. They’d been combing through the binders, and the information provided brought the attention of a Hero who wanted to speak to her.

She was unsure what was happening. She made her way, half hopeful, half resigned to nothing happening.

She was brought into a room for interrogation. Suddenly, the door opened, and two people came in. The first was a short old man wearing a cape and oversized gloves and boots.

The other? Well, she recognized him, obviously.

Inko’s mind raced with uncertainty as All Might, of all people, sat at the table across from her. “Ms. Midoriya, I’m glad you were able to speak to me.”

There were so many appropriate reactions to this situation. Rather than take any of them, Inko burst out in tears.

A few minutes, and several boxes of tissues later as All Might tried to console her, she finally composed herself. “I’m sorry…”

All Might looked contrite, “I’m sorry as well. I didn’t think you’d respond like this.”

“No!” Inko replied. “It’s just… My Izuku loves you. You’re his favorite Hero. He loved to watch your debut video. So… so seeing you while he’s gone…” She sniffed.

“I understand, Miss,” All Might replied solemnly. “This is a horrible thing, and I will do everything within my power to ensure that young Midoriya is returned to you. But, we must ask you some questions."

“For starters,” the small old man began, looking at her suspiciously, “who is this Tsubasa guy and how do you know him?”

She told the story of how Tsubasa was just the kindly old pediatrician in the neighborhood, well liked by people. How he was the one to reveal that Izuku would never develop a Quirk. How Izuku tried his best to follow Heroes, especially All Might, despite that.

How Izuku one day never came home. How Tsubasa seemed to disappear soon afterwards.

It seemed clear that the old man (who was called Gran Torino) was playing the bad cop while All Might played good cop. Even knowing that, their dynamic still affected her. Tsukauchi occasionally popped in to confirm that Inko was telling the truth. Because of course she did. She had nothing to hide. She just wanted to make sure her son would be found.

She finally described how angry she was at the investigation stalling, how she made her decision to search the abandoned office herself. She was practically frothing in frustration as she finished her description. Silence reigned once she was finished.

Finally, Gran Torino’s harsh exterior broke, and he began laughing. “Well, damn! Young lady, you’ve certainly impressed me!”

All Might blinked in confusion, “Sensei?”

“Seriously, good on you, girl,” Gran Torino smiled. “Always happy to meet someone who’ll go to these lengths for their kid.”

“I must agree, it is quite admirable,” All Might added. “I believe that is all the questions we have for you right now. Ms. Midoriya, as thanks, do you mind if we escort you home?”

Inko blinked, uncertain, “I… I mean, you don’t have to…”

“I insist that we do,” Gran Torino said. “This has been a trying time for you, young lady. We’d hate to leave you on your lonesome.”

Numbly, Inko nodded. Soon enough, she was escorted out. And the goddamn Symbol of Peace scooped her up in his arms and leapt towards her home.

When they got there, Gran Torino was already there, waiting, “Took you long enough. Did you need directions, you damn gorilla?”

“Sensei, I merely wished not to harm Ms. Midoriya,” All Might said, and Inko was shocked at how he deferred to the older Hero.

Gran rolled his eyes, and looked at Inko’s expression, “Listen, young lady, even this guy was once a wet-behind-the-ears kid, and I was one of the ones to whip him into some semblance of a shape, so don’t let the media image fool you.”

Inko nodded numbly, opening the door. Almost on autopilot, she said, “Thank you.”

“While we’re here, I should use your bathroom,” Gran Torino barged in, All Might following him. She let the two Heroes in, whereupon Gran took out a device, turning it on. After a few seconds, he sighed, “Okay, no bugs. At least, none that we can detect.”

All Might looked at Inko, “I’m afraid we have a little more that we need to discuss with you. I apologize for the subterfuge.”

Inko blinked, “I… Okay…”

“Didn’t want to discuss it at the station,” Gran Torino stated. “The guy we’re looking for tends to have plants in the worst possible places.”

Inko’s heart skipped a beat, “Is this some kind of Quirk-trafficking ring?”

“In a sense,” All Might said. “In truth, this doctor of yours is working for possibly the worst Villain on the planet. You uncovered information about the Shimuras. That is my mentor’s family. He killed her, and from the information you provided, it seems that he killed her son and his entire family as well.”

Inko gasped.

“Yeah, well, even though he did that to my best friend, it’s not even in the top ten of the worst things that asshole’s done,” Gran Torino scowled. “I’m sorry to say this, girl, but if your son’s in his clutches, the odds are very good that he’s dead. And if he isn’t… I can’t even imagine what he’s being subjected to.”

Inko’s heart ached at those words, but even as tears spilled out of her eyes, she stared at the Heroes, especially Gran Torino, “If… If that’s the case,” she blubbered, “then I’ll do whatever it takes to make sure he never does that to any other little boy ever again!”

All Might smiled, a warm smile, not the usual one plastered across TV, “Yeah, I figured that much, Ms. Midoriya.”

“So the next question is, how the hell do we keep you safe?” Gran Torino said.

Inko stopped crying out of sheer confusion.

“The doctor probably left those files thinking he can sneak back in at any time to retrieve them,” Gran Torino mused. “When he finds that safe ransacked, you’ll be in trouble.”

Inko looked at the two men, and gulped, “Oh dear… I never thought about that.”

“Makes sense, you’re not trained in this stuff,” Gran Torino said. “One of the reasons we’re typically against vigilantism. But we need to get you in a place where the biggest bad there ever was can’t get to you.”

Inko’s thoughts swam about what that could possibly entail, until All Might stated, “Ms. Midoriya, I believe that someone with your passion and dedication could be an amazing addition to my staff. Perhaps as my secretary? You might be included in information regarding certain cases I’ll be involved with. Not to mention, I’d be willing to provide you with living accommodations at Might Tower during your employment.”

Oh! Well, that was unexpected, but a perfect solution! “I’ll do it!” she said simply.

“No hesitation!” All Might said with pride. “Exactly what I expected!”

“So, young lady, this isn’t your typical form of witness protection,” Gran Torino stated. “But it’ll be much the same. It’s best if you cut your ties as best as you can.”

Inko looked at him with a stern gaze, “My husband has been absent from my life, and my friends… well, we’ve had disagreements since Izuku… It won’t surprise them if I break contact.”

Both men nodded. All Might said, “I can have movers here within the hour.”

Inko nodded, then looked off, “I… I know it’s stupid, but… but my son’s room…”

All Might smiled warmly, “We’ll make sure it’s replicated exactly.”

Inko, filled with gratitude at this turn of events, leapt at All Might, hugging him while bawling her eyes out. All Might accepted the hug, looking at Gran Torino for help, but his old teacher just rolled his eyes and shook his head.

(Inko would keep Izuku’s room perfect for as long as she was a resident of Might Tower. When Izuku was finally reunited, he was overcome with relief that All for One was comprehensively wrong about his mother.)

“So, I was making sure everyone was okay when I heard a voice in pain crying for help. I don’t think anyone else heard, but Dog makes my hearing much better,” Izuku said, in between demolishing plates of food that Inko kept placing in front of him. “I confirmed it with Scanning, and I ran over there. I barely get started, and it turns out Uraraka-san is right behind me. We start getting the guy free, when this enormous robot bursts in! Like, Present Mic made us think it was just something that got in the way, but it was the size of a skyscraper and it started tearing up the nearby buildings. We couldn’t get him free in time, so I ran in. I used a combination of Muscle Augmentation, Body Bulk, and Hypertrophy before taking off with my jets and hitting it, blowing all of the strength I’d built up through Power up until then. Managed to crack it in half. I was feeling a bit of backlash, so I was just going to fall and let Hyper Regeneration do the rest, but Uraraka-san starts running in, rides a piece of rubble up to me and smacks me in the face! Her Quirk kicked in and I was floating softly down to the ground like a feather! It was awesome!”

Inko was happy to see her son so animated. He’d been through so much, and she’d hoped that the Entrance Exam could allow him to let loose with his Quirks a little. He deserved to have fun with it.

Eri beamed up from sitting to Izuku’s right, “So Nii-chan got to be a Hero to other people too! So the school will make it official!”

Izuku laughed, “Well, I don’t know about that, Eri-chan.”

“I do~!” Himiko slid closer to Izuku’s left-hand side. “And yeah, there’s no way they’ll turn you down, Zukkun!”

“Himi-chan, you can’t be sure, you never took the Hero course exam,” Izuku said.

Himiko giggled, “What kind of Management student do you think I am? I’ve gotten all the info from Fuwa-chan and Inumata-chan in 1-A, not to mention the rumor mill about the upper years. Most years, scores in the fifties and high forties get in, but it depends on how strong a year it is. Scores in the sixties tend to be in the top ten, and seventy or above usually gets the top five…” she grinned up at him sweetly, “Plus, your score of seventy-nine doesn’t even count rescue points!”

“Wait, what?!” Izuku replied, shocked.

“Yup!” Himiko stated. “You got points for rescuing people as well as smashing the robots! They don’t tell you about it beforehand because they want to see how heroic you are when you’re not being graded. Heck, the real point of that big robot is just to make problems so that you can all save each other!”

Izuku and Inko both looked at All Might, who smiled and said, “I can neither confirm nor deny anything young Himiko has just said.”

Himiko’s grin turned smug as Izuku turned red.

Soon, dinner was over. Izuku and Himiko took Eri to the living room to play, while Inko began the dishes. It took only a few seconds for All Might to join her.

“You don’t need to do that, dear,” Inko stated.

All Might smiled, “Need to, no. Want to, yes. I should always try and lighten the load of my third sidekick.”

Inko tried not to blush. That title he gave her still made her heart soar.

The night continued as usual. Eri got tired and needed to be put to bed. All Might went to his office to finish off the last bit of paperwork. Himiko took her daily dose of blood from Izuku’s neck before going to finish her studying.

And Izuku moved to one of the larger windows looking out over the city, watching.

Inko decided to move closer, “So, should we expect Uraraka-san to move into Might Tower as well?”

Despite there being no way she could have snuck up on her son, he still nearly choked in surprise, “Mom!”

Inko giggled, “Come on. We went on that trip to Kyoto when you were twelve, you blocked a Villain attack heading for Himiko-chan, we ended up bringing her back after all the fuss was over. Last year, you were going for a walk, Eri-chan ran right into you, you saw an obvious Villain come after her and you ran straight back here with her. There’s a bit of a pattern here…”

Izuku blushed, “Mom, it’s just a coincidence. She’s just gonna be a classmate, hopefully. If what Himi-chan said is right, there’s no way she won’t be.”

Inko smiled, “Well, be sure to invite her over, at least.”

Izuku shrunk back a little, “Well, I mean, it’s tough for Himi-chan to invite friends here, too…”

Inko nodded her concession, “Is there anything else? You don’t usually get like this normally.”

Izuku sighed, “Well, I was hoping to run into Aoyama-kun. I know he’s doing the General Education track, but it’d be nice to see him, even though I could sense him with Search…”

Inko warmed up a little. Investigating the Aoyamas was a wonderful avenue to take. The two diplomats were hard-pressed at first, but learning that their “benefactor” could have easily abducted their son instead made them staunch allies. They helped immensely in identifying All for One’s shell companies and hurting him financially. Once Izuku was rescued and the Aoyamas were freed from their debt, Izuku and their son Yuga managed to become long-distance friends.

“... but I did see Kacchan,” Izuku said.

Oh. Oh, yeah, that might do it.

“Did anything go wrong?” Inko asked.

Izuku shook his head, “He didn’t recognize me. Which we thought might be the case.”

Inko gave her son’s shoulder a squeeze, “I’m sorry, Izuku. I know it’s hard.”

Izuku slumped down onto a sofa, “I know there’s worse ways to see him again. I know that it’s probably not likely that he’d remember someone from when he was six years old. But it still hurts. Especially since…”

“I know, dear,” Inko said. They’d been through it before, talking with therapists. Izuku spent so much time worrying that Katsuki might end up in All for One’s possession. Not an unfounded worry, given that another of their classmates ended up in that hellhole.

Izuku sighed, “It’s probably for the best. We weren’t exactly on good terms when we parted. Heck, that was part of the reason the doctor was able to grab me…” it was practically diabolical. A little boy was beaten up by a bully, and his kindly old doctor offers him some care. How could a six-year old think that could be a problem?

Inko could almost be impressed if it didn’t make her sick.

“Well, maybe this will go well!” Inko said. “You and Katsuki-kun will be meeting each other in a new setting. Maybe things will be better. Who knows, you might even become friends again…”

Izuku smiled. Despite everything, he’d been spending the years since his captivity regaining everything. His hope wasn’t diminished.

And maybe now, he and Katsuki would meet without any friction between them.

A roar of frustration echoed out of the Bakugou house.

Bakugou Katsuki shouted, “I’M HEADING OUT!” and stormed out of the house.

He made his way to the woods where he’d spent a lot of time as a kid. His hands itched, but he waited until he was out of sight before he started popping explosions from his hands. Once he was at the water’s edge, he shouted, “DIE!” before he let loose with all his frustrations and let loose an enormous explosion that sent a huge plume of water into the sky. He continued to let out a long primal roar until his sweat was gone, his wrists ached, and the water had soaked him through.

He’d passed the UA Entrance Exam. Of course he passed! In his mind, there wasn’t even a possibility he could fail! No, there wasn’t a niggling little worm of doubt hidden deep in the recesses of his mind, shut up!

But he didn’t win. It wasn’t the complete, total, uncontested victory he wanted. Far from it.

He’d gone all out and beaten the robots. He was even careful enough to make sure none of the sh*tty extras got in the crossfire of his attacks or got thrown out of the rubble. If anyone was nearby, he turned away, whether they were being swamped by robots or lying down in pain or whatever. If they couldn’t handle it, they shouldn’t be there.

And he’d done amazing! And from what he’d heard from all the extras he passed by, no one else even came close!

But that wasn’t enough.

Katsuki walked back home, his rage let out, but not gone. He showered, to get the crappy pond water out of his hair, and replayed his results hologram.

All Might, his childhood Hero, was there, telling him how amazing he’d done against the robots. And then told him he did sh*tty because, for some reason, it wasn’t enough that he took care not to hit the extras with his explosions! He just did what a Hero was supposed to do, destroy villains!

At the end, he looked at his Villain score. Sixty-six points.

(Because, nearly six years ago, All Might was injured by All for One, but not as bad as he could have been. And thus, when confronting a thief who was made from sludge ten months ago, All Might easily captured him. Katsuki never had his Quirk fail him, never had to be saved, particularly not by someone he thought was worthless. So, while Katsuki trained his body and his Quirk, it wasn’t as extensive as it could have been.)

And he paused the hologram right at the list of the top ten participants. Seeing his name in sixth place, right behind a “Shouji Mezo”. Far from the uncontested, unquestionable victory he’d wanted.

The top scorer got a hundred and fifty-nine points! If Katsuki blasted twice as many robots, he’d still just be number two! And, to add insult to injury, he got seventy-nine villain points, meaning that Katsuki would’ve lost even without those f*cking pity points!

He glared at the name beside that score. Midoriya Izuku. He’d find that guy and make sure he knew that he wouldn’t hold onto the top spot for long.

Why did that name seem familiar to him?

Nezu was quite happy with the results of the class placements for this new school year. As the rest of his staff left the conference room, three of them remained. Present Mic, Midnight, and Eraserhead stared at him, with increasing intensity and hostility.

“First of all, thank you all for your patience with me,” Nezu stated. “In addition to tabulating the exam results, I had to coordinate with our new Foundational Heroics teacher.”

“So glad you spent your time making sure that star-spangled oaf could spell his name,” Eraserhead cut in. “Now, explain.”

Nezu tried not to laugh at Eraserhead’s cutting remarks towards All Might. It wouldn’t be the right reaction, “You misunderstand. I needed the consent of the Mighty Agency before I could read you in on young Midoriya’s situation. Chiefly, because his mother is one of All Might’s personal secretaries.”

He handed out NDAs prepared for the three of them, and their eyes boggled. Present Mic lowered his sunglasses, “Wait, is the little guy All Might’s secret lovechild or something? And how would that result in him using Oboro’s Quirk.”

Nezu grinned, “I can safely say that the young man is not related to All Might at all. But, unless you sign those releases, I cannot say anything beyond that Midoriya’s Quirk is registered as ‘Malleable’, which grants him the ability to mimic emitter Quirks by producing specialized organs.”

Midnight shook her head as she looked over the document, “I’d almost believe that bullsh*t, if we weren’t so familiar with those clouds.”

Nezu was proud to say that none of them signed without reading their documents. A holdover from when Nezu taught Heroic Law for third-year students. These three had learned exactly how a cleverly worded contract could screw them over. Either through examples of their classmates or, occasionally, personal experience.

Finally, though, all three releases were signed. And Eraserhead tried to evolve his Quirk into a literal death glare as he collected them. “Now, tell us the damn truth. How the hell did that kid get Oboro’s Quirk!”

“Midoriya was listed as Quirkless by age four,” Nezu said, to the shock of the three of his teachers present. “He was abducted at age six. All Might rescued him from a villain’s stronghold at age nine. He had been subject to cruel genetic experimentation during that time, and when he was recovered, he possessed the factors of at least three dozen Quirks. Almost all of those Quirks were present in multiple copies.”

Nezu lived for the way their jaws dropped. Ah, if only they had been drinking at the time. Nezu would have loved to see the spit-take.

“What the hell?!” Present Mic cried out. “That shouldn’t be possible!”

“They made him into some kind of science experiment?! How dare they!” Midnight cried out.

Eraserhead merely kept quiet and stared at Nezu. He was expecting more information to be spilled.

“Thankfully, the primary villain responsible for that cruelty is very much dead,” Nezu took a sip of tea. “Though several of his main collaborators are, for the moment, lost in the wind. For the purposes of Midoriya-kun, I can safely say that he has a wide array of Quirks from many sources, a number of which are deceased. Of which, Shirakumo-kun’s is one of them.

“Another thing I may add is that Midoriya is capable of returning Quirks to those who had them stolen, if that person is still alive. The Wild Wild puss*cats are proof enough of that,” Nezu added with another sip of tea.

Present Mic took his sunglasses off, “The attack on Ragdoll, her medical retirement, and her return… So, this guy stole her Quirk, left her Quirkless, and then Midoriya gave it back?”

Nezu nodded, “Indeed. Although Midoriya had an additional copy of Search implanted within him. Miss Shiretoko gave her blessing for him to use it. Despite having little agency in the whole affair, the boy feels guilty about having so many stolen Quirks.”

Eraserhead finally spoke, “What was the point of all this? Why go to all this trouble?”

“According to Midoriya’s testimony, to create a soldier to emotionally target All Might,” Nezu stated. “The process of implanting multiple Quirks onto a person would typically render them insensate, allowing them to be manipulated. Midoriya surviving the process with his mental faculties intact was a fluke. And the Quirks were selected to mimic All Might or people close to him in his past. One of his relatives had a smoke-producing Quirk and Cloud was meant to emulate that. A few others fit that milieu.”

There was a brief silence that Nezu assumed was probably uncomfortable. It was broken when Midnight gave a laugh that lacked any humor to it, “So we’re just caught in the crossfire. Well, I guess it’s better that Cloud’s being used by that boy rather than some kind of brainwashed minion dancing to a Villain’s command.”

“Poor kid,” Present Mic said, shaking his head. “Is… is there anything we can do?”

“All I ask is that you treat Midoriya like any other student in your classes,” Nezu said simply.

Eraserhead paused, before saying, “And he has to be in my class? Not Kan’s?”

Nezu shook his head, “Aizawa-kun, between your Quirk being necessary should an accident occur and your experience with that one Quirk in Midoriya’s arsenal, I think it would be wrong not to put him in your homeroom. Is that really so much to ask?”

Eraserhead and Nezu looked at each other, but Eraserhead averted his eyes first, “No, it isn’t. You’re right, it makes logical sense that I be his homeroom teacher. And it wouldn’t be rational to hold the actions of a Villain against the boy.”

“I knew you’d see reason,” Nezu said smugly. “This is why you’re my favorite.”

Midnight blinked, “I thought it was because his capture tape makes a comfy nest.”

Nezu huffed, “I contain multitudes.”

“So does this mean you’re not doing the expulsion scare this time around?” Present Mic asked.

“Oh no,” Eraserhead grinned creepily. “I’m gonna treat him just like any other student, remember? Besides, if he acts as competently here as he did in that exam, there’s no chance he’ll actually get expelled.”

Nezu coughed, “Despite having gone through therapy to recover, I must repeat that the boy has spent years as a madman’s guinea pig. I must say that I empathize with such a background…”

Eraserhead’s grin evaporated, “Noted.”

"We have One for All at home" - Chapter 2 - griffinguy24 - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

Address: 2033 Gerhold Pine, Port Jocelyn, VA 12101-5654

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Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.